Etapa 1

Artigos do PubMed com exemplos de intervenções em saúde digital

Período: 2018-2023   •   Total da amostra: 5935 artigos   •   Brasileiros: 1194 artigos
I1.1 Comunicação direcionada em saúde digitalComunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde203
I1.2 Comunicação não-direcionada em saúde digitalComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde219
I1.3 Comunicação entre pares e suporte em rede em saúde digitalComunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde261
I1.4 Monitoramento e gestão pessoal de saúdeMonitoramento pessoal de saúde21
I1.5 Comunicação e feedback em saúde comunitáriaNotificação de eventos de saúde pública234
I1.6 Serviços de informação e acesso digital sob demandaComunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde236
I1.7 Gestão financeira e transações em saúde digitalTransações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúde200
I1.8 Gestão de consentimento digital em saúdeGerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúde242
I2.1 Gestão de identidade e inscrição de pacientes em saúde digitalIdentificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúde10
I2.2 Gerenciamento e integração de registros de saúdeRegistros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde400
I2.3 Suporte à decisão clínica baseado em dadosSuporte à decisão do provedor de saúde255
I2.4 Telessaúde e telemedicinaTelemedicina400
I2.5 Comunicação e colaboração entre profissionaisComunicação entre profissionais de saúde211
I2.6 Gestão e coordenação de encaminhamentos em saúde digitalCoordenação de encaminhamentos31
I2.7 Otimização e gerenciamento de agenda em saúde digitalAgendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúde209
I2.8 Educação e desenvolvimento profissionalTreinamento de profissionais de saúde204
I2.9 Gerenciamento de prescrição e medicaçãoPrescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentos204
I2.10 Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagem224
I2.11 Gestão financeira digital de prestadores de serviços de saúdeFinanciamento da saúde205
I3.1 Gestão de recursos humanosGestão de recursos humanos241
I3.2 Gestão da cadeia de suprimentosGestão da cadeia de suprimentos3
I3.3 Vigilância e resposta em saúde públicaRelatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúde234
I3.4 Gestão de registros civis e estatísticas vitais em saúdeRegistro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)400
I3.6 Gestão de equipamentos e ativosGerenciamento de equipamentos e ativos223
I3.7 Gestão de infraestrutura e instalaçõesGestão de instalações165
I3.8 Gestão de certificados de saúdeGerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúde33
I4.1 Gerenciamento e análise de dadosGerenciamento de dados391
I4.2 Padronização e codificação de dadosCodificação de dados17
I4.3 Gerenciamento de dados geoespaciaisGerenciamento de informações geoespaciais245
I4.4 Interoperabilidade e troca de dadosTroca de dados e interoperabilidade190

12023Spatial distribution and factors influencing modern contraceptive practice among tribal married women in India: evidence from National Family Health Survey 5 (2019-2021).Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22023The effect of implementing Peplau's theory of interpersonal communication on the quality of life of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32023Use of follow-on fingolimod for multiple sclerosis: Analysis of effectiveness and patient reported outcomes in a real-world clinical setting.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
42023Progressivity of out-of-pocket costs under Australia's universal health care system: A national linked data study.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52023Sexual & reproductive health information on minor consent forms for pubertal suppression and gender affirming hormones.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
62023Effects of defoliant exposure and medication use on the development of Parkinson's disease in veterans.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
72023Engaging Men of Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups With Advanced Prostate Cancer in the Design of an mHealth Diet and Exercise Intervention: Focus Group Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
82023Structural insights into histone binding and nucleosome assembly by chromatin assembly factor-1.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
92023Using the integration of human resource management strategies at district level to improve workforce performance: analysis of workplan designs in three African countries.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
102023Elevated BUN Upon Admission as a Predictor of in-Hospital Mortality Among Patients with Acute Exacerbation of COPD: A Secondary Analysis of Multicenter Cohort Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
112023Model for projecting the generation of used disposable diapers in the era of depopulation and aging in Japan.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
122023Use of instant messaging in electrophysiological clinical practice in Latin America: a LAHRS survey.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
132023A uniform human multimodal dataset for emotion perception and judgment.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
142023Development and process evaluation of a new entertainment-education TV series for cancer prevention in Portugal.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
152023Physicians Disclosing Religion in Online Biographies: Patient Perceptions and Decision-Making in the United States.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
162023Do Patients With Hypoallergenic Total Knee Arthroplasty Implants for Metal Allergy Do Worse? An Analysis of Health Care Utilizations and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
172023Content validity of the Scoliosis Research Society questionnaire (SRS-22r): A qualitative concept elicitation study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
182023Correctly structured problem lists lead to better and faster clinical decision-making in electronic health records compared to non-curated problem lists: A single-blinded crossover randomized controlled trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
192023Predicting 30-day readmission following total knee arthroplasty using machine learning and clinical expertise applied to clinical administrative and research registry data in an Australian cohort.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
202023Competency frameworks, nursing perspectives, and interdisciplinary collaborations for good patient care: Delineating boundaries.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
212023Towards a point-of-care multimodal spectroscopy instrument for the evaluation of human cardiac tissue.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
222023Leadership Coaching in Surgical Residency: Reasons for Referral and Topics Addressed to Improve Nontechnical Skill.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
232023Racial disparities in conditional survival of patients with bladder cancer: a population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
242023Pediatric Outpatient Noncontrast Brain MRI: A Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Analysis at Three U.S. Hospitals.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
252023Proactive method for identification and handling of patient complaints with root cause analysis in Surabaya Islamic Hospital.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
262023Examining the characteristics of social and behavior change communication intervention costs in low- and middle-income countries: A hedonic method approach.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
272023Achieving trust in health-behavior-change artificial intelligence apps (HBC-AIApp) development: A multi-perspective guide.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
282023Patients' perspectives on the quality of care of a new complex psycho-oncological care programme in Germany - external mixed methods evaluation results.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
292023Ethics of 'Counting Me In': framing the implications of direct-to-patient genomics research.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
302023Brain health scores to predict neurological outcomes from electronic health records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
312023Shifting the narrative from living at risk to living with risk: validating and pilot-testing a clinical decision support tool: a mixed methods study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
322023Interprofessional education to implement patient falls education in hospitals: Lessons learned.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
332023Prediction of Parkinson's disease pathogenic variants using hybrid Machine learning systems and radiomic features.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
342023Workplace Violence Against Nurses: Challenges and Solutions for Europe.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
352023Comorbidities and high in-hospital mortality of cancer-associated pulmonary embolism: findings from a real-world registry study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
362023A novel method for conformity assessment testing of infant incubators for post-market surveillance purposes.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
372023Implementation of a standardized handoff system (I-PASS) in a tertiary care pediatric hospital.Coordenação de encaminhamentosbrasileiro
382023Drivers of vaccine hesitancy among vulnerable populations in India: a cross-sectional multi-state study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
392023Assessing How Risk Communication Surveillance Prompts COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Internet Users by Applying the Situational Theory of Problem Solving: Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
402023Black Women's Perceptions Towards Infant and Child Male Circumcision.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
412023Report of the Skin Research Workgroups From the IDEOM Breakout at the GRAPPA 2022 Annual Meeting.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
422023Carbon dioxide flushing versus saline flushing of thoracic aortic stents (INTERCEPTevar): protocol for a multicentre pilot randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
432023Electronic health record competency in graduate nurses: A grounded theory study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
442023The Role of Family Members in Psychiatric Deep Brain Stimulation Trials: More Than Psychosocial Support.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
452023The influence of inter-regional delays in generating large-scale brain networks of phase synchronization.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
462023Measuring and improving performance of clinicians: an application of patient-based records.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
472023Association between the number of pregnancies and cardiac target organ damages: a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Korean women's chest pain registry (KoROSE).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
482023Evaluation of the use of a Renal Health application by kidney transplant recipients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
492023Cocreation to Facilitate Communication and Collaboration Between Multidisciplinary Stakeholders in eHealth Research and Development: Case Study of the CARRIER (Coronary Artery Disease: Risk Estimations and Interventions for Prevention and Early Detection) Consortium.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
502023Experimental Test of Abstaining-and-Drinking Social Media Content on Adolescent and Young Adult Social Norms and Alcohol Use.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
512023Women's autonomy for managing labour pain in a relational context: An interpretive description study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
522023Comparison of preemptive etoricoxib and dexamethasone in third molar surgery - a randomized controlled clinical trial of patient-reported and clinical outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
532023Cognitive Imapirment in Multiple Sclerosis: Relation to Dysability, Duration and Type of Disease.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
542023Quality of End-of-Life Care Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
552023Development of a machine learning-based clinical decision support system to predict clinical deterioration in patients visiting the emergency department.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
562023Interprofessional teamwork before and after organizational change in a tertiary emergency department: An observational study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
572023NMR-Chemical-Shift-Driven Protocol Reveals the Cofactor-Bound, Complete Structure of Dynamic Intermediates of the Catalytic Cycle of Oncogenic KRAS G12C Protein and the Significance of the MgGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
582023Learning-Based Longitudinal Prediction Models for Mortality Risk in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants: A Nationwide Cohort Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
592023Older Adults' Experiences With Participation and eHealth in Care Coordination: Qualitative Interview Study in a Primary Care Setting.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
602023Changing the channel: a qualitative analysis of an innovative video intervention to explore resident attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration on a Geriatric Medicine Unit.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
612023Colorectal cancer screening disparities in Asian Americans: the influences of patient-provider communication and social media use.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
622023Effectiveness of laparoscopic niche resection versus expectant management in patients with unexplained infertility and a large uterine caesarean scar defect (uterine niche): protocol for a randomised controlled trial (the LAPRES study).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
632023Understanding potential participation barriers to improve trial design and outcomes: clinical trial simulation in palmoplantar pustulosis as a case study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
642023Patient Portals to Elicit Essential Patient-Reported Elements of Communication Supporting Person-Centered Oncologic Care: A Pilot Study of the PERSON Approach.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
652023Patient-reported Quality of Life After Breast-conserving Surgery With Radiotherapy Versus Mastectomy and Reconstruction.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
662023Diagnostic of Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Using Passive Medical Microwave Radiometry (MWR).Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
672023Embedding Aboriginal cultural governance, capacity, perspectives and leadership into a local Public Health Unit Incident Command System during COVID-19 in New South Wales, Australia.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
682023Race-Based Differences in ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Process Metrics and Mortality From 2015 Through 2021: An Analysis of 178 062 Patients From the American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines-Coronary Artery Disease Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
692023Cerclage wire or positional cortical screw for the treatment of intraoperative calcar fractures during primary total hip arthroplasty? A biomechanical study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
702023Land suitability assessment for wheat-barley cultivation in a semi-arid region of Eastern Anatolia in Turkey.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
712023Increased Risk of American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in an Urban and Rural Area of Caratinga, Brazil between 2016 and 2021.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
722023Barriers and facilitators to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among transgender women in Colombia: A qualitative analysis using the COM-B model.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
732023HPV-Related Oral Lesions: YouTube Videos Suitability for Preventive Interventions including Mass-Reach Health Communication and Promotion of HPV Vaccination.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
742023The beginning: diagnosis and selecting your doctor.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
752023Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction in the Elderly: Complications and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Women Older Than 70 Years.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
762023Prevalence and determinants of emotional violence faced by married women in Delhi, India: A cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
772023Information Challenges Associated With Accessing and Sharing of Patient Information in Disasters: A Qualitative Analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
782023Feasibility, effectiveness and safety of self-management in pulmonary rehabilitation: a study protocol using a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation design.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
792023The value of using heterogeneous detector groups for the development of time-of-flight (TOF) positron emission tomography (PET) systems.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
802023The layered crisis of the primary care medical workforce in the European region: what evidence do we need to identify causes and solutions?Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
812023Spatiotemporal pattern of thyroid cancer incidence in South Kerala: A population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
822023Multi-hazard susceptibility model based on high spatial resolution data-a case study of Sali settlement (Dugi otok, Croatia).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
832023Antivenom access impacts severity of Brazilian snakebite envenoming: A geographic information system analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
842023The Terminology Might Be Ahead of Practice: Embedding Shared Decision Making in Practice-Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of SDM in the Context of Maternity Care.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
852023Body-Positive Instagram Exposure and Young Women's Body Image: The Mediating Role of Appearance Comparison and Broadly Conceptualizing Beauty.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
862023Bidirectional understanding and cooperation: interbrain neural synchronization during social navigation.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
872023Positive Psychological Well-Being in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Survivors.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
882023Effective-and Tolerable: Acceptance and Side Effects of Intensified Exposure for Anxiety Disorders.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
892023Characterizing Patient Phenotypes and Emerging Trends in Application of Spatial Analysis in Individual-Level Health Data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciais; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
902023Multi-level Factors Influencing Decisions About Stopping Surveillance Colonoscopy in Older Adults: a Qualitative Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
912023Real-time jellyfish classification and detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv4-tiny and improved underwater image enhancement algorithm.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
922023Does fundamentally altering the staffing of clinical rehabilitation services impact their function?Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
932023Incidence and presentation of vestibular schwannoma: a 3-year cohort registry study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
942023From Snow's map of cholera transmission to dynamic catchment boundary delineation: current front lines in spatial analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
952023The Use of Spatial Analysis in Syphilis-Related Research: Protocol for a Scoping Review.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
962023Key Lessons From a Systematic Behavior Change Communication Process Used in a Pneumonia Prevention Program in Five African Countries.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
972023Exposure to mass media family planning messages among men in Nigeria: analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey data.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
982023Trust Associated with South Korean Sojourners' Chinese COVID-19 Vaccination Intent and Concerns: A Qualitative Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
992023Patient-Reported Outcomes of Medical Tattooing for Capillary Malformations.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1002023A 12-month randomised pilot trial of the Alzheimer's and music therapy study: a feasibility assessment of music therapy and physical activity in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1012023Discharge of Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients on Sub-Optimal Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy: A Single Center Experience.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1022023Resting-state EEG delta and alpha power predict response to cognitive behavioral therapy in depression: a Canadian biomarker integration network for depression study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1032023Patient-centered simulation: Practicing interprofessional teamwork with standardized patients.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
1042023Vector autoregression: Useful in rare diseases?-Predicting organ response patterns in a rare case of secondary AA amyloidosis.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1052023Racial Differences in Perceptions of Genetic Wellness Programs.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1062023Swedish Olympic athletes report one injury insurance claim every second year: a 22-year insurance registry-based cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
1072023Geospatial patterns of progress towards UNAIDS '95-95-95' targets and community vulnerability in Zambia: insights from population-based HIV impact assessments.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1082023How can patient preferences be used and communicated in the regulatory evaluation of medicinal products? Findings and recommendations from IMI PREFER and call to action.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1092023Public Surveillance of Social Media for Suicide Using Advanced Deep Learning Models in Japan: Time Series Study From 2012 to 2022.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1102023Interprofessional Education on the Neurology Clerkship for Physical Therapy and Medical Students.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1112023Effects of esketamine on patient-reported outcomes in major depressive disorder with active suicidal ideation and intent: a pooled analysis of two randomized phase 3 trials (ASPIRE I and ASPIRE II).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1122023Validation of the short forms of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and the Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire in Estonian.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1132023Stressful life events in electronic health records: a scoping review.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1142023Artificial intelligence and clinical decision support: clinicians' perspectives on trust, trustworthiness, and liability.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1152023Professional competence development through interprofessional simulation-based learning assists perioperative nurses in postgraduation acute clinical practice situations: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
1162023Prediction of coexisting invasive carcinoma on ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) lesions by mass spectrometry imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1172023The need for health information management professionals in Malawi health facilities.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1182023A population-based cohort study on changes in breast, lung and colorectal cancer incidence and mortality among non-Western immigrant women.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
1192023MXene-based wireless facemask enabled wearable breath acetone detection for lipid metabolic monitoring.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
1202023A critical analysis of the What3Words geocoding algorithm.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1212023Using Machine Learning Technology (Early Artificial Intelligence-Supported Response With Social Listening Platform) to Enhance Digital Social Understanding for the COVID-19 Infodemic: Development and Implementation Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1222023Effects of Moral Frames Within Vaping Prevention Messages on Current smokers' Support for Electronic Cigarette Regulations.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1232023Six attitudes to promote personal, patient-centred care in an era of addictive technology.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1242023A Systematic Review of Outcomes and Complications of Tuberous Breast Surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1252023The Role of Consent and Motivations in Sext Dissemination.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1262023Early Results of Mechanochemical Ablation by Flebogrif and Radiofrequency Ablation in Treating Primary Varicose Veins of Lower Limb.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1272023Responsibility and decision-making authority in using clinical decision support systems: an empirical-ethical exploration of German prospective professionals' preferences and concerns.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1282023A mosaic adeno-associated virus vector as a versatile tool that exhibits high levels of transgene expression and neuron specificity in primate brain.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1292023Give incivility a chance.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1302023Colorectal cancer incidence trends in Golestan, Iran: An age-period-cohort analysis 2004-2018.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
1312023Impact of face mask microplastics pollution on the aquatic environment and aquaculture organisms.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
1322023Distribution characteristics of non-point source pollution of TP and identification of key source areas in Nanyi Lake (China) Basin: based on InVEST model and source list method.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1332023Disordered eating prevention: Co-designing a brief intervention for use in Community Child Health Services.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1342023Dealing with Alcohol-Related Posts on Social Media: Using a Mixed-Method Approach to Understand Young Peoples' Problem Awareness and Evaluations of Intervention Ideas.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1352023Implementation of the measure of case discussion complexity to guide selection of prostate cancer patients for multidisciplinary team meetings.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1362023The PRO-RCC study: a long-term PROspective Renal Cell Carcinoma cohort in the Netherlands, providing an infrastructure for 'Trial within Cohorts' study designs.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1372023Sleep IntervEntion as Symptom Treatment for ADHD (SIESTA)-Blended CBT sleep intervention to improve sleep, ADHD symptoms and related problems in adolescents with ADHD: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1382023Therapists' experiences with implementing new documentation practices for low back pain in electronic health care records: an interview study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1392023Early identification and characterisation of stroke to support prehospital decision-making using artificial intelligence: a scoping review protocol.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1402023Low-cost versus high-fidelity pediatric simulators for difficult airway management training: a randomized study in continuing medical education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
1412023Cryo-EM structures of human zinc transporter ZnT7 reveal the mechanism of ZnGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1422023Physician and Nurse Well-Being and Preferred Interventions to Address Burnout in Hospital Practice: Factors Associated With Turnover, Outcomes, and Patient Safety.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1432023The Joint Distribution Of High Out-Of-Pocket Burdens, Medical Debt, And Financial Barriers To Needed Care.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
1442023Exploring geomasking methods for geoprivacy: a pilot study in an environment with built features.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1452023The complexity of physician-patient communication and its impact in non-medical fields. A surgical oncology approach.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1462023Leveraging social media to increase lung cancer screening awareness, knowledge and uptake among high-risk populations (The INSPIRE-Lung Study): study protocol of design and methods of a community-based randomized controlled trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1472023A qualitative study on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on parental attitudes and intentions for routine adolescent vaccinations: The role of trust.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1482023English translation and cross-cultural validation of the patient-reported outcome measurement-haemorrhoidal impact and satisfaction score (PROM-HISS).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1492023Investigating social deprivation and comorbid mental health diagnosis as predictors of treatment access among patients with an opioid use disorder using substance use services: a prospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1502023Anticipating artificial intelligence in mammography screening: views of Swedish breast radiologists.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1512023A flexible optoacoustic blood 'stethoscope' for noninvasive multiparametric cardiovascular monitoring.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1522023Clinical learning environments across two different healthcare settings using the undergraduate clinical education environment measure.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1532023The costs and financing needs of delivering Kenya's primary health care service package.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
1542023From data to decisions: Empowering brownfield redevelopment with a novel decision support system.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1552023Influence of the use of social media on patients changing dental practice: a web-based questionnaire study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1562023Restricting child-directed ads is effective, but adding a time-based ban is better: evaluating a multi-phase regulation to protect children from unhealthy food marketing on television.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1572023Age Friendly Characteristics and Sense of Community of an Italian City: The Case of Macerata.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1582023Prescribed Opioid Dosages, Payer Type, and Self-Reported Outcomes After Surgical Procedures in Michigan, 2018-2020.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1592023Determination of the Readability Level of Consent Forms Used in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic at Suleyman Demirel University.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1602023Risk of Suicide-Related Outcomes After SARS-COV-2 Infection: Results from a Nationwide Observational Matched Cohort of US Veterans.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1612023Implementing patient decision aids into general practice clinical decision support systems: Feasibility study in cardiovascular disease prevention.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
1622023Ray theory-based compounded plane wave ultrasound imaging for aberration corrected transcranial imaging: Phantom experiments and simulations.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1632023Mental health awareness programmes to promote mental well-being at the workplace among workforce in the low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1642023Spatiotemporal patterns of healthy life expectancy and the effects of health financing in West African countries, 1995-2019: A Spatial Panel Modelling Study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
1652023Simulated workplace protection factor study of a quarter-facepiece elastomeric respirator.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
1662023Environmental risk factors for UV-induced cutaneous neoplasia in horses: A GIS approach.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1672023Integrating factors associated with complex wound healing into a mobile application: Findings from a cohort study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
1682023Establishing and Maintaining Trust: How the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Uses Strategic Communications to Build Confidence in and Disseminate Its Evidence-Based Recommendations.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1692023Evaluating use of mass-media communication intervention 'MTV-Shuga' on increased awareness and demand for HIV and sexual health services by adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: an observational study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1702023How patients with advanced cancer conceptualize prognosis: A phenomenological qualitative inquiry.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1712023No Difference in Patient-Reported Outcomes for Periacetabular Osteotomy and Hip Arthroscopy With Capsular Plication in the Setting of Borderline Hip Dysplasia: A Propensity-Matched Multicenter Study With Minimum 5-Year Follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1722023Disclosure of Possible Trial Termination to Participants of Interventional Clinical Trials.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1732023Underrepresentation of blind and deaf participants in the All of Us Research Program.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1742023Preterm-birth alters the development of nodal clustering and neural connection pattern in brain structural network at term-equivalent age.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1752023The Global Leadership Mentoring Community: An evaluation of its impact on nursing leadership.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1762023Do public health expenditures affect maternal and child health in Madagascar?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
1772023The assessment of groundwater quality through the water quality and nitrate pollution indexes in northern Türkiye.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1782023Evaluation of Intratumoral Response Heterogeneity in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer and Its Impact on Patient Overall Survival: Findings from 10,551 Patients in the ARCAD Database.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
1792023Orchard meadows: consumer perception and communication of a traditional agroforestry system in Germany.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1802023Toddler milk: a scoping review of research on consumption, perceptions, and marketing practices.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1812023Free to be me with you: Development of the Individuality in Couples Questionnaire.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1822023Comparable Efficacy of Submucosal Platelet-Rich Plasma and Combined Platelet-Rich Plasma Noncrosslinked Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Vulvovaginal Atrophy: A Cancer Survivorship Issue.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1832023The 36-Month Survival Analysis of Conservative Treatment Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Enhanced With Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1842023Hypertension Prevalence and Control among U.S. Women of Reproductive Age.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1852023Online-Mediated HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Care and Reduced Monitoring Frequency for Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial (EZI-PrEP Study).Telemedicinaestrangeiro
1862023New keratoconus staging system based on OCT.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
1872023Independent prescribing in the UK: insights from the Department of Health Allied Health Professions Medicines Project team.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
1882023The Relationship Between the Health Transformation Program and Health Expenditures: Evidence From an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Testing Approach.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
1892023Landscape-Scale Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Populations: Implications for Spatially-Based Pest Management.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
1902023Practical Application of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Clinical Practice: Case Studies.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
1912023A Scoping Review of Mobile Apps in Plastic Surgery: Patient Care, Trainee Education, and Professional Development.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1922023The Influence of Mass Media on the COVID-19 Vaccination Decision-making Process: Prospective Survey-Based Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1932023Family communication and results disclosure after germline sequencing: A mixed methods study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1942023Sex Differences in Bladder Management, Symptoms, and Satisfaction After Spinal Cord Injury.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
1952023Multiple Schedules Facilitate Rapid Noncontingent Reinforcement Schedule Thinning.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1962023Prospective, multi-site study of healthcare utilization after actionable monogenic findings from clinical sequencing.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
1972023Melanoma Detected Through Teledermatology Versus In-Person Visits.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
1982023Structuring and organizing interprofessional healthcare in partnership with patients with diabetes: the INterprofessional Management and Education in Diabetes care (INMED) pathway.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
1992023Gender-specific resting-state rDMPFC-centric functional connectivity underpinnings of intertemporal choice.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2002023Women's Participation in Leadership Roles in a Single Canadian Paramedic Service.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2012023Recovering lost tax to meet the health financing gap for universal public sector health systems in East and Southern Africa.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2022023Deployment of entropy information theory in the Indian Sundarban region using hydrogeochemical parameters and GIS for assessment of irrigation suitability.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2032023The Personalized Acne Treatment Tool - Recommendations to facilitate a patient-centered approach to acne management from the Personalizing Acne: Consensus of Experts.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2042023Adherence to Triple Single-Pill Combination of Perindopril/Indapamide/Amlodipine: Findings from Real-World Analysis in Italy.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
2052023[The Role of Nurses in Bridging the Health Literacy Gap: Empowering Patients in the Post-Pandemic Era].Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2062023Dual tasking in individuals with post-stroke aphasia: a scoping review protocol.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2072023Trust in the provider and accurate self-reported PrEP adherence among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa and Zimbabwe: HPTN 082 study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2082023Quantifying Threshold Scores for Patient Satisfaction After Massive Rotator Cuff Repair for the Interpretation of Mid-Term Patient-Reported Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2092023Syphilis screening coverage and positivity by HIV treatment status among South African pregnant women enrolled in the 2019 antenatal HIV sentinel survey.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2102023The data quality and applicability of a Danish prehospital electronic health record: A mixed-methods study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2112023Broadband Internet Access in First Nation Reserve Communities and Maldistribution of Canadian Dermatologists: An Ecologic Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2122023Empowerment of care home staff through effective collaboration with healthcare.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
2132023Impact of a switch to immediate release on the patient viewing of diagnostic test results in an online portal at an academic medical center.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2142023Applying the Worker Well-Being Framework to Identify Factors that Impact Turnover Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2152023Catastrophic health expenditure and its association with socioeconomic status in China: evidence from the 2011-2018 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2162023Determination and risk assessment of phthalates in face masks. An Italian study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
2172023Understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of opioid overdose events using a regionalized sequence alignment analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2182023Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer-metastatic and/or castration-resistant prostate cancer: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2022.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagem; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2192023The Initial Relationship Between the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Digital COVID-19 Public Education Campaign and Vaccine Uptake: Campaign Effectiveness Evaluation.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2202023How Gender-Targeted Body Image Concerns Influence People's Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Consumption.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2212023Ask questions (ASQ): Implementation of a question prompt list communication intervention in a network of outpatient medical oncology clinics.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2222023Optimizing Asymmetric Native Knee Flexion Gap Balance Promotes Superior Outcomes in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2232023Design and validation of 2 instruments to analyze and evaluate the formal quality in the informed consent process of clinical trials with medicinal products.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2242023Relative bed allocation for COVID-19 patients, EHR investments, and COVID-19 mortality outcomes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2252023Development of telemedicine in the Czech Republic from patients' and other key stakeholders' perspective.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2262023An interprofessional experience preparing a collaborative workforce to care for older adults.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
2272023Privacy Preserved Cervical Cancer Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Pap Smear Images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2282023Use of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model to Pilot an Occupational Physical Activity Intervention: Tailored Through a Community Partnership.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2292023Analysing changes to the flow of public funding within local health and care systems: An adaptation of the System of Health Accounts framework to a local health system in England.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2302023Assessment of roadside pollution by heavy metals: A case study from the District of Bani Kinanah, Irbid, Northern Jordan.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2312023Future of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cancer Care: A Global Cross-Sectional Survey of Researchers.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2322023Partnering for Integrated Care: A Learning Collaborative for Primary Care and Oral Health Teams.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2332023First Comes Substance Use, Then Comes Social Media Posts? Examining the Temporal Ordering and Relative Strength of Relations Across Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana Use and Posting Behavior.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2342023The effect of interprofessional simulations on pharmacy and physician assistant students' learning of advanced cardiac life support concepts.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2352023Arthroscopic release and decortication provide earlier return to work with similar patient satisfaction compared to continued intensive conservative therapy for recalcitrant tennis elbow: a retrospective observational study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2362023Relationships of the frailty index and geriatric trauma outcome score with mortality in geriatric trauma patients.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2372023A Hybrid Decision Tree and Deep Learning Approach Combining Medical Imaging and Electronic Medical Records to Predict Intubation Among Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: Algorithm Development and Validation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2382023Telepractice implementation experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, a qualitative exploration of Australian disability allied health providers: A diamond in the rough.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2392023Quasi-phase extraction-based surface plasmon resonance imaging method for coffee ring effect monitoring and biosensing.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2402023Financial hardship associated with catastrophic out-of-pocket spending tied to primary care services in low- and lower-middle-income countries: findings from a modeling study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2412023Understanding the role of intimate partner violence on HIV transmission in Zimbabwe: Secondary data analysis of data from the Zimbabwe demographic survey 2015-2016.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2422023Natural Language Processing Markers for Psychosis and Other Psychiatric Disorders: Emerging Themes and Research Agenda From a Cross-Linguistic Workshop.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2432023Mapping the Newcomer Journey for More Equitable Population Health: Insights from an Ontario Health Team.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2442023Public Figure Vaccination Rhetoric and Vaccine Hesitancy: Retrospective Twitter Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2452023A qualitative analysis of relationship advice from the perspective of people living with and recovering from eating disorders while in diverse romantic relationships.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2462023Excellent Clinical Outcomes and Return to Dance of 6 Active, Professional Ballet Dancers Aged Younger Than 40 Years at Total Hip Arthroplasty Through Direct Anterior Approach With a Custom Stem: A Case Report.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2472023Clinical Benefit of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Infusion in Ovarian Function Rejuvenation: Evidence from a Before-After Prospective Pilot Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2482023Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Infants Screened for Retinopathy of Prematurity.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2492023Awareness, knowledge, attitude, and skills regarding telemedicine among Syrian healthcare providers: A cross-sectional study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2502023Mechatronic Design and Experimental Research of an Automated Photogrammetry-Based Human Body Scanner.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2512023Theatre practitioners and organisational adaptive capacity in disaster response.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2522023Catastrophic health expenditure and household impoverishment in Togo.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2532023Health and economic benefits of heavy-duty diesel truck emission control policies in Beijing.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2542023Development of treatment-decision algorithms for children evaluated for pulmonary tuberculosis: an individual participant data meta-analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2552023Making It Matter: Increasing Student-Perceived Value of Microbiology through Reflective and Critical News Story Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2562023Entertainment-education to reduce internalized stigma, increase intimate partner status disclosure intentions, and increase antiretroviral medical adherence intentions: A randomized controlled trial targeting black women living with HIV in the Southern U.S.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2572023Female Sex and Higher Infraspinatus Fatty Infiltration Are Linked to Dissatisfaction at a Minimum Follow-Up of 4 Years after Arthroscopic Repair of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2582023Comparison of conventionally and digitally completed patient consent-anamnesis forms in terms of surface contamination.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2592023Risk of Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Death After Retinal Artery Occlusion.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2602023Perceptions about the Implementation and Education of Telemedicine among University Students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2612023Fast and Accurate ROI Extraction for Non-Contact Dorsal Hand Vein Detection in Complex Backgrounds Based on Improved U-Net.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2622023A qualitative descriptive study exploring clinicians' perspectives of the management of older trauma care in rural Australia.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2642023Spatial methods for measuring access to health care.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2652023Predicting the evolution of COVID-19 mortality risk: A Recurrent Neural Network approach.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
2662023Analysis of Newspaper Reporting of Non-fatal Suicide Attempts During the Covid-19 Lockdown in Pakistan.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2672023Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair, Manipulation Under Anesthesia, and Capsular Release for Concurrent Rotator Cuff Tear and Adhesive Capsulitis Maintain Improvements in Outcomes and Range of Motion at Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2682023Uncovering caregiver concerns: 5 key issues that still remain unresolved in administration of oral medicines for children in India.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2692023Association betweenGerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2702023Interpersonal Connections Are Important for Virtual Kidney Transplant Educational Program Development.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2712023A positively tuned voltage indicator for extended electrical recordings in the brain.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2722023The impact of sleep quality on mental health in working Australians: A quasi-experimental approach.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2732023Out of pocket expenditure and distress financing on cesarean delivery in India: evidence from NFHS-5.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2742023Associations of circulating levels of phthalate metabolites with cytokines and acute phase reactants in a Spanish human cohort.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
2752023Pluvial flood adaptation using nature-based solutions: An integrated biophysical-economic assessment.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2762023SARS-CoV-2 control on a large urban college campus without mass testing.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2772023Opportunities to inform German residents about the possibility of skin cancer screening and to inform stakeholders to take appropriate actions: A qualitative approach.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2782023Trust and virtual communication during the COVID-19 pandemic for adults with asthma from low-income neighborhoods: What have we learned?Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2792023Russian-language translation and cultural adaptation of the Norwegian 'Patient Experience Questionnaire'.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2802023Managing tooth wear with respect to quality of life: an evidence-based decision on when to intervene.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2812023Body mass index and migraine in adolescence: A nationwide study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2822023[Health economic evaluation of telemedicine diabetic retinopathy examination using a non-mydriatic fundus camera in China].Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2832023OME-Zarr: a cloud-optimized bioimaging file format with international community support.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2842023Psychosocial Risks among Quebec Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Social Media Analysis.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2852023The impact of health insurance enrollment on health outcomes in Kenya.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2862023Hazard assessment of global warming around the world using GIS.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2872023Polyaromatic hydrocarbon thin film layers on glass, dust, and polyurethane foam surfaces.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2882023Concurrent and Prospective Associations Between Communicated Emotional Arousal and Adjustment Among Couples Coping With Cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2892023Cosmetic satisfaction and patient-reported outcome measures following cranioplasty after craniectomy - A prospective cohort study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2902023The lived experience of positive airway pressure therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea across the lifespan: a qualitative study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2912023[Chinese expert consensus on telemedicine for diabetic retinopathy (2023)].Telemedicinaestrangeiro
2922023An implementation of integrated information theory in resting-state fMRI.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
2932023Machine Learning with Human Resources Data: Predicting Turnover among Community Mental Health Center Employees.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
2942023The impact of government subsidy programs on equity in health financing.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
2952023Radiotherapy quality assurance in paediatric clinical trials: first report from six QUARTET-affiliated trials.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
2962023POINT: Pipeline for Offline Conversion and Integration of Geocodes and Neighborhood Data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
2972023The Gendered Work/Role of Program Directors in International Graduate Medical Education.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2982023The effects of short messages encouraging prevention behaviors early in the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
2992023Psychosocial Processes in Healthcare Workers: How Individuals' Perceptions of Interpersonal Communication Is Related to Patient Safety Threats and Higher-Quality Care.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3002023Surgical peri-implantitis treatment with and without guided bone regeneration. A randomized controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3012023The Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Global Longitudinal (Peak) Registry: rationale and study design.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3022023Referral and Prescription Patterns for Female Patients With Urinary Incontinence.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentos; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3032023Understanding rural-urban differences in veterans' internet access, use and patient preferences for telemedicine.Gerenciamento de dados; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3042023Diagnostic role of laboratory findings and clinical symptoms in detecting the severity of COVID-19 disease.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3062023Explaining Variations in Long-term Care Use and Expenditures Under the Public Long-term Care Insurance Systems: A Case Study Comparison of Korea and Japan.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3072023Linked birth cohort files for perinatal health research: California as a model for methodology and implementation.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3082023Geospatial Associations between Female Breast Cancer Mortality Rates and Environmental Socioeconomic Indicators for North Carolina.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3092023Improving Bystander Self-efficacy to Prevent Violence Against Women Through Interpersonal Communication Using Mobile Phone Entertainment Education: Randomized Controlled Trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3102023Perspectives on the Intersection of Electronic Health Records and Health Care Team Communication, Function, and Well-being.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3112023Effect of Differing Orientation and Magnitude of Femoral Torsion on Outcomes and Achievement of the MCID and PASS at 5 Years After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3122023[Translated article] Design and validation of two instruments to analyze and evaluate the formal quality in the informed consent process of clinical trials with medicinal products.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3132023Development and application of pharmacological statin-associated muscle symptoms phenotyping algorithms using structured and unstructured electronic health records data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3142023Enhanced recovery support for people with eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: quality improvement using a web-based, stepped-care programme in Canada.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3152023Progressive trajectories of schizophrenia across symptoms, genes, and the brain.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3162023Re: Workforce challenges across Victorian medical oncology services: review consultations and workload.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3172023To What Extent Do Free Healthcare Policies and Performance-Based Financing Reduce Out-of-Pocket Expenditures for Outpatient services? Evidence From a Quasi-experimental Study in Burkina Faso.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3182023Prevalence and Spatial Distribution of Gastroschisis in an Industrial Watershed.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3192023Uptake and Adherence to National Guidelines on Postpartum Haemorrhage in Italy: The MOVIE before-after Observational Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3202023Meanings and functions of different types of heart images in the communication of doctors and patients.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3212023Ankle Arthroplasty-Does Preoperative Fixed Equinus Affect Patient-Reported Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3222023Behavioral Intentions of Bystanders to Image-Based Sexual Abuse: A Preliminary Focus Group Study with a University Student Sample.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3232023Implementation of Video Blood Pressure Visits in the Veterans Health Administration.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3242023A sample-preparation-free, point-of-care testing system for in situ detection of bovine mastitis.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3252023Examining the Influence of Physician Assistant/Associate Scope of Practice Reforms and Individual Characteristics on Wages.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3262023Toward Universal Health Coverage: Regional Inequalities and Potential Solutions for Alleviating Catastrophic Health Expenditure in the Post-poverty Elimination Era of China.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3272023Research on the Visualization of Railway Signal Operation and Maintenance Based on BIM + GIS.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3282023Digital Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Preparedness of Dentists towards Providing Dental Treatment to People Living with HIV in Northern Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
3292023The consumerism of misinformation in health: the abject objects of desire.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3302023Hesitant or not: A cross-sectional study of socio-demographics, conspiracy theories, trust in public health information, social capital and vaccine hesitancy among older adults in Ghana.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3312023The Relationship between Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index Score and Satisfaction after Total Knee Arthroplasty Changes Over Time.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3322023Mirikizumab Regulates Genes Involved in Ulcerative Colitis Disease Activity and Anti-TNF Resistance: Results From a Phase 2 Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3332023Medical Specialty Classification Based on Semiadversarial Data Augmentation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3342023The Role of Telehealth in Promoting Equitable Abortion Access in the United States: Spatial Analysis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3352023Multi-modal and multi-model interrogation of large-scale functional brain networks.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3362023Kontra-partido': untangling oppositional local politics and healthcare devolution in the Philippines.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3372023Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on Hospitalizations, Out-of-pocket Expenditures and Catastrophic Expenditures.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3382023Spatiotemporal evolution and characteristics of worldwide life expectancy.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3392023High prevalence of mental disorder symptoms among medical and other health specialties residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
3402023Who is Responsible? Attribution of Responsibility in the Context of Dementia: A Content-Analysis of Framing in Media Coverage.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3412023From threat to challenge-Improving medical students' stress response and communication skills performance through the combination of stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3422023Video Education Program for Proper use of Inhalation Devices in Elderly COPD Patients.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3432023Ethics and the impossibility of the consent form: Ethnography in a Danish nursing home.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3442023Mental Health Care Use by Ethnicity and Preferred Language in a National Cohort of Community Health Center Patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3452023Perceptions of and Preferences for Telemedicine Use Since the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients and Physicians.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3462023High-plex immunofluorescence imaging and traditional histology of the same tissue section for discovering image-based biomarkers.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3472023Quality of working life of employees in public healthcare organization in Finland: A cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3482023Providing a model for financing the treatment costs during biological crises using the fiscal space development approach.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3492023Groundwater potential assessment in the Blue Nile River catchment, Ethiopia, using geospatial and multi-criteria decision-making techniques.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3502023Understanding Recruitment Yield From Social Media Advertisements and Associated Costs of a Telehealth Randomized Controlled Trial: Descriptive Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
3512023Promoting COVID-19 vaccine confidence through public responses to misinformation: The joint influence of message source and message content.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3522023Effect of Clinician-Expressed Empathy in Advanced Cancer on Different Ethnic Groups: Results from an Experimental Video-Vignette Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3532023Ten-Year Survivorship, Outcomes, and Sports Participation in Athletes After Primary Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3542023Evidence-based informed consent form for total knee arthroplasty.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3552023Association between patient-provider communication and withholding information due to privacy concerns among women in the United States: an analysis of the 2011 to 2018 Health Information National Trends Survey.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3562023Experiences and Priorities in Youth and Family Mental Health: Protocol for an Arts-Based Priority-Setting Focus Group Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3572023Structural connectome alterations in anxious dogs: a DTI-based study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3582023Capacity Building, Knowledge Enhancement, and Consultative Processes for Development of a Digital Tool (Ni-kshay SETU) to Support the Management of Patients with Tuberculosis: Exploratory Qualitative Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3592023Efficiency and productivity of the Chilean public health system between 2010 and 2019.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3602023Breast cancer incidence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 2008-2019: A cross-sectional study using trend analysis and geographical information system.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3612023Digital Form for Assessing Dentistry Undergraduates Regarding Periodontal Disease Associated with Cardiovascular Diseases.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
3622023Science communication in the media and human mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: a time series and content analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3632023Discussion-based interprofessional education: A positive step toward promoting shared understanding between surgical residents and nurses.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3642023Third-Generation Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus: Three-Year Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3652023Health-related quality of life and associated factors among non-melanoma skin cancer patients: a cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3662023Personalised lung cancer risk stratification and lung cancer screening: do general practice electronic medical records have a role?Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3672023Social Determinants of Health and Patients' Technology Acceptance of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Pilot Survey.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3682023Towards clinical applicability and computational efficiency in automatic cranial implant design: An overview of the AutoImplant 2021 cranial implant design challenge.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3692023Characteristics, work environments, and rates of burnout and job dissatisfaction among registered nurses in primary care.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3702023A conceptual framework on the role of backward integration in sustainable access to malaria intervention commodities in Nigeria.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3712023Study on co-seismic ionospheric disturbance of Alaska earthquake on July 29, 2021 based on GPS TEC.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3722023Trustworthiness of information sources on vaccines for COVID-19 prevention among Brazilians.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
3732023Digital inclusion, online participation and health promotion: promising practices from community-led participatory journalism.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3742023Development of a pilot interprofessional education workshop for healthcare students and assessment of interprofessional collaborative competency attainment.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3752023Quality of life and satisfaction of patients after oncoplastic or traditional breast-conserving surgery using the BREAST-Q (BCT module): a prospective study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3762023Assessment of Current Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude Towards Dental Implants as a Treatment Option for Replacement of Missing Teeth in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3772023Estimating the prevalence of diagnosed Alzheimer disease in England across deprivation groups using electronic health records: a clinical practice research datalink study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3782023Super-resolution vibrational imaging based on photoswitchable Raman probe.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3792023Nurse leaders' perceptions of competence-based management of culturally and linguistically diverse nurses: A descriptive qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3802023How All-Payer Claims Databases (APCDs) Can be Used to Examine Changes in Professional Spending: Experience from the Rhode Island APCD.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3812023Malacological Survey and Spatial Distribution of Intermediate Host Snails in Schistosomiasis Endemic Districts of Rwanda.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3822023The RSNA Cervical Spine Fracture CT Dataset.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
3832023Mental Health of Prostate Cancer Patients: Content Review on YouTubeComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3842023Proximity and information sharing in hospitals and nursing homes: Development of an instrument assessing health personnel's perceptions of proximity and information sharing with kitchen personnel.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3852023The reliability and validity of the TBI-CareQOL system in four diverse caregiver groups.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3862023Absence of Association between Child Temperament and Early Childhood Caries: A Cross-Sectional Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3872023Transforaminal Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy versus Open Microdiskectomy for Symptomatic Lumbar Disk Herniation: A Comparative Cohort Study on Costs and Long-Term Outcomes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3882023Effects of Adherence to an mHealth Tool for Self-Management of COPD Exacerbations.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3892023Dual-Polarized Multi-Beam Fixed-Frequency Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
3902023The impact of safety culture, quality of care, missed care and nurse staffing on patient falls: A multisource association study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
3912023Government spending shocks and default risk in emerging markets.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
3922023Detection of goat herding impact on vegetation cover change using multi-season, multi-herd tracking and satellite imagery.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
3932023The Global, Regional, and National Burden of Adult Lip, Oral, and Pharyngeal Cancer in 204 Countries and Territories: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
3942023Agenda-Setting for COVID-19: A Study of Large-Scale Economic News Coverage Using Natural Language Processing.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3952023Abilities and Disabilities Among Children With Developmental Language Disorder.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3962023Reliability and Validity of the CLEFT-Q in a Chinese Context.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
3972023Inter-rater reliability of a novel objective endpoint for benign central airway stenosis interventions: Segmentation-based volume rendering of computed tomography scans.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
3982023Telepathology in intraoperative frozen section consultation of breast cancer sentinel node biopsy in Fukushima, Japan following the 2011 triple disaster: diagnostic accuracy and required time during the early implementation phase.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
3992023Evaluating Differentiation Status of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Label-Free Microscopy System and Machine Learning.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4002023Promoting health and productivity among ageing workers: a longitudinal study on work ability, biological and cognitive age in modern workplaces (PROAGEING study).Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4012023Towards equitable dental care in Canada: Lessons from the inception of Medicare.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4022023How Can We Measure Alcohol Outlet Density Around Schools? A Comparison Between Two Buffer-Based Methods.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4032023Correction: The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4042023Health discussion network characteristics among a sample of people with inflammatory bowel disease.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4052023Prevalence and Predictors of Physician-Patient Discordance in Prognostic Perceptions in Advanced Cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4062023High return to sport rate and good patient-reported outcomes in recreational athletes following simple elbow dislocations.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4072023Improving oncology first-in-human and Window of opportunity informed consent forms through participant feedback.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4082023Artificial intelligence with temporal features outperforms machine learning in predicting diabetes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4092023Ab initio protein structure prediction: the necessary presence of external force field as it is delivered by Hsp40 chaperone.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4102023Simulation of a new respiratory phase sorting method for 4D-imaging using optical surface information towards precision radiotherapy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4112023The relationship among faculty-to-faculty incivility and job satisfaction or intent to leave in nursing programs in the United States.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4122023A comprehensive examination of the economic impact of out-of-pocket health expenditures in India.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4132023A Bayesian network-GIS probabilistic model for addressing human disturbance risk to ecological conservation redline areas.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4142023Plasma p-tau231 and p-tau217 inform on tau tangles aggregation in cognitively impaired individuals.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4152023Communicating about the social determinants of health: development of a local brand.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4162023Reciprocal relationship between interpersonal communication and depressive symptoms and the mediating role of resilience across two years: Three-wave cross-lagged panel model.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4172023Patient reported experiences of Swedish patients being investigated for cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4182023Survey data of public awareness on climate change and the value of marine and coastal ecosystems.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4192023A Pragmatic Mapping of Perceptions and Use of Digital Information Systems in Primary Care in Sweden: Survey Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4202023Perceptions of and Experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4212023The role of CenKR in the coordination ofGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4222023Knowledge, Attitudes, and Resources of Frontline Oncology Support Personnel Regarding Financial Burden in Patients With Cancer.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4232023Catastrophic Health Expenditure (CHE) among Cancer Population in a Middle Income Country with Universal Healthcare Financing.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4242023Methine initiated polypropylene-based disposable face masks aging validated by micromechanical properties loss of atomic force microscopy.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
4252023Extreme Heat Vulnerability among Older Adults: A Multi-level Risk Index for Portland, Oregon.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4262023Potentialities of iodine-enhanced micro-CT imaging in the morphological study of adult Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) mosquitoes.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4272023A Pilot of Digital Whiteboards for Improving Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Department: Nonrandomized Controlled Trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4282023Social functioning mediates the relationship between psychiatric symptoms and recovery among veteran and community service users with serious mental illness.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4292023Evaluating the Performance of an Automated Patient-Reported Outcomes Collection Platform in a Postoperative Hand Surgery Population.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4302023The informed consent form navigator: a tool for producing readable and compliant consent documents.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4312023State-Level Hypertension Prevalence and Control Among Adults in the U.S.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4322023[Pediatric telecardiology experience in the COVID-19 pandemic context].Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4332023Altered beta band spatial-temporal interactions during negative emotional processing in major depressive disorder: An MEG study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4342023Exploring the impact of nursing home managers' leadership on staff job satisfaction, health and intention to leave in nursing homes.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4352023The Impact of the Organization of Public Health Systems on the Ability of Countries to Resist the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experience of Developed Countries of the World and Ukraine.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4362023[Spatial Network of Urban Heat Environment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Based on MSPA and Circuit Theory].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4372023Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4382023Direct-to-Consumer Recruitment Methods via Traditional and Social Media to Aid in Research Accrual for Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases: Comparative Analysis Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4392023Patient-centredness in primary care walk-in clinics for refugees in Hamburg.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4402023The Effect of Prosthetic Joint Infection on Work Status and Quality of Life: A Multicenter, International Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4412023Barriers to enrollment in a pediatric critical care biorepository.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4422023WhatsApp-Based Record-Keeping System in a Private Neurosurgical Clinic Chain.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4432023Patients' experience with teledentistry compared to conventional follow-up visits in TMD clinic: A pilot study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4442023Predicting benefit from immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer by CT-based ensemble deep learning: a retrospective study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4452023Architecture of the health system as an enabler of better wellbeing.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4462023Refining 2SVCA Method for Measuring Telehealth Accessibility of Primary Care Physicians in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4472023The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4482023Misinformation and Disinformation in Food Science and Nutrition: Impact on Practice.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4492023Commitments for Ethically Responsible Sourcing, Use, and Reuse of Patient Data in the Digital Age: Cocreation Process.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4502023Psychosocial Outcomes in Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate: Associations of Demographic, Cleft Morphologic, and Treatment-Related Variables.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4512023Development and Implementation of Novel Chatbot-based Genomic Research ConsentGerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4522023Does the duration of ambulatory consultations affect the quality of healthcare? A systematic review.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4532023Indirect impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care and outcomes of people with MS: A combined survey and insurance claims study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4542023Spatially Resolved Metabolomics Method for Mapping the Global Molecular Landscape of Whole-Body Zebrafish (Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4552023Workplace Harassment, Cyber Incivility, and Climate in Academic Medicine.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4562023Preferences on Policy Options for Ensuring the Financial Sustainability of Healthcare Services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4572023Distribution of iodine concentration in drinking water in China mainland and influence factors of its variation.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4582023Author Correction: Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
4592023Evidence and gap map report: Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) interventions for strengthening HIV prevention and research among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4602023GP laughter in lifestyle behaviour consultations: A conversation analytical study of general practice.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4612023Capacity-Building for Collecting Patient-Reported Outcomes and Experiences (PRO) Data Across Hospitals.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4622023One-step laparoscopic cholecystectomy with common bile duct exploration and stone extraction versus two-step endoscopic retrograde cholangiography with stone extraction plus laparoscopic cholecystectomy for patients with common bile duct stones: a randomised feasibility and pilot clinical trial-the preGallStep trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4632023Psychosocial characteristics are associated with adherence to dietary, drugs and physical activity recommendations amongst cardiovascular disease patients in Lebanon.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4642023Characterizing eHealth Behaviors in Health Consumers: An Audit Log Analysis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4652023Multi-scale dissection of wing transparency in the clearwing butterflyGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4662023Leaders That Listen Meet Essential Psychological Needs of the Workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4672023Government agrees to fewer national targets for ICSs but rejects call on prevention spending.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4682023GIS based hotspot analysis and health risk assessment of groundwater arsenic from an unconfined deep aquifer of Lahore, Pakistan.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4692023Examining the Intermedia Agenda Setting Effects amid the Changsheng Vaccine Crisis: A Computational Approach.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4702023Patient Perspectives Regarding Clinician Communication During Telemedicine Compared With In-Clinic Abortion.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4712023Long-term Quality of Life in Patients After ACL Reconstruction With Concomitant Meniscal Injury Treatment: Patient-Reported Outcomes at Minimum 10-Year Follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4722023Exploring the osteoporosis treatment gap after fragility hip fracture at a Tertiary University Medical Center in Thailand.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4732023Role of Individual Clinician Authority in the Implementation of Informatics Tools for Population-Based Medication Management: Qualitative Semistructured Interview Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4742023Investigation of Health Professionals' Intention to Use Telemedicine in Turkey.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4752023Brain modular connectivity interactions can predict proactive inhibition in smokers when facing smoking cues.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4762023Childhood Leukemia Survival in the US-Mexico Border: Building Sustainable Leukemia Care Using Health Systems Strengthening Models.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativos; Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4772023National Institutes of Health funding among vascular surgeons is rare.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4782023Spatial and temporal distribution of reported dengue cases and hot spot identification in Quezon City, Philippines, 2010-2017.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4792023COVID-19 topics and emotional frames in vaccine hesitation: A social media text and sentiment analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4802023Neurologists' lived experiences of communicating the diagnosis of a motor neurodegenerative condition: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4812023Objective wearable measures and subjective questionnaires for predicting response to neurostimulation in people with chronic pain.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4822023The elephant in the room: Exploring the influence and participation of patients in infection-related care across surgical pathways in South Africa and India.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4832023Applying AI and Guidelines to Assist Medical Students in Recognizing Patients With Heart Failure: Protocol for a Randomized Trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
4842023Telehealth for tinnitus treatment, incidental findings on magnetic resonance imaging of the internal auditory meatus and predictive factors for recurrence following functional endoscopic sinus surgery.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4852023Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease via the Metabolic Fingerprint in Saliva by Deep Learning.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4862023Higher operating theatre temperature during burn surgery increases physiological heat strain, subjective workload, and fatigue of surgical staff.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4872023Factors associated with the usage of health insurance among cancer patients in public hospitals in a middle-income country.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4882023Examining Increasing Racial Inequities in Opioid Overdose Deaths: a Spatiotemporal Analysis of Black and White Decedents in St. Louis, Missouri, 2011-2021.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4892023Effect of replacing television viewing with different intensities of physical activity on COVID-19 mortality risk: Short communication from UK Biobank.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4902023Psychological Safety as an Educational Value in Interprofessional Health Education.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4912023Assessing outcomes from rhinoplasty using clinical and patient reported measures (FACE-Q™).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
4922023The coverage of medical injuries in company trial informed consent forms.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4932023Cerebral Performance Category score in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
4942023Can Artificial Intelligence Aid Diagnosis by Teleguided Point-of-Care Ultrasound? A Pilot Study for Evaluating a Novel Computer Algorithm for COVID-19 Diagnosis Using Lung Ultrasound.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
4952023Spatiotemporal dynamics of functional connectivity and association with molecular architecture in schizophrenia.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
4962023Relative remoteness and wage differentials in the Canadian allied health professional workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
4972023United Kingdom aid cuts: implications for financing health systems.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
4982023GIS-based calculation method of surge height generated by three-dimensional landslide.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
4992023Digital Practices by Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From an International Multisite Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5002023A quantum trust and consultative transaction-based blockchain cybersecurity model for healthcare systems.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5012023Perception of telemedicine among orthopedic surgeons and patients and an analysis of the factors governing its overall efficacy: Results from the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5022023On-Call Workload Differences in Neurosurgery: Resident Call Weather and a Departure from Colored Cloud Labels.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5032023The effectiveness of an immersive virtual reality and telemedicine-based cognitive intervention on prospective memory in Parkinson's disease patients with mild cognitive impairment and healthy aged individuals: design and preliminary baseline results of a placebo-controlled study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5042023Determination of the mutual orientation between proton CSA tensors mediated through band-selectiveGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5052023Does government health insurance protect households from out of pocket expenditure and distress financing for caesarean and non-caesarean institutional deliveries in India? Findings from the national family health survey (2019-21).Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5062023Assessing performance of ZCTA-level and Census Tract-level social and environmental risk factors in a model predicting hospital events.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5072023Promoting Smoking Cessation Among Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Lessons Learned From a Location-Based Media Campaign in Western North Carolina.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5082023Changes in health communication in the age of COVID-19: A study on the dissemination of preprints to the public.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5092023[The foundations of physician-patient communication in conditions of digitalization].Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5102023[News in intensive care unit communication].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5112023How WHO Solidarity Plus trial participants in countries on four continents are informed in writing.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5122023Early Peanut Introduction in Infants: Improving Guideline Adherence With EMR Standardization.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5132023CoViD-19 effects on social-emotional development: impact of early intervention.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5142023Contour-aware network with class-wise convolutions for 3D abdominal multi-organ segmentation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5152023The impact of government subsidy and weather on environmentally sustainable investment decision for agricultural supply chain.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5162023A retrospective investigation of spatial clusters and determinants of diabetes prevalence: scan statistics and geographically weighted regression modeling approaches.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5172023Study on college students' willingness to inoculate COVID-19 vaccine based on bioinformatics and KAP analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5182023Exploring healthcare staff narratives to gain an in-depth understanding of changing multidisciplinary team power dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5192023Tele-mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of the literature focused on technical aspects and challenges.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5202023How did UK social distancing restrictions affect the lives of women experiencing intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative exploration of survivor views.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5212023Real World Performance of the 21st Century Cures Act Population Level Application Programming Interface.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
5222023The power of ChatGPT in revolutionizing rural healthcare delivery.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5232023The SPEER: An interprofessional team behavior rubric to optimize geriatric clinical care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5242023A MC-based anthropomorphic test case for commissioning model-based dose calculation in interstitial breast 192-Ir HDR brachytherapy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5252023Model-based estimation of the health care expenditure and out-of-pocket payment for assisted reproductive technology: A retrospective linkage study using the Japanese national ART registry.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5262023Spatiotemporal Patterns of Suicide in Korea From 2009 to 2019 Using Geographic Information Systems.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5272023Stigmatizing Monkeypox and COVID-19: A Comparative Framing Study ofComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5282023Leader-member exchange (LMX) quality and follower well-being: A daily diary study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5292023Perspectives of Latinx Patients with Diabetes on Teleophthalmology, Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Interpretation, and Virtual Care: A Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5302023Development of novel composite data quality scores to evaluate facility-level data quality in electronic data in Kenya: a nationwide retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5312023Telemedicine in Specialist Outpatient Care during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5322023A hybrid multi-particle approach to range assessment-based treatment verification in particle therapy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5332023Evaluating a multimodal, clinical and work-directed intervention (RTW-PIA) to support sustainable return to work among employees with mental disorders: study protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5342023Understanding the implication of direct health facility financing on health commodities availability in Tanzania.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5352023Pediatric Pedestrian Injuries: Striking Too Close to Home.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5362023Intercultural insights on the impact of different non-idealized models on men's body image and advertising perceptions.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5372023Communication Experiences of Caregivers Using a Language Other Than English on Inpatient Services.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5382023Comparing the suitability of virtual versus in-person care: Perceptions from pediatricians.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5392023We Know What You Agreed To, Don't We?-Evaluating the Quality of Paper-Based Consents Forms and Their Digitalized Equivalent Using the Example of the Baltic Fracture Competence Centre Project.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5402023Using artificial intelligence to predict adverse outcomes in emergency department patients with hyperglycemic crises in real time.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5412023Experiences of health service access: A qualitative interview study of people living with Parkinson's disease in Ireland.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5422023Adjunctive Medication Management and Contingency Management to enhance adherence to acamprosate for alcohol dependence: the ADAM trial RCT.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5432023Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using 2D Echocardiograms.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5442023Joint British Societies' position statement on bullying, harassment and discrimination in cardiology.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5452023A comparison of the cost of outpatient care delivered by Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics compared to other public and private facilities in Delhi, India.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5462023Evaluation of the geomorphological scenario of Shimsha River Basin, Karnataka, India.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5472023Factors of heavy social media use among 13-year-old adolescents on weekdays and weekends.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5482023Impact of media trust and personal epidemic experience on epidemic prevention behaviors in the context of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study based on protection motivation theory.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5492023Predicting and Empowering Health for Generation Z by Comparing Health Information Seeking and Digital Health Literacy: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5502023Have Surgery and Implant Modifications Been Associated With Reduction in Soft Tissue Complications in Transfemoral Bone-anchored Prostheses?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5512023Early prediction of need for invasive mechanical ventilation in the neonatal intensive care unit using artificial intelligence and electronic health records: a clinical study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5522023Concurrent hypoglossal and phrenic nerve stimulation in patients with obstructive and treatment emergent central sleep apnea.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5532023Uncontrolled Hypertension, Treatment, and Predictors among Hypertensive Out-Patients Attending Primary Health Facilities in Johannesburg, South Africa.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5542023Enhanced intersubject similarity in functional connectivity by long-term abacus training.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5552023An Example of Inquiry-Based Learning in a Transition to Nursing Practice Curriculum.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5562023The long-term effect of generic price competition on the Hungarian statin market.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5572023Women's health service access and associated factors in Ethiopia: application of geographical information system and multilevel analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5582023Super Bowl LVI: Coordinating the Joint Information Center.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5592023Development and modification of a dysphagia question prompt list to improve patient-physician communication: Incorporating both esophageal expert and patient perspectives.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5602023Will the Doctor "See" You Now? The Development and Implementation of a Targeted Telemedicine System for Primary Care.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5612023Planning for implementation and sustainability of a community-based suicide surveillance system in a Native American community.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5622023Prevalence and experience of dental caries among Singaporean schoolchildren: A time-trend analysis from 2007 to 2019.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5632023Utilizing Telemedicine to Address Disparities in Maternal-Fetal Medicine: A Call to Policy Action.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5642023Impact of Myocardial Perfusion and Coronary Calcium on Medical Management for Coronary Artery Disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5652023Healthcare adjustments and concerns: a qualitative study exploring the perspectives of healthcare providers and administrative staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5662023The financial burden of out of pocket payments on medicines among households in Ethiopia: analysis of trends and contributing factors.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5672023A Comparison of Hospice Care Utilization Between Rural and Urban Children in Appalachia: A Geographic Information Systems Analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5682023Using interactive television-based art therapy to treat post-traumatic symptoms among survivors of abduction in Nigeria.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5692023Patient-Provider Shared Decision-Making, Trust, and Opioid Misuse Among US Veterans Prescribed Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5702023Can video communication in the emergency medical communication centre improve dispatch precision? A before-after study in Norwegian helicopter emergency medical services.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5712023TREX1 p.A129fs and p.Y305C variants in a large multi-ethnic cohort of CADASIL-like unrelated patients.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5722023Higher ultra-processed food intake is associated with adverse liver outcomes: a prospective cohort study of UK Biobank participants.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5732023Application of machine learning models to biomedical and information system signals from critically ill adults.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5742023Differences in lipid and blood pressure measurements between individuals with type 1 diabetes and the general population: a cross-sectional study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5752023Multi-modal brain magnetic resonance imaging database covering marmosets with a wide age range.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5762023[Not Available].Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5772023Does reducing out-of-pocket costs for children's surgical care protect families from poverty in Somaliland? A cross-sectional, national, economic evaluation modelling study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5782023Fingerprinting of rainfall over semi-arid region, Western India, using MATLAB and GIS.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5792023Web-Based Conversations Regarding Fathers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Content Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5802023Catalyzing Collaboration Among Interprofessional Birth Transfer Teams Through Simulation.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5812023Teleconsultation Platforms Versus WhatsApp Consultations: Evaluating Patients and Physicians' Attitudes.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5822023Are There Hidden Dangers Associated With Milk and Egg Dietary Advancement Therapy?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5832023Association between dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among hypertensive adults: Results from NHANES 1999-2018.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5842023A CT-based radiomics classification model for the prediction of histological type and tumour grade in retroperitoneal sarcoma (RADSARC-R): a retrospective multicohort analysis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5852023Recommendation for Long-term Management of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Military Populations, Veterans, and Dependents: A Narrative Review.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5862023Sodium Dynamics in the Cellular Environment.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5872023New Dimensions of Staffing Patterns in Nursing Homes and Nursing Home Quality: Comparing Staffing Instability to Staffing Turnover.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5882023Comparison of the Distribution of Household Financial Contributions to the Health System before and during COVID-19 Outbreak: Evidence from Nationwide Survey in Iran.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
5892023Settlement suitability analysis of a riverine floodplain in the perspective of GIS-based multicriteria decision analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5902023Nurses are background actors in medical reality television: A character network analysis and call for authentic action.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5912023From Conflict to Balance: Challenges for Dual-Earner Families Managing Technostress and Work Exhaustion in the Post-Pandemic Scenario.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5922023A qualitative study exploring experiences of the safetxt digital health intervention to reduce sexually transmitted infections in young people in the UK.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5932023A comprehensive analysis of the readability of consent forms for blood transfusion in Spain.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5942023Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection among patients with orthopaedic fracture surgery in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5952023A comparative study of transgender women accessing HIV testing via face-to-face and telemedicine services in Chiang Mai, Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic and their risk of being HIV-positive.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5962023Community-based type 2 diabetes care by lay village health workers in rural Lesotho: protocol for a cluster-randomized trial within the ComBaCaL cohort study (ComBaCaL T2D TwiC).Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
5972023Deep Learning Approach for Negation and Speculation Detection for Automated Important Finding Flagging and Extraction in Radiology Report: Internal Validation and Technique Comparison Study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
5982023Nursing workforce allocation in the intensive care units of COVID-19-designated hospitals: A nationwide cross-sectional survey in China.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5992023Is contributory health insurance indeed an addiction to a bad idea? A comment on its relevance for low- and middle-income countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6002023Determinants of nurse's and personal support worker's adherence to facial protective equipment in a community setting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A pilot study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
6012023High-resolution mapping and evolution of steel stocks and waste in civil buildings: a case study of Changsha, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6022023Effects of a video-based positive side-effect information framing: An online experiment.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6032023Decision-Making Preferences among Advanced Cancer Patients in a Palliative Setting in Jordan.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6042023Keeping Track of My Drinking - Patient Perceptions of Using Smartphone Applications as a Treatment Complement for Alcohol Dependence.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6052023Endogenous and Exogenous Thyrotoxicosis and Risk of Incident Cognitive Disorders in Older Adults.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6062023Assessing patient satisfaction with telephone-based consultations before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6072023An investigation of psychoactive polypharmacy and related gender-differences in older adults with dementia: a retrospective cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6082023The Swin-Transformer network based on focal loss is used to identify images of pathological subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma with high similarity and class imbalance.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6092023Assessment of anaesthesia workforce capacity in district and tehsil (taluka) hospitals in Sindh province of Pakistan: a survey.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6102023Century-Long Trends in the Financing and Ownership of American Health Care.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6112023Multi-criteria decision analysis for wind farm location selection in Bahir Dar City and its surroundings, Northwestern Ethiopia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6122023Comparing nursing workload for critically ill adults with and without COVID-19: Retrospective cohort study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
6132023Barriers and Enablers for the Use of Digital Interactive Television in Nursing Home Settings: An Interview Case Study with Older Adults and Professionals.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6142023A Qualitative Assessment of Factors Influencing Fluoride-Hesitant Parents' Trust of Dentists.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6152023Neurologists' Experiences and Attitudes Towards Teleneurology - Has Covid-19 Pandemic Made a Difference?Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6162023Attitudes of the Public Toward Consent for Biobank Research in Japan.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6172023Using Interdisciplinary Teams to Mitigate the Effects of Drug Shortages in Palliative Care: The Case of Lorazepam Injection.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6182023The effect of exercise and education combination via telerehabilitation in patients with chronic neck pain: A randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6192023Diagnosis and treatment of Hymenoptera venom allergy: S2k Guideline of the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) in collaboration with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Berufs- und Umweltdermatologie e.V. (ABD), the Medical Association of German Allergologists (AeDA), the German Society of Dermatology (DDG), the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNOKC), the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), the Society for Pediatric Allergy and Environmental Medicine (GPA), German Respiratory Society (DGP), and the Austrian Society for Allergy and Immunology (ÖGAI).Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6202023Stable tissue-mimicking phantoms for longitudinal multimodality imaging studies that incorporate optical, CT, and MRI contrast.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6212023Building a Community-Academic Partnership to Expand Workforce Development in Underserved, High-Need/High-Demand Areas.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6222023Out-of-pocket fees for health care in Australia: implications for equity.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6232023The Status of Data Management Practices Across German Medical Data Integration Centers: Mixed Methods Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6242023Distribution of dental practices in Jazan of Saudi Arabia: a GIS-based approach.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6252023Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
6262023Opioids in Satirical News Shows: Exploring Topics, Sentiments, and Engagement in Last Week Tonight on YouTube.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6272023Family functioning, well-being, and mental health among new immigrant families.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6282023eHealth usage among parents to premature or surgically treated neonates: associations with eHealth literacy, healthcare satisfaction or satisfaction with an eHealth device.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6292023Preserving Decentralized EHR-s Integrity.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6302023Examining Patient Preferences for Express, Telemedicine, and Standard Visits in a Sexual Health Clinic in New York City.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6312023Engaging early experiential learners to improve quality at a VA medical center - a cross-sectional analysis.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6322023Aptamer-based expansion microscopy platform enables signal-amplified imaging of dendritic spines.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6342023The benefits and burden of health financing in Indonesia: analyses of nationally representative cross-sectional data.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6352023Maturity degree assessment of hospital ward system using integrated fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS model.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6362023Uncovering COVID-19 infection determinants in Portugal: towards an evidence-based spatial susceptibility index to support epidemiological containment policies.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6372023The Careers and Professional Well-Being of Women Oncologists During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Responding for Tomorrow.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
6382023Cancer and COVID-19 Vaccines on Twitter:The Voice and Vaccine Attitude of Cancer Community.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6392023Support for Use of Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Communication Items Among Seriously Ill Patients.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6402023Stakeholder perspectives on a telemedicine referral and coordination model to expand medication treatment for opioid use disorder in rural primary care clinics.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6412023Problems Experienced by Health Care Professionals with Do not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Orders - A Qualitative Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6422023Impact of telemedicine on disease activity assessment: A case-crossover study nested within a cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6432023Utilization patterns of cardiovascular medications in patients with diabetes mellitus; a retrospective cross-sectional study, 2013-17.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6442023Long-term in vivo degradation of Mg-Zn-Ca elastic stable intramedullary nails and their influence on the physis of juvenile sheep.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6452023Association of workload and practice of respectful maternity care among the healthcare providers, before and during the early phase of COVID-19 pandemic in South Western Nepal: a cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6462023Dynamics of renewable energy index in G20 countries: influence of green financing.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6472023Financial burden of prostate cancer in the Iranian population: a cost of illness and financial risk protection analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6482023Assessing the influence of transect interval in monitoring and analysis of shoreline change.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6492023Factors related to work ability among nursing professionals from urgent and emergency care units: A cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
6502023Early detection of depression using a conversational AI bot: A non-clinical trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6512023How the use of an online healthcare community affects the doctor-patient relationship: An empirical study in China.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6522023Training future clinicians in telehealth competencies: outcomes of a telehealth curriculum and teleOSCEs at an academic medical center.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6532023Evaluating visual imagery for participant understanding of research concepts in genomics research.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6542023PainRE-Life: A FHIR Based Telemonitoring Ecosystem for the Management of Patients with Chronic Pain.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6552023At-Home Self-Collection of Urine or Vaginal Samples for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening Among Young People Who Were Assigned Female at Birth.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6562023A situational analysis of ear and hearing care in South Korea using WHO ear and Hearing Care Situation Analysis tool.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6572023Effective detection of Alzheimer's disease by optimizing fuzzy K-nearest neighbors based on salp swarm algorithm.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6582023British doctors' work-life balance and home-life satisfaction: a cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6592023Does Universal Health Insurance in Korea provide a Lesson for U.S. Health Care Financing?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6602023Assessment of water resources for livestock in the Wilaya of Naama, Southwest Algeria: a GIS-based approach.Gerenciamento de dados; Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6612023Assessment of the water quality of Bartın Kışla (Kozcağız) Dam by using geographical information system (GIS) and water quality indices (WQI).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6622023The influence of information sources on intention changes to receive COVID-19 vaccination: A prospective cohort study in Japan.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6632023How do former medical and nursing undergraduates describe their learning on an interprofessional training Ward 12-18 months later? - A retrospective qualitative analysis.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6642023Stakeholders' perceptions of a nurse-led telehealth case management intervention in primary care for patients with complex care needs: a qualitative descriptive study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6652023Information technology improves the quality of transfusion practice in China.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6662023Unified Identification Protocol for Cross-Border Healthcare.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6672023Evaluating a systematic intensive therapy using continuous glucose monitoring and intermittent scanning glucose monitoring in clinical diabetes care: a protocol for a multi-center randomized clinical trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6682023Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors Are Stronger Related to Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Than to Presence of Carotid Plaques in People Living With HIV.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6692023Automatic 3-D spine curve measurement in freehand ultrasound via structure-aware reinforcement learning spinous process localization.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6702023Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the psychological well-being of oncology healthcare professionals.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6712023Twenty Years After the EMS Research Agenda: Trends in Emergency Medical Services Publications and Research Funding.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6722023Image-based crop disease detection with federated learning.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6732023Pedestrian street behavior mapping using unmanned aerial vehicles. A case study in Santiago de Chile.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6742023Social Representations and Symbolic Coping: A Cross-Cultural Discourse Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Newspapers.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6752023Taking the bad news with the good: The climate crisis and care for older people.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6762023Barriers and Facilitators of Telemedicine Among Physicians at a University Hospital.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6772023Design and Adoption of a FHIR IG to Support a Telemonitoring Environment in Gatekeeper Project.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6782023Advancing remote consultation through the integration of blockchain and ant colony algorithm.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6792023Associations between insomnia medications and risk of death by suicide.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúde; Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6802023BigNeuron: a resource to benchmark and predict performance of algorithms for automated tracing of neurons in light microscopy datasets.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6812023The relationships between the healthy nurse, Healthy Nation program, RN perceptions of their work system, and health-related quality of life.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6822023Planning and financing of RMNCH+A under National Health Mission: A case study of the Gurugram District of Haryana State.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6832023Nurses' Informatics Competency Assessment of Health Information System Usage: A Cross-sectional Survey.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6842023A Spatial Analysis of Food Insecurity and Body Mass Index with Income and Grocery Store Density in a Diverse Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6852023My people perish for lack of knowledge': barriers and facilitators to integrated HIV and hypertension screening at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6862023Remodelling family medicine teaching at the University of Lausanne using a modified Delphi method.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6872023Interstate Telemedicine for Urologic Cancer Care.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6882023Clinical Acronym Disambiguation via ChatGPT and BING.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6892023Estimating productivity levels in primary medical services across clinical commissioning groups in England and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a data envelopment analysis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
6902023Drug utilization and medical expenses in psoriasis treatment at a dermatology hospital in Vietnam, 2019-2021.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
6912023Frame rate effects and their compensation on super-resolution microvessel imaging using ultrasound localization microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
6922023Climate action, staff engagement, and change management: A paediatric hospital case study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
6932023To what extent has the Iranian Health Transformation Plan addressed inequality in healthcare financing in Iran?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
6942023The effect of electronic error-reporting forms on nurse's stress and the rate of error-reporting.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
6952023Smart City Solutions from a Societal Perspective-A Case Study.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
6962023Effectiveness of tailored COVID-19 messages for vulnerable Australians: A study protocol.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6972023Intrinsic Capacity and Active and Healthy Aging Domains Supported by Personalized Digital Coaching: Survey Study Among Geriatricians in Europe and Japan on eHealth Opportunities for Older Adults.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
6982023Heart disease severity level identification system on Hyperledger consortium network.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
6992023A lowered threshold to partnerships: a mixed methods process evaluation of participants' experiences of a person-centred eHealth intervention.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7002023Mixed-methods Evaluation of an Expedited Partner Therapy Take-home Medication Program: Pilot Emergency Department Intervention to Improve Sexual Health Equity.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7012023Unsupervised cycle-consistent network using restricted subspace field map for removing susceptibility artifacts in EPI.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7022023Breaking Down Grit: Persistency and Flexibility in the Career Plans of Military Medical Students.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7032023Comparing estimates of household expenditures between pictorial diaries and surveys in three low- and middle-income countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7042023BabyNet++: Fetal birth weight prediction using biometry multimodal data acquired less than 24 hours before delivery.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7052023GIS-based approach and multivariate statistical analysis for identifying sources of heavy metals in marine sediments from the coast of Hong Kong.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7062023Pre-sleep arousal induced by suspenseful series and cliffhangers have only minor effects on sleep: A sleep laboratory study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7072023Longitudinal faculty development to improve interprofessional collaboration and practice: a multisite qualitative study at five US academic health centres.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7082023The impact and implementation of an mHealth intervention to improve infant and young child feeding in Senegal: IIMAANJE protocol for a cluster randomized control trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7092023The utility of high-frequency 18 MHz ultrasonography for preoperative evaluation of acral melanoma thickness in Chinese patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7102023A qualitative study on healthcare professional and patient perspectives on nurse-led virtual prostate cancer survivorship care.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7112023A Multicenter Retrospective Database Evaluation of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed With Tinea Capitis.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7122023Optimization of Signal Space Separation for Optically Pumped Magnetometer in Magnetoencephalography.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7132023Staffing levels and hospital mortality in England: a national panel study using routinely collected data.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7142023Scoping review of African health histories: a protocol.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7152023Indicator-based approach for fluvial flood risk assessment at municipal level in Slovakia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7162023Red Media vs. Blue Media: Social Distancing and Partisan News Media Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7172023Interprofessional identity and motivation towards interprofessional collaboration.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7182023Telemedicine in non-communicable chronic diseases care during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring patients' perspectives.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7192023The role of co-occurring disorders in criminal recidivism and psychiatric recovery among adults with opioid use disorder and criminal-legal involvement: A statewide retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7202023Cardiac telerehabilitation under 5G internet of things monitoring: a randomized pilot study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7212023Opioids for acute and chronic pain when receiving psychiatric medications.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7222023In vivo deep-brain 2-photon fluorescent microscopy labeled with near-infrared dyes excited at the 1700 nm window.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7232023Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on health surveillance work.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7242023Czechia: Health System Review.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7252023Pre-implementation perceptions of clinicians regarding a patient portal in inpatient addictions settings: A qualitative descriptive study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7262023Spatial evaluation of healthcare accessibility across archipelagic communities of Maluku Province, Indonesia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7272023Acceptability and feasibility of a planned preconception weight loss intervention in women with long-acting reversible contraception: the Plan-it mixed-methods study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7282023Time of Clinic Appointment and Serious Illness Communication in Oncology.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7292023Implementation and Evaluation of a mHealth-Based Community Health Worker Feedback Loop for Hispanics with and at Risk for Diabetes.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7302023Real-time x-ray abnormality alerts for emergency departments using a radiographer comment model - a multisite pilot study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7312023The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric rheumatology practice: an international, cross-sectional survey study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7322023[Prevalence and drug treatment of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a very high risk of cardiovascular disease].Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7332023A Hybrid System for Automatic Identification of Corneal Layers on In Vivo Confocal Microscopy Images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7342023Identification of behavioural changes in reporting adverse events early during COVID-19: An ambulatory care perspective in Israel.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7352023The health information technology preferences and perceptions of newly diagnosed patients with cancer.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7362023Geographic Information Systems Utilization in Pediatric End-of-Life Research: A Scoping Review.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7372023Demonstration and Suggestion on the Communication Efficiency of New Media of Environmental Education Based on Ideological and Political Education.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7382023An interprofessional clinical experience to address social determinants of health.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7392023Facilitators of and barriers to perinatal telepsychiatry care: a qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7402023Patient informed consent for a clinical trial of gene-edited pig kidney transplantation: A representative consent form.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7412023PetBERT: automated ICD-11 syndromic disease coding for outbreak detection in first opinion veterinary electronic health records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7422023Telehealth Availability for Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7432023Compliance and satisfaction with treatment as a success of therapy effectiveness in the group of patients with ischemic heart disease: a cross-sectional study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7442023A real-time automated bone age assessment system based on the RUS-CHN method.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7452023Treating People Fairly: The Feeling that Underlies the Trends.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7462023National Oral Health Policy and Financing and Dental Health Status in 19 Countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7472023Identification of genetic profile and biomarkers involved in acute respiratory distress syndrome.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7482023Anthropogenic activities dominated tropical forest carbon balance in two contrary ways over the Greater Mekong Subregion in the 21st century.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7492023Household Dietary Diversity among the Ethnic Minority Groups in the Mekong Delta: Evidence for the Development of Public Health and Nutrition Policy in Vietnam.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7502023A 3-year qualitative evaluation of interprofessional team-based clinical education at an Australian dental school.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7512023Implementing Smartphone-Based Telemedicine for Cervical Cancer Screening in Uganda: Qualitative Study of Stakeholders' Perceptions.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7522023Choline metabolites and incident cardiovascular disease in a prospective cohort of adults: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7532023Assessing Differences in Social Determinants of Health Screening Rates in a Large, Urban Safety-Net Health System.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7542023Multicentre, observational, retrospective cohort of hyperkalaemia burden at haemodialysis facility-level in China: the Visualize-HD study protocol.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7552023An enhanced ant colony optimizer with Cauchy-Gaussian fusion and novel movement strategy for multi-threshold COVID-19 X-ray image segmentation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7562023Characterizing the One Health workforce to promote interdisciplinary, multisectoral approaches in global health problem-solving.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7572023Cardiovascular Disease and Its Implication for Higher Catastrophic Health Expenditures Among Households in Sub-Saharan Africa.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7582023Exploring Common Symptoms in Patients with Respiratory Allergies Using K-Means Algorithm in the North-East of Iran in 2012-2015.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7592023Plant invasion risk inside and outside protected areas: Propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors definitively matter.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7602023Impact of sleep deficiency on surgical performance: a prospective assessment.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7612023Biomarker testing communication, familiarity, and informational needs among people living with breast, colorectal, and lung cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7622023Exploring the impact of patient, physician and technology factors on patient video consultation satisfaction.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7632023Importance of decisional capacity tools in obtaining informed consent in clinical settings.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7642023Using Electronic Health Record System to Establish a National Patient's Registry : Lessons learned from the Cancer Registry in Iran.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7652023Feasibility and Safety of 5G-Based Telerobotic Abdominal Ultrasonography.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7662023Reductions in inhaler greenhouse gas emissions by addressing care gaps in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an analysis.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7672023A segmentation-based method improving the performance of N4 bias field correction on T2weighted MR imaging data of the prostate.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7682023Burn-out in the health workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities for workplace and leadership approaches to improve well-being.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7692023Effects of laryngeal mask ventilation on postoperative atelectasis in children undergoing day surgery: a randomized controlled trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
7702023Equity in the public social healthcare protection in Tanzania: does it matter on household healthcare financing?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7712023Drivers of disease severity and burden of hidradenitis suppurativa: a cross-sectional analysis on 553 German patients.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7722023Geographic variation in 5-year mortality following HIV diagnosis: implications for clinical interventions.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7732023Early-Phase Perceptions of COVID-19's Impact on Ophthalmology Practice Patterns: A Survey from the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology.Telemedicinabrasileiro
7742023Couple communication quality and family resilience among Chinese gynecologic cancer patients and their spouses: a dyadic study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7752023The Perception of Health Care Practitioners Regarding Telemedicine During COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia: Mixed Methods Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7762023Predictive Algorithm for Hepatic Steatosis Detection Using Elastography Data in the Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7772023Overcoming Obstacles: Barriers to Virtual Care Use Among Video-Enabled Tablet Recipients in the Veterans Health Administration.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
7782023Mapping the insomnia patient journey in Europe and Canada.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7792023Equivalent processing of facial expression and identity by macaque visual system and task-optimized neural network.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7802023Developing a Quantitative Staffing to Workload Tool in an Ambulatory Setting.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7812023Birth Notification and Registration: A Survey on Knowledge and Attitude Among Postpartum Women in Northwest Ethiopia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
7822023Gender Disparity in National Institutes of Health Funding Among Surgeon-Scientists From 1995 to 2020.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7832023Crowdsource authoring as a tool for enhancing the quality of competency assessments in healthcare professions.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7842023A spatial obesity risk score for describing the obesogenic environment using kernel density estimation: development and parameter variation.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
7852023Pilot of Outpatient Preoperative Evaluation Through Teleassistance.Telemedicinabrasileiro
7862023Maternal mortality, stillbirths, and neonatal mortality: a transition model based on analyses of 151 countries.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
7872023COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among a majority black sample in the Southern US: public health implications from a qualitative study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7882023Graduate students' perspectives on the role of faculty advisors in helping students with mental health problems.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7892023Acceptability of the eHealth Intervention Sustainable Worker Digital Support for Persons With Chronic Pain and Their Employers (SWEPPE): Questionnaire and Interview Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
7902023A Retrospective Database Analysis to Investigate Treatment Patterns and Health Care Resource Utilisation in Patients who CYCLe AntiMuscarinics in ENgland (CYCLAMEN).Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
7922023The impact of proton pump inhibitors on the course of ulcerative colitis: a cohort study of over 10,000 newly diagnosed patients in Norway.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
7932023Mitigation of motion-induced artifacts in cone beam computed tomography using deep convolutional neural networks.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
7942023Three Missed Critical Nursing Care Processes on Labor and Delivery Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
7952023Long-term cause of death patterns and mode of breast cancer detection in The Netherlands, 2004-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
7962023Financing health promotion, prevention and innovation despite the rising healthcare costs: How can the new German government square the circle?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
7972023Pediatric palliative care utilization by decedent children: A nationwide population-based study, 2002-2017.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
7982023Annual biomass spatial data for southern California (2001-2021): Above- and belowground, standing dead, and litter.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8002023Global Stroke Statistics 2023: Availability of reperfusion services around the world.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS); Telemedicinabrasileiro
8012023Using Location Intelligence to Evaluate the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in the United States: Spatiotemporal Big Data Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8022023Aligning Federated Learning with Existing Trust Structures in Health Care Systems.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8032023The Impact of COVID-19 on Multidisciplinary Care Delivery to Children with Cerebral Palsy and Other Neuromuscular Complex Chronic Conditions.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8042023Pediatric genitourinary injuries: 7-year experience at the largest tertiary referral hospital in Eastern part of Indonesia.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8052023Disparities in Telemedicine Use Among Children Seen in Surgical Clinics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience of One Tertiary Care Freestanding Children's Hospital.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8062023Impact of COVID-19 and system recovery in delivering healthcare to people with multiple sclerosis: a population-based Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8072023Retrospective cohort study to devise a treatment decision score predicting adverse 24-month radiological activity in early multiple sclerosis.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8082023Individual and Institutional Factors Contribute to Research Capacity Building for Early-Stage Investigators from Groups Underrepresented in Biomedical Research: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8092023Incidence of Lung Adenocarcinoma by Age, Sex, and Smoking Status in Taiwan.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8102023Cognitive function, self-management, and outcomes among liver transplant recipients: LivCog, a multicenter, prospective study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8112023Adult Severe Asthma Registries: A Global and Growing Inventory.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8122023Efficacy of telerehabilitation exercise in patients with chronic neck pain: a protocol for a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8132023A Principal Investigator as a PrEP-Using Peer Change Agent for HIV Prevention among Black Gay and Bisexual Men: An Autoethnography.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8142023The Perceived Usability of Virtual Visits Among Black Adults' Receiving Oncology Care: A Qualitative Analysis.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8152023Machine learning-based prediction models for home discharge in patients with COVID-19: Development and evaluation using electronic health records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8162023German Version of the mHealth App Usability Questionnaire in a Cohort of Patients With Cancer: Translation and Validation Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8172023Steroid-induced glaucoma: an avoidable cause of irreversible blindness.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8182023Joint optic disc and cup segmentation based on elliptical-like morphological feature and spatial geometry constraint.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8192023E-nursing homes: transforming access to nurses in nursing homes in response to the staffing crisis.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8202023[New morbidity following critical illness in Latin American children under 18 years old with lower respiratory tract infection].Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8212023Out-of-pocket expenditures and financial risks associated with treatment of vaccine-preventable diseases in Ethiopia: A cross-sectional costing analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8222023Comorbidity and outcomes among hospitalized patients with stroke: a nationwide inpatient analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8232023Spatio-temporal heterogeneity in the international trade resilience during COVID-19.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8242023Improving the Quality and Utility of Electronic Health Record Data through Ontologies.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8252023Sustaining training effects through physical activity coaching (STEP): a randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8262023Attachment in Couples Coping with Cancer: Associations with Observed Communication and Long-Term Health.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8272023If you Build it, Will they Come? Patient and Provider Use of a Novel Hybrid Telehealth Care Pathway for Low Back Pain.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8282023Effect of Standardized Reminder Calls on Trauma Patient No-Show Rate.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8292023Telemedicine Abortion.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8302023Chronic disease management in patients with intellectual disabilities: a matched study in Dutch general practice.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8312023A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8322023Winter Storm Uri Reduced Availability of Daily Direct-Care Nurse Staff in Texas Nursing Homes.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8332023Evaluating the health and health economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed cancer care in Belgium: A Markov model study protocol.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8342023Assessing progress towards universal health coverage in Cambodia: Evidence using survey data from 2009 to 2019.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8352023Preparedness of Iranian nurses against COVID-19: An analytical study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8362023Analysis of the Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Urbanization Quality in Zhejiang Province, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8372023Clinical features, etiologies, and outcomes of central nervous system infections in intensive care: A multicentric retrospective study in a large Brazilian metropolitan area.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8382023Innovative aberration correction in ultrasound diagnostics with direct phase estimation for enhanced image quality.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8392023Mobile homes in the land of illness: the hospitality and hostility of language in doctor-patient relations.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8402023COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS NEEDED IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC PATIENTS' NEEDS THROUGH TELECARE.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8412023Patient informed choice in the age of evidence-based medicine: IVF patients' approaches to biomedical evidence and fertility treatment add-ons.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8422023Participant-guided development of bilingual genomic educational infographics for Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Phase IV study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8432023Important findings of a technology-assisted in-home music-based intervention for individuals with stroke: a small feasibility study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8442023Antibiotic Prescription Patterns in Children Under 5 Years of Age With Acute Diarrhea in Quito-Ecuador.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8452023Cerebral Autoregulation, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Injury Biomarkers, in Patients with COVID-19 Treated with Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8462023"It's Just a Checklist": Examining the Needs of Occupational Health and Safety Training for New Immigrant Workers in Canada.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8472023Characteristics of pulmonary artery catheter use in multicenter ICUs in Japan and the association with mortality: a multicenter cohort study using the Japanese Intensive care PAtient Database.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8482023Addiction to a bad idea, especially in low- and middle-income countries: Contributory health insurance.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8492023SEIR Model to address the impact of face masks amid COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
8502023Do clinical and communication skills scores on credentialing exams predict potentially inappropriate antibiotic prescribing?Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8512023Organic carbon accumulation and aggregate formation in soils under organic and inorganic fertilizer management practices in a rice-wheat cropping system.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8522023Accessibility to manage the obstructive sleep apnea within the Brazilian Unified Health System.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8532023Effect of a telerehabilitation exercise program versus a digital booklet with self-care for patients with chronic non-specific neck pain: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial assessor-blinded, 3 months follow-up.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8542023A peer-led, school-based social network intervention for young people in the UK, promoting sexual health via social media and conversations with friends: intervention development and optimisation of STASH.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8552023Preferences of Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders Regarding the Timing and Channel of eHealth and Factors Influencing Its Use: Mixed Methods Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8562023Rates Among Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Treated With Convalescent Plasma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8572023Telehealth Experience Among Liver and Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Mixed Methods Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8582023Pharmaceutical management of type 2 diabetes among Indigenous Australians living in urban or rural locations: a comparative study using a national general practice database.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8592023Genetic forms of primary progressive aphasia within the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) cohort: comparison with sporadic primary progressive aphasia.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8602023Employment and leave while parenting children with medical complexity.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8612023Incidence, demographics and outcomes of patients with penetrating injury: a Japanese nationwide 10-year retrospective study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8622023Assessing the linkage among green finance, technology, and education expenditure: evidence from G7 economies.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8632023Association between antibiotics and asthma risk among adults aged over 40 years: a nationally representative retrospective cohort study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8642023Source apportionment and quantitative risk assessment of heavy metals at an abandoned zinc smelting site based on GIS and PMF models.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8652023Impact of implementing a vancomycin protocol to reduce kidney toxicity: A comparative study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8662023Telehealth effectiveness for pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery in Brazilian public services: the Combine! Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8672023Establishing Consensus on Essential Resources for Musculoskeletal Trauma Care Worldwide: A Modified Delphi Study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
8682023An accurate and time-efficient deep learning-based system for automated segmentation and reporting of cardiac magnetic resonance-detected ischemic scar.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8692023A qualitative analysis of female patient perspectives on physician communication regarding sexual dysfunction associated with pelvic radiotherapy.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8702023Development and feasibility of a telemedicine tool for patients with recurrent urinary tract infection: myRUTIcoach.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8712023Back to basics: likelihood ratios for olive and grass pollen specific IgE in seasonal allergic rhinitis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
8722023Data quality and patient characteristics in European ANCA-associated vasculitis registries: data retrieval by federated querying.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8732023Pharmacist-led review of empagliflozin and ertugliflozin following formulary update.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8742023Adaptive-weighted high order TV algorithm for sparse-view CT reconstruction.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8752023Quantifying Value of Worksite Well-Being Programs With a Health Equity Lens: It's Time to Raise the Bar.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8762023The admission pH is a risk factor of preoperative deep vein thrombosis in geriatric hip fracture: a retrospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8772023Direct and Indirect Management Models in Public Health in the Framework of Mental Health.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8782023Development and User Testing of a Dynamic Tool for Rheumatic Heart Disease Management.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8792023GIS-based fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of urban flooding risk with socioeconomic index system development.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8802023Habitual physical activity minimizes healthcare costs resulting from comorbidities among adults with cardiovascular diseases.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8812023Brazilian Medical Survey on Telemedicine since the onset of COVID-19.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8822023The presence of COVID-19 face masks in the largest hypersaline lagoon of South America is predicted by urbanization level.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
8832023ChatGPT, public health communication and 'intelligent patient companionship'.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8842023[Features of the appeal for pediatric otorhinolaryngological care in conditions of increased biological risks].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8852023Clinician views on how clinical decision support systems can help diagnose asthma in primary care: a qualitative study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
8862023E-Health Interventions for Older Adults With Frailty: A Systematic Review.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
8872023Optimizing Longitudinal Tobacco Cessation Treatment in Lung Cancer Screening: A Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
8882023AIGAN: Attention-encoding Integrated Generative Adversarial Network for the reconstruction of low-dose CT and low-dose PET images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
8892023Mental Health Nurses' Self-Care at Work, Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
8902023Prevalence and predictors of post-COVID-19 symptoms in general practice - a registry-based nationwide study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
8912023Climate change and the burden of healthcare financing in African households.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
8922023MassWateR: Improving quality control, analysis, and sharing of water quality data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
8932023Land-System Changes and Migration Amidst the Opium Poppy Collapse in the Southern Highlands of Oaxaca, Mexico (2016-2020).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
8942023Survival analysis over a 20-year period of a Brazilian cohort of blood donors coinfected HIV-HCV.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
8952023Digital Platform for Continuous Monitoring of Patients Using a Smartwatch: Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
8962023Effectiveness of a standardised patient simulation programme in undergraduate nursing students 6 months after implementation: A quasi-experimental study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8972023Canadian Physiotherapists Integrate Virtual Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
8982023Implementing Shared Decision-Making for Multiple Sclerosis: The MS-SUPPORT Tool.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
8992023EASIER: A new model for online learning of minimally invasive surgery skills.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9002023Exercise Prescription Principles among Physicians and Physical Therapists for Patients with Impaired Glucose Control: A Cross-Sectional Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9012023Brain-wide and cell-specific transcriptomic insights into MRI-derived cortical morphology in macaque monkeys.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9022023Occupational Hand Dermatitis in Health Care: Development and Evaluation of an Online Training E-Module.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9032023Prevalence and prognosis of bone metastases in common solid cancers at initial diagnosis: a population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9042023Fewer Than One in 20 Current Academic Orthopaedic Surgeons Have Obtained National Institutes of Health Funding.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9052023Changes in Characteristics of Patients Initiating and Discontinuing Advanced Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Following the Release of Safety Data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9062023Spatially distributed water quality responses to freshwater discharge in a tropical estuary, Hilo Bay, Hawai'i.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9072023Investigation of cancer incidence in ELSA-Brasil.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúde; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9082023Face-to-face and telerehabilitation delivery of circuit training have similar benefits and acceptability in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9092023Training pharmacy students to deliver bad news using the SPIKES model.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9102023Benefits and Challenges of Remote Patient Monitoring as Perceived by Health Care Practitioners: A Systematic Review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9112023Efficacy of Electronic Reminders in Increasing the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol Use During Major Breast Surgery: Prospective Cohort Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9122023Are there differences in the patient-reported medication-related problems among asthma and allergy patients? A community pharmacy survey in Finland.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9132023Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Extract High-Quality Information From Lung Cancer Screening Computerized Tomography Reports for Inter-Radiologist Audit and Feedback Quality Improvement.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9142023The PNG Midwifery Leadership Buddy Program: An evaluation.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9152023Foodborne botulism in Poland in 2018-2021.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9162023Hospital Expenditures Under Global Budgeting and Single-Payer Financing: An Economic Analysis, 2021-2030.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9172023Data completeness and consistency in individual medical records of institutional births: retrospective crossectional study from Northwest Ethiopia, 2022.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9182023Distribution and Risk of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9192023The association of obstructive sleep apnea and behavioral insomnia in children aged 10 and under.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9202023Accuracy of Remote Examination for Detecting Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9212023Reporting of blood pressure levels and self-monitoring practices: a survey among outpatients diagnosed with hypertension in Bogotá, Colombia.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
9222023A validation study for wide-range remote assessment of cognitive functions in the healthy older Japanese population: a pilot randomised crossover trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9232023Factors associated with low-compliance bladder in end-stage renal disease patients and development of a clinical prediction model for urodynamic evaluation: the DUDi score.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
9242023Use of a data repository to identify delirium as a presenting symptom of COVID-19 infection in hospitalized adults: a pilot study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9252023[Implementation of a virtual telehealth course for Chilean older adults and health students].Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9262023Real-world primary nonadherence to antiobesity medications.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9272023Artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnosis system supports diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: A multicenter study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9282023Ethnoracial differences in workplace drug testing and policies on positive drug tests in the United States.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9292023Hepatitis C in Poland in 2021.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9302023Occupational and geographical differentials in financial protection against healthcare out-of-pocket payments in Nepal: Evidence for universal health coverage.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9312023Drug Utilisation Patterns of Alternatives to Ranitidine-Containing Medicines in Patients Treated with Ranitidine: A Network Analysis of Data from Six European National Databases.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9322023Associations of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Bacteria Variants in Ixodes scapularis Ticks and Humans, New York, USA.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9332023Determining Medication Errors in an Adult Intensive Care Unit.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9342023Maternal health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of health workers in three Brazilian municipalities.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9352023The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Acute Diabetes Complications Among Community Health Center Patients.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
9362023General practice as a place to receive help for domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study in England and Wales.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9372023Architectural Design of a Blockchain-Enabled, Federated Learning Platform for Algorithmic Fairness in Predictive Health Care: Design Science Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9382023A randomized prospective trial of an ostomy telehealth intervention for cancer survivors.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9392023Korea hypertension fact sheet 2022: analysis of nationwide population-based data with a special focus on hypertension in the elderly.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9402023In situ structure of the red algal phycobilisome-PSII-PSI-LHC megacomplex.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9412023Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Health Care Workers During COVID-19 by Leveraging Chatbot Technology: Development and Usability Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9422023Widening area-based socioeconomic inequalities in cancer mortality in Germany between 2003 and 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9432023The impact of community-based health insurance on health service utilization and financial risk protection in Ethiopia.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9442023Estimation of non-health gross domestic product (NHGDP) loss due to COVID-19 deaths in West Bengal, India.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9452023Statistical analysis of shoreline change reveals erosion and baseline are increasing off the northern Tamil Nadu Coasts of India.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9462023Primaquine dose and the risk of haemolysis in patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9472023Beliefs and expectations of patients with fibromyalgia about telerehabilitation during Covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9482023Proposal of a Context-sensitive ECG Collection Mobile Health System for Ambulatory Cardiovascular Diseases.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
9492023Interpreting technology: Use and non-use of doctor-patient video consultations in Danish general practice.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9502023Adolescent, parent, and provider attitudes toward a machine-learning based clinical decision support system for selecting treatment for youth depression.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9512023Concerning the Article "Telemedicine Visits Can Generate Highly Accurate Diagnoses and Surgical Plans for Spine Patients".Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9522023Prevalence and clinical implications of polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication in elderly patients with heart failure: results of six months' follow-up.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9532023Aberrant Large-Scale Network Interactions Across Psychiatric Disorders Revealed by Large-Sample Multi-Site Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Datasets.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9542023Challenges of midwifery staff at Tehran hospitals: A qualitative study from the midwifery managers perspective.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9552023Tuberculosis incidence in foreign-born people residing in European countries in 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9562023The Flipped Break-Even: Re-Balancing Demand- and Supply-Side Financing of Health Centers in Cambodia.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9572023A comprehension on structure guided alignment dependent 3D-QSAR modelling, and molecular dynamics simulation on 2,4-thiazolidinediones as aldose reductase inhibitors for the management of diabetic complications.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9582023Groundwater Quality, Health Risk Assessment, and Source Distribution of Heavy Metals Contamination around Chromite Mines: Application of GIS, Sustainable Groundwater Management, Geostatistics, PCAMLR, and PMF Receptor Model.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9592023Effect of primaquine dose on the risk of recurrence in patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9602023Telehealth in oral medicine: A cross-sectional evaluation based on a mobile application.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9612023Perceptions of Acute Care Telemedicine Among Caregivers for Persons Living with Dementia: A Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9622023Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness Among the Stakeholders of Clinical Research at the Site: A Collaborative, Electronic-Survey Approach to Identify the Indicators of Quality.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
9632023Semi-automation of keratopathy visual acuity grading of corneal events in belantamab mafodotin clinical trials: clinical decision support software.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9642023Reliability of telemedicine evaluation for EDSS functional systems in multiple sclerosis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9652023Trends in Prescription Chronic Pain Medication Use before and during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Québec, Canada: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9662023Automated prediction of COVID-19 severity upon admission by chest X-ray images and clinical metadata aiming at accuracy and explainability.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9672023Emotional demands and all-cause and diagnosis-specific long-term sickness absence: a prospective cohort study in Sweden.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9682023Completeness of regional cancer registry data in Northwest Russia 2008-2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9692023Associations Between State and Local Government Spending and Pregnancy-Related Mortality in the U.S.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9702023A political economy analysis of strengthening health information system in Tanzania.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9712023Evaluation of Human Settlement Environment and Identification of Development Barriers Based on the Ecological Niche Theory: A Case Study of Northern Shaanxi, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
9722023Effects of LDLR variants rs5928, rs750518671 and rs879254797 on protein structure and functional activity in HepG2 cells transfected with CRISPR/Cas9 constructs.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9732023Proposed public policies to improve outcomes in vascular surgery: an experts' forum.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9742023A Model of Proactive Tele-Oncology Nursing Triage Through Remote Monitoring of Patient-Generated Health Data.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9752023Microlevel Clinical Decision Making: Challenges and Suggestions to Support Early-Career Clinicians Across Care Contexts.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9762023Evaluation of a self-imaging OCT for remote diagnosis and monitoring of retinal diseases.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9772023Clinical pharmacist practitioners on primary care teams play an important role in caring for complex patients with diabetes.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9782023Study of compatibility between a 3T MR system and detector modules for a second-generation RF-penetrable TOF-PET insert for simultaneous PET/MRI.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9792023The role of human resource management and governance in addressing bullying, burnout and the depersonalization of junior and senior psychiatric nurses in Saudi Arabia.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9802023Comparative age-period-cohort analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9812023Effectiveness of Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir Against the Development of Post-COVID-19 Conditions Among U.S. Veterans : A Target Trial Emulation.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9822023Machine Learning Model to Predict Graft Rejection After Kidney Transplantation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9832023Interobserver Agreement and Satisfaction With the use of Telemedicine for Evaluating low Back Pain: A Primary, Observational, Cross-Sectional, Analytical Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9842023Using video consultations for clinical assessment and decision of treatment readiness before chemotherapy: A mixed-methods study among patients with gastrointestinal cancer and oncology nurses.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9852023Women's experiences with non-invasive prenatal testing in Switzerland: a qualitative analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
9862023Comparing a data entry tool to provider insight alone for assessment of COVID-19 hospitalization risk: A matched cohort comparison.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9872023Prescription of vitamin D was associated with a lower incidence of hip fractures.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
9882023Distinctive alterations in the mesocorticolimbic circuits in various psychiatric disorders.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
9892023Intensivist physician-to-patient ratios and mortality in the intensive care unit.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
9902023FEEDBACK trial - A randomised control trial to investigate the effect of personalised feedback and financial incentives on reducing the incidence of road crashes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
9912023Household catastrophic health expenditure for COVID-19 during March-August 2021, in South India: a cross-sectional study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
9922023DOACs vs Vitamin K Antagonists During Cardiac Rhythm Device Surgery: A Multicenter Propensity-Matched Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
9932023Influence of polymorphisms in IRS1, IRS2, MC3R, and MC4R on metabolic and inflammatory status and food intake in Brazilian adults: An exploratory pilot study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
9942023Telemedicine in Brazil: Teleconsultations at the Largest University Hospital in the Country.Telemedicinabrasileiro
9952023Content Analysis of American Network News Coverage of Prevention Strategies During the Initial Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9962023Conducting inclusive research in genetics for transgender, gender-diverse, and sex-diverse individuals: Case analyses and recommendations from a clinical genomics study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
9972023Perspectives and Needs of Malaysian Patients With Diabetes for a Mobile Health App Support on Self-Management of Diabetes: Qualitative Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9982023A study protocol to develop and test an e-health intervention in follow-up service for intensive care survivors' relatives.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
9992023Rural Community Pharmacy Approaches to Lethal Means Management for Suicide Prevention.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10002023Design and Validation of a Custom-Made Hyperspectral Microscope Imaging System for Biomedical Applications.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10012023The experiences of nurses during the COVID-19 crisis in India and the role of the state: A qualitative analysis.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10022023Age-Stratified Prevalence and Relative Prognostic Significance of Traditional Atherosclerotic Risk Factors: A Report from the Nationwide Registry of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Japan.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10032023[Approximation to the budgetary cost of universalizing oral health in Spain].Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
10042023[Big data analysis of coastal illegal fishing from the perspective of compensation of ecological and environmental damage].Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10052023First assessment of Iranian pomegranate germplasm using targeted metabolites and morphological traits to develop the core collection and modeling of the current and future spatial distribution under climate change conditions.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10062023Stages of care for patients with chronic hepatitis C at a hospital in southern Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10072023Continuing education with a holistic approach to the Brazilian LGBT+ population through use of the m-health App.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10082023Modern medical schools curricula: Necessary innovations and priorities for change.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10092023FLASH Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Bone Metastases (FAST-01): Protocol for the First Prospective Feasibility Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
10102023Short-term predictor for COVID-19 severity from a longitudinal multi-omics study for practical application in intensive care units.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10112023Anxiety and Somatoform Syndromes Predict Transplant-Focused Internet Use in the Course of an Organ Transplantation.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10122023Introducing Braining-physical exercise as adjunctive therapy in psychiatric care: a retrospective cohort study of a new method.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10132023Lesion detection of chest X-Ray based on scalable attention residual CNN.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10142023Perspectives on National Institutes of Health Funding Requirements for Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Medical Scientist Training Program Leadership.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10152023In-hospital mortality and cardiovascular treatment during hospitalization for heart failure among patients with schizophrenia: a nationwide cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10162023Comprehensive Analysis of DNA Methyltransferases Expression in Primary and Relapsed Ovarian Carcinoma.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10172023Optimizing machine learning algorithms for spatial prediction of gully erosion susceptibility with four training scenarios.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10182023Epidemiological profile and effectiveness of immediate postpartum contraception in Brazilian women.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10192023Use of telehealth for psychosocial oncology: A mixed methods study about barriers to and opportunities with Latino patients from Latin America, Spain, and the United States.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10202023Telemedicine Service Adoption During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Physicians' Experience from Nigeria.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10212023Impact of automatic tools for detecting new lesions on therapeutic strategies offered to patients with MS by neurologists.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10222023The Impact of COVID-19 and Policy Changes on Immediate Postpartum Contraception and Permanent Contraception at an Urban Hospital: A Retrospective Cohort Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10232023Trends in Delirium and New Antipsychotic and Benzodiazepine Use Among Hospitalized Older Adults Before and After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10242023Pulsed frequency modulated ultrasound promotes therapeutic effects of osteoporosis induced by ovarian failure in mice.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10252023The challenges of change processes for nurse leaders-a qualitative study of long-term leaders' experiences over 25 years.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10262023Volume-outcome relationship in balloon aortic valvuloplasty: results of a consecutive, patient-level data analysis from a Japanese nationwide multicentre registry (J-SHD).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10272023The Road Ahead and Challenges of Revenue Cycle Management in Saudi Governmental Hospitals.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10282023Associations of home and neighborhood environments with children's physical activity in the U.S.-based Neighborhood Impact on Kids (NIK) longitudinal cohort study.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10292023Association between duration of smoking abstinence before non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis and survival: a retrospective, pooled analysis of cohort studies.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10302023Telemonitoring as a Telehealth strategy to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in a Brazilian capital.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10312023Exploring colorectal cancer survivors' perspectives on improving care delivery and the role of e-health technology: a qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10322023Evaluation of consent forms for clinical practice in Spanish Public Hospitals.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
10332023Accelerating artificial intelligence: How federated learning can protect privacy, facilitate collaboration, and improve outcomes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10342023Changes in Physician Electronic Health Record Use With the Expansion of Telemedicine.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10352023Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on COPD admissions to Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand 2020-2021: a combined quantitative and qualitative study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10362023Guided-deconvolution for correlative light and electron microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10372023Investigation of key domains associated with worker well-being and burnout and turnover in the early care and education workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10382023Predictors of in-hospital mortality after successful weaning of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in cardiogenic shock.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10392023Improving policy, financing and delivery of postnatal care services.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
10402023Analysis of Parents' Attitudes and Knowledge toward Immunization and How These Factors Influence Their Decisions to Vaccinate Their Children against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10412023Analysis of Himalayan marmot distribution and plague risk in Qinghai province of China using the "3S" technology.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10422023Glucose-lowering treatment pathways of individuals with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes according to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes 2012 risk classification.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10432023Evaluation of the effectiveness of the FOCUS ADHD App in monitoring adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10442023Equity in virtual care: A mixed methods study of perspectives from physicians.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10452023Improving the Practice of Obtaining Informed Consent for Biobanking in Clinical Settings.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
10462023Impact of clinical decision support on controlled substance prescribing.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10472023Contrasting MMPI-3 validity scale effectiveness differences across in-person and telehealth administration procedures.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10482023Patterns and Trends in the Use of Medications for COPD Control in a Cohort of 9476 Colombian Patients, 2017-2019.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10492023A viscosity-sensitivity probe for cross-platform multimodal imaging from mitochondria to animal.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10502023URiMs and Imposter Syndrome: Symptoms of Inhospitable Work Environments?Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10512023Global variations in lung cancer incidence by histological subtype in 2020: a population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10522023Assessing Changes in Colon Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Four-Year Analysis at a Romanian University Hospital.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10532023Geospatial techniques for monitoring and mitigating climate change and its effects on human health.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10542023Temporal profile of adverse drug reactions and associated clinical factors: a prospective observational study in a neonatal intensive care unit.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10552023Expansion of testing, isolation, quarantine, e-health and telemonitoring strategies in socioeconomically vulnerable neighbourhoods at primary healthcare in the fight against COVID-19 in Brazil: a study protocol of a multisite testing intervention using a mixed method approach.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10562023High-Yield, Case-Based, Interactive Workshop on Telehealth and Teleneurology With Pediatric Resident Physicians.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10572023Utilisation and barriers of PoCUS in a rural emergency department - A quality improvement project.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10582023The use and access to contraception in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic period.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10592023Dilemma Facing Patients Aged 75 Years and Older on Fluid Restriction When Drug Package Inserts Advise Use of a Lot of Water: A Cross-Sectional, Descriptive, and Hypothesis-Generating Study Using a Large Claims Database.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10602023Direct co-registration of [Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10612023A Match Made in Rural: Interpreting Match Rates and Exploring Best Practices.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10622023Incidence of mesothelioma in young people and causal exposure to asbestos in the Italian national mesothelioma registry (ReNaM).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10632023Distinct Food Triggers for Migraine, Medication Overuse Headache and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10642023Enhancement of sustainable bioenergy production by valorising tomato residues: A GIS-based model.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10652023Trajectory of blood pressure levels and weight gain in pregnant women: A group-based approach.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10662023Telemedicine Support for Primary Care Providers versus Usual Care in Patients with Heart Failure: Protocol of a Pragmatic Cluster Randomised Trial within the Brazilian Heart Insufficiency with Telemedicine (BRAHIT) Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10672023Implementing an Experiential Telehealth Training and Needs Assessment for Residents and Faculty at a Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10682023Escape to the future - a qualitative study of physicians' views on the work environment, education, and support in a digital context.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10692023Telepsychiatry readiness assessment at the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Hospital, Indonesia.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10702023MANAGING ARTHRITIS PAIN: MEDICATIONS AND LIFESTYLE CHANGES.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10712023Lighting up RNA-specific multi-photon and super-resolution imaging using a novel zinc complex.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10722023How work-family conflict influences emergency department nurses' turnover intention: The mediating role of positive and negative affect.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10732023COVID-19 incidence in women of reproductive age: a population-based study in Reggio Emilia, northern Italy.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10742023PEERNaija-a mobile health platform incentivizing medication adherence among youth living with HIV in Nigeria: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10752023A grammar for interpreting geo-analytical questions as concept transformations.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10762023Detection of Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction From Electrocardiographic Images.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10772023Tele-Intensive Care Unit Program in Brazil: Implementation and Expansion.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10782023Comparing the effect of social media-based drama, music and art therapies on reduction in post-traumatic symptoms among Nigerian refugees of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10792023High-dimensional deconstruction of pancreatic cancer identifies tumor microenvironmental and developmental stemness features that predict survival.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10802023Telemedicine Protocols for the Management of Patients with Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rural and Medically Underserved Areas in Gangwon State: Recommendations for Doctors with Less Expertise at Local Emergency Rooms.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10812023Predictors of opioid requirement among patients receiving free flap reconstruction to the head and neck.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10822023Deep Learning Solution for Quantification of Fluorescence Particles on a Membrane.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10832023The association between nurse continuity and hypospadias repair patient outcomes: A retrospective study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10842023Trends in the prevalence of common ocular conditions and comparison of ophthalmic outpatient utilisation related to these conditions in children with and without various types of disabilities: analysis of nationwide population-based data from Taiwan, 2014-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10852023Financing gaps for Pakistan's contraceptive prevalence goals: Analyses using the Guttmacher adding-it-up methodology.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
10862023Development and validation of a risk prediction model for osteoporosis in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective and multicenter study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10872023Aesthetic results were more satisfactory after oncoplastic surgery than after total breast reconstruction according to patients and surgeons.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10882023Telehealth for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a multidisciplinary service in a Brazilian reference center.Telemedicinabrasileiro
10892023An Evaluation of Interactive mHealth Applications for Adults Living with Cancer.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
10902023Developing a machine learning algorithm to predict the probability of aseptic loosening of the glenoid component after anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty: protocol for a retrospective, multicentre study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
10912023Effects of a telehealth program for wound healing promotion on the wound healing level in patients with diabetes undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
10922023DASH-HF Study: A Pragmatic Quality Improvement Randomized Implementation Trial for Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
10932023A U-Shaped Network Based on Multi-level Feature and Dual-Attention Coordination Mechanism for Coronary Artery Segmentation of CCTA Images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
10942023Migrant Care Workers' Perceptions of Their Working Conditions in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
10952023Incidence patterns of childhood cancer in two tertiary hospitals in Ghana from 2015 to 2019: A retrospective observational study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
10962023Community-level determinants of stakeholder perceptions of community stigma toward people with opioid use disorders, harm reduction services and treatment in the HEALing Communities Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
10972023A two-phase clustering approach for traffic accident black spots identification: integrated GIS-based processing and HDBSCAN model.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
10982023Pediatric Dysphonia and the Access to Voice Therapy: A Study in Speech Therapy Services Available in a Capital City in the Northeast of Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
10992023Feasibility for evaluating motor aspects of Parkinson's disease through video consultations in a resource-limited setting in Southern Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11002023Messaging to prevent and reduce young adults' waterpipe tobacco smoking: A randomized trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11012023Impact of approval of home use of misoprostol in England on access to medical abortion: An interrupted time series analysis.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11022023A resilient workforce: patient safety and the workforce response to a cyber-attack on the ICT systems of the national health service in Ireland.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11032023Caregiver Support Role in Occupational Therapy Video Telehealth: A Scoping Review.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11042023Opicapone versus entacapone: Head-to-head retrospective data-based comparison of healthcare resource utilization in people with Parkinson's disease new to catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor treatment.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11052023Development of brain state dynamics involved in working memory.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11062023Analysis of home care nurses' workload: A time-motion study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11072023Unchanged incidence but change in treatment trends from 1996 to 2018: 23,718 humeral shaft fractures from the Danish National Patient Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11082023Does green finance and ICT matter for sustainable development: role of government expenditure and renewable energy investment.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
11092023Diabetes Study of Children of Diverse Ethnicity and Race: Study design.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11102023Exploratory regression modeling for flood susceptibility mapping in the GIS environment.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
11112023Body composition, lipid profile and clinical parameters are predictors of prognosis in patients with heart failure: Two-year follow-up.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11122023Mobile health can be patient-centered and help solve inequality issues in Brazil's Unified Health System.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11132023Early detection of respiratory disease outbreaks through primary healthcare data.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11142023Digital solutions to follow up on discharged new parents-A systematic literature review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11152023Insights from UKCTOCS for design, conduct and analyses of large randomised controlled trials.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11162023Usability and utility of a remote monitoring system to support physiotherapy for people with Parkinson's disease.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11172023Association between chiropractic spinal manipulation and gabapentin prescription in adults with radicular low back pain: retrospective cohort study using US data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11182023Image-spectral decomposition extended-learning assisted by sparsity for multi-energy computed tomography reconstruction.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11192023Barriers and enabling factors for workplace integration of internationally qualified nurses: A qualitative study of perceptions of German nurses.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11202023[Trends in the lifetime risk to be diagnosed with cancer in the Netherlands].Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11212023Expectation of clinical decision support systems: a survey study among nephrologist end-users.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11222023The epidemiology of ketosis and low bicarbonate concentration in inpatients treated with sodium-glucose linked cotransporter inhibitors or dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11232023Clinical validation of a smartphone-based retinal camera for diabetic retinopathy screening.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11242023Serological and Molecular Survey ofNotificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11252023Telehealth Talk on Reddit: Understanding How Language Use About Telemedicine Evolved Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11262023Clinicians' Views on Using Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges, and Beyond.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11272023Craniofacial Pain Management in Severe COVID-19 Patients During the Pandemic Peak in Kosovo: A Comprehensive Approach.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11282023Pre-diagnostic prescribing patterns in dyspnoea patients with as-yet-undiagnosed lung cancer: A longitudinal study of linked primary care and cancer registry data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11292023CNTSeg: A multimodal deep-learning-based network for cranial nerves tract segmentation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11302023Challenges and Approaches to High-Level Isolation Unit Staffing and Just-in-Time Training: A Meeting Report.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11312023Age-period-cohort analysis and projection of cancer mortality in Hong Kong, 1998-2030.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11322023Decomposition of socioeconomic inequalities in catastrophic out-of-pocket expenditure for healthcare in Canada.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
11332023A retrospective study of people with familial hypercholesterolaemia in a Belgian lipid clinic.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11342023Acute Chagas disease associated with ingestion of contaminated food in Brazilian western Amazon.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11352023Physical Performance and Mobility Tests Using Telehealth: A Feasibility Study With Athletes.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11362023Trends in the Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Paracoccidioidomycosis in the Endemic Area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11372023Print media coverage of breastfeeding in Great Britain: Positive or negative?Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11382023Effect of teleconsultation on the application of thrombolytic therapy in stroke patients in the emergency department.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11392023Healthcare in Vietnam: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Improve Patient Care Outcomes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11402023Implementing smoking cessation in routine primary care-a qualitative study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11412023The Experience of Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in 2021 During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The UNCOVER Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11422023Cortical activation in robot-assisted dynamic and static resistance training combining VR interaction: An fNIRS based pilot study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11432023Original Research: Nurses' Experiences with Racial, Ethnic, Cultural, and Religious Discrimination in the Workplace: A Qualitative Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11442023Major Congenital Anomalies in Korean Livebirths in 2013-2014: Based on the National Health Insurance Database.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11452023Drug overdoses, geographic trajectories, and the influence of built environment and neighborhood characteristics.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
11462023Global disparities in mortality and liver transplantation in hospitalised patients with cirrhosis: a prospective cohort study for the CLEARED Consortium.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11472023Lower Extremity Physical Performance Tests for the Assessment of Athletes via Telehealth are Reliable.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11482023Estimating the real burden of gestational syphilis in Brazil, 2007-2018: a Bayesian modeling study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11492023Obtaining human teeth for dental education: A cross-sectional study to create ethical and transparent processes.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
11502023[Evidence of effectiveness of hospital transition care in the elderly: rapid systematic reviewEvidencia de la eficacia de la atención transitoria prestada a las personas mayores después de la hospitalización: revisión sistemática rápida].Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11512023Prehospital stroke scales outperform National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in predicting large vessel occlusion in a large academic telestroke network.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11522023Insomnia management in Dutch general practice: a routine care database study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11532023Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11542023Physician leadership during the current crisis in healthcare: A perspective drawn from anthropological and clinical leadership research.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11552023One-year prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity of borderline personality disorder in a medical certificate population: a registry study of psychiatric outpatients in community mental health care in the city of Oulu.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11562023Show me the money: how do we justify spending health care dollars on digital health?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
11572023How are exclusively data journals indexed in major scholarly databases? An examination of four databases.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11582023A county-level analysis of association between social vulnerability and COVID-19 cases in Khuzestan Province, Iran.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
11592023Comorbidities do not mitigate the effect of habitual physical activity on the reduction of healthcare costs among adults with cardiovascular diseases: A mediation analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11602023Development of an anatomical breast phantom from polyvinyl chloride plastisol with lesions of various shape, elasticity and echogenicity for teaching ultrasound examination.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11612023Salus Platform: A Digital Health Solution Tool for Managing Syphilis Cases in Brazil-A Comparative Analysis.Gerenciamento de dados; Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11622023Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations: Findings from the International Sex Survey (ISS).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
11632023A Multifaceted Campaign to Combat COVID-19 Misinformation in the Hispanic Community.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11642023The Significance of Physician-Patient Communication on Telemedicine Patients' Health Outcomes: Evidence from Indonesia.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11652023The role of intrathecal free light chains kappa for the detection of autoimmune encephalitis in subacute onset neuropsychiatric syndromes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11662023Individual- and neighborhood-level characteristics of lung cancer screening participants undergoing telemedicine shared decision making.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11672023Drug adherence and treatment duration for denosumab and mortality risk among hip fracture patients.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11682023Encoding of dynamic facial information in the middle dorsal face area.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11692023COVID-19 Infections and Predictors of Sickness Related Absences Among Healthcare Workers: The Experience of a Tertiary Care Center With the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11702023Association between the extension of smoke-free legislation and incident acute myocardial infarctions in Singapore from 2010 to 2019: an interrupted time-series analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11712023The effect of health financing systems on health system outcomes: A cross-country panel analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
11722023PADAPT 1.0 - the Pannonian Dataset of Plant Traits.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11732023GIS-Based Study of Dental Accessibility and Caries in 3-Year-Old Japanese Children.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
11742023Pressure ulcer incidence in critically ill patients: Role of body mass index, nutrition therapy, and other non-nutritional factors.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11752023Development and international validation of custom-engineered and code-free deep-learning models for detection of plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity: a retrospective study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11762023Paracoccidioidomycosis and pregnancy: A 40-year single-center cohort study in the endemic area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
11772023Laser Epilation as an Adjunct to Standard Care in Reducing Pilonidal Disease Recurrence in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11782023Sustaining a New Model of Acute Stroke Care: A Mixed-Method Process Evaluation of the Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11792023COVID-Net Biochem: an explainability-driven framework to building machine learning models for predicting survival and kidney injury of COVID-19 patients from clinical and biochemistry data.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11802023Effectiveness and feasibility of a mobile health self-management intervention in rheumatoid arthritis: study protocol for a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial (AEGORA).Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11812023The Comparative Effectiveness of Monotherapy and Combination Therapies: Impact of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers on the Onset of Alzheimer's Disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11822023An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11832023Impact of leadership on the nursing workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11842023Health care service use by people diagnosed with invasive melanoma in Queensland: a benefit incidence analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
11852023Tracking development assistance for mental health: time for better data.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
11862023[Alzheimer's disease classification based on nonlinear high-order features and hypergraph convolutional neural network].Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
11872023GIS-based spatial suitability assessment for pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas reef restoration: A case study of Laizhou Bay, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
11882023Exposure of children to smoke in clay figures craft in Caruaru, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
11892023An online platform for COVID-19 diagnostic screening using a machine learning algorithm.Telemedicinabrasileiro
11902023Completeness and quality of information about death from COVID-19 in a Brazilian state: A descriptive population-based register study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
11912023Leigh syndrome global patient registry: uniting patients and researchers worldwide.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
11922023Measuring patient satisfaction with four items: validity of the client satisfaction questionnaire 4 in an outpatient population.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11932023Perspectives of telehealth access and implementation in people recovering from serious transport injury, health care providers and compensation system staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
11942023Raring to go? A cross-sectional survey of student paramedics on how well they perceive their UK pre-registration course to be preparing them to manage suspected seizures.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
11952023Training and telemedicine: the key to the palliative medicine specialist shortage?Telemedicinaestrangeiro
11962023Occupational Therapy After Breast Cancer Reconstructive Surgery: A Predictor for Opioid Prescriptions.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
11972023Using optimal controlled singlet spin order to accurately target molecular signal in MRI and MRS.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
11982023Effect of improvement measures in reducing interruptions in a Japanese hospital pharmacy using a synthetic approach based on resilience engineering and systems thinking.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
11992023Primary intracranial lymphomas-incidence and survival: a population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12002023From disease- to people-centred pandemic management: organized communities, community-oriented primary care and health information systems.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12012023Hospital Dermatology: analysis of dermatological consultations in a tertiary teaching hospital.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12022023Evaluation of patients treated by telemedicine in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in São Paulo, Brazil: A non-randomized clinical trial preliminary study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12032023Role of the exercise professional in metabolic and bariatric surgery.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12042023The ceramic coated implant (CCI). Evolution total ankle replacements: a retrospective analysis of 40 ankles with 8 years follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12052023Use of Information Communication Technologies by older people and telemedicine adoption during COVID-19: a longitudinal study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12062023Uncertainty quantification for gene delivery methods: A roadmap for pDNA manufacturing from phase I clinical trials to commercialization.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12072023Novel Method for Detecting the Stage of Arthrosis and Femoroacetabular Impingement Using a Gyroscopic Sensor and Neural Networks.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12082023Impact of enhanced pharmacy services on adherence for patients with hypertension.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12092023MSIr: Automatic Registration Service for Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Histology.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12102023Risk-adjusted policies to minimise perioperative staffing shortages during a pandemic: An agent-based simulation study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12112023Changes in Physical Activity and Incidence of Nonfatal Cardiovascular Events in 47 153 Survivors of Myocardial Infarction.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12122023Identifying factors that affect the use of health information technology in the treatment and management of hypertension.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12132023Real-world effectiveness and safety of multiple myeloma treatments based on thalidomide and bortezomib: A retrospective cohort study from 2009 to 2020 in a Brazilian metropolis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12142023Validation of a Satisfaction Scale with a Telemedicine COVID-19 Service: Satis-COVID.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12152023Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12162023Interviews with HIV Experts for Development of a Mobile Health Application in HIV Care-A Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12172023Definition of factor Xa inhibitor-related, life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding and guidance on when to use reversal therapy: A Delphi panel.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12182023Primary Health Care Midwives' Perceptions on the use of Telemedicine during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Spain.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12192023Focused transoesophageal TOE (fTOE): A new accreditation pathway.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12202023Effectiveness of Bundled Hyperpolypharmacy Deprescribing Compared With Usual Care Among Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12212023Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Mendelian Randomization Study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12222023Hospital characteristics associated with nurse staffing during labor and birth: Inequities for the most vulnerable maternity patients.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12232023The prognostic value of HALP score in predicting in-hospital mortality in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12242023Effective data quality management for electronic medical record data using SMART DATA.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12252023Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules (THYCOVID): a retrospective, international, multicentre, cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12262023Telemedicine: the experience of health professionals in the supplementary sector.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12272023The eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychometric evaluation across 42 countries.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12282023Evaluating the Impact of an mHealth Platform for Managing Acute Postoperative Dental Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12292023Introducing Telemedicine in Italy: Citizens' Awareness of a New Healthcare Resource.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12302023The pandemic experiences of Ontario perinatal providers: a qualitative study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12312023Co-design and Consultation Ensure Consumer Needs Are Met: Building an eHealth Platform for Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12322023Facilitating flexibility in postgraduate nursing education through entrustable professional activities to address nursing shortages and career prospects.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12332023Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of Digital Inhaler Adherence Technologies in Difficult-to-Treat Asthma.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12342023Case-based similar image retrieval for weakly annotated large histopathological images of malignant lymphoma using deep metric learning.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12352023Using the socio-ecological model to appraise perspectives on health workforce retention and intention to leave in Malawi and Tanzania: a qualitative longitudinal study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12362023Thigh-hip ratio is significantly associated with all-cause mortality among Japanese community-dwelling men.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12372023A web-based platform for the annotation and analysis of NAR-published databases.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12382023Community mental health care network: an evaluative approach in a Brazilian state.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12392023Telehealth Actions to Address COVID-19 in Latin American Countries.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12402023A geopositioned and evidence-graded pan-species compendium of Mayaro virus occurrence.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12412023A Comprehensive Exercise (COMEX) Intervention to Optimize Exercise Participation for Improving Patient-Centered Outcomes and Physical Functioning in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: Development and Pilot Testing.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12422023Attitudes and opinions of telehealth in the dental school environment: A survey study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12432023Engaging Multidisciplinary Clinical Users in the Design of an Artificial Intelligence-Powered Graphical User Interface for Intensive Care Unit Instability Decision Support.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12442023Six-Lead Electrocardiography Enables Identification of Rhythm and Conduction Anomalies of Patients in the Telemedicine-Based, Hospital-at-Home Setting: A Prospective Validation Study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12452023Identifying facilitators and barriers to culturally responsive communication for racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minoritized patients when screened for COVID-19 vaccinations: A scoping review protocol.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12462023[Assessment of prescribing practices in overactive bladder pharmacotherapy across different specialties of India: a prescription trend analysis].Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12472023Incomplete patient information exchange and unnecessary repeat diagnostics during oncological referrals in the Netherlands: exploring the role of information exchange.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12482023Managing missing and erroneous data in nurse staffing surveys.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12492023Cancer incidence among visual artists: 45 years of follow-up in four Nordic countries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12502023International Clinical Research Data Ecosystem: From Data Standardization to Federated Analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12512023Groundwater quality evaluation based on water quality indices (WQI) using GIS: Maadher plain of Hodna, Northern Algeria.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
12522023Clinical profile and severity predictors of coronavirus disease 19 infection in a reference center from southern Brazil: a cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12532023Telehealth use in primary healthcare collaborative interprofessional practice: protocol for a scoping review.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12542023Eating disorders in weight-related therapy (EDIT): Protocol for a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis of eating disorder risk in behavioural weight management.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12552023A qualitative study of stakeholder and researcher perspectives of community engagement practices for HIV vaccine clinical trials in South Africa.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12562023Patient Reported Outcome Measures for Patients With CKD: The Case for Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Tools.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12572023Benefits and challenges of telemedicine for heart failure consultations: a qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12582023An Actionable Expert-System Algorithm to Support Nurse-Led Cancer Survivorship Care: Algorithm Development Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12592023Impact of AfterAMI Mobile App on Quality of Life, Depression, Stress and Anxiety in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Open Label, Randomized Trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12602023Development and evaluation of a point-of-care ocular ultrasound curriculum for medical students - a proof-of-concept study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12612023Effects of U.S. State Medical Cannabis Laws on Treatment of Chronic Noncancer Pain.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12622023Interpretable laryngeal tumor grading of histopathological images via depth domain adaptive network with integration gradient CAM and priori experience-guided attention.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12632023Gender Differences in Perceived Working Conditions of General Practitioners During the COVID-19 Pandemic-a Cross-Sectional Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12642023Prevalence of, association with, severity of, and prognostic role of serum hemoglobin level in acutely decompensated heart failure patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12652023Quantitative fit-test concordance of a pair of similar-fit 3M Aura respirator models, 3M 9320A+ and 3M 1870+: A randomized crossover study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
12662023Cardiovascular sex-differences: insights via physiology-based modeling and potential for noninvasive sensing via ballistocardiography.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12672023Assessment of groundwater geochemistry for drinking and irrigation suitability in Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh using GIS-based statistical inference.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
12682023Clinico-Pathological Features Influencing the Prognostic Role of Body Mass Index in Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated by Immuno-Oncology Combinations (ARON-1).Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12692023Getting Connected to M-Health Technologies through a Meta-Analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12702023Compulsive sexual behavior disorder in 42 countries: Insights from the International Sex Survey and introduction of standardized assessment tools.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12712023Comparison of lotions, creams, gels and ointments for the treatment of childhood eczema: the BEE RCT.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12722023IMU-based classification of resistive exercises for real-time training monitoring on board the international space station with potential telemedicine spin-off.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12732023"It just made me feel better": qualitative examination of the implementation of a novel virtual psychosocial support program for adolescents with cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12742023Persistence of Telemedicine Usage for Breast and Prostate Cancer after the Peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12752023The Impact of Clinical Experience in Advanced Practice Nursing Education-A Cross-Sectional Study of Norwegian Advanced Practice Nurses' Perspectives.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12762023A checklist for a consistent, comprehensive medication review.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12772023Upregulation of Formaldehyde in Parkinson's Disease Found by a Near-Infrared Lysosome-Targeted Fluorescent Probe.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12782023Barriers to adequate nutrition care for child malnutrition in a low-resource setting: Perspectives of health care providers.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12792023Tumor characteristics and survival rate of HER2-low breast cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12802023Expanding the therapeutic landscape: ezetimibe as non-statin therapy for dyslipidemia.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12812023Spatiotemporal variation of autumn phenology responses to preseason drought and temperature in alpine and temperate grasslands in China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
12822023Metabolic control of diabetic patients assisted by private and public health care systems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12832023A novel algorithm to assess the quality of 12-lead ECG recordings: validation in a real telecardiology application.Telemedicinabrasileiro
12842023Analysis of Fluoride-Free Content on Twitter: Topic Modeling Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
12852023Patient-reported side effects and satisfaction of pre-hospital analgesia with low-dose esketamine: a cross-sectional study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12862023Utilization of Telemedicine during COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia: A Multicenter Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
12872023Are we meeting the standards set for informed consent in spinal surgery?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
12882023Provider Perspectives on Addressing Firearm Safety with Older Adults in Primary Care.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
12892023Assessments of and Attitudes towards Specialist Teleconsultations among Nephrology and Posttransplant Outpatients during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
12902023Maintenance of Certification (MOC)-Benefit vs Burden.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
12912023Trends in the use of psychotropics in older people with dementia: interrupted time series of Finnish clinical guidelines of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
12922023Mitral valve transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
12932023Nursing leadership and influence in practice domains at a Veterans Affairs Health Care System.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
12942023CBTRUS Statistical Report: Primary Brain and Other Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnosed in the United States in 2016-2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
12952023Effect of wearing different types of face masks during dynamic and isometric resistance training on intraocular pressure.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
12962023Real-world Effectiveness of Statin Therapy in Adult Asthma.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
12972023Correlating local chemical and structural order using Geographic Information Systems-based spatial statistics.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
12982023Antenatal detection of large-for-gestational-age fetuses following implementation of the Growth Assessment Protocol: secondary analysis of a randomised control trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
12992023Clinical and electrocardiographic outcomes evaluated by telemedicine of outpatients with clinical suspicion of COVID-19 treated with chloroquine compounds in BrazilTelemedicinabrasileiro
13002023Exploring dark kitchens in Brazilian urban centres: A study of delivery-only restaurants with food delivery apps.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13012023The Early Clinical Outcomes Following Unrestricted Caliper Verified Kinematic Alignment Using a Medial Stabilized Design Total Knee Arthroplasty With a Cruciate Retaining Insert.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13022023The experiences of health workers using telehealth services for diabetes-related foot complications: a qualitative exploration.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13032023Accuracy and Reliability of Chatbot Responses to Physician Questions.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13042023Molecular Tumour Board (MTB): From Standard Therapy to Precision Medicine.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13052023Evaluating the impact of continuing professional development courses on physician behavioral intention: a pre-post study with follow-up at six months.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13062023Prevalence and correlates of high-dose opioid use among survivors of head and neck cancer.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13072023Understanding the role of starch sheath layer in graviception of Alternanthera philoxeroides: a biophysical and microscopical study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13082023Combating the Nursing Shortage: Recruitment and Retention of Nephrology Nurses.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13092023Risk of developing glioblastoma following non-CNS primary cancer: a SEER analysis between 2000 and 2018.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13102023A novel role of TGFBI in macrophage polarization and macrophage-induced pancreatic cancer growth and therapeutic resistance.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13112023Epidemiological and molecular evaluation of BRAF, KRAS, NRAS genes and MSI in the development of colorectal cancer.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13122023Glaucoma and Telemedicine.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13132023Tweeting for Health Using Real-time Mining and Artificial Intelligence-Based Analytics: Design and Development of a Big Data Ecosystem for Detecting and Analyzing Misinformation on Twitter.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13142023Needle-free electronically controlled jet injection with corticosteroids in recalcitrant keloid scars: a retrospective study and patient survey.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13152023Collaborative PrEP Implementation Strategies for Latino Men Who have Sex with Men: A Health Center-Community Consensus Process.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13162023EASY Model: Development and Pilot Implementation of a Predictive Model to Identify Visits Appropriate for Telehealth in Rheumatology.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13172023Demand-oriented design of telemedical services in gynecologic oncology.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13182023Diversity competence training for health professionals in Europe: a modified delphi study investigating relevant content for short or online courses.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13192023Beliefs about medications when treating hypertension in primary health care: results from "PERson-centredness in hypertension management using information Technology (PERHIT)".Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13202023A Dilated Residual Network for Turbine Blade ICT Image Artifact Removal.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13212023Work-life balance and work engagement across the European workforce: a comparative analysis of welfare states.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13222023Population Characteristics and Organ Procurement Organization Performance Metrics.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13232023Machine learning-based computer-aided simple triage (CAST) for COVID-19 pneumonia as compared with triage by board-certified chest radiologists.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13242023The relationship of major depressive disorder with Crohn's disease activity.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13252023Use of Electronic Messages in the Follow-Up of Patients With Heart Failure: Randomized Pilot Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13262023Non-COVID-19 intensive care admissions during the pandemic: a multinational registry-based study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13272023Clinical Outcomes of a Monofocal, Optimized, Aspheric, Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lens Implant.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13282023Photographic Gel Artifact Simulating International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity Notch: Stanford University Network for Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity (SUNDROP) Report no. 16.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13292023Introduction: Early Diagnosis and Appropriate Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13302023Effect of telehealth-integrated antenatal care on pregnancy outcomes in Australia: an interrupted time-series analysis.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13312023Registered nurses' cultural orientation competence for culturally and linguistically diverse nurses in the hospital setting: A cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13322023"Because it is a rare disease…it needs to be brought to attention that there are things out of the norm": a qualitative study of patient and physician experiences of Wilson disease diagnosis and management in the US.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13332023Cortical Grey matter volume depletion links to neurological sequelae in post COVID-19 "long haulers".Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13342023The State of Health and Intentions for Action to Advance Mental Health and Well-being for the Nursing Workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13352023Mapping cancer in India: Implementing GIS for cancer research and registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13362023A computable biomedical knowledge object for calculating in-hospital mortality for patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13372023Completeness of Reporting in Diet- and Nutrition-Related Randomized Controlled Trials and Systematic Reviews With Meta-Analysis: Protocol for 2 Independent Meta-Research Studies.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13382023How to incorporate telemedicine in medical residency: A Brazilian experience in pediatric emergency.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13392023Effects of home confinement on physical activity, nutrition, and sleep quality during the COVID-19 outbreak in amateur and elite athletes.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13402023Patient-reported outcome measures more than fifteen years after treatment of sagittal or metopic craniosynostosis: a prospective cohort study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13412023Everybody hurts sometimes: perceptions of benefits and barriers in telemedical consultations.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13422023Primary care teams' reported actions to improve medication safety: a qualitative study with insights in high reliability organising.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13432023L-CPPA: Lattice-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for fog computing with 5G-enabled vehicular system.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13442023Competence-based catalog of learning objectives for the subject area of quality management in medical studies - position paper of the working group Quality Management in Education, Training and Continuing Education of the Society for Quality Management in Health Care (GQMG).Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13452023Real-world treatment patterns in patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease in the Netherlands based on medication dispensing data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13462023ACSN: Attention capsule sampling network for diagnosing COVID-19 based on chest CT scans.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13472023Training for Nurse Executives to Amplify the Voice of Nursing: AONL and George Washington University Partner on Pilot Program.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13482023Gout and the Prevalence of Dementia: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13492023Transforming health and well-being through publishing computable biomedical knowledge (CBK).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13502023Contraception in women with diabetes: adequacy of medical files registration and prescription - a cross-section study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13512023Neurosurgical Emergencies in the Amazon: An Epidemiologic Study of Patients Referred by Air Transport for Neurosurgical Evaluation at a Referral Center in Amazonas.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13522023Ovarian cancer pathology characteristics as predictors of variant pathogenicity in BRCA1 and BRCA2.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13532023Patient-Reported Outcomes Improve after Hypothenar Fat Flap for the Treatment of Recurrent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13542023The development and evaluation of a social media-based HIV knowledge dissemination platform in China.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13552023Evaluation of a telehealth program for high-risk pregnancy in a health service provider institution.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13562023Identifying, Understanding, and Addressing Disparities in Glaucoma Care in the United States.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13572023Veteran Cultural Competence Training: Initial Effectiveness and National-Level Implementation.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13582023Trends in Use of Medication to Treat Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 10 State Medicaid Programs.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13592023SDA-UNet: a hepatic vein segmentation network based on the spatial distribution and density awareness of blood vessels.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13602023A Systematic review protocol on workplace equality and inclusion practices in the healthcare sector.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13612023A registration trend in eyelid skin cancers and associated risk factors in Iran, 2005-2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13622023Optimization Strategy of College Students' Education Management Based on Smart Cloud Platform Teaching.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13632023Assessing changes in food pantry access after extreme events.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
13642023Food processing and cancer risk in Europe: results from the prospective EPIC cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13652023Patient and Healthcare Professional Insights of Home- and Remote-Based Clinical Assessment: A Qualitative Study from Spain and Brazil to Determine Implications for Clinical Trials and Current Practice.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13662023Measuring the Burden of Infodemics: Summary of the Methods and Results of the Fifth WHO Infodemic Management Conference.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13672023Net Promoter Score: a prospective, single-centre observational study assessing if a single question determined treatment success after primary or revision hip arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13682023[Primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13692023Real-world data emulating randomized controlled trials of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with venous thromboembolism.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13702023Use of Telemedicine and Quality of Care Among Medicare Enrollees With Serious Mental Illness.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13712023Competency assessment: a journey of lifelong learning.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13722023Postoperative Opioid Consumption Following Hallux Valgus and Rigidus Surgery: A Guide to Postoperative Prescription Writing.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13732023Experiences of Organizational Practices That Advance Women in Health Care Leadership.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13742023Incidence of neurocutaneous melanosis in Japanese pediatric patients with congenital melanocytic nevi.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13752023Improving computerized decision support system interventions: a qualitative study combining the theoretical domains framework with the GUIDES Checklist.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13762023Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Diabetes Mellitus in Indian Adult Population: a Secondary Data Analysis from Nationally Representative Surveys.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
13772023Clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital-manifested COVID-19 among Brazilians.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13782023Assessment of Pediatric Telemedicine Using Remote Physical Examinations With a Mobile Medical Device: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
13792023Food-Induced Anaphylaxis: Data From the European Anaphylaxis Registry.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
13802023Athletes Drink Gatorade: DMA Advertising Expenditures, Ad Recall, and Athletic Identity Influence Energy and Sports Drink Consumption.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13812023Assessment of antenatal care satisfaction amongst postpartum women at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13822023The challenges of telephone consultation program during severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 epidemic in Iran: A qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13832023Clinical impact of an integrated e-health system for diabetes self-management support and shared decision making (POWER2DM): a randomised controlled trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13842023Deep learning prediction of steep and flat corneal curvature using fundus photography in post-COVID telemedicine era.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13852023Addressing educational gaps through multidisciplinary team education in eosinophilic oesophagitis management.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
13862023Evaluation of antiglaucoma drug treatment awareness and patient-reported medication adherence: Determinants of glaucoma management.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
13872023TrEnD: A transformer-based encoder-decoder model with adaptive patch embedding for mass segmentation in mammograms.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
13882023Nurse Staffing Level, Length of Work Experience, and Risk of Health Care-Associated Infections Among Hospital Patients: A Prospective Record Linkage Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
13892023Decreasing incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma among most racial groups: SEER-22, 2000-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
13902023Disrupting healthcare? Entrepreneurship as an "innovative" financing mechanism in India's primary care sector.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
13912023Using Space Syntax Analysis to Measure Patient Aggression Risk.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
13922023Mathematical approach improves predictability of length of hospitalisation due to oral squamous cell carcinoma: a retrospective investigation of 153 patients.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
13932023Effective medical center finding during COVID-19 pandemic using a spatial DSS centered on ontology engineering.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
13942023Clinical and pharmacological factors associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 in a high complexity hospital in Manaus: A retrospective study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
13952023Single-port three-dimensional (3D) endoscopic-assisted breast surgery-preliminary results and patient-reported satisfaction in 145 breast cancer and gynecomastia cases.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13962023Stakeholders' Initial Experience With Telemedicine Services Introduced at 13 Government Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh, India During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
13972023AI-clinician collaboration via disagreement prediction: A decision pipeline and retrospective analysis of real-world radiologist-AI interactions.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
13982023Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study with Thematic Analysis of Patients and Caregivers Who Participated in Self-Help Groups.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
13992023The Role of Specialty Certification in Career-Long Competence.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14002023Descriptive analysis of poisoning cases involving attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications in Hong Kong.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14012023The human pre-replication complex is an open complex.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14022023Severe neighborhood deprivation and nursing home staffing in the United States.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
14032023Risk of malignant disease in 1-year sepsis survivors, a registry-based nationwide follow-up study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14042023Distinct molecular subtypes of systemic sclerosis and gene signature with diagnostic capability.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14052023Adherence to treatment of children and adolescents recently diagnosed with auto-immune Rheumatic Diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
14062023Syndromic Surveillance Using Structured Telehealth Data: Case Study of the First Wave of COVID-19 in Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde pública; Telemedicinabrasileiro
14072023A study about management of drugs for leprosy patients under medical monitoring: A solution based on AHP-Electre decision-making methods.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
14082023Fifteen-year prospective longitudinal cohort study of outcomes following single radius total knee arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14092023Engaging people who use drugs in clinical research: integrating facilitated telemedicine for HCV into substance use treatment.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14102023Complex decision making in an intensive care environment: Perceived practice versus observed reality.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14112023Retracted: Analysis of Factors Influencing Telemedicine-Based Psychiatric Extended Care and Care of Psychiatric Patients.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14122023Acceptability and Effectiveness of a One-Hour Healthcare Provider Intervention Integrating HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Cultural Competence Training.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14132023Rescue Analgesia for Opioid-Dependent Individuals on Opioid Agonist Treatment during Hospitalization: Adherence to Guideline Treatment.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14142023Burnout among healthcare providers: Its prevalence and association with anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in Macao, China.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
14152023Net survival of women diagnosed with breast tumours: a population-based study in Switzerland.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14162023The Impact of Sharing Drug Rebates at the Point of Sale on Out-of-Pocket Payments for Enrollees in Employer-Sponsored Insurance.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
14172023HIV Prevalence and HIV Screening History Among a Veterans Association Cohort of People with Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorders.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14182023A method for comparing multiple imputation techniques: A case study on the U.S. national COVID cohort collaborative.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
14192023Critical appraisal and comparison of recommendations of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia in children and adolescents: a methodological survey.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
14202023Poorer patient-reported knee function and quality of life, but not activity level, after revision ACL reconstruction compared with primary ACL reconstruction: a matched-pair analysis with a minimum 5-year follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14212023Acceptability of telemedicine for follow up after contraceptive implant initiation at an obstetrics and gynecologic training center.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14222023Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness against Hospitalization, Season 2021/22: A Test-Negative Design Study in Barcelona.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14232023Development and evaluation of a tailored mHealth parenting program for multicultural families: a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14242023The systems-based practice competency: an innovative model to achieving class-wide proficiency in a pain medicine fellowship.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14252023Comparison of Price Index Methods and Drug Price Inflation Estimates for Hepatitis C Virus Medications.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14262023Lipid Membrane Alterations in Tumor Spheroids Revealed by Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy Imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14272023Health information use and associated factors among healthcare professionals in Ilu Aba Bor zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia: an institution-based cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
14282023Increasing Prevalence of Artemisinin-Resistant HRP2-Negative Malaria in Eritrea.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14292023LULC change detection using support vector machines and cellular automata-based ANN models in Guna Tana watershed of Abay basin, Ethiopia.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14302023Validation of the HOSPITAL score as predictor of 30-day potentially avoidable readmissions in pediatric hospitalized population: retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
14312023Telehealth multicomponent exercise and health education in breast cancer patients undergoing primary treatment: rationale and methodological protocol for a randomized clinical trial (ABRACE: Telehealth).Telemedicinabrasileiro
14322023Executive Summary of the Second International Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (PALICC-2).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
14332023Comparison of communication interfaces for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14342023Telerehabilitation in patients with recent hospitalisation due to acute decompensated heart failure: protocol for the Tele-ADHF randomised controlled trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14352023Let Us Know Transfusion Triggers for Prophylactic Use of Platelet Concentrate-Analysis of Compliance with Recent Transfusion Guidelines in a Large Academic Medical Center.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14362023Telemedicine-Based Digital Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Perioperative Anxiety and Depression for Total Knee Arthroplasty.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14372023Investigating genomic medicine practice and perceptions amongst Australian non-genetics physicians to inform education and implementation.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14382023A clinicoepidemiological study on tinea incognita with assessment of its treatment strategies and drug prescribing practices in a tertiary care hospital.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14392023Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: Associations with Aβ-PET, neurodegeneration, and cognition.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14402023Health facility readiness to provide antenatal care (ANC) and non-communicable disease (NCD) services in Nepal and Bangladesh: Analysis of facility-based surveys.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
14412023Effects of preoperative mildly elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressure on the incidence of perioperative adverse events undergoing thoracoscopic lobectomy: an observational cohort study protocol.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14422023Projected Growth in FDA-Approved Artificial Intelligence Products Given Venture Capital Funding.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14432023EMACO for treatment of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: A multinational multicenter study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
14442023User Experience Regarding Digital Primary Health Care in Santarém, Amazon: Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction and Doctor's Feedback.Telemedicinabrasileiro
14452023Alcohol Use Disorder Narratives in U.S. Digital News Coverage and Engagement on Social Media.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14462023Psychometric Properties of the Spinal Cord Injury-Quality of Life (SCI-QOL) Resilience Short Form in a Sample with Spinal Cord Injury.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14472023Therapist perspectives on telehealth-based virtual reality exposure therapy.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14482023Web-based eHealth Clinical Decision Support System as a tool for the treat-to-target management of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus:Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14492023Jail Healthcare Staffing in the US Southeast: a Cross-Sectional Survey.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14502023An appropriate simulation-based training for surgical technology students.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14512023Investigation of Factors Affecting Adherence to Adjuvant Hormone Therapy in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients: A Comprehensive Systematic Review.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14522023The prevalence of congenital anomalies: nationwide study in 2020 in Estonia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14532023The Sapienza University of Rome network of automated external defibrillators: a prototype webMap developed to speed access to community defibrillators and increase survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14542023Quality indicators in colonoscopy: observational study in a supplementary health system.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
14552023Mobile application-based oximetry: a potential toolfor appropriate referral of patients with respiratory symptoms examined via telemedicine.Telemedicinabrasileiro
14562023Right Prefrontal Cortical Thickness Is Associated With Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Children With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
14572023A longitudinal study evaluating sexual health outcomes and prioritization in patients undergoing chemoradiation for human papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal cancer.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14582023Patient perspectives on telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods community-based study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14592023Effects of a clinical decision support system and patient portal for preventing medication-related falls in older fallers: Protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial with embedded process and economic evaluations (ADFICE_IT).Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14602023Dynamic changes in echocardiographic parameters in acute decompensated heart failure: REALITY-ECHO.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14612023Impact of an immersive, interactive medical education initiative on guideline-based retinal disease management knowledge/competence and effectual practice change.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14622023New legislation in New Jersey reduced opioid use among trauma patients.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14632023Brain Tumors in United States Military Veterans.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14642023Angiopoietin-2 blockade suppresses growth of liver metastases from pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors by promoting T cell recruitment.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14652023Snapshots of Nature-Based Recreation Across Rural Landscapes: Insights from Geotagged Photographs in the Northeastern United States.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
14662023Recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) on Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Second Revision.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
14672023Patient's perception of recovery following surgical removal of mandibular third molars. A prospective european multi-center study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14682023Tele-Instruction Tool for Multiple Lay Responders Providing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Telehealth Emergency Dispatch Services: Mixed Methods Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14692023Long-Term Observation of Patients With Cancer - an Entity-Independent Registry for Healthcare and Translational Research at the University Medicine Dresden (Cancer-Reg-VT).Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
14702023Centering Public Perceptions on Translating AI Into Clinical Practice: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Consultation Focus Group Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14712023Accessing voluntary assisted dying in regional Western Australia: early reflections from key stakeholders.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14722023Continuing professional development (CPD) training needs assessment for medical laboratory professionals in Ethiopia.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14732023Prevalence of opioid and nonopioid pain management therapies among Medicare beneficiaries with musculoskeletal pain conditions from 2016 to 2019.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14742023Real-time online monitoring of insect cell proliferation and baculovirus infection using digital differential holographic microscopy and machine learning.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14752023Epidemiological Characteristics of 101,471 Patients Hospitalized with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Poland in 2019: Multimorbidity, Duration of Hospitalization, In-Hospital Mortality.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14762023Dividend policy issues in the European pharmaceutical industry: new empirical evidence.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
14772023Impact of automated dispensing cabinets on dispensing errors, interruptions and pillbox preparation time.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
14782023Protocol for a randomised feasibility trial comparing a combined program of education and exercise versus general advice for ankle osteoarthritis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14792023Barriers and Enablers to Implementing Teledentistry From the Perspective of Dental Health Care Professionals: Protocol for a Systematic Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Studies Review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14802023From Paper Files to Web-Based Application for Data-Driven Monitoring of HIV Programs: Nigeria's Journey to a National Data Repository for Decision-Making and Patient Care.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14812023Assessment of open-field fluorescence guided surgery systems: implementing a standardized method for characterization and comparison.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14822023Factors Associated with Reliance on Audio-Only Technology (Telephone) for Completion of Telepsychiatry Visits.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14832023"We don't need no education" - a qualitative study of barriers to continuous medical education among Danish general practitioners.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14842023Use of Opioid-Sparing Protocols and Perceived Postpartum Pain in Patients with Opioid Use Disorder and Chronic Prenatal Opioid Exposure.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14852023Quantitative Evaluation of Changes in Three-Dimensional CT Density Distributions in Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis after GM-CSF Inhalation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14862023How Real-Time Case-Based Malaria Surveillance Helps Zanzibar Get a Step Closer to Malaria Elimination: Description of Operational Platform and Resources.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
14872023The Incidence of Complication in the Perioperative Period of Rotational Atherectomy in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Retrospective Study of Low Speed Versus High Speed.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
14882023Systems thinking in practice when implementing a national policy program for the improvement of women's healthcare.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
14892023Distribution, sources, and pollution levels of toxic metal(loid)s in an urban river (Ichamati), Bangladesh using SOM and PMF modeling with GIS tool.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
14902023Grief, interpersonal disputes and role transitions: the breadth of Interpersonal Telepsychotherapy as a strategy to reduce mental health suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic in health professionals.Telemedicinabrasileiro
14912023Nasal Suctioning Therapy Among Infants With Bronchiolitis Discharged Home From the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14922023Mixed methods evaluation of pediatric telehealth equity for patients/families who communicate in languages other than English.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
14932023De-identified Bayesian personal identity matching for privacy-preserving record linkage despite errors: development and validation.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
14942023A risk assessment framework for multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using machine learning and mass spectrometry technology.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
14952023Interest and Satisfaction of Telemedicine Use Among Ambulatory Neurology Patients in Western North Carolina During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
14962023A virtual training program for improving cultural competence among academic nurse educators.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
14972023Clinical characteristics and prescriptions associated with a 2-year course of rapid cycling and euthymia in bipolar disorder: a multicenter treatment survey for bipolar disorder in psychiatric clinics.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
14982023Disrupted subcortical functional connectome gradient in drug-naïve first-episode schizophrenia and the normalization effects after antipsychotic treatment.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
14992023Cystic Echinococcosis in Hospitalized Adult Patients from Western Romania: 2007-2022.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15002023Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation and One-year Clinical Outcomes in Patients Following Major Emergency Abdominal Surgery.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15012023Cost-effectiveness analysis of different screening strategies for helicobacter pylori infection in Iran: A model-based evaluation.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15022023Age, hemodialysis time, gait speed, but not mortality, are associated with muscle quality index in end-stage renal disease.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
15032023Determinants of Cochlear Implant Satisfaction and Decisional Regret in Adult Cochlear Implant Users.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15042023Engaging Adolescent Heart Transplant Recipients Through In-App Messaging During Mobile Health Intervention.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15052023Unique Device Identification-Based Linkage of Hierarchically Accessible Data Domains in Prospective Surgical Hospital Data Ecosystems: User-Centered Design Approach.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
15062023The relationship between electronic health records user interface features and data quality of patient clinical information: an integrative review.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15072023Telephone Virtual Versus In-Person Pharmacotherapy-Based Obesity Care: A COVID-19-Related Experience at a Veterans Administration Facility.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15082023Australian medical radiation practitioners perspectives of continuing professional development: An online cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15092023Hearing Impairment, Mental Health Services Use, and Perceived Unmet Needs Among Adults With Serious Mental Illness: A Cross-Sectional Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15102023The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS).Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
15112023Spatial analysis of human and livestock anthrax in Lai Chau province, Vietnam (2004-2021).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15122023Lifetime probability of developing cancer and dying from cancer in Canada, 1997 to 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15132023Serum immune checkpoint profiling identifies soluble CD40 as a biomarker for pancreatic cancer.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15142023Telerehabilitation during social distancing for people with Parkinson's disease: a retrospective study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
15152023OptiCogs: feasibility of a multicomponent intervention to rehabilitate people with cognitive impairment post-stroke.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15162023Telehealth Awareness, Perception, Practice, and Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire to Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15172023Machine Learning Approach for Rapid, Accurate Point-of-Care Prediction of M-Spike Values in Multiple Myeloma.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15182023Impact of Telemedicine on No-Show Rates in an Ambulatory Gastroenterology Practice.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15192023Opportunities and Challenges for Implementation of Harmonized Competence-Based Curricula in Medicine and Nursing Programmes in Tanzania: Experiences of Biomedical Sciences' Stakeholders.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15202023The Outcome of Prescribing Antibiotics for the Management of Patients with Endodontic Infections.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15212023External validation of a CT-based radiomics signature in oropharyngeal cancer: Assessing sources of variation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
15222023Legionellosis in Poland in 2018-2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde pública; Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15232023Cardiorespiratory fitness and the incidence of surgery for aortic valve stenosis-the HUNT study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15242023Classifying Tremor Dominant and Postural Instability and Gait Difficulty Subtypes of Parkinson's Disease from Full-Body Kinematics.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15252023Diagnosing ectopic pregnancy using Bayes theorem: a retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
15262023Temporal validation of the MMCD score to predict kidney replacement therapy and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15272023Long-term Outcomes of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Revisional Procedure Following Adjustable Gastric Banding: Variations in Outcomes Based on Indication.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15282023Patients preferences for communication during video consultations.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15292023Texture feature analysis of MRI-ADC images to differentiate glioma grades using machine learning techniques.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15302023Effectiveness of a telenursing intervention program in reducing exacerbations in patients with chronic respiratory failure receiving noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: A randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15312023Using Administrative Data in Primary Care to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Continuing Professional Development Program Focused on the Management of Patients Living With Obesity.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15322023Opioid-related policy changes: Experiences and perspectives from people who use opioids to manage non-cancer chronic pain.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15332023Wave-Net: A lightweight deep network for retinal vessel segmentation from fundus images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
15342023Enhanced surveillance of notifications of hepatitis C to Queensland Health up to 19 years previously.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15352023Long-term incidence of haematological cancer after bariatric surgery or usual care in the Swedish Obese Subjects study: a prospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15362023Opening Pandora's Loot Box: Weak Links Between Gambling and Loot Box Expenditure in China, and Player Opinions on Probability Disclosures and Pity-Timers.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
15372023In Vitro Validation of a Novel Continuous Intra-Abdominal Pressure Measurement System (TraumaGuard).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15382023Combining theoretical concepts and Geographic Information System (GIS) to highlight source, risk, and hotspots of sedimentary PAHs: A case study of Chabahar Bay.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
15392023Factors associated with late-stage diagnosis and overall survival for lung cancer: An analysis of patients treated in a Brazilian hospital and a US-hospital from 2009 to 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15402023Virtual reality's impact on children with type 1 diabetes: a proof-of-concept randomized cross-over trial on anxiety, pain, adherence, and glycemic control.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15412023Factors Influencing Preferences of Patients With Rheumatic Diseases Regarding Telehealth Channels for Support With Medication Use: Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15422023Cluster analysis driven by unsupervised latent feature learning of medications to identify novel pharmacophenotypes of critically ill patients.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15432023Telemedicine for the management of patients calling an Emergency Medical Communication Center for dyspnea: a before-after study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15442023Twelve tips for providing academic remediation to widening access learners in medical education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15452023Identification and Management of Thyroid Dysfunction Using At-Home Sample Collection and Telehealth Services: Retrospective Analysis of Real-World Data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15462023HIV and syphilis testing for women and heterosexual men aged above 25 years in the Netherlands: possibilities for targeted testing at sexual health centres.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15472023Pregnancy Termination and Postnatal Major Congenital Heart Defect Prevalence After Introduction of Prenatal Cardiac Screening.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15482023Palliative Care Survey: Awareness, Knowledge and Views of the Styrian Population in Austria.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15492023Increase in peritoneal dialysis-related hospitalization rates after telemedicine implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
15502023Prevalence, management and efficacy of treatment in portal vein obstruction after paediatric liver transplantation: protocol of the retrospective international multicentre PORTAL registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15512023Treatment Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Care on Speech and Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Adults With Cleft Palate.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15522023A mobile health application for patients eligible for statin therapy: app development and qualitative feedback on design and usability.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15532023The influence of explainable vs non-explainable clinical decision support systems on rapid triage decisions: a mixed methods study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15542023A Year of Inpatient Telehealth: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15552023Correlation of Warm Handoffs Versus Electronic Referrals and Engagement With Mental Health Services Co-located in a Pediatric Primary Care Clinic.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
15562023Parallel development of Parkinson's-specific competencies for exercise professionals and criteria for exercise education programs.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15572023Potential drug-drug interactions in patients presenting with osteoarthritis to community orthopaedic clinics of Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A cross-sectional study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15582023Tumor lesion detection in patients with cervical cancer by indocyanine green near-infrared imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
15592023Connecting patients notified with hepatitis C to treatment (CONNECT Study): A randomized controlled trial of active case management by a health department to support primary care practitioners.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15602023Cancer incidence in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15612023Multinational patterns of second line antihyperglycaemic drug initiation across cardiovascular risk groups: federated pharmacoepidemiological evaluation in LEGEND-T2DM.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15622023Remote consultations in primary care across low-, middle- and high-income countries: Implications for policy and care delivery.Telemedicinabrasileiro
15632023Incidence, Predictors, and Prognostic Impact of New Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After TAVR With Self-Expanding Valves.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15642023Using Academic Detailing to Enhance the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Clinicians Caring for Persons with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15652023Rapid implementation of Veterans Health Administration telehealth creative arts therapies: survey evaluation of adoption and adaptation.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15662023Patients' Views on AI for Risk Prediction in Shared Decision-Making for Knee Replacement Surgery: Qualitative Interview Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15672023Medical students in their first consultation: A comparison between a simulated face-to-face and telehealth consultation to train medical consultation skills.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15682023Outcomes of remote versus face-to-face ear, nose and throat outpatient consultation on patient pathways.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
15692023Implementing the Melanocytic Pathology Assessment Tool and Hierarchy for Diagnosis: Long-term effect of a simple educational intervention.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15702023Impact of vitamin C on the reduction of opioid consumption after an emergency department visit for acute musculoskeletal pain: a double-blind randomised control trial protocol.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15712023Reporting delays of chikungunya cases during the 2017 outbreak in Lazio region, Italy.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15722023Incidence rates of treated mental disorders before and during the COVID-19 pandemic-a nationwide study comparing trends in the period 2015 to 2021.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15732023Transformer-Based Network for Accurate Classification of Lung Auscultation Sounds.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15742023Long-term Telerehabilitation or Unsupervised Training at Home for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
15752023Geographic variations in cancer incidence and mortality in the State of São Paulo, Brazil 2001-17.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15762023The effects of medical comorbidity, cognition, and age on patient-reported outcomes in Parkinson's disease.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15772023Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services and Mobile Technology to Support the Management of Depression Among Black American Women: Cross-Sectional Survey Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15782023Exploring the clinical utility of a brief screening measure of unmet supportive care needs in people with high-grade glioma.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15792023The association between quality of connections and diagnostic accuracy in student-generated concept maps for clinical reasoning education with virtual patients.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15802023Assessment of a training project of English as a media of instruction(EMI) using Kirkpatrick model.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15812023Observational study of diagnosis and management in adult primary hypothyroidism in southwest of Sweden.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15822023Distribution of West Nile virus cases in horses reveals different spatiotemporal patterns in eastern and western Canada.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15832023Treatment Variation and Long-Term Outcomes of Low-Grade Appendiceal Neoplasms.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15842023Ensemble learning for multi-class COVID-19 detection from big data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15852023Application of geographical information system-based analytical hierarchy process modeling for flood susceptibility mapping of Krishna District in Andhra Pradesh.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
15862023Cancer inequalities in incidence and mortality in the State of São Paulo, Brazil 2001-17.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
15872023Changes in Surgical Opioid Prescribing and Patient-Reported Outcomes After Implementation of an Insurer Opioid Prescribing Limit.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15882023The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on elderly with neurocognitive disorders.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
15892023An After-Hours Virtual Care Service for Children With Medical Complexity and New Medical Technology: Mixed Methods Feasibility Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
15902023Does Clinical Decision Support Increase Appropriate Medication Prescribing for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction?Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
15912023Advances and opportunities in the new digital era of telemedicine, e-health, artificial intelligence, and beyond.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
15922023Training Anesthesiology Residents to Care for the Traumatically Injured in the United States.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
15932023Post-lumbar surgery prescription variation and opioid-related outcomes in a large US healthcare system: an observational study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
15942023Gadolinium-hybridized mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles with high magnetic resonance imaging performance for targeted drug delivery.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
15952023The 2022 West Nile Virus Season in Greece; A Quite Intense Season.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
15962023Statin use, survival and incidence of thrombosis among older patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
15972023Severe Oral Mucositis After Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
15982023Comorbid insomnia and sleep apnea in children: a preliminary explorative study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
15992023Epidemiology of laryngeal cancer in Brazil: Historical data from 2000 to 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16002023[Patient-reported outcomes in German vasculitis patients-Data from the KOBRA quality project].Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16012023Smart Wireless Sensor Technology for Healthcare Monitoring System Using Cognitive Radio Networks.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16022023Correlates of Risk for Disinhibited Behaviors in the Million Veteran Program Cohort.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16032023A prospective observational concordance study to evaluate computational model-driven clinical practice guidelines for Type 2 diabetes mellitus.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16042023Microlearning and online simulation-based virtual consultation training module for the undergraduate medical curriculum - a preliminary evaluation.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16052023World Journal of Surgery: We Asked the Experts-Performance Enhancement for Surgeons: Is Coaching the Answer?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16062023American Gastroenterological Association-American College of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guideline: Pharmacological Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16072023Using One Health assessments to leverage endemic disease frameworks for emerging zoonotic disease threats in Libya.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16082023Sedentary Behavior and Incident Dementia Among Older Adults.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16092023Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the conduct of non-COVID-19 clinical trials: protocol for a scoping review.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16102023The Godmother Project: A Virtual Initiative to Support Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
16112023Stomach cancer incidence trends in selected Latin America countries: Age, period, and birth-cohort effects.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16122023Video Tutorials to Empower Caregivers of Ill Children and Reduce Health Care Utilization: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16132023Digital Online Patient Informed Consent for Anesthesia before Elective Surgery-Recent Practice in Europe.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16142023Establishment and Feasibility of an Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction Program in a Community Health System.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16152023Integrating Liver-Chip data into pharmaceutical decision-making processes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16162023CURATE.AI COR-Tx platform as a digital therapy and digital diagnostic for cognitive function in patients with brain tumour postradiotherapy treatment: protocol for a prospective mixed-methods feasibility clinical trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16172023The Design and Evolution of an Adaptable CME Programme to Suit the Changing Educational Needs of the Clinical Community.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16182023A comparison of postpartum opioid consumption and opioid discharge prescriptions among opioid-naïve patients and those with opioid use disorder.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16192023Structured cerebellar connectivity supports resilient pattern separation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16202023Tuberculosis Notification in Jordan, 2016-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16212023Effect of the clinical decision assessment system on clinical outcomes of delirium in hospitalized older adults: study protocol for a pair-matched, parallel, cluster randomized controlled superiority trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16222023Postsurgery Subjective Cognitive and Short-Term Memory Impairment Among Middle-Aged Chinese Patients.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16232023The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
16242023COVID-19 Telehealth Service Can Increase Access to the Health Care System and Become a Cost-Saving Strategy.Telemedicinabrasileiro
16252023Machine learning for predicting survival of colorectal cancer patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16262023Assessing the Psychometric Validity of the Epistaxis Severity Score: Internal Consistency and Test-Retest Reliability.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16272023Lessons for Medical and Health Education Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16282023Alerting providers to hospitalized persons with dementia using the electronic health record.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16292023Pain and its interference with daily living in relation to cancer: a comparative population-based study of 16,053 cancer survivors and 106,345 people without cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16302023Participation through the lens of care: Situated accountabilities in the codesign of a digital health platform for HIV care.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16312023Evaluating the effectiveness of online Continuing medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16322023Prescription characteristics associated with drug overdose risk among adults prescribed benzodiazepines: a cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16332023Fully automated cardiac MRI segmentation using dilated residual network.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16342023Architecture Assessment of the Chilean Epidemiological Surveillance System for Notifiable Diseases (EPIVIGILA): Qualitative Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16352023High-energy blunt pelvic ring injury incidence and polytrauma caseload in a single level I trauma center during COVID-19 related pseudo-lockdown measures: a retrospective cohort study based on a prospective registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16362023Deep Learning-Based Diagnostic System for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Based on Videofluoroscopy in Patients With Repaired Cleft Palates.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16372023Effects of telehealth on functional capacity, mental health and quality of life among older people with dementia: LAPESI telehealth protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
16382023Determinants and clinical outcomes of patients who refused anticoagulation: findings from the global GARFIELD-AF registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16392023Looking Beyond the Chair: Psycho-Perceptual Predictors of Sexual Distress and Sexual Satisfaction in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16402023[From face-to-face consultation to teleconsultation: Primary health care professionals' experiences in the Basque Country during the pandemic].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16412023Injuries related to pets, exotic animals, and falconry in Qatar.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16422023Multimodal Prediction of 3- and 12-Month Outcomes in ICU Patients with Acute Disorders of Consciousness.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16432023Editorial Comment.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16442023Emerging concepts in the CanMEDS physician competency framework.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16452023Cost-effectiveness of Increasing Buprenorphine Treatment Initiation, Duration, and Capacity Among Individuals Who Use Opioids.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16462023Temporal dynamics predict symptom onset and cognitive decline in familial frontotemporal dementia.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16472023Substantial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reported number of diagnosed chronic hepatitis C virus infections in the Netherlands, 2019-2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16482023Incidence of and survival after surgical intervention for bowel obstruction in women with advanced ovarian cancer.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16492023Agenda-setting in policies related to high-risk sexual behaviours, stimulants, and alcohol abuse in Iranian adolescents.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16502023Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
16512023Incidence of cardioembolic stroke related to atrial fibrillation in Joinville, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16522023Normative data for interpreting the SNOT-22.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16532023Implementation of Home-Based Telerehabilitation of Patients With Stroke in the United States: Protocol for a Realist Review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16542023Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Thromboembolic Events among Patients with COVID-19 Inpatients: A Retrospective Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16552023Artificial intelligence-based clinical decision support for liver transplant evaluation and considerations about fairness: A qualitative study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16562023Primary Care Telemedicine Outcomes Similar to In-Person Visits in 2021.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16572023Intrinsically Important: rebranding faculty development as a unifying key concept for CanMEDS 2025.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16582023American Gastroenterological Association-American College of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guideline: Pharmacological Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16592023Working memory processing deficit associated with a nonlinear response pattern of the anterior cingulate cortex in first-episode and drug-naïve schizophrenia.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16602023Travel-Related Diagnoses Among U.S. Nonmigrant Travelers or Migrants Presenting to U.S. GeoSentinel Sites - GeoSentinel Network, 2012-2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16612023Geographical Distribution of Colorectal Cancer in Southwestern Iran Between Years 2011 and 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16622023Prenatal Attachment and Mental Well-Being Among Expectant Fathers Amidst COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16632023Hodgkin lymphoma in Brazil: trends in incidence and mortality over 4 decades.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16642023Development and usability testing of an electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) solution for patients with inflammatory diseases in an Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) basket trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16652023A Smart Card-Based Two-Factor Mutual Authentication Scheme for Efficient Deployment of an IoT-Based Telecare Medical Information System.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16662023Anticoagulation Use as an Independent Predictor of Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16672023Genome-wide methylation profiling of diagnostic tumor specimens identified DNA methylation markers associated with metastasis among men with untreated localized prostate cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16682023Pandemic impact and adaptation to telehealth in chronic pain treatment providers across two COVID-19 pandemic years.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16692023Virtual Care in CanMEDS 2025.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16702023Cost of inappropriate prescriptions for uncomplicated malaria in Ghana.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16712023Dog bites as a zoonotic risk in Ecuador: Need for the implementation of a One Health approach.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16722023Mortality and Causes of Death in Children With Cerebral Palsy With Scoliosis Treated With and Without Surgery.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16732023A GIS-based approach to identifying communities underserved by primary health care services-An Afghanistan case study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16742023Deterministic linkage for improving follow-up time in a Brazilian population-based cancer registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16752023Caught in a Dangerous World: Problematic News Consumption and Its Relationship to Mental and Physical Ill-Being.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16762023The Quality of Life after Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis in 118 Lower Limb Lymphedema Patients.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16772023Virtual Care? Telepharmacy in Critical Care Settings for Patient-Centered Care and Multidisciplinary Collaboration: A Scoping Review of Activities, Benefits, Economic Impact, Challenges, and Knowledge Gaps.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16782023Measurement and documentation of quality indicators for the end-of-life care of hospital patients a nationwide retrospective record review study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16792023Similarity network fusion to identify phenotypes of small-for-gestational-age fetuses.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16802023Home Oxygen and Monitoring for COVID-19 Patients: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16812023Factors influencing medication adherence in multi-ethnic Asian patients with chronic diseases in Singapore: A qualitative study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16822023Geriatrician-led multidisciplinary team management improving polypharmacy among older inpatients in China.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16832023Region Expansion of Background Field Removal with Local Spherical Harmonics Approximation for Whole-brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16842023Assessment of Suspected COVID-19 Deaths in Nonhealthcare Settings in Côte d'Ivoire, March 11 to July 31, 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16852023Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Development of Type 2 Diabetes After Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16862023A digital biomarker for aortic stenosis development and progression using deep learning for two-dimensional echocardiography.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16872023Lower breast cancer survival among Black women in Brazil: a population-based retrospective study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
16882023Translation and validation of the Japanese version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16892023The effects of frequent follow-up on compliance in patients receiving PAP therapy due to OSA.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
16902023Optimizing prophylactic antibiotic use among surgery patients in Ethiopian hospitals.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
16912023Towards a global sustainable development agenda built on social-ecological resilience.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
16922023Telemedicine in ophthalmology - where are we and where are we going?Telemedicinaestrangeiro
16932023Evaluating the Impact of Continuing Medical Education in the Interdisciplinary Team: A Novel, Targeted Approach.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
16942023Geographic Variations and the Associated Factors in Adherence to and Persistence with Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy for the Privately Insured women Aged 18-64 with Breast Cancer in Texas.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
16952023Flexible and Zwitterionic Fluorinated Hydrogel Scaffold with High Fluorine Content for NoninvasiveGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
16962023Advancing research, awareness, screening, and linkage to care to eliminate HDV in the U.S.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
16972023A Paradigm Shift in Heart Preservation: Improved Post-transplant Outcomes in Recipients of Donor Hearts Preserved With the SherpaPak System.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
16982023Prevalence of Low Bone Mass and Osteoporosis in Ireland: the Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Health Informatics Prediction (HIP) Project.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
16992023Psoriasis in teledermatology: analysis of the 2016‒2020 period in Santa Catarina.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17002023Cancer survival in the northwestern of São Paulo State, Brazil: A population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17012023MITIG.RA: study protocol of a tailored psychological intervention for managing fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis randomized controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17022023Medical operations in the 21st century: application of TAK among wartime medical assets.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17032023Clinical Decision Support to Reduce Opioid Prescriptions for Dental Extractions using SMART on FHIR: Implementation Report.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17042023Concordance of a decision algorithm and multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with liver cancer-a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17052023Problematic substance use among patients in a Swedish outpatient psychiatry setting: staff and manager perceptions of digital options for increased intervention access.Gerenciamento de dados; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17062023Sustained clinical knowledge improvements from simulation experiences with Simulation via Instant Messaging-Birmingham Advance.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17072023Diagnosis and Treatment of Japanese Children with Neurogenic Bladder: Analysis of Data from a National Health Insurance Database.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17082023Hospital-Diagnosed Infections, Autoimmune Diseases, and Subsequent Dementia Incidence.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17092023Quality of reporting and trends of emergency obstetric and neonatal care indicators: an analysis from Tanzania district health information system data between 2016 and 2020.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17102023Implementing telemedicine in urogynecology: A feasibility study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17112023Long-term cardiometabolic morbidity in young adults with classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17122023iHeard STL: Development and first year findings from a local surveillance and rapid response system for addressing COVID-19 and other health misinformation.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17132023Colon CApsule endoscopy compared to conventional COlonoscopy in patients with colonic DIverticulitis: the study protocol for a randomised controlled superiority trial (CACODI trial).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17142023Designing and implementing mHealth technology: the challenge of meeting the needs of diverse communities.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17152023Rural family physician use of point-of-care ultrasonography: experiences of primary care providers in British Columbia, Canada.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17162023Trends in telemedicine utilization for mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of a nationwide database in Korea.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17172023Debridement: Technical Considerations and Treatment Options for the Interprofessional Team.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17182023Temporal trends in cardiovascular risk factors, lifestyle and secondary preventive medication for patients with myocardial infarction attending cardiac rehabilitation in Sweden 2006-2019: a registry-based cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17192023Epidemiologic trends and distributions of imported infectious diseases among travelers to Japan before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2016 to 2021: a descriptive study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17202023Multicentre registry analysis of incremental peritoneal dialysis incidence and associations with patient outcomes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17212023Supporting Pharmacovigilance Signal Validation and Prioritization with Analyses of Routinely Collected Health Data: Lessons Learned from an EHDEN Network Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17222023Consistent trajectories of rhinitis control and treatment in 16,177 weeks: The MASK-air® longitudinal study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17232023Juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with positive family history of autoimmune thyroid disease might benefit from serological screening: analysis of the international Pharmachild registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17242023Patient preferences for physical therapy programs after a lower extremity fracture: a discrete choice experiment.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17252023Increasing physical activity using an just-in-time adaptive digital assistant supported by machine learning: A novel approach for hyper-personalised mHealth interventions.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17262023Early Integrated Palliative Care Within a Surgical Oncology Clinic.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17272023Auto-CA: Automated Cobb Angle Measurement Based on Vertebrae Detection for Assessment of Spinal Curvature Deformity.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17282023Insights into the use of telemedicine in primary care in times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic - a cross-sectional analysis based on the international PRICOV-19 study in Austria.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17292023Outcome Evaluation of a Transnational Postgraduate Capacity-Building Program Using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17302023Characterizing opioid use in a Dutch cohort with migraine.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17312023Joint EANM/SNMMI guideline on radiomics in nuclear medicine : Jointly supported by the EANM Physics Committee and the SNMMI Physics, Instrumentation and Data Sciences Council.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
17322023A large travel-associated outbreak of iatrogenic botulism in four European countries following intragastric botulinum neurotoxin injections for weight reduction, Türkiye, February to March 2023.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17332023Effect of noninvasive embryo viability testing versus conventional IVF on the live birth rate in IVF/ICSI patients: a study protocol for a double-blind, multicenter, randomized controlled trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17342023Risk pre-control mechanism of mines based on evidence-based safety management and safety big data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17352023Factors associated with poor outcomes in SLE patients with COVID-19: Data fromTelemedicinabrasileiro
17362023The relationship between nursing skill mix and severity of illness of patients admitted in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17372023The role of internalised HIV stigma in disclosure of maternal HIV serostatus to children perinatally HIV-exposed but uninfected: a prospective study in the United States.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17382023Patient expectations impact patient-reported outcomes and satisfaction after Lumbar Fusion.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17392023[Utilization of routine data from different statutory health insurance funds: a practical report of experience from the TIM-HF2 study about data acquisition, validation, and processing].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17402023Geroscience: Aging and Oral Health Research.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17412023Functional and long-lived melanocytes from human pluripotent stem cells with transient ectopic expression of JMJD3.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17422023Survey of patient attitudes of face-to-face and telemedicine teaching in COVID-19.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17432023Training and competency assessment of Clinical Embryologists and licensing of the profession in European countries.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17442023Clinical use of mood stabilizers beyond treatment for bipolar disorder: The REAP-MS study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17452023An optimized total focusing method based on delay-multiply-and-sum for nondestructive testing.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
17462023From Testicle to Brain: A Case of Disseminated Tuberculosis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17472023Prehospital early warning scores for adults with suspected sepsis: retrospective diagnostic cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17482023What organisational and regional factors influence the outpatient provision of curettages in Germany? A longitudinal secondary data analysis using hospital quality reports data from 2013 to 2019.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17492023Spina bifida folate fortification in Brazil, update 2022: a cross-sectional study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17502023Clinician-perceived barriers and facilitators for the provision of actionable processes of care important for persistent or chronic critical illness.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17512023This Month in JAAD International: December 2023: Patient-reported outcome measures.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17522023Communicating about online health information with patients: Exploring determinants among telemental health providers.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17532023Pharmaceutical agents as potential drivers in the development of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A Case-Control Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17542023Pediatric Death After Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Therapies: A Scoping Review.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17552023Reducing the Effects of Ageing on Cognition with Therapeutic Intervention of an Oral Multi-Nutrient: The REACTION Pilot Trial Study Design.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17562023Current career situations of Chinese pharmacovigilance professionals working for pharmaceutical companies: an exploratory survey.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17572023Antihypertensive Medication Regimens Used by US Adults With Hypertension and the Potential for Fixed-Dose Combination Products: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2015 to 2020.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17582023Causes of stillbirth and death among children younger than 5 years in eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia: a population-based post-mortem study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17592023Significant risk of second primary cancer among laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients even after 20 years.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17602023Intrathecal Opioid Use in Kidney Transplantation: An Observational Cohort Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17612023mHealth program for patients with advanced cancer receiving treatment in a public health hospital in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17622023Mechanical ventilation and death in pregnant patients admitted for COVID-19: a prognostic analysis from the Brazilian COVID-19 registry score.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17632023No transfer of arousal from other's eyes in Williams syndrome.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17642023The evolution of professional identity in intensive care nurses during COVID-19 - An interpretive phenomenological study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17652023Utility of ChatGPT in Clinical Practice.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17662023Characterization and LDL-C management in a cohort of high and very high cardiovascular risk patients: The PORTRAIT-DYS study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17672023Exploring the mechanisms of long COVID: Insights from computational analysis of SARS-CoV-2 gene expression and symptom associations.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17682023Understanding the potential of digital therapies in implementing the standard of care for depression in Europe.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17692023Virtual simulation and problem-based learning enhance perceived clinical and cultural competence of nursing students in Asia: A randomized controlled cross-over study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17702023Comparative adherence trajectories of oral disease-modifying agents in multiple sclerosis.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17712023Evaluation of the Completeness and Timeliness of the Infant Pertussis Surveillance System in the Czech Republic in 2015, 2017 and 2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17722023Changes in incidence trends of meningioma in Finland, 1990-2017: analysis of Finnish Cancer Registry data.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17732023Using personal writings to detect dementia: A text mining approach.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17742023Perception of Health Care Providers and Users on Teleconsultation in Times of COVID-19 in Brazil: An Exploratory Interview Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17752023Time trend and Age-Period-Cohort analysis of potentially HPV-related oral and pharyngeal cancer incidence in Singapore between 1968 and 2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17762023Disparities in patient-resident physician communication and counseling: A multi-perspective exploratory qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17772023Comparison of two hydroxyapatite-coated femoral components: a randomized clinical trial using radiostereometric analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17782023Exploring Functions and Predictors of Digital Health Engagement Among German Internet Users: Survey Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17792023Assessment of nutritional status and clinical outcomes: A comprehensive retrospective analysis of critically ill patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17802023CEHMR: Curriculum learning enhanced hierarchical multi-label classification for medication recommendation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17812023Health care needs, eHealth literacy, use of mobile phone functionalities, and intention to use it for self-management purposes by informal caregivers of children with burns: a survey study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17822023Competencies for the Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools by Health Care Professionals.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
17832023Pharmacist-led hormonal contraceptive prescribing service in a Federally Qualified Health Center: Initial implementation outcomes.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17842023Estimating the Under-ascertainment of COVID-19 cases in Toronto, Ontario, March to May 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17852023Primary malignant bone tumors incidence, mortality, and trends in China from 2000 to 2015.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17862023Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency's "Consultation on proposals for legislative changes for clinical trials": a response from the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, with a focus on data sharing.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17872023Advancing cognitive assessment in telemedicine: Validity and reliability of the telephone 10-point cognitive screener.Telemedicinabrasileiro
17882023Epidemiology of hydrocephalus in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
17892023The legacy of language: What we say, and what people hear, when we talk about genomics.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17902023Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in a Facial Reconstruction Case Series Following the Implementation of an Integrated Craniofacial Multidisciplinary Team Clinic, Three-Dimensional Photography, and Computer Modeling.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17912023What can we learn from experiences in general practice during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
17922023Extracting laboratory test information from paper-based reports.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
17932023Behavioral Health Decision Support Systems and User Interface Design in the Emergency Department.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
17942023The impact of COVID-19 on hepatitis B and C virus prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in Bangladesh compared with Japan and the global perspective.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
17952023Estimating the prevalence and correlates of pain among people living with HIV who use unregulated drugs in a Canadian setting.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
17962023A second local dengue fever outbreak: A field experience from Muscat Governorate in Oman, 2022.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
17972023Estimated projection of oral squamous cell carcinoma annual incidence from twenty years registry data: a retrospective cross-sectional study in Indonesia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
17982023Baccalaureate nursing education institutions' key performance indicators: a review of the existing indicators and qualitative analysis of expert interviews.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
17992023A global view on the incidence and mortality of infective endocarditis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
18002023Community Ecosystem Mapping: A Foundational Step for Effective Community Engagement in Research and Knowledge Mobilization.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18012023Clinical significance of relative pelvic version measurement as a predictor of low back pain after total hip arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18022023Increasing access to pathology services in low- and middle-income countries through innovative use of telepathology.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18032023Protocol to evaluate sequential electronic health record-based strategies to increase genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer risk across diverse patient populations in gynecology practices.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18042023[Intelligent intensive care unit design:will it be accessible in the future].Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18052023Blood pressure in atrial fibrillation and in sinus rhythm during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: data from the TEMPLAR project.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18062023An American Board of Surgery Pilot of Video Assessment of Surgeon Technical Performance in Surgery.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
18072023Effect of a Delirium Screening Tool on Antipsychotic Medication Use in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18082023Invasive group A streptococcal disease in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand: epidemiology, manifestations and impact.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18092023Molecular HIV Clustering Among Individuals with Mpox and HIV Co-Morbidity in New York State, Excluding New York City.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18102023"Like One Long Battle:" Employee Perspectives of the Simultaneous Impact of COVID-19 and an Electronic Health Record Transition.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18112023Therapeutic communication and its associated factors among nurses working in public hospitals of Gamo zone, southern Ethiopia: application of Hildegard Peplau's nursing theory of interpersonal relations.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18122023Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Treated with Cladribine Tablets in the CLAWIR Study: 12-Month Interim Analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18142023Assessment of oral emergency services during COVID-19: a retrospective study of 14,885 cases in Shanghai.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18152023Personalised decision making to predict absolute metastatic risk in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: development and validation of a clinico-pathological model.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18172023Continuing education in diversity and multicultural factors: Current state psychology board requirements and a call to action.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
18182023Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the glycemic control in people with diabetes mellitus: A retrospective cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18192023Naturally acquired antibody response toNotificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18202023The incidence and risk factors of postpartum diabetes in women from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka (South Asia) with prior gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from the LIVING study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18212023Using Research to Transform Electronic Health Record Modernization: Advancing a VA Partnered Research Agenda to Increase Research Impacts.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18222023Determinants of trust in times of crises: A cross-sectional study of 3,065 German-speaking adults from the D-A-CH region.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18232023Defining Patient-relevant Thresholds and Change Scores for the HOOS JR and KOOS JR Anchored on the Patient-acceptable Symptom State Question.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18242023Parent-reported provider recommendation of HPV vaccination among minority adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2019-2021.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18252023Impact of cardiac rehabilitation on cardiovascular event in Korea.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18262023Clinical Decision Support systems: A step forward in establishing the clinical laboratory as a decision maker hubA CDS system protocol implementation in the clinical laboratory.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18272023Inter-observer agreement among specialists in the diagnosis of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer using store-and-forward technology.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18282023Social cognition in chronic migraine with medication overuse: a cross-sectional study on different aspects of mentalization and social relationships.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18292023Capturing the SARS-CoV-2 infection pyramid within the municipality of Rotterdam using longitudinal sewage surveillance.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18302023Incidence, survival, and prognostic factors for patients with gastrointestinal mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasms: a SEER population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18312023Use of Elasticsearch-based business intelligence tools for integration and visualization of biological data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18322023National multicentric study on the incidence of alcohol burns during the COVID-19 pandemic.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
18332023Experienced barriers in the use of ICT for social interaction in older adults ageing in place: a qualitative systematic review protocol (SYSR-D-22-00848).Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18342023Patient-reported perioperative anaesthesia-related anxiety is associated with impaired patient satisfaction: a secondary analysis from a prospective observational study in Switzerland.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18352023Patients' Readiness Towards Teledentistry in the Malaysian Urban Population Attending an Undergraduate Teaching University.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18362023Prevalence of non-communicable disease among displaced Rohingya in southern Bangladesh: a first look at a persecuted ethnic minority from Myanmar.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18372023Diagnostic Performance, Triage Safety, and Usability of a Clinical Decision Support System Within a University Hospital Emergency Department: Algorithm Performance and Usability Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18382023Do two operators improve outcomes in left main percutaneous coronary intervention? Insights from the ORPKI Registry.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18392023Relationship between antidementia medication and fracture prevention in patients with Alzheimer's dementia using a nationwide health insurance claims database.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18402023Investigating point-of-care diagnostics for sexually transmitted infections and antimicrobial resistance in antenatal care in Zimbabwe (IPSAZ): protocol for a mixed-methods study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18412023Prevalence & Impact of COVID-19 in Systemic Sclerosis Patients and Assessment of the Demographic & Clinical Features in Cases Associated with Worse Prognosis: Results of a Single Centre Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18422023Patients' and clinicians' views on the appropriate use of safety-netting advice in consultations-an interview study from Sweden.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18432023Reliability of spatial-temporal metrics used to assess collective behaviours in football: an in-silico experiment.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
18442023The association between social integration and utilization of primary health care among migrants in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18452023Visual Impairment From Uncorrected Refractive Error among Participants in a Novel Program to Improve Eye Care Access Among Low-income Adults in Michigan.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18462023Assessment of Patient Risk Profiles by a Male Sexual Health Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Platform: A Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18472023Faculty and Students' Perspective of Health Informatics Programs in Saudi Arabia.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18482023Attaining consensus on a core dataset for upper limb lymphoedema using the Delphi method: A foundational step in creating a clinical support system.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18492023Effects of the pandemic on adolescent and caregiver attitudes towards telemedicine use.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18502023Trends in Buprenorphine Initiation and Retention in the United States, 2016-2022.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18512023Quantitative analysis of backscattered-electron contrast in scanning electron microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
18522023Incidence of Lyme Borreliosis in Germany: Exploring Observed Trends Over Time Using Public Surveillance Data, 2016-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18532023Overall and cause-specific mortality in patients with dementia: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18542023Recognition and perception of emotions in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18552023Narcissism in Romantic Relationships: Using Communal Activation to Promote Relationship Enhancing Attitudes.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18562023Patient-Reported Outcome Measures After Endoscopic Cubital Tunnel Release With At Least 1-Year Postoperative Follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18572023Hearing Health Care Stakeholders' Perspectives on Teleaudiology Implementation: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pathways Forward.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18582023Deriving and validating an asthma diagnosis prediction model for children and young people in primary care.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18592023Addressing health inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic through primary health care and public health collaboration: a multiple case study analysis in eight high-income countries.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18602023Enhancing Healthcare Through Telehealth Ecosystems: Impacts and Prospects.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18612023Defining new roles and competencies for administrative staff and faculty in the age of competency-based medical education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
18622023Medication Prescribing for Type 2 Diabetes in the US Long-Term Care Setting: Observational Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18632023Introducing a novel "real-time" outbreak alert and notification system to monitor SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and case fatality in elderly care facilities, the Netherlands, 2020-2022.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18642023Identification of people with low prevalence diseases in administrative healthcare records: A case study of HIV in British Columbia, Canada.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18652023Swedish multimodal cohort of patients with anxiety or depression treated with internet-delivered psychotherapy (MULTI-PSYCH).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18662023Comparing an Expanded Versus Brief Telehealth Physical Therapist Intervention for Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol for the Delaware PEAK Randomized Controlled Trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
18672023We work together as a group': implications of jigsaw cooperative learning.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18682023Mild Biceps Tendonitis May Be Managed Nonoperatively During Shoulder Arthroscopy.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18692023Identifying Failure Modes in Telemedicine: An Instructional Needs Assessment.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18702023The Impact of a Hybrid Hospital at Home Program in Reducing Subacute Rehabilitation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18712023"It Haunts Me": Impact of COVID-19 Deaths on Frontline Clinicians In Acute Care Settings-A Qualitative Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18722023User Drafts for the Design of an mHealth Application for Equestrians.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18732023The association between antihypertensive treatment and serious adverse events by age and frailty: A cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18742023COVID-19 Burden in Long-Term Care Facilities in the Omicron Era: Public Health Action Not Yet Redundant.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18752023Hospitalization for acute heart failure during non-working hours impacts on long-term mortality: the REPORT-HF registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18762023Exome sequencing in the pediatric neuromuscular clinic leads to more frequent diagnosis of both neuromuscular and neurodevelopmental conditions.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18772023Self-assessment of residents in breaking bad news; skills and barriers.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18782023Patient decision aids in mainstreaming genetic testing for women with ovarian cancer: A prospective cohort study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18792023Experiences with the quality of telemedical care in an offshore setting - a qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18802023Advancing pharmacogenetic testing in a tertiary hospital: a retrospective analysis after 10 years of activity.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18812023Piloting a Mobile Clinical Decision Support Application for Pediatric Clinical Guidelines.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18822023Considerations for a Sustainable Podiatric Telemedicine Service.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18832023Diagnostic and therapeutic abdominal paracentesis.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
18842023Facilitators and Barriers Influencing Antipsychotic Medication Prescribing and Deprescribing Practices in Critically Ill Adult Patients: a Qualitative Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18852023Prefrontal and somatosensory-motor cortex effective connectivity in humans.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
18862023Wastewater Levels of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Associated with Influenza-like Illness Rates in Children-A Case Study in Larissa, Greece (October 2022-January 2023).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
18872023Effect of aspirin on incidence, recurrence, and mortality in prostate cancer patients: integrating evidence from randomized controlled trials and real-world studies.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
18882023Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, Albuminuria, and Adverse Outcomes: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
18892023The toughest challenges in communicating breaking bad news in critical health situations.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
18902023Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on total, sex- and age-specific all-cause mortality in 20 countries worldwide during 2020: results from the C-MOR project.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
18912023Characterizing the Patterns of Electronic Health Record-Integrated Secure Messaging Use: Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18922023Symptom and Treatment Satisfaction in Members of the US and Canadian GBS/CIDP Foundations with a Diagnosis of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18932023The Case Manager: An Agent Controlling the Activation of Knowledge Sources in a FHIR-Based Distributed Reasoning Environment.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
18942023Wound management across Australian and New Zealand pediatric cardiac services: a cross-sectional survey.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
18952023Effects of machine learning-based clinical decision support systems on decision-making, care delivery, and patient outcomes: a scoping review.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
18962023Personalized Digital Solutions for Mental Health.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
18972023STOPP/START Anti-aggregation and Anticoagulation Alerts in Atrial Fibrillation.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
18982023New and effective EGFR-targeted fluorescence imaging technology for intraoperative rapid determination of lung cancer in freshly isolated tissue.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
18992023One Health surveillance-A cross-sectoral detection, characterization, and notification of foodborne pathogens.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19002023Temporal Trends in Noncardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality Following Acute Myocardial Infarction.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19012023Associations between COVID-19 therapies and inpatient gastrointestinal bleeding: A multisite retrospective study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19022023Breaking bad news in neurology: assessing training, perceptions, and preparedness among residency programs in Brazil.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
19032023Challenges experienced by nurse educators developing postgraduate nursing diploma curriculum programmes, Gauteng.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19042023Comprehensive Assessment of Indirect Decompression Through Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Japanese Orthopedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire-Based Analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19052023Strategies used throughout the scaling-up process of eConsult - Multiple case study of four Canadian Provinces.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19062023Thrombo-inflammatory response in hospitalized patients with COVID-19; a single institution experience.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19072023Lung Cancer Screening Decision Aid Designed for a Primary Care Setting: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19082023Subjective Cognitive Load Evaluation of a Mobile Personal Health Record Application.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19092023Types, trends, and patterns of the reported antimicrobial errors to the eastern region's medical centers in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19102023DGANet: A Dual Global Attention Neural Network for Breast Lesion Detection in Ultrasound Images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
19112023Transmission modeling to infer tuberculosis incidence prevalence and mortality in settings with generalized HIV epidemics.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19122023Temporal changes in childhood cancer incidence and survival by stage at diagnosis in Australia, 2000-2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19132023An effective correlation-based data modeling framework for automatic diabetes prediction using machine and deep learning techniques.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19142023COVID-19 threatens the progress of humanised childbirth: a qualitative study of giving birth during the pandemic in Brazil.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
19152023Misinformation, Trust, and Use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19162023Associations between future health expectations and patient satisfaction after lumbar spine surgery: a longitudinal observational study of 9929 lumbar spine surgery procedures.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19172023Virtually the same? Examining the impact of the COVID-19 related shift to virtual lung cancer multidisciplinary team meetings in the UK National Health Service: a mixed methods study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19182023Deep-learning-based natural-language-processing models to identify cardiovascular disease hospitalisations of patients with diabetes from routine visits' text.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19192023Staff experiences of the use of virtual consultations in non-surgical oncology systemic anticancer therapy services.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19202023Patients' Experiences of Initiating Video Consultations.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19212023Effect of waiting time on patient satisfaction in outpatient: An empirical investigation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19222023Distortions in the Balance Between Teaching and Efficiency in the Operating Room.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
19232023Impact of a pharmacist collaborative drug therapy management protocol on utilization of a discharge prescription program and hospital readmissions.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19242023Comparison of Vaginal Birth Rate between Induction of Labour and Expectant Management at 40 Weeks in Women with a Previous Caesarean Section: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19252023Effectiveness of a Decision Aid Plus Standard Care in Surgical Management Among Patients With Early Breast Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19262023Patient's perceptions of oral and oropharyngeal cancer diagnosis disclosure: communication aspects based on SPIKES protocol.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
19272023A Prospective Cohort Study of Medical Decision-Making Roles and Their Associations with Patient Characteristics and Patient-Reported Outcomes among Patients with Heart Failure.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19282023Precision Anaesthesia: Advancing Patient-Centered Precision Care Through Repetitive Assessment of PROMs with the Safe Brain Initiative Approach.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19292023The French General Population's Perception of New Information and Communication Technologies for Medical Consultations: National Survey.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19302023Antimicrobial consumption surveillance in Uganda: Results from an analysis of national import data for the human health sector, 2018-2021.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19312023Facilitators and Barriers to Interacting With Clinical Decision Support in the ICU: A Mixed-Methods Approach.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19322023Utilization and Satisfaction of an On-Demand Telemedicine Service in Urban and Rural Communities.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19332023Prioritizing Melanoma Surgeries to Prevent Wait Time Delays and Upstaging of Melanoma during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19342023Trends in Pain Medication Use in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: NHANES 2005-2018.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19352023[Epidemiological characteristics of typhus in China, 1950-2021].Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19362023Hypertriglyceridaemic waist phenotype and waist circumference triglyceride index are associated with higher incidence of acute pancreatitis: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19372023Predicting Mammogram Screening Follow Through with Electronic Health Record and Geographically Linked Data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19382023Common Mental Disorders and Self-Perceived Interpersonal Communication and Vocal Symptoms in University Professors.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
19392023Predicting Self-Reported Depression and Health Among Adolescents: Time Spent Online Mediated by Digital Skills and Digital Activities.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19402023Outcome of patients with osteoarthritis aged 90 to 101 years after cemented total hip arthroplasty: 1,385 patients from the Swedish Arthroplasty Register.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19412023Exploring patient participation during video consultations: A qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19422023Elevated International Normalized Ratio and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients Treated with Direct Oral Anticoagulants.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19432023The impact of community and provider-driven social accountability interventions on contraceptive use: findings from a cohort study of new users in Ghana and Tanzania.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19442023Setting up a Video Transmission Tool for Teleconsultation and Tele-Expertise in an African Context: Case of Burkina Faso.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19452023Emergency Department waiting-time in the post pandemic era: new organizational models, a challenge for the future.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19462023Development and psychometric assessment of self-reported patient medication safety scale (SR-PMSS).Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19472023Two-Stage CNN Whole Heart Segmentation Combining Image Enhanced Attention Mechanism and Metric Classification.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
19482023Legionnaires' disease in the EU/EEA*: increasing trend from 2017 to 2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19492023Acquired haemophilia A: A 15-year population-based review of incidence rate, patient demographics and treatment outcomes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19502023Experimental comparison of linear regression and LSTM motion prediction models for MLC-tracking on an MRI-linac.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19512023What Attributes Matter Most in Physicians? Exploratory Findings from a Single-Centre Survey of Stakeholder Priorities in Cancer Care at a Canadian Academic Cancer Centre.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19522023Qualitative Development of the Allergan Satisfaction with Treatment Experience Questionnaire (ASTEQ) Instrument, a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure in Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19532023The effect of motor learning-based telerehabilitation on quality of life of children with cerebral palsy during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19542023Intrauterine Exposure to Antidepressants or Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Offspring Brain White Matter Trajectories from Late Childhood to Adolescence.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19552023Are physicians ready for precision antibiotic prescribing? A qualitative analysis of the acceptance of artificial intelligence-enabled clinical decision support systems in India and Singapore.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19562023Design of Remote Real-Time Monitoring and Biofeedback System to Connect Patients and Clinicians During Orthopaedic Rehabilitation.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19572023A multi-disciplinary program for opioid sparse arthroplasty results in reduced long-term opioid consumption: a four year prospective study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19582023Spatiotemporal spread of tick-borne encephalitis in the EU/EEA, 2012 to 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19592023[Prevalence of End Stage Kidney Disease and distribution of treatment modalities].Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19602023Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Lumpectomy and Mastectomy for Elderly Female Breast Cancer Patients: A Deep Learning-based Big Data Analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19612023Experiences of antibiotic use among Brazilian healthcare users: An exploratory study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
19622023Communication preferences and perceptions of cancer patient during their first medical oncology appointment.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19632023Outcomes of Surgically Treated Purely Ligamentous Stage II Lisfranc Injuries.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19642023Addressing disparities in speech-language pathology and laryngology services with telehealth.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19652023Adherence to a healthy sleep pattern and new-onset acute kidney injury.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19662023Federated and distributed learning applications for electronic health records and structured medical data: a scoping review.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19672023Designing an Efficient Implementation Process for Large Scale Adoption of Telehealth.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19682023Simulation and evaluation of increased imaging service capacity at the MRI department using reduced coil-setting times.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19692023Early vs late filling of new heart failure prescription and its association with avoidable hospital admissions.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19702023Legionnaires' disease in Switzerland: rationale and study protocol of a prospective national case-control and molecular source attribution study (SwissLEGIO).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19712023[Incidence of End Stage Kidney Disease and context of dialysis initiation].Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19722023PyDapsys: an open-source library for accessing electrophysiology data recorded with DAPSYS.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19732023React, reframe and engage. Establishing a receiver mindset for more effective safety negotiations.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19742023Back in Action: High Return to Pre-Injury Level of Sports after Arthroscopic Bone Marrow Stimulation for Osteochondral Lesions of the First Metatarsophalangeal (MTP-1) Joint.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19752023Glycemic control, renal progression, and usage of telemedicine phone consultations among Japanese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19762023The association of disease activity with depression and sleep quality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Hong Kong.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19772023Acetylcholine and noradrenaline enhance foraging optimality in humans.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19782023Comparison of Different Telemedicine Services to Pre-Evaluate Their Use in a New "Computational Hospital".Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19792023Information and support to patients when the waiting time guarantee cannot be fulfilled: a qualitative study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19802023Changes in Hydroxyurea Use Among Youths Enrolled in Medicaid With Sickle Cell Anemia After 2014 Revision of Clinical Guidelines.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19812023Web Geographic Information System: A Support Tool for the Study, Evaluation, and Monitoring of Foci of Malaria Transmission in Mexico.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciais; Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19822023Socioeconomic factors and colorectal cancer incidence, stage and quality of care in Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19832023Evaluation of long-term outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with moderate to severe calcified coronary artery lesions.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19842023[Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the general educational process in a medical educational institution].Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19852023Study within a trial of electronic versus paper-based Patient-Reported oUtcomes CollEction (SPRUCE): study protocol for a partially randomised patient preference study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19862023Examining perceptions of a telemedicine network for pediatric emergency medicine: a mixed-methods pilot study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19872023Longitudinal associations of macronutrient and micronutrient intake with plasma kynurenines in colorectal cancer survivors up to 12 months posttreatment.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
19882023A decision support tool has similar high PrEP uptake and increases early PrEP persistence in adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: results from a randomized controlled trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
19892023Design of a Service for the Management of Heart Failure Patients Using Telemedicine.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
19902023Intraday dynamic rescheduling under patient no-shows.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
19912023Association Between Hospital Adoption of an Emergency Department Treatment Pathway for Opioid Use Disorder and Patient Initiation of Buprenorphine After Discharge.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
19922023Effect of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on chlamydia and gonorrhoea notifications and testing in Queensland, Australia: an interrupted time series analysis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
19932023Restoration of Life Expectancy After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
19942023Assessing the acceptability of COVID-19 vaccine and its booster dose.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
19952023Pharmacological profile and potential drug interactions in ovarian cancer hospitalized patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
19962023Impairment and Disability Identity and Perceptions of Trust, Respect, and Fairness.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19972023Rural-Urban Differences in Hospital and Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Total Hip Arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19982023Collaborating for COVID-19: Hospital Health Information Exchange and Public Health Partnership.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
19992023Longitudinal trends in domperidone dispensing to mothers of very preterm infants and its association with breast milk feeding at infant discharge: a retrospective study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20002023Effect of anticholinergic burden on brain activity during Working Memory and real-world functioning in patients with schizophrenia.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20012023Enhancing HIV Patient Support Through Telehealth: Exploring Design Solutions.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20022023The effect of hospital spending on waiting times.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20032023Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Antihyperglycemic Prescriptions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes in Canada: A Cross-sectional Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20042023Comparison of paediatric infectious disease deaths in public sector health facilities using different data sources in the Western Cape, South Africa (2007-2021).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
20052023Baseline Clinical Characteristics and Incidence of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Patients in Latvia, 2019-2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20062023Marijuana and Cannabidiol Use Prevalence and Symptom Management Among Patients with Cancer.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20072023Occurrence of sensitive topics during ward round: an ancillary analysis of the BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE trial.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20082023A retrospective review of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor with beta-tricalcium phosphate bone graft substitute use in hindfoot and/or ankle arthrodesis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20092023Patient-Reported Outcomes, Digital Health, and the Quest to Improve Health Equity.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20102023Development of a plasma-free amino acid-based risk score for the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in a general population: The Nagahama study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20112023Large-Scale Biomedical Relation Extraction Across Diverse Relation Types: Model Development and Usability Study on COVID-19.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20122023Automated ICD10-Coding of Teleconsultations Conclusions in Primary Care.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20132023Optimization models for patient and technician scheduling in hemodialysis centers.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20142023"I was Close to Helping him but Couldn't Quite get There": Psychiatrists' Experiences of a Patient's Death by Suicide.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
20152023Burden of disease among patients with prevalent Crohn's disease: results from a large German sickness fund.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20162023Long-term Cancer Survival Trends by Updated Summary Stage.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20172023Analysis and implementation of the DynDiff tool when comparing versions of ontology.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20182023Influence of medical humanization on patients' attribution in negative medical situations with communication as the mediator: a questionnaire study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20192023A descriptive analysis of the contents of Care Response, an international data set of patient-reported outcomes for chiropractic patients.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20202023Avatar and virtual agent-assisted telecare for patients in their homes: A scoping review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20212023Clinical factors associated with need for neurosurgical care in young children with imaging for macrocephaly: a case control study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20222023Young adults' reasoning for involving a parent in a genomic decision-making research study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20232023Analyzing COVID-19 Rates Between Residents and Staff in Correctional Facilities: A Telemedicine Opportunity.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20242023Service Utilization for Parent Management of Early Childhood Behavior Problems in a Private Outpatient Behavioral Clinic: The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Cost, Travel Distance, and Initial Treatment Progress.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20252023Are we of one mind about core competencies of nurse preceptors? A nominal group technique study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
20262023Trends in antineoplastic drug use, cost and prescribing patterns among patients with lung cancer in nine major cities of China, 2016-2020: a retrospective observational study based on inpatient and outpatient hospital data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20272023Maternal death surveillance efforts: notification and review coverage rates in 30 low-income and middle-income countries, 2015-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
20282023Age-Specific Trends of Invasive Cervical Cancer Incidence in British Columbia, Canada, 1971-2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20292023Wearable-based human flow experience recognition enhanced by transfer learning methods using emotion data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20302023Communicating effectively with inclusion health populations: 2022 ICCH symposium.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20312023Factors Associated with Treatment Outcome Satisfaction Six Months after Upper Blepharoplasty: A Large Cohort Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20322023A Qualitative Study on Using Telemedicine for Precepting and Teaching in the Academic Setting.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20332023Association of metabolic syndrome conditions with risk of second primary uterine cancer in breast cancer survivors.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20342023Uncertainty-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying Bilateral Opacities on Chest X-rays: A Tool to Aid Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20352023Digital Connecting for Health, an Open Platform Based on Data Integration and Standards to Adopt Digital and Telehealth Solutions in the Healthcare Ecosystem.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20362023Managing surgical waiting lists through dynamic priority scoring.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20372023Measurement Approaches to Estimating Methadone Continuity in Opioid Use Disorder Care.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20382023A Point Source Gastroenteritis Outbreak in a High School Putatively Due toNotificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
20392023Long-Term Incidence of Ischemic Stroke After Transient Ischemic Attack: A Nationwide Study From 2014 to 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20402023The effects of leadership levels and gender on leader well-being.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20412023Are the stars aligned? Healthcare students' conditions for negotiating tasks and competencies during interprofessional clinical placement.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20422023Establishing the Minimal Clinically Important Difference and Patient Acceptable Symptom State Thresholds Following Arthroscopic Capsular Release for the Treatment of Idiopathic Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20432023Acceptability of a Whatsapp Triage, Referral, and Transfer System for Obstetric Patients in Rural Liberia.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20442023Surgical sensation during caesarean section: a qualitative analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20452023Prospects and Aspirations for Workforce Training and Education in Social Prescribing.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20462023Roadmap for Aligning Cardiovascular Digital Health in Austria with the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Ecosystem.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20472023Effect of a National VHA Medical Scribe Pilot on Provider Productivity, Wait Times, and Patient Satisfaction in Cardiology and Orthopedics.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20482023Racial disparities in opioid prescription and pain management among breast cancer survivors.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20492023Incidence and Prevalence of 73 Different Genodermatoses: A Nationwide Study in Sweden.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20502023Indirect and Direct 65+ Patient Reporting of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug-Induced Adverse Drug Reactions as a Source of Information on Polypharmacy and Polypharmacy-Related Risk.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20512023Canadians' trust in government in a time of crisis: Does it matter?Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20522023Examining the association between military service history and outcomes after burn injury.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20532023An Educational Needs Assessment of Telehealth in Primary Care Among US Internal Medicine Residents.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20542023Effect of beta-blocker therapy on weight loss outcomes after sleeve gastrectomy & Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20552023Sequence-oriented sensitive analysis for PM2.5 exposure and risk assessment using interactive process mining.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20562023Telemedicine: The Situation in Morocco.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20572023Comparison of Work Patterns Between Physicians and Advanced Practice Practitioners in Primary Care and Specialty Practice Settings.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20582023Diabetes care among individuals with and without schizophrenia in three Canadian provinces: A retrospective cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20592023Systemic Metabolic Alteration Dependent on the Thyroid-Liver Axis in Early PD.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
20602023Access Site-Stratified Analysis of the Incidence, Predictors, and Outcomes of Impella-Supported Patients With Cardiogenic Shock.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20612023Estimation of Obesity Levels through the Proposed Predictive Approach Based on Physical Activity and Nutritional Habits.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20622023What is my risk, doctor? Let's stop giving patients irrelevant information.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20632023Prolonged effects of dexamethasone following total knee arthroplasty: A pre-planned sub-study of the DEX-2-TKA trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20642023Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Revisiting Specialist Physicians via Remote Treatment: Interview Study of Experiences.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20652023Medical concept embedding of real-valued electronic health records with application to inflammatory bowel disease.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20662023Knowledge support for optimising antibiotic prescribing for common infections in general practices: evaluation of the effectiveness of periodic feedback, decision support during consultations and peer comparisons in a cluster randomised trial (BRIT2) - study protocol.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20672023A Study on Optimization and Evaluation of the Visualization of Complex Algorithm Results in Remote Monitoring of COPD.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20682023Evaluation and implementation of a Just-In-Time bed-assignment strategy to reduce wait times for surgical inpatients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20692023Child and adolescent psychiatry staff's knowledge on pain management.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
20702023Patient-Reported Outcomes in Pain Management After Ambulatory Pediatric General and Urologic Surgery.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20712023Recent Advances in the Use of the Mortality Syndromic Surveillance System-New York City, 2015-2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20722023Exploring the norepinephrine to angiotensin II conversion ratio in patients with vasodilatory hypotension: A post-hoc analysis of the ARAMIS trial.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
20732023ShinyLUTS-A Shiny web application for structured data management and analysis for patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20742023Prevalence and Determinants of Predialysis Dietitian Follow-Up: Results From the Brazilian Dialysis Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
20752023Exploration of the nonlinear relationship between social support and the establishment of long-term doctor-patient relationships: An empirical analysis based on virtual doctor teams.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20762023Relationship between Unstable Housing, Food Insecurity, and Vision Status in the MI-SIGHT Community Eye Disease Screening Program.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20772023Committee on Surgical Combat Casualty Care position statement: Neurosurgical capability for the optimal management of traumatic brain injury during deployed operations.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20782023Negation and speculation processing: A study on cue-scope labelling and assertion classification in Spanish clinical text.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20792023Medical Oxygen as a Life-Saving Medicine: A rapid review of the oxygen landscape and innovative efforts in the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Region in Response to COVID-19 and Beyond.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20802023A Digital Personal Health Library for the Management of Abortion-Related Care via Telemedicine.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20812023Use of exception status listing and related outcomes during two heart allocation policy periods.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20822023Pharmacovigilance in Herbal Drugs: A Challenge.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20832023Trends in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Breast Cancer Incidence Among Women in Canada.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20842023Pathway for post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence: impact on patient confidence and satisfaction.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
20852023CNN-Res: deep learning framework for segmentation of acute ischemic stroke lesions on multimodal MRI images.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20862023Patient and clinician perspectives on shared decision-making in infertility treatment: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20872023Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Hearing Aid Benefit and Satisfaction: Content Validity and Readability.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20882023Chemo assist for children mobile health application to manage chemotherapy-related symptoms in acute leukemia in Indonesia: a user-centered design approach.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20892023Analyzing the incidence of silicosis across various industries in Taiwan: a study of occupational disease surveillance by linking national-based workers' and medicoadministrative databases.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
20902023Evaluating the predictive ability of natural language processing in identifying tertiary/quaternary cases in prioritization workflows for interhospital transfer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
20912023Pharmacist-Led Management of HIV PrEP Within the Veterans Health Administration.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
20922023How to adjust the expected waiting time to improve patient's satisfaction?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
20932023Perceptions of West Virginia Teens and Adults Regarding the Risks of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
20942023Comparing survival rates for clusters of depressive symptoms found by Network analysis' community detection algorithms: Results from a prospective population-based study among 9774 cancer survivors from the PROFILES-registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
20952023A Digital Mask-Voiceprint System for Postpandemic Surveillance and Tracing Based on the STRONG Strategy.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
20962023Induced Abortion and the Risk of Rh Sensitization.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
20972023Amid Health Misinformation, Most Trust Physicians for Truth.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20982023Quality of Life Improvement in Concurrent Septorhinoplasty and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
20992023Telehealth-delivered naturalistic developmental behavioural intervention with and without caregiver acceptance and commitment therapy for autistic children and their caregivers: protocol for a multi-arm parallel group randomised clinical trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21002023Substance use among pregnant women in NSW prisons.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21012023Illness severity assessment of older adults in critical illness using machine learning (ELDER-ICU): an international multicentre study with subgroup bias evaluation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21022023Dermatological Implications of the Taqiyah and Imamah: Recommendations for Delivering Culturally Conscious Care.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21032023Variation and clinical consequences of wait-times for atrial fibrillation ablation: population level study in Ontario, Canada.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21042023A Multisite Qualitative Analysis of Perceived Roles in Medication Safety: Older Adults' Perspectives.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21052023The socioeconomic distribution of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Chile.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21062023Disposable facemask waste combustion emits neuroactive smoke particulate matter.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21072023Man vs the machine in the struggle for effective text anonymisation in the age of large language models.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21082023Visual thinking strategies for interprofessional education and promoting collaborative competencies.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21092023Acceptability, feasibility and short-term outcomes of temperament based therapy with support (TBT-S): a novel 5-day treatment for eating disorders.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21102023Patient-clinician dynamics in remote consultations: a qualitative study of cardiology and rheumatology outpatient clinics in the UK.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21112023The role of depression and antidepressant treatment in antihypertensive medication adherence and persistence: Utilising electronic health record data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21122023Building a nonclinical pathology laboratory of the future for pharmaceutical research excellence.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21132023Female sex and burden of depressive symptoms predict insufficient response to telemedical treatment in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a naturalistic patient cohort during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21142023Greater geographic sharing and heart transplantation waitlist outcomes following the 2018 heart allocation policy.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21152023[Patient Safety Management Practiced by Pharmacy Pharmacists Using Their Training at Oncology Hospital].Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21162023Unfavorable cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios in patients with schizophrenia: A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan, 2000-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21172023Status of countrywide laboratory services quality and capacity in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania: Findings from Star Rating Assessment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21182023Integrating GIS and remote sensing for land use/land cover mapping and groundwater potential assessment for climate-smart cocoa irrigation in Ghana.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21192023Developing relevant community mental health programmes in North India: five questions we ask when co-producing knowledge with experts by experience.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21202023Curcumin and proton pump inhibitors for functional dyspepsia: a randomised, double blind controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21212023Telehealth as a Tool to Transform Pediatric Care: Views from Stakeholders.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21222023Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of exome sequencing and its impact on diagnostic thinking for rare disease patients in a publicly-funded healthcare system: a prospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21232023Development and application of a PBPK modeling strategy to support antimalarial drug development.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21242023Effectiveness of a virtual vs. in-person group-based education curriculum to increase disease-related knowledge and change health behaviour among cardiac rehabilitation participants.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21252023[Sharing Patient Safety Management Skills in Oncology Pharmaceutical Outpatient Service].Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21262023Psychosocial work environment and mental health among the global workforce of seafarers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21272023Temporal Trends of Stages and Survival of Biliary Tract Cancers in the United States and Associations with Demographic Factors.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21282023The early impacts of primary HPV cervical screening implementation in Australia on the pathology sector: a qualitative study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21292023Deaths: Final Data for 2020.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21302023How NHS data could benefit us all and how to build the trust needed to make it happen.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21312023Midline Compared With Peripheral Intravenous Catheters for Therapy of 4 Days or Longer in Pediatric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21322023Management of modifiable risk factors and comorbidities in atrial fibrillation: suggestions for improvement from a patient perspective.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21332023Increased Vaccine Uptake Among Eligible Patients at a Veterans Affairs Hospital Through an Inpatient COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Atlanta, Georgia, 2021.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21342023Construction and effectiveness evaluation of a knowledge-based infectious disease monitoring and decision support system.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21352023The informal way to success or failure? Findings from a comparative case study on video consultation training and implementation in two Danish hospitals.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21362023[Development of two outpatient interdisciplinary group modules in the treatment of patients with pain and risk of chronification].Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21372023Exploring the development of adaptive expertise through the lens of threshold concepts.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
21382023Annual trends in glycemic control and prescribing patterns in diabetic treatment according to age in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes between 2012 and 2019 (JDDM 71).Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21392023Exploring recent patterns of migration of doctors to the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21402023Predictors and Trends in First-Trimester Hemoglobin A1c Screening in New York City, 2009 to 2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21412023A survey of North American drug checking services operating in 2022.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21422023The evolving role of data & safety monitoring boards for real-world clinical trials.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21432023Interpreters as Translation Machines: Telephone Interpreting Challenges as Awareness Problems.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21442023Total wrist arthroplasty with the Freedom® prosthesis: a short-term follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21452023Patient Perceptions of e-Visits: Qualitative Study of Older Adults to Inform Health System Implementation.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21462023Occupational Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Wisconsin: Results From a Statewide Electronic Disease Surveillance System and From the Wisconsin Poison Center, 2018-2021.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21472023The need to strengthen the evaluation of the impact of Artificial Intelligence-based decision support systems on healthcare provision.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21482023Physician perspectives on chronic pain management: barriers and the use of eHealth in the COVID-19 era.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21492023Brain tumours in the time of COVID-19: An online survey on patients' disease experience in one Italian region.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21502023Development of Mobile Application-Based System for Improving Medication Adherence Among Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Therapy.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21512023The structural-demographic theory revisited: An empirical test for industrialized societies.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21522023Severe outcomes following pediatric cannabis intoxication: a prospective cohort study of an international toxicology surveillance registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21532023Hepatitis C virus point-of-care RNA testing: Experience from screening an entire high-security Australian prison population over 3 days.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21542023DCM-PROGRESS: predicting end-stage heart failure in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy patients.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21552023Communication research in a post-COVID era: Special Section with invited papers from the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2022 (ICCH-2022).Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21562023The Influence of Compensatory Pelvic Tilt on Patient-reported Outcome Measurements in FAI Patients Who Received Arthroscopic Treatment.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21572023Caregiving for Older Adults With Dementia During the Time of COVID-19: A Multi-State Exploratory Qualitative Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21582023Overcoming barriers to informed consent in neurological research: Perspectives from a national survey.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21592023New evidence on supplier-induced demand in China's public tertiary hospitals: is the cost of hospitalization higher in the off-season?Financiamento da saúde; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21602023What, Where, and How to Collect Real-World Data and Generate Real-World Evidence to Support Drug Reimbursement Decision-Making in Asia: A reflection Into the Past and A Way Forward.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21612023Pet owners prefer face-to-face consultations, with many being open to considering virtual consultations with veterinarians.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21622023Small Changes in Patient Arrival and Consultation Times Have Large Effects on Patients' Waiting Times: Simulation Analyses for Primary Care.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21632023Telehealth Intervention to Improve Uptake of Evidence-Based Medications among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Failure or Cardiovascular Disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21642023Health impacts in pathology workforce during mergers and acquisitions (M&A).Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21652023Cerebral palsy in children born after assisted reproductive technology in Norway: Risk, prevalence, and clinical characteristics.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21662023The impact of wearing facemask on COPD patients: A protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21672023Characterization of long COVID temporal sub-phenotypes by distributed representation learning from electronic health record data: a cohort study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21682023Online Physician-Patient Interaction and Patient Satisfaction: Empirical Study of the Internet Hospital Service.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21692023Health-related quality of life among adults newly diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis in Lagos State, Nigeria: a prospective study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21702023[Efficacy of remote consultation between hospital cardiologists and primary care in cardiovascular disease management: the "Cardiologia in linea" project in Trentino, Italy].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21712023A Survey Study on Knowledge and Attitude Toward the Ethics Committee and Research Ethical Practices Among Researchers From Kuwait.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21722023Prediction of hospitalization and waiting time within 24 hours of emergency department patients with unstructured text data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21732023Support Systems of Clinical Decisions in the Triage of the Emergency Department Using Artificial Intelligence: The Efficiency to Support Triage.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21742023Identification of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction via remote implantable loop recorder monitor.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21752023Does anybody really know what (the kidney median waiting) time is?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21762023Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Needs Assessment for a Pediatric Radiology Fellowship Program: What, How, and Why?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
21772023Type 1 diabetes management: Room for improvement.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21782023Evaluation of lay health workers on quality of care in the inpatient setting.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21792023Incidence of cardiovascular morbidity among Parkinson's disease patients; a large-scale cohort study in a 16-year time window around disease onset.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21802023[Analysis and Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Operation Performance of Hospital Valuable Equipment].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21812023Impact of Clinical Decision Support Within the Electronic Medical Record on Opioid Prescribing and Dispensing.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21822023Development of a patient-reported outcome (PRO) measure to assess patient perceptions of simplicity and complexity of treatment for type 2 diabetes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21832023Analysis of Retracted Publications in Medical Literature Due to Ethical Violations.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21842023Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients: Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21852023Deep learning-assisted identification and quantification of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in non-contrast CT scans: Development and external validation of Hybrid 2D/3D UNet.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21862023The Future of Telehealth in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Care: A Qualitative Study of Patient and Provider Perspectives in South Carolina.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
21872023Impact of a Targeted Project for Shortening of Imaging Diagnostic Waiting Time in Patients with Suspected Oncological Diseases in Hungary.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
21882023Hopamine as Personalized Medicine for Persons with Parkinson's Disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
21892023An evaluation of clinical fellow programmes in an acute teaching hospital trust.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
21902023Mortality and Morbidity Among Adult Liver Retransplant Recipients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
21912023Learning from implementation of a COVID case management desk guide and training: a pilot study in Sierra Leone.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
21922023[Current situation and trend of medical laboratory results homogeneity management].Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
21932023Collaborative relationships between doulas and maternity care providers when supporting migrant women during labour and birth.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21942023Perceived Age and Gender Perception Using Facial Recognition Software Following Facial Feminization Surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21952023Patient Experiences with and Preferences for Telemedicine Relative to In-Person Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
21962023Initial Steps in Creating a Patient-Centric Addendum to Clinical Trial Informed Consent Forms.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21972023Clinical and laboratory characteristics of children with severe and nonsevere COVID-19 in Kermanshah, west of Iran: A retrospective study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
21982023Can clinical decision support systems be an asset in medical education? An experimental approach.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
21992023Reimagining Ambulatory Care in Urology: Conversion of the Urology Clinic into a Procedure Center Improves Patient's Experience.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22002023An operations research approach to automated patient scheduling for eye care using a multi-criteria decision support tool.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22012023Minimum-Staffing Rules for U.S. Nursing Homes - Opportunities and Challenges.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22022023Estimating cancer incidence in Uganda: a feasibility study for periodic cancer surveillance research in resource limited settings.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22032023Emergency preparedness capacity of a university hospital in Ghana: a cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22042023An Intraoperative Telemedicine Program to Improve Perioperative Quality Measures: The ACTFAST-3 Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22052023Exploring communication preferences of trans and gender diverse individuals-A qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22062023Gene Therapy in Hemophilia: A Transformational Patient Experience.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22072023Multidisciplinary teams, efficient communication, procedure services, and telehealth improve cirrhosis care: A qualitative study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22082023Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of genicular nerves in chronic knee pain: A novel technique for more complete sensory denervation.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22092023Measuring the impact of an integrated bite case management program on the detection of canine rabies cases in Vietnam.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22102023Examining Care Planning Efficiency and Clinical Decision Support Adoption in a System Tailoring to Nurses' Graph Literacy: National, Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22112023Rebalancing Controlled Substance Regulations in Telemedicine.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22122023Using co-design to improve the client waiting experience at an outpatient mental health clinic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22132023IMplementing Predictive Analytics towards efficient COPD Treatments (IMPACT): protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomized impact study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22142023Changes in work tasks and organization of general practice in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a comparative international study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22152023Early identification of a COVID-19 outbreak detected by wastewater surveillance at a large homeless shelter in Toronto, Ontario.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
22162023Cervical, liver and stomach cancer incidence and mortality in non-Western immigrant women: a retrospective cohort study from four Nordic countries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22172023Mass Masking without Mandates - The Role of Gender in Mask Use in China.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22182023Environmental sensitivity assessment and land degradation in southeastern Serbia: application of modified MEDALUS model.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22192023Appraisal of groundwater quality with WQI and human health risk assessment in Karamık wetland and surroundings (Afyonkarahisar/Turkey).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
22202023Assessing the Effect of Nonvisual Information Factors in Pandemic-Related Video Communication: Randomized Controlled Between-Subjects Experiment.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22212023Patient-reported Outcomes of Arthroscopic Repair for Partial or Full-thickness Upper Third Subscapularis Tendon Tears with Open Sub-pectoral Biceps Tenodesis: Minimum 10-year Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22222023Telemedicine Based on Human Activity Recognition in Elderly Healthcare.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22232023Noninvasive Assessment of Impaired Gas Exchange with the Alveolar Gas Monitor Predicts Clinical Deterioration in COVID-19 Patients.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22242023Effects of the Pregnancy and Newborn Diagnostic Assessment (PANDA) App on Antenatal Care Quality in Burkina Faso: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22252023A single centre study of the level of parents' satisfaction with the COVID-19 telemedicine consultation.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22262023Treatment Experiences for Patients Receiving Buprenorphine/Naloxone for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study of Patients' Perceptions and Attitudes.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22272023Assessment of needs and gaps in public health cadre in India - a situational analysis.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22282023Impact on the Volume of Pathology Reports Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in SEER Cancer Registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22292023Efficiency and equity of bed utilization in China's health institutions: based on the rank-sum ratio method.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22302023A Survey of the Status of Methadone Switching in Japan Using a Hospital-Based Administrative Claims Database.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22312023Understanding Trust Determinants in a Live Chat Service on Familial Cancer: Qualitative Triangulation Study With Focus Groups and Interviews in Germany.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22322023Telemedicine-based inspiratory muscle training and walking promotion with lung cancer survivors following curative intent therapy: a parallel-group pilot randomized trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22332023State Medicaid and private telemedicine coverage requirements and telemedicine use, 2013-2019.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22342023Nutritional Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Family Physician Practitioners in Gulf Countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and UAE).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22352023Individual participant data from digital sources informed and improved precision in the evaluation of predictive biomarkers in Bayesian network meta-analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22362023Mitigating inequity: ethically prioritizing patients for CAR T-cell therapy.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22372023Black American women's attitudes toward seeking mental health services and use of mobile technology to support the management of anxiety.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22382023Differential donor management of pediatric vs adult organ donors and potential impact on pediatric lung transplantation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22392023Healthcare costs associated with short-acting βPrescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22402023Racial disparities in pain management: Historical maleficence and solutions for equity.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22412023Estimating the excess burden of pertussis disease in Australia within the first year of life, that might have been prevented through timely vaccination.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
22422023Incidence of keratinocyte carcinomas in Italy: an exercise in indirect estimation based on melanoma data.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22432023Maturation of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in a heart-on-a-chip device enables modeling of dilated cardiomyopathy caused by R222Q-SCN5A mutation.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22442023The minimum number of examined lymph nodes was 24 for optimal survival of pathological T2-4 gastric cancer: a multi-center, hospital-based study covering 20 years of data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22452023Barriers to Disclosure of Intimate Partner Violence Among Undocumented Spanish-Speaking Immigrants in the United States.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22462023Value of patient-reported outcome measures for evaluating the benefit of speech processor upgrading in patients with cochlear implants.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22472023Offerings and User Demands of eHealth Services in Spain: National Survey.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22482023Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Patient Communication: Current Possibilities.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22492023Temporal capital and unaligned times as inequality mechanisms: A case study of chronic care in general practice.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22502023Tackling antimicrobial resistance: developing and implementing antimicrobial stewardship interventions in four African commonwealth countries through a health partnership model.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22512023Telemedicine in the management of patients with headache: Current situation and recommendations of the Spanish Society of Neurology's Headache Study Group.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22522023Automatic medication refills to improve glycaemic control among patients with diabetes and low medication adherence.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22532023Flanders Nursing Home (FLANH) project: Protocol of a multicenter longitudinal observational study on staffing, work environment, rationing of care, and resident and care worker outcomes.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22542023Changing patterns of nasopharyngeal carcinoma incidence in Hong Kong: a 30-year analysis and future projections.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22552023Barriers to infection prevention and control in long-term care/assisted living settings in British Columbia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22562023Predicting body weight through biometric measurements in growing hair sheep using data mining and machine learning algorithms.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22572023Advancements and challenges in neuromodulation technology: interdisciplinary opportunities and collaborative endeavors.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22582023Defining and Promoting Pediatric Pulmonary Health: Leveraging Patient Reported Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22592023The Italian Society of Cardiology and Working Group on Telecardiology and Informatics 2023 updated position paper on telemedicine and artificial intelligence in cardiovascular disease.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22602023Large Language Model-Based Chatbot vs Surgeon-Generated Informed Consent Documentation for Common Procedures.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22612023Scalp EEG-recorded high-frequency oscillations can predict seizure activity in Panayiotopoulos syndrome.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22622023Leveraging web-based prediction calculators to set patient expectations for elective spine surgery: a qualitative study to inform implementation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22632023A multicentre cross-sectional observational study to determine the effect of living with frailty on digital exclusion from video consultations: (Access-VIGIL).Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22642023The Cost-Effectiveness of Financial Incentives to Achieve Heroin Abstinence in Individuals With Heroin Use Disorder Starting New Treatment Episodes: A Cluster Randomized Trial-Based Economic Evaluation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22652023Diagnostic and decision-making abilities of Swiss physiotherapists in a simulated direct access setting.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
22662023Association of Uncontrolled Hypertension or Diabetes Mellitus With Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in South Korea: Population-Based Cohort Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22672023Alarm burden and the nursing care environment: a 213-hospital cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22682023Interleukin-10: A Potential Pre-Cannulation Marker for Development of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Receiving Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22692023Flexible thermoelectric generator and energy management electronics powered by body heat.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22702023Applying clinical decision aids for the assessment and management of febrile infants presenting to emergency care in the UK and Ireland: Febrile Infant Diagnostic Assessment and Outcome (FIDO) Study protocol.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22712023Low trust in science may foster belief in misinformation by aligning scientifically supported and unsupported statements.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22722023Changes in Patient-Reported Outcomes Associated with Receiving Whole Health in the Veteran Health Administration (VHA)'s National Demonstration Project.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22732023Rural-Urban Differences in Telehealth Utilization and Delayed Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22742023Making salient ethics arguments about vaccine mandates: A California case study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22752023Predictive Ability of Ultrasound on Neonatal Diagnoses and Consequences on Prenatal Care Utilization.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22762023Risks of Uterine Perforation and Expulsion Associated With Intrauterine Devices.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22772023Leveraging remote consultations in resource-limited settings.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22782023Self-management support by health care providers in prenatal Shared Medical Appointments (CenteringPregnancy©) and prenatal individual appointments.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22792023Obstetric operating room staffing and operating efficiency using queueing theory.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
22802023Epidemiology and direct health care costs of hospitalised legionellosis in New Zealand, 2000-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
22812023Patterns in Cancer Incidence Among People Younger Than 50 Years in the US, 2010 to 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22822023Interlaboratory comparison using inactivated SARS-CoV-2 variants as a feasible tool for quality control in COVID-19 wastewater monitoring.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22832023Reducing abnormal expenses in national health insurance based on a control chart and decision tree-driven define, measure, analyze, improve and control process.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22842023Adaptive Coping Strategies at the Time of COVID-19: The Role of Social and General Trust.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22852023Intraoperative navigation system use increases accuracy of glenoid component inclination but not functional outcomes in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a prospective comparative study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22862023Experiences on the Utility and Barriers of Telemedicine in Healthcare Delivery in Kenya.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22872023Bypass versus Angioplasty for Severe Ischaemia of the Leg (BASIL) Prospective Cohort Study and the Generalisability of the BASIL-2 Randomised Controlled Trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22882023Development of a hospital frailty risk score for community-dwelling older adults using data from electronic hospital records in South Korea.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
22892023Effectiveness of an Emergency Department-Based Machine Learning Clinical Decision Support Tool to Prevent Outpatient Falls Among Older Adults: Protocol for a Quasi-Experimental Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
22902023Examining supporting and constraining factors of physicians' acceptance of telemedical online consultations: a survey study.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
22912023Online scheduling using a fixed template: the case of outpatient chemotherapy drug administration.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
22922023Internet Use for Obtaining Medicine Information: Cross-sectional Survey.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
22942023Surveillance of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan, 2008-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
22952023Incidence and survival of adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes in patients with colorectal cancer.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
22962023GANMasker: A Two-Stage Generative Adversarial Network for High-Quality Face Mask Removal.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
22972023A 12-gene panel in estimating hormone-treatment responses of castration-resistant prostate cancer patients generated using a combined analysis of bulk and single-cell sequencing data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
22982023Shared intentionality modulates interpersonal neural synchronization at the establishment of communication system.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
22992023Long-Term Patient-Reported Outcomes in Internationally Adopted Children with Cleft Lip and Palate.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23002023Impact of a Pharmacist-Run Electronic Consult Service in a Network of Primary Care Patient-Centered Medical Homes.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23012023Toward Consent in Molecular HIV Surveillance?: Perspectives of Critical Stakeholders.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23022023Identifying predictors of the amount of veteran participation in cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in the Veterans Affairs health care system.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23032023Features that hindered the capacity development of a national prostate cancer service.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23042023Effectiveness of a person-centred eHealth intervention in reducing symptoms of burnout in patients with common mental disorders - secondary outcome analysis of a randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
23052023On integrating patient appointment grids and technologist schedules in a radiology center.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
23062023Medication Management in the Critically Ill Patient with Acute Kidney Injury.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23072023Profiles of physician motivation towards using virtual care: differences in workplace need fulfillment.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23082023Cancer Epidemiology in the Northeastern United States (2013-2017).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23092023A Multicenter Randomized Phase II Trial Investigating the Effect of Polyglycolic Acid Sheet on the Prevention of Pancreatic Fistula After Gastrectomy with Prophylactic Lymph Node Dissection.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23102023Clinical profiles, epidemiological characteristics and treatment outcomes of COVID-19 patients in North-eastern Ethiopia: A retrospective cohort study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23112023The Influence of Anthropomorphic Cues on Patients' Perceived Anthropomorphism, Social Presence, Trust Building, and Acceptance of Health Care Conversational Agents: Within-Subject Web-Based Experiment.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23122023Development and Psychometric Validation of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs BCC-20) for Assessing Comfort during Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23132023Effectiveness of an Immersive Telemedicine Platform for Delivering Diabetes Medical Group Visits for African American, Black and Hispanic, or Latina Women With Uncontrolled Diabetes: The Women in Control 2.0 Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23142023A randomised controlled trial in preterm infants comparing prophylactic with selective "less invasive surfactant administration" (pro.LISA).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23152023Surgical management of neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23162023Design and evaluation of a Mobile-Based decision support system to enhance lung transplant candidate assessment and management: knowledge translation integrated with clinical workflow.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23172023Planned discharge and the inter-professional relationship from the perspective of the nursing actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23182023Hereditary Angioedema With Normal C1 Inhibitor: US Survey of Prevalence and Provider Practice Patterns.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23192023The Next Generation: Mentoring and Diversity in the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23202023Underreporting of Work-Related COVID-19 Cases in Norway.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23212023Service availability and readiness for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care: Analysis from Nepal Health Facility Survey 2021.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23222023A comparative study of interagency communications and information exchange in disaster response among selected countries.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23232023A Multidimensional Assessment of Activities of Daily Living, Mental Status, Communication, and Social Abilities Among Older Adults in Shenzhen, China: Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23242023The With Or Without Olecranon K-wire (WOW OK) Trial of tension band wire fixation versus cerclage fixation without K-wires in displaced stable olecranon fractures: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23252023Mental health support for and telehealth use by Australians living with borderline personality disorder during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: A national study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23262023Factors influence the dignity of burns patients: A cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23272023Mental health service requirements after COVID-19 hospitalization: A 1-year follow-up cohort study using electronic health records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23282023Providers' Perspectives on Decision-Making About Care for Transgender Youth.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23292023Interprofessional education: a necessity in Alzheimer's dementia care-a pilot study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23302023["Giving quality assistance during the waiting time". A management model for personalized attention to patients on waiting list].Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
23312023Continuity of Medication Use by US Adults With Diabetes, 2005-2019.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23322023Trends in Dental Hygiene Academic Leadership Development: Influencers, barriers, and enabling mechanisms.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23332023Trends and burden of diabetes in patients with atrial fibrillation during 2007-2018: A Finnish nationwide cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23342023A Blanket That Leaves the Feet Cold: Exploring the AI Act Safety Framework for Medical AI.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23352023Dos and don'ts in designing a computerized oral and lip squamous cell cancer registry.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23362023A Novel Simulation Program for Interprofessional Health Literacy Training.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23372023A Digital Counselor-Delivered Intervention for Substance Use Among People With HIV: Development and Usability Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23382023Mind the gap: analysis of two pilot projects of a home telehealth service for persons with complex conditions in a Swedish hospital.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23392023Characterization of key information sections in informed consent forms posted on de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23402023Real-world utilization of guideline-directed genetic testing in inherited cardiovascular diseases.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23412023Managed critical care: impact of remote decision-making on patient outcomes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23422023The role of perceived organizational support for nurses' ability to handle and resolve ethical value conflicts: A mixed methods study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23432023Early pregnancy confirmation availability at crisis pregnancy centers and abortion facilities in the United States.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
23442023Cost burden among the CF population in the United States: A focus on debt, food insecurity, housing and health services.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23452023Exploring self-determined solutions to service and system challenges to promote social and emotional wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23462023Conditional survival in breast cancer up to 10 years in the Nordic countries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23472023Impact of a new clinical mattress solution on interface pressure and comfort during supine lying.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23482023Modeling construction and demolition waste quantities in Tanta City, Egypt: a synergistic approach of remote sensing, geographic information system, and hybrid fuzzy neural networks.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23492023The effect of interpersonal relations theory-based motivational interviews on functional remission and insight levels of patients with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23502023Real-World Use of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) Tools Integrated in the Electronic Medical Record During Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer: Feasibility Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23512023"I Have Constant Fear": A National Qualitative Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Care and Potential Solutions to Improve the Cancer Care Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23522023The Hard Palate Sweep: a multiplanar 2-dimensional sonographic method for the prenatal detection of cleft palate.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23532023The Fusion Clinic: integrating the care of people with severe mental illness and diabetes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23542023Nationwide implementation of personalized outcomes forecasts to support physical therapists in treating patients with intermittent claudication: Protocol for an interrupted time series study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23552023Developing consensus on the principles and key actions for collaborative working between general practices and community pharmacies: a modified eDelphi study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23562023Reducing waiting times from 65 to under 40 days for children and adolescents receiving mental health services using a new scheduling policy.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
23572023"I Refused to Get Addicted to Opioids": Exploring Attitudes About Opioid Use Disorder in Patients With Advanced Cancer Pain and Their Support People.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23582023Factors associated with millennial nurses' intention to pursue formal leadership roles: a cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23592023Using the Incidence of Cervical Cancer Precursors to Assess the Impact of HPV Vaccination Efforts in Kentucky.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23602023Sustainable Solution for Plastic Pollution: Upcycling Waste Polypropylene Masks for Effective Oil-Spill Management.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23612023Adverse event signal extraction from cancer patients' narratives focusing on impact on their daily-life activities.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23622023"Ego massaging that helps": a framework analysis study of internal medicine trainees' interprofessional collaboration approaches.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23632023The Influence of Patello-Femoral Overstuffing After Modular Unlinked Bicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty (BiKA) for Medial Tibio-Femoral and Patello-Femoral Osteoarthritis of the Knee.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23642023Feasibility and Acceptability of a US National Telemedicine Curriculum for Medical Students and Residents: Multi-institutional Cross-sectional Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23652023Academic and Private Partnership to Improve Informed Consent Forms Using a Data Driven Approach.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23662023RoBERTa-Assisted Outcome Prediction in Ovarian Cancer Cytoreductive Surgery Using Operative Notes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23672023TS-DSANN: Texture and shape focused dual-stream attention neural network for benign-malignant diagnosis of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23682023Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Health Care Teams in a Regional Cancer Institute: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23692023Factors associated with frequent or daily use of prescription opioids among adults with chronic pain in the United States.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23702023Designing structures to support a 4-day workweek for nurse leaders.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23712023Assessment of Registry-Based Surveillance Statistics Used for Cancer Control in the Dindigul District in South India.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23722023Efficacy of a surgical mask during high-flow nasal oxygen therapy in preventing aerosol dispersion: a randomized controlled study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23732023Medication Reconciliation During Transitions of Care Across Institutions: A quantitative analysis of challenges and opportunities.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23742023Questions Surround "Paused" NIH Health Communication Research Program.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23752023One-Year Postoperative Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Are Associated With Three-Year to Five-Year Postoperative Satisfaction in Total Knee Arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23762023Knowledge, attitude, and practice of teledentistry in periodontal diagnosis: Is it the required upgrade to conventional periodontics?Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23772023Prospective randomized study on the efficacy of three-dimensional reconstructions of bronchovascular structures on preoperative chest CT scan in patients who are candidates for pulmonary segmentectomy surgery: the PATCHES (Prospective rAndomized sTudy efficaCy of tHree-dimensional rEconstructions Segmentecomy) study protocol.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23782023End-of-life care: A retrospective cohort study of older people who died within 48 hours of presentation to the emergency department.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23792023Automated Gait Analysis Based on a Marker-Free Pose Estimation Model.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23802023Advancing Pharmacogenomics-Based Care Through Interprofessional Education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23812023A Prescription Digital Therapeutic to Support Unsupervised Buprenorphine Initiation for Patients With Opioid Use Disorder: Protocol for a Proof-of-Concept Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
23822023Workplace leave patterns among Victorian health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23832023History of the National Cancer Registry of Panama.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23842023A coupled experimental and statistical approach for an assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection risk at indoor event locations.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23852023Ranitidine Use and Incident Cancer in a Multinational Cohort.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23862023Maximising nurse-patient communication in the emergency department.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23872023Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes after Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing in Proximal Humeral Fractures: Insights and Implications for Patient Satisfaction.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23882023An artificial intelligence-based chatbot for prostate cancer education: Design and patient evaluation study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23892023Can we do it better? Consent in dentoalveolar surgery.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23902023Direct oral anticoagulants are associated with lower risk of dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
23912023Construction and Validation of the Positive Mental Health Literacy Assessment Scale in Adults.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
23922023What do you mean, 'negotiating?': Patient, physician, and healthcare professional experiences of navigating hierarchy in networks of interprofessional care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
23932023Managers' experience of causes and prevention of sick leave among young employees with Common Mental Disorders (CMDs)-A qualitative interview study with a gender perspective.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
23942023HPV-Related Cancer Incidence-Rates and Trends in Washington State.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
23952023Assessing disposable masks consumption and littering in the post COVID-19 pandemic in China.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
23962023Digital technology and its application in supply chain management: new evidence from China's economy.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
23972023Ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) and challenges in the design of a randomized controlled trial to test the online return of cancer genetic research results to U.S. Black women.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23982023Pulpectomy vs. Pulpotomy as Alternative Emergency Treatments for Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis-A Multicenter Comparative Randomised Clinical Trial on Patient Perceptions.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
23992023Caregiver Experience of Tele-dementia Care for Older Veterans.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24002023In search of epistemic justice. Dialogical reflection of researchers on situated ethics in studies with people living with language and/or cognitive impairment.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24012023Real-World Treatment Patterns and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24022023Trust and stakeholder perspectives on the implementation of AI tools in clinical radiology.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24032023Female Sexual Dysfunction: A Primer for Primary Care Health Professionals.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24042023[The role of nurses in pharmaceutical care in Germany: A qualitative analysis].Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24052023Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Harvard Program Evaluation Practicum: 10 Years of Partnership in Public Health Program Evaluation.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24062023Pancreatic cancer incidence and mortality trends in urban Shanghai, China from 1973 to 2017: a joinpoint regression and age-period-cohort analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24072023Compliance with health protocols in the banking sector facing Covid-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24082023Contrast Agent Administration as a Source of Liability: A Legal Database Analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24092023The Field's mass shooting: emergency medical services response.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24102023Patients' Perspectives on the Use of a Newly Developed "Patients' Guide for Doctor's Visit": DocVISITguide.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24112023Improvement in physical function and reduced pain after instrumented lumbar interbody fusion.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24122023[The analysis of visits for telemedicine consultations in the National Medical Research Center of Children Health during three-years period].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24132023Informed consent for total knee arthroplasty: exploration of patient`s information acquisition and decision-making processes-a qualitative study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24142023Real-World Evaluation of a Chest Pain Digital Triage Platform at the Point of Care.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24152023Lessons Learned from a National Initiative Promoting Publicly Available Standards-Based Clinical Decision Support.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24162023Technology-based interprofessional collaboration in primary care for home rehabilitation of the older adults: A dutch exploratory study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24172023Healthcare utilization in Canadian children and young adults with asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24182023Racial, Ethnic, and Sex Diversity in Academic Medical Leadership.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24192023Finding "Zombies" in Your Database by Confirming Vital Status.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24202023Male facial rejuvenation using a combination 633, 830, and 1072 nm LED face mask.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24212023Bayesian hierarchical models incorporating study-level covariates for multivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic tests without a gold standard with application to COVID-19.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24222023Viewing violent policing videos contributes to trauma symptoms for Black Americans.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24232023Essential Skills for Health Communication, Barriers, Facilitators and the Need for Training: Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals from Seven European Countries.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24242023The Preferred Design of the Profunda Artery Perforator Flap for Autologous Breast Reconstruction: Transverse or Diagonal?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24252023Augmented reality training in basic life support with the help of smart glasses. A pilot study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24262023Randomised controlled trial on the effect of video-conference cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with schizophrenia: a study protocol.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24272023Pediatric anti-NMDAR encephalitis with demyelination on brain MRI: A single center study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24282023Development and Validation of a Prediction Tool for Reoffending Risk in Domestic Violence.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24292023Virtual escape room paired with simulation improves health professions students' readiness to function in interprofessional teams.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24302023Analysis of co-medication in people with dementia.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24312023Occupational health and safety activities undertaken by physiotherapy students: A retrospective review of industry placement reports.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24322023The prevalence of bronchiectasis in patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: initial report of EARCO.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24332023Experiences of nurses on COVID-19 preventive protocols implementation in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana: A qualitative exploration.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24342023Aetiology, ejection fraction and mortality in chronic heart failure: a mediation analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24352023Implementation of a Patient Summary Web Application According to the International Patient Summary and Validation in Common Use Cases in Japan.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
24362023Temporal and Emotional Variations in People's Perceptions of Mass Epidemic Infectious Disease After the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Influenza A as an Example: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis Based on Weibo Data.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24372023Education, trust, and likelihood to vaccinate against COVID-19 among patients with diabetes in the American South.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24382023Monitoring health related quality of life in survivorship care of young adult survivors of childhood cancer using web-based patient-reported outcome measures: survivors' and health care practitioners' perspectives on the KLIK method.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24392023Development of an Electronic Health Record-Based Algorithm for Predicting Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility in the Population-Based Research to Optimize the Screening Process Lung Research Consortium.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24402023Adolescents' and Parents' Perspectives on a Novel Decision-Making Process for Return of Results in Genomic Research.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24412023Teaching (remotely) to communicate (remotely) with relatives of patients during lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24422023[The role of employers in ensuring working conditions conducive to the health of medical workers].Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24432023Prevalence and factors associated with initial and subsequent shockable cardiac arrest rhythms and their association with patient outcomes in dogs and cats undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A RECOVER registry study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24442023Face mask derived micro(nano)plastics and organic compounds potentially induce threat to aquatic ecosystem security revealed by toxicogenomics-based assay.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24452023Telehealth and In-Person Behavioral Health Services in Rural Communities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multisite Prospective Cohort Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24462023Occupational health assessment summary designed for semantic interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
24472023Stakeholders' Understanding of European Medicine Agency's COVID-19 Vaccine Information Materials in EU and Regional Contexts.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24482023Evaluation of inter-professional seminar involving patient-partners and caregivers.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24492023Comparison of patient-reported achievements of goals and core outcomes with delayed breast reconstruction in irradiated patients: latissimus dorsi with an implant versus DIEP.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24502023Parent Satisfaction With a Telehealth Parent Coaching Intervention to Support Family Participation.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24512023Leading pharmaceutical companies lacked transparency on clinical trials' informed consent forms.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24522023Exploring the impact of varying definitions of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in routinely collected electronic medical records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24532023Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression without psychedelic effects: study protocol for a 4-week, double-blind, proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24542023Impact of pharmacist intervention to improve medication access for patients with diabetes.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24552023Surface sampling for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in workplace outbreak settings in the UK, 2021-22.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24562023Exploring the relationship between intimate partner violence during pregnancy and stillbirths.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24572023Life-Cycle Assessment of the thermal and catalytic pyrolysis over sepiolite of face masks.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24582023Inborn Errors of Immunity Contribute to the Burden of Skin Disease and Create Opportunities for Improving the Practice of Dermatology.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24592023Development and implementation of an interoperability tool across state public health agency's disease surveillance and immunization information systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
24602023The Role of Media in Addressing Opioid Use Disorder: Examining Causal Attributions and Emotions as Mediators of Media Influence on Stigma and Policy Support.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24612023"I made you a small room in my heart": how therapeutic clowns meet the needs of older adults in nursing homes.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24622023Sleep Apnea Multi-level Surgery (SAMS) Trial: Long-term Observational Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24632023A Telemedicine System Intervention for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Crossover Intervention Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24642023Clinical profile and cytogenetic correlations in females with primary amenorrhea.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24652023Characteristics and Admission Preferences of Pediatric Emergency Patients and Their Waiting Time Prediction Using Electronic Medical Record Data: Retrospective Comparative Analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24662023CBCT-based deformable dose accumulation of external beam radiotherapy in cervical cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24672023Australian statewide virtual care competency-based education framework for the healthcare workforce: a Delphi study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24682023Exploring reasons behind UK doctors leaving the medical profession: a series of qualitative interviews with former UK doctors.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24692023Advances in rectal cancer: Real-world evidence suggests limited gains in prognosis for elderly patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24702023New Suggested Enhancing Safe Apneic Time in Edentulous Elderly: A Comparison of Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange and Facemask.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24712023Predicted Deleterious Variants in Cardiomyopathy Genes Prognosticate Mortality and Composite Outcomes in UK Biobank.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24722023Interoperable, Domain-Specific Extensions for the German Corona Consensus (GECCO) COVID-19 Research Data Set Using an Interdisciplinary, Consensus-Based Workflow: Data Set Development Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
24732023Sharing Reliable COVID-19 Information and Countering Misinformation: In-Depth Interviews With Information Advocates.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24742023Listening to stakeholders in the prevention of gender-based violence among young people in Spain: a qualitative study from the positivMasc project.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24752023Analyzing Linguistic Disparities in Telehealth Care Outcomes at a Multidisciplinary Craniofacial Center.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24762023International Music Therapists' Perceptions and Experiences in Telehealth Music Therapy Provision.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24772023Comparison of the Structured Consent Process Using Modified Delphi Technique with the Standard Process in Obtaining Informed Consent for Procedures in ENT by PHASE III MBBS Students.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24782023Genetic Liability to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Its Association With Cardiometabolic and Respiratory Outcomes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24792023Learning from national implementation of the Veterans Affairs Clinical Resource Hub (CRH) program for improving access to care: protocol for a six year evaluation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24802023Group citizenship behaviour in healthcare organization, doctor-patient relationship, work engagement and turnover intention: A moderated mediation model.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24812023Adherence to the CDK 4/6 Inhibitor Palbociclib and Omission of Dose Management Supported by Pharmacometric Modelling as Part of the OpTAT Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24822023Interrelationship between dental clinicians and laboratory technicians: a qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24832023Survival Analysis of Patients with Colorectal Cancer Undergoing Combined Treatment: A Retrospective Cohort Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
24842023Pass rates of four P2/N95 respirators or filtering facepiece respirators in Australian healthcare providers: A prospective observational study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
24852023Leveraging electronic medical records for HIV testing, care, and treatment programming in Kenya-the national data warehouse project.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
24862023Adoption and use of various health information exchange methods for sending inside health information in US hospitals.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
24872023Outcomes of extracorporeal life support for respiratory failure in children with primary immunodeficiencies.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
24882023Older Adults' Trust and Distrust in COVID-19 Public Health Information: A Qualitative Critical Incident Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24892023Artificial Intelligence Versus Human-Controlled Doctor in Virtual Reality Simulation for Sepsis Team Training: Randomized Controlled Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24902023Acceptability and Feasibility of Text Message Interface to Assess Parents' Real-time PICU Experiences.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24912023Self-Triage Use, Subsequent Healthcare Utilization, and Diagnoses: A Retrospective Study of Process and Clinical Outcomes Following Self-Triage and Self-Scheduling for Ear or Hearing Symptoms.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
24922023Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Study on a Sample of Italian Physicians' Opinions on Telemedicine.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24932023[Advance care planning: how can we do better in geriatrics?].Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
24942023Perspective: A multi-trait integrative approach to understanding the structural basis of bone fragility for pediatric conditions associated with abnormal bone development.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
24952023Quality improvement projects conducted by interprofessional teams of learners: Implementation and impact.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
24962023Implementation of the Acute Care Clinic Easy Scheduling System at the Brooke Army Medical Center.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
24972023New and Persistent Sedative Prescriptions Among Older Adults Following a Critical Illness: A Population-Based Cohort Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
24982023Saudi women's leadership experiences in the healthcare sector: A qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
24992023Multicenter, 2-dose single-group controlled trial of tacrolimus for the severe infertility patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25002023Material flow analysis-based assessment of polypropylene-fiber-containing microplastics released from disposable masks: Characterizing distribution in the environmental media.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25012023Comparative safety of antimuscarinics versus mirabegron for overactive bladder in Parkinson disease.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25022023Experts' Perspectives on Use of Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources for Computerized Clinical Decision Support.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25032023Narratives and Mental Illness: Understanding the Factors That Impact Stigmatizing Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25042023I Had It. I Don't Think I Have It…But I Do Feel It Will Come Back Somewhere': A Qualitative Investigation of the Experience of People With Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25052023Validity and reliability of the Dutch translation of the OPUS' client satisfaction with device module in chronic users of hand orthoses.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25062023Opportunities to Enhance the Implementation of Veterans Affairs Video-Based Care: Qualitative Perspectives of Providers from Diverse Specialties.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25072023For health or for profit? Understanding how private financing and for-profit delivery operate within Canadian healthcare (4H|4P): protocol for a multimethod knowledge mobilisation research project.Financiamento da saúde; Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25082023Adult congenital heart disease care in a municipal public health system.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25092023"Figuring stuff out myself" - a qualitative study on maternal vaccination in socially and ethnically diverse areas in England.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25102023Engaging in narrative relations in everyday work on a geriatric ward: A qualitative study with healthcare professionals.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
25112023Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Patients With Multimorbidity According to LESS-CHRON and STOPPFrail Criteria.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25122023Registered Practical Nurses' Experiences of the Moral Habitability of Long-Term Care Environments during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25132023Temporal trends in legionellosis national notification data and the effect of COVID-19, Switzerland, 2000-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
25142023Overall survival of patients with thyroid cancer in Martinique (2008-2018).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25152023Process and costs for readiness to safely implement immediate kangaroo mother care: a mixed methods evaluation from the OMWaNA trial at five hospitals in Uganda.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25162023Computational phenotypes for patients with opioid-related disorders presenting to the emergency department.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25172023Consequences of school closures due to COVID-19 in DRC, Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25182023Interprofessional collaboration in telemedicine for long-term care: An exploratory qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25192023Explaining Personalized Activity Limitations in Patients With Hand and Wrist Disorders: Insights from Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Mindset Characteristics.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25202023Comparisons of Communication in Medical Face-To-Face and Teleconsultations: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25212023COVID-19 or threat of a nuclear war in Europe? A cross-sectional study of anxiety levels in adults living in Portugal.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25222023Sex differences in the age of childhood autism diagnosis and the impact of co-occurring conditions.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25232023Prediction of lymphoma response to CAR T cells by deep learning-based image analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25242023Assessing Pharmacist Interventions at an Outpatient Renal Transplant Clinic Under a Collaborative Pharmacy Practice Agreement.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25252023Acute Stress in Health Workers in Colombia 2017-2021: A Cross-Sectional Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25262023Validation of EuroSCORE II in atrial fibrillation heart surgery patients from the KROK Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25272023Strategic management and organizational culture of medical device companies in relation to corporate performance.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25282023Involving patients in treatment decisions, disease management and research for end-stage kidney disease.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25292023Evaluation of the Availability of Nursing Quality Indicators in German FHIR Implementations.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25302023Associations between partisan media consumption, opioid use disorder stigma, and opioid policy support: An exploration of the media's role in the ongoing opioid epidemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25312023Indicators of the dimensions of trust (and mistrust) in early primary care practice: a qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25322023Better Flexion but Unaffected Satisfaction After Treatment With Posterior Stabilized Versus Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty - 2-year Results of a Prospective, Randomized Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25332023Experience with telemedicine in neuromuscular clinic during COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25342023Posting of clinical trial results and other critical information from completed medicines trials on de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25352023Using Electronic Health Records and Linked Claims Data to Assess New Medication Use and Primary Non-Adherence in Rheumatology Patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25362023Experiences of a Novel Structured Foot Examination Form for Patients With Diabetes From the Perspective of Health Care Professionals: Qualitative Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25372023German general practitioners' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected their patient care: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
25382023Community Pharmacist and Family Medicine Collaboration for Pre-Visit Planning for Shared Patients Receiving Chronic Care Management Services.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25392023Reforming for trust and professionalism in municipal healthcare services: implications for human resource management.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25402023Prevalence of Symptoms ≤12 Months After Acute Illness, by COVID-19 Testing Status Among Adults - United States, December 2020-March 2023.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25412023[Exploration of Centralized Purchasing Management Platform for Research Reagent Supplies Based on One-stop Service].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25422023Deep-learning and conventional radiomics to predictGerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25432023FAIR Health Informatics: A Health Informatics Framework for Verifiable and Explainable Data Analysis.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25442023Knowledge, attitude, and practice of university students towards monkeypox in Bangladesh.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25452023Healthcare professionals and pregnant and post-natal women's perceptions of interprofessional collaboration in a maternity care facility: A qualitative study from Botswana.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25462023Obesity is Associated With Greater Improvement in Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25472023Cultivating patient-centered care competence through a telemedicine-based course: An explorative study of undergraduate medical students' self-reflective writing.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25482023A cross-sectional audit of informed consent of online survey: Characteristics and adherence to prevalent guidelines.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25492023Change in HIV-related characteristics of children hospitalised with infectious diseases in Western Cape, South Africa, 2008-2021: a time trend analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25502023Modular Clinical Decision Support Networks (MoDN)-Updatable, interpretable, and portable predictions for evolving clinical environments.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25512023Racial variation in baseline characteristics and wait times among patients undergoing bariatric surgery.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
25522023Postoperative opioid protocol: A 5-year resident-led effort to standardize prescribing patterns.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25532023Perceptions and drivers of healthcare provider and drug dispenser practices for the treatment of malaria in pregnancy in the context of multiple first-line therapies in western Kenya: a qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25542023Impact of total intravenous anesthesia and total inhalation anesthesia as the anesthesia maintenance approaches on blood glucose level and postoperative complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25552023Predictive factors for fracture-related infection in open tibial fractures in a Sub-Saharan African setting.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25562023Electronic health records identify timely trends in childhood mental health conditions.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25572023An Ostensive Information Architecture to Enhance Semantic Interoperability for Healthcare Information Systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25582023EstomatoNet: A 5-year experience of an oral medicine telediagnosis service.Gerenciamento de dados; Telemedicinabrasileiro
25592023Effects of exposure to media messages about limiting breast cancer screening: A qualitative experimental study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25602023The Use of Interpreters in Health Centers: A Mixed-Methods Analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25612023Minimum 10-Year Clinical Outcomes and Survivorship of Meniscal Allograft Transplantation With Fresh-Frozen Allografts Using the Bridge-in-Slot Technique.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25622023An Augmented Reality Mobile App (Easypod AR) as a Complementary Tool in the Nurse-Led Integrated Support of Patients Receiving Recombinant Human Growth Hormone: Usability and Validation Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25632023Persistence of inadequate consent training for interns.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25642023The Use of Bone Density Scan in Monitoring Treatment Response in Patients Diagnosed with Osteoporosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25652023Baseline serum HBV RNA is associated with the risk of hepatitis flare after stopping nucleoside analog therapy in HBeAg-negative participants.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25662023Comparing outcomes of an innovative interprofessional student placement model to standard placement models in rural healthcare settings.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
25672023Effectiveness of Netarsudil versus Brimonidine in Eyes already Being Treated with Glaucoma Medications at a Single Academic Tertiary Care Practice: A Comparative Study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25682023Job satisfaction of hospital pharmacists in a representative province in Mekong Delta, Vietnam.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25692023Recent changes in the reporting of STIs in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
25702023Sex differences in prevalence and outcomes of the different endotypes of chronic coronary syndrome in symptomatic patients undergoing invasive coronary angiography: Insights from the global ILIAS invasive coronary physiology registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25712023Comparative Effects of Glucose-Lowering Medications on Kidney Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes: The GRADE Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25722023Basic electronic health record (EHR) adoption inGerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25732023Comparison of SIREN social needs screening tools and Simplified Omaha System Terms: informing an informatics approach to social determinants of health assessments.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25742023Fun with Frustration? TikTok Influencers' Emotional Expression Predicts User Engagement with COVID-19 Vaccination Messages.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25752023Project AquiLá: Community-engaged Planning to Explore the Relationship between Culture and Health.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25762023Effectiveness of Omeprazole in Acid Peptic Disease: A Real-World, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25772023Factors Associated With Online Patient-Provider Communications Among Cancer Survivors in the United States During COVID-19: Cross-sectional Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25782023Continuous quality improvement: reducing informed consent form signing errors.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25792023Standardized Order Sets Do Not Eliminate Racial or Ethnic Inequities in Postpartum Pain Management.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25802023Challenges and Opportunities With the Use of Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy in Cancer Care: Regional Perspectives From South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Australia.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25812023Initial psychometric properties of the provider-co-management index-RN to scale registered nurse-physician co-management: Implications for burnout, job satisfaction, and intention to leave current position.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
25822023Outcomes before and after providing interdisciplinary hematology and pulmonary care for children with sickle cell disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25832023Of duty and diaspora: (Re)negotiating the intergenerational contract in South Asian Muslim families.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25842023Invasive fungal diseases in patients with autoimmune diseases: a case series from the French RESSIF network.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25852023Abundance, spatial distribution, and chemical characterization of face masks on the beaches of SE Kanyakumari, India.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
25862023Identifying strategies that support equitable person-centred osteoarthritis care for diverse women: content analysis of guidelines.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
25872023Integrating a Novel Eye Imaging System into Clinical Practice: An Open-Source DICOM Simulation Platform.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
25882023Effectiveness of a media campaign promoting health care provider tobacco dependence treatment.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25892023Exploring interdisciplinary communication pathways for escalating pre-medical emergency team deterioration: a mixed-methods study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25902023A Narrative Review of Eye-Tracking Assessment of Esthetic Endpoints in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Craniofacial Surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25912023Health Care Professionals' Experiences in Telerehabilitation: Qualitative Content Analysis.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
25922023Consent document translation expense hinders inclusive clinical trial enrolment.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25932023Understanding social risk factors of county-level disparities in COVID-19 tests per confirmed case in South Carolina using statewide electronic health records data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
25942023Analyzing of optimal classifier selection for EEG signals of depression patients based on intelligent fuzzy decision support systems.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
25952023The Significance of Cooperation in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams as Perceived by Polish Medical Students.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
25962023Treatment and resource utilization for menopausal symptoms in the United States: a retrospective review of real-world evidence from US electronic health records.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
25972023Exploring digital interventions to facilitate coping and discomfort for nurses experiencing the menopause in the workplace: An international qualitative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
25982023Incidence and treatment outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis in Islamic Republic of Iran.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
25992023Comprehensive emergency management of obstetric and newborn care program implementation at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021: an evaluation study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26002023Presentation and management of insect bites in out-of-hours primary care: a descriptive study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26012023ELGA Terminology Server for Clinical Decision Support: A Case-Study Using an Existing Knowledge Base, CDS Hooks and FHIR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26022023Leveraging influencers to increase HPV vaccination intention: The impact of message framing and health regulatory fit using repeated measures.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26032023Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Oncologist Training to Optimize Oncologist-Patient Communication and Value-Concordant Care in Advanced Cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26042023The Quest for Excellence: A Quality Improvement Project on the Effects of a Standardized PACU/Phase II Bedside Report in a High Turnover Pediatric Ambulatory Surgery Center.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26052023Comparison of Delivery of Care Before and During COVID-19 Within an Academic Outpatient Psychiatry Practice.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26062023The mediating effect of shared decision-making in enhancing patient satisfaction with participation in cancer clinical trials.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26072023Out-of-pocket cost by cancer stage at diagnosis in commercially insured patients in the United States.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26082023Non-invasive ventilation for people with neuromuscular disorders in Australia and New Zealand: a qualitative study of clinician perspectives.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26092023Use of Predictive Analytics to Identify Unhealthy Opioid Use and Guide Intervention.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
26102023Practice of dialysis access interventional nephrology procedures in the Asia-Pacific region: Getting lay of the land.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26112023Graft survival in primary thoracic organ transplant recipients: A special report from the International Thoracic Organ Transplant Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26122023Influence of face masks on the subjective impairment at different physical workloads.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26132023Long short-term memory model identifies ARDS and in-hospital mortality in both non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 cohort.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26142023Parkinson's disease population-wide registries in the United States: Current and future opportunities.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26152023Clinical outcomes following atrophic alveolar ridge reconstruction using collagenated xenogeneic bone block or autogenous bone block: One-year follow-up of a randomized controlled clinical.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26162023The Effects of Alcohol-Related Social Media Content on Adolescents' Momentary Perceived Norms, Attitudes, and Drinking Intentions.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26172023Factors motivating lebanese youth to adopt COVID-19 good practices: a cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26182023Healthcare Providers' Experience Using Telehealth During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Predominantly Rural Patient Base: An Online Survey.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26192023No difference in the use of revision components and rerevision rate in conversion to total knee replacement following Oxford Partial Knee Microplasty Instrumentation: a registry study of 529 conversions.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26202023Using machine learning to standardize medication records in a pan-Canadian electronic medical record database: a data-driven algorithm study focused on antibiotics prescribed in primary care.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26212023ChatGPT and the Future of Digital Health: A Study on Healthcare Workers' Perceptions and Expectations.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26222023["That One Can See How it is Supposed to be." Conception, Piloting and Evaluation of an Interprofessional Rehabilitation-Related Module for the Training Courses in Medicine, Nursing, and Physiotherapy].Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26232023Physical assessment skills practised by critical care nurses: A cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26242023Data saves lives: optimising routinely collected clinical data for rare disease research.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26252023ECMO PAL: using deep neural networks for survival prediction in venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26262023Silent Tears of Midwives: 'I Want Every Mother Who Gives Birth to Have Her Baby Alive'-A Narrative Inquiry of Midwives Experiences of Very Early Neonatal Death from Tanzania.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26272023Integration of primary contact physiotherapists in the emergency department for individuals presenting with minor musculoskeletal disorders: Protocol for an economic evaluation.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26282023Experiences with information blocking in the United States: a national survey of hospitals.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26292023Analgesic efficacy of erector spinae plane block versus paravertebral block in lung surgeries-A non-inferiority randomised controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26302023Changing maternal, infant and young child nutrition practices through social and behaviour change interventions implemented at scale: Lessons learned from Alive & Thrive.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26312023Using a Mediator's Toolbox: Reducing Clinical Conflict by Learning to Reconceive the "Difficult" Patient or Family.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26322023Early Clinical Results of Intervertebral Joint Stabilization by Injectable Load-Sharing Polymers.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26332023Impact of early waves of the COVID-19 pandemic on family medicine residency training: Analysis of survey data.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26342023Psychosocial adaptation profiles in young and middle-aged patients with acute myocardial infarction: a latent profile analysis.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26352023Cost-effectiveness of selective decontamination of the digestive tract to decrease infectious complications in colorectal cancer surgery: An analysis of the SELECT trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26362023MIRACUM-Pipe: An Adaptable Pipeline for Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis, Reporting, and Visualization for Clinical Decision Making.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26372023The effect of organizational belonging and profession on clinicians' attitudes toward supporting vaginal birth and interprofessional teamwork-a cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26382023Economic Evidence for Home and Community Care Investment: The Case for Ontario Personal Support Workers' Wage Parity.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26392023Changes in process and outcome for ST elevation myocardial infarction in central China from 2011 to 2018.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26402023Preventing difficult facemask ventilation in children: all is well that starts well.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26412023Pediatric multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in Germany - diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of an "orphan disease".Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26422023Asymmetric Interoperability as a Strategy Among Provider Group Health Information Exchange: Directional Analysis.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26432023Patient-reported measures outcomes: modern evaluation of oral health.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26442023Evaluating a youth-designed sexual and reproductive health mass and social media campaign in Côte d'Ivoire: triangulation of three independent evaluations.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26452023Recognition, explanation, action, learning: Teaching and delivery of a consultation model for persistent physical symptoms.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26462023A comparison of men and women undergoing septoplasty-the Swedish national septoplasty register.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26472023eHealth Familias Unidas Mental Health: Protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid Type 1 trial to scale a mental health preventive intervention for Hispanic youth in primary care settings.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26482023Consent consensus: time for national standard consent forms as an aid to robust consent.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26492023Evaluation of a Natural Language Processing Model to Identify and Characterize Patients in the United States With High-Risk Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26502023Scaling and sustaining COVID-19 vaccination through meaningful community engagement and care coordination for underserved communities: hybrid type 3 effectiveness-implementation sequential multiple assignment randomized trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26512023Oncology nursing leadership around the world.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26522023[Incidence and predictors of 90-day poor clinical outcome after successful endovascular treatment for acute basilar artery occlusion].Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26532023Nephrologists' perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on caring for patients undergoing dialysis in Latin America: a qualitative study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26542023Deficiencies in the Recognition and Reporting of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; A Hungarian Nationwide Analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26552023A Data Transformation Methodology to Create Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Health Data: Software Design, Development, and Evaluation Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26562023Standardising outcome reporting for clinical trials of interventions for heavy menstrual bleeding: Development of a core outcome set.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26572023Public Fear and Risk Perception During Dengue Fever Outbreak in Taiwan.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26582023Health care experiences of people with Parkinson's disease in Australia.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26592023Missingness in the expanded prostate cancer index short form (EPIC-26) - prevalence, patterns, and explanatory factors.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26602023Describe the population receiving orthotic/prosthetic services using telehealth in Australia, and their experience and satisfaction: a quantitative and qualitative investigation.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26612023Exploring the Decision-Making Process of People Living with HIV Enrolled in Antiretroviral Clinical Trials: A Qualitative Study of Decisions Guided by Trust and Emotions.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26622023Prevalence of Kidney and Urinary Tract Complications in Fabry Disease from 2000 to 2020: A Global Cohort Study Including 10,637 Patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26632023AMBAR - Interactive Alteration annotations for molecular tumor boards.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26642023Relationships are the key to a successful publicly funded homebirth program, a qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26652023Early experience of a local pathway on the waiting time for MRI in patients presenting to a UK district general hospital with suspected cauda equina syndrome.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
26662023Postpartum medical management of hypertension and risk of readmission for hypertensive complications.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
26672023"It's not just about the numbers": Inside the black box of nurses' professional judgement in nurse staffing systems in England and Wales: Insights from a qualitative cross-case comparative study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26682023Classification of Central Nervous System Tumors Histologically Diagnosed in a Single Center of China 2003-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26692023The effectiveness of the Attends Product Selector Tool in continence management in a care home setting.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26702023Efficacy of Early Rehabilitation for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia: Factor Analysis Using Machine Learning.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26712023Use of 52-mg Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System in Adolescents and Young Adult Women: 3-Year Follow-Up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26722023Gender-Based Violence Narratives in Internet-Based Conversations in Nigeria: Social Listening Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26732023Patient-Provider Relationships and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence and Durable Viral Suppression Among Women with HIV, Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2021-2022.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26742023Comparison of Visual Outcomes of Two Trifocal IOLs.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26752023[Covid-19 emergency and telemedicine: multifamily psychoeducational intervention in a forensic setting.].Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26762023FAMILY INFLUENCE ON THE FORMATION OF CHILDREN'S MOTIVATION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26772023Application of an Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care in a Large Public Health System.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26782023Implementing a Machine Learning Screening Tool for Malnutrition: Insights From Qualitative Research Applicable to Other Machine Learning-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26792023Interprofessional team-based collaboration between designated GPs and care home staff: a qualitative study in an urban Danish setting.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26802023Urban-rural differences in outcomes and management of vertebral fractures: A real-world observational study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
26812023The Field Epidemiology Training Program's Contribution to Essential Public Health Functions in Seven National Public Health Institutes.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
26822023Incidence and Temporal Variations of Bone and Soft Tissue Cancers in the Golestan Province, Northern Iran, 2004-2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26832023Impact of COVID-19 on electroconvulsive therapy practice across Canadian provinces during the first wave of the pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26842023Clinical Data based XGBoost Algorithm for infection risk prediction of patients with decompensated cirrhosis: a 10-year (2012-2021) Multicenter Retrospective Case-control study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26852023EnzymeML: seamless data flow and modeling of enzymatic data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26862023Effect of Technology and Digital Media Use on Adolescent Health and Development: Protocol for a Multimethod Longitudinal Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26872023"I Wouldn't Believe Her at First"-A Qualitative Study of Young People's Sexual Consent Perceptions and Negotiation in Nairobi Informal Settlements.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26882023Are Kinematics an Indicator of Outcome After Total Knee Arthroplasty?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26892023Remote patient monitoring following full endoscopic spine surgery: feasibility and patient satisfaction.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
26902023Adequacy of Informed Consent in Elective Surgical Procedures: A Study in a Navi Mumbai Tertiary Care Centre.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26912023The Value of Preoperative Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index as a Predictor of Prolonged Hospital Stay in Orthopedic Surgery: A Retrospective Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
26922023Perspectives of key decision makers on out-of-pocket payments for medicines in the Ethiopian healthcare system: a qualitative interview study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
26932023Value of pre-licensure interprofessional education on post-licensure interprofessional collaboration: Perceptions and experiences of practicing professionals.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
26942023Uterine and Cervical Cancer in Iran: An epidemiologic analysis of the Iranian National Population-Based Cancer Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
26952023Dynamics of bacterial and archaeal communities during horse bedding and green waste composting.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
26962023Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Physiology and Big Data.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
26972023"fhircrackr": An R Package Unlocking Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources for Statistical Analysis.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
26982023Expected and perceived burdens in patients receiving mandibular overdentures retained by one or two implants.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
26992023Can Videos on TikTok Improve Pap Smear Attitudes and Intentions? Effects of Source and Autonomy Support in Short-Form Health Videos.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27002023Attitudes of medical students in Khartoum, Sudan towards the doctor-patient relationship: a cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27012023High tibial osteotomy versus unicompartmental knee arthroplasty for Kellgren-Lawrence grade 3-4 knee osteoarthritis in younger patients: comparable improvements in patient-reported outcomes, adjusted for osteoarthritis grade and sex.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27022023Clinician perspectives on providing telepsychiatry services to young adults with first-episode psychosis during COVID-19.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27032023What Should ChatGPT Mean for Bioethics?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27042023KAMPNet: multi-source medical knowledge augmented medication prediction network with multi-level graph contrastive learning.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27052023A call for better validation of opioid overdose risk algorithms.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27062023Organizational support and Nurse-Physician collaboration during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27072023Endocrine morbidity in neurofibromatosis 1: a nationwide, register-based cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27082023Impact of Percutaneous Intervention Compared to Pharmaceutical Therapy on Complex Arrhythmias in Patients With Chronic Total Coronary Occlusion. Rationale and Design of the CTO-ARRHYTHMIA Study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27092023Outcome assessment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in Singapore and Japan with initial shockable rhythm.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27102023Development and application of a computable genotype model in the GA4GH Variation Representation Specification.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
27112023The Intersection of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2021 Heat Dome in Canadian Digital News Media: A Content Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27122023Adapting Compassionate Conversations for Virtual Mediated Communication.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27132023Comparing Patient-reported Functional Outcomes After Radical Prostatectomy in Historical and Contemporary Practice.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27142023Specialist Perspectives on Delivering High-Quality Telemedicine for Diabetes: A Mixed Methods Survey Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27152023Effects of training involving patterned sensory enhancement on improving upper-limb movements in patients with Parkinson's disease: protocol of a randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27162023Use of healthcare services before diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a population-based matched case-control study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27172023Accuracy of Expired BinaxNOW Rapid Antigen Tests.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27182023Pre-eclampsia in a first pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27192023Mask Adherence and the Relationship Between Masking and Weather-Related Metrics.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27202023Explore public concerns about environmental protection on Sina Weibo: evidence from text mining.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27212023Trust in COVID-19 Information from Different Media Types and Its Association with Preventive Measures Adoption in the U.S.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27222023Patients' attitudes towards using a question prompt list in community pharmacies.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27232023Electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) application for patients with prostate cancer.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27242023Evidence of internal structure of the transactional eHealth literacy among Vietnamese youth: An instrument validation study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27252023Frequency of significant virulence genes in gastric biopsies of Helicobacter pylori-positive patients with gastritis.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27262023Association of fat-to-muscle ratio with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a single-centre retrospective study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27272023Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of health services, and mortality (DESVELA cohort): quantitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27282023Age-dependent prevalence of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular risk profiles and use of diabetes drugs in Germany using health claims data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
27292023[The telemedicine and digital technologies in education programs of training medical personnel of higher qualification].Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27302023Duchenne muscular dystrophy respiratory profiles from real world registry data.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27312023[Design and Application of Medical Equipment Management System Based on B/S Architecture and WeChat Official Accounts].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27322023Characteristics of programmes designed to link community-dwelling older adults in high-income countries from community to clinical sectors: a scoping review protocol.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27332023The invisible frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining sourcing and the underrepresentation of female expertise in pandemic news coverage.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27342023Automatic release of dermatology test results is associated with increased negative emotions and decreased trust in a retrospective analysis of 505 electronic patient portal messages.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27352023Telerehabilitation is as effective as outpatient visits in the management of early osteoarthritis knee and mechanical low backache.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27362023Telemental health in rural areas: a systematic review.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27372023Multiple sclerosis and lower urinary tract symptoms: A survey of prevalence, characteristic and urological evaluations.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27382023Effect of an electronic medical record nudge to improve quality improvement program tracking of neuraxial catheter replacements in obstetric patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27392023Health and Economic Impacts of Implementing Produce Prescription Programs for Diabetes in the United States: A Microsimulation Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27402023Nurse-doctor co-teaching: A path towards interprofessional collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27412023Competency-Based Medical Education in Canadian Radiation Oncology Residency Training: an Institutional Implementation Pilot Study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27422023Health practitioner regulation and national health goals.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27432023Trends in cancer incidence by socioeconomic deprivation in Germany in 2007 to 2018: An ecological registry-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27442023Development of Prepositioned Burn Care-specific Disaster Resources for a Burn Mass Casualty Incident.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27452023Factors associated with all-cause mortality in tuberculosis patients in a Malaysian tertiary hospital.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27462023COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Cameroon: The Role of Medical Mistrust and Social Media Use.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27472023Towards the development of a quality youth sport experience measure: Understanding participant and stakeholder perspectives.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27482023Patient Satisfaction with Pisiform Excision for Pisotriquetral Instability or Arthritis: A Prospective Review.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27492023Digital Health at Enterprise Scale: Evaluation Framework for Selecting Patient-Facing Software in a Digital-First Health System.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27502023Liberal vs. restricted opioid prescribing following midurethral sling dataset.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27512023Inpatient nurses' preferences and decisions with risk information visualization.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27522023A lifecycle framework illustrates eight stages necessary for realizing the benefits of patient-centered clinical decision support.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27532023Direct Health Care Costs Associated With Multiple Sclerosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study in British Columbia, Canada, 2001-2020.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
27542023Addressing Burnout among Healthcare Technology Management Professionals.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27552023Gender disparities in lung cancer incidence in the United States during 2001-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27562023Behavioral changes of preventive activities of influenza among children in satellite cities of a metropolitan area of Tokyo, Japan, by the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27572023Enhancing the quality and accuracy of national cancer registries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27582023Management of Mass-Casualty Incidents in Nepal: A Qualitative Case Study of Three District Hospitals in Nepal.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27592023Patterns of person-centred communications in public HIV clinics: a latent class analysis using the Roter interaction analysis system.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27602023Using Presurgical Biopsychosocial Features to Develop an Advanced Clinical Decision-Making Support Tool for Predicting Recovery Trajectories in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27612023Virtual prenatal visits associated with high measures of patient experience and satisfaction among average-risk patients: a prospective cohort study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27622023Avelumab or talazoparib in combination with binimetinib in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: dose-finding results from phase Ib of the JAVELIN PARP MEKi trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27632023Use of the Smart Excretion Care System Linked to Electronic Medical Records to Alleviate Nursing Burden and Enhance Patient Convenience: Mixed Methods Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27642023[Focusing on timing selection and whole-course management of liver transplantation treatment for patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure].Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27652023Evaluation of an intervention in general practices to strengthen social activities in older patients - A qualitative study of patients' experiences in the project HoPES3.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27662023Building the capacity of rural allied health generalists through online postgraduate education: a qualitative evaluation.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27672023The impact of fasciotomy on inpatient outcomes in lower leg fracture management.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27682023Difficult or impossible facemask ventilation in children with difficult tracheal intubation: a retrospective analysis of the PeDI registry.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27692023Contribution of socio-economic and demographic factors to maternal and child malnutrition in Bangladesh: Insights from a nationwide survey.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27702023Using Machine Learning of Online Expression to Explain Recovery Trajectories: Content Analytic Approach to Studying a Substance Use Disorder Forum.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27712023Perspectives About Racism and Patient-Clinician Communication Among Black Adults With Serious Illness.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27722023Long-Term Patient-Reported Outcomes Comparing Oncoplastic Breast Surgery and Conventional Breast-Conserving Surgery: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27732023Telehealth information and communication technology access for family caregivers of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health needs.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27742023Factors affecting shift work sleep disorder in female shift work nurses: Integrating shift workers' coping with stress and transactional stress coping theory.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27752023Nurse Care Management for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: The PROUD Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27762023Automated ML Techniques for Predicting COVID-19 Mortality in the ICU.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27772023Using simulation-based interprofessional education to change attitudes towards collaboration among higher specialty trainee physicians and registered nurses: a mixed methods pilot study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27782023Yoga studio websites: are they an accurate first glance at the studio's mission, values, and resources?Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27792023Scoliosis in children with severe cerebral palsy: a population-based study of 206 children at GMFCS levels III-V.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27802023Knowledge and practice of facemask disposal among university students in Thailand: A new normal post the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27812023Evaluating Interoperability in German Critical Incident Reporting Systems.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27822023Satisfaction with Telepsychiatry during the COVID-19 pandemic: Patients' and psychiatrists' report from a University Hospital.Telemedicinabrasileiro
27832023Assessing the country-level involvement of nurses in COVID-19 vaccination campaigns: A qualitative study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27842023Exploring the Incentive Function of Virtual Academic Degrees in a Chinese Online Smoking Cessation Community: Qualitative Content Analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27852023Multidimensional Assessment of Patient-Reported Outcomes After Gender-Affirming Surgeries Using a Validated Instrument.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27862023Diagnostic performance of two teledentistry tools in elderly care facilities: the ONE-1 protocol for a pilot prospective diagnostic study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27872023Patterns and predictors of periodontal disease and tooth loss among users of smokeless tobacco.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27882023Neuropsychiatric complications and associated management in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: An All of Us study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
27892023Optimising the care for older persons with complex chronic conditions in home care and nursing homes: design and protocol of I-CARE4OLD, an observational study using real-world data.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
27902023Gender Homophily in Interphysician Referrals to Surgeons.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
27912023Original Research: Nurse-Reported Missed Care and Its Association with Staff Demographics and the Work Environment.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
27922023Long-term temporal trends in incidence rate and case fatality of sepsis and COVID-19-related sepsis in Norwegian hospitals, 2008-2021: a nationwide registry study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
27932023High-Resolution Swin Transformer for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
27942023A Tool for Specifying Data Quality Checks for Clinical Data Management Systems - A Technical Case Report.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
27952023Determinants of correct knowledge on tuberculosis transmission and self-reported tuberculosis prevalence among general population aged 15-49 years in Myanmar.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27962023It's communication between people who are going through the same thing': experiences of informal interactions in hospital cancer treatment settings.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27972023Antibiotic prophylaxis in posterior colporrhaphy does not reduce postoperative infection: a nationwide observational cohort study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27982023Investigating the Predictors of Telemedicine Service Usage Intention in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Extended Technology Acceptance Perspective.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
27992023Readability of Patient Reported Outcomes in Spine Surgery and Implications for Health Literacy.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28002023Electronic health record data extraction: Physical therapists' documentation of physical activity assessments and prescriptions for patients with chronic low back pain.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28012023A moment kernel machine for clinical data mining to inform medical decision making.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28022023Student Pharmacists' Attitude Changes Toward Interprofessional Education Following an Introductory Interprofessional Course.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
28032023Developing a talent management framework for domestically and internationally trained nurses and midwives in healthcare organizations: A mixed-methods research protocol.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28042023Childhood cancer incidence & survival in Aotearoa, New Zealand 2010-2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28052023Foundations of a life support equipment exchange platform.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
28062023Enhancing European Management of Analgesia, Sedation, and Delirium: A Multinational, Prospective, Interventional Before-After Trial.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28072023Examining the prevalence and determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding: Evidence from the 2017/2018 Benin demographic and health survey.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28082023[COVID-19-related self-stigma: association with vulnerability and trust in institutions].Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28092023The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: adapting to COVID-19 restrictions with a hybrid approach of face-to-face and videoconference modalities.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28102023Introduction of Telemedicine in a Prehospital Emergency Care Setting: A Pilot Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28112023Consenting surgical patients for the risk of contracting COVID-19 during the hospital stay.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28122023Trends in medical care utilization in patients with cancer: An analysis of real-world data in a tertiary hospital in Korea, 2014-2019.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28132023Omicron COVID-19 Case Estimates Based on Previous SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Load, Regional Municipality of Peel, Ontario, Canada.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28142023Opioid-prescribing considerations in patients with cancer and substance misuse or substance use disorder: a scoping review protocol.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
28152023Mental wellbeing and psychosocial working conditions of autistic veterinary surgeons in the UK.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28162023Global incidence, risk factors and trends of vulvar cancer: A country-based analysis of cancer registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28172023Remote Recruitment Strategy and Structured E-Parenting Support (STEPS) App: Feasibility and Usability Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28182023I spy with my little eye: An eye-tracking study examining adolescents' attention to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Instagram stories.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28192023What Were the Information Voids? A Qualitative Analysis of Questions Asked by Dear Pandemic Readers between August 2020-August 2021.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28202023Supporting Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Care in the Hemodialysis Unit: A Quality-improvement Initiative Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28212023Telehealth for management of chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use disorder in safety net primary care.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28222023The comparison of the effect of two methods of face-to-face and E-learning education on learning, retention, and interest in English language course.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28232023Concordance between patient-reported and physician-documented comorbidities and symptoms among Stage 4 breast cancer patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28242023Evaluation of a Medical Interview-Assistance System Using Artificial Intelligence for Resident Physicians Interviewing Simulated Patients: A Crossover, Randomized, Controlled Trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28252023Examining the absorption of post-internship medical officers into the public sector at county-level in devolved Kenya: a qualitative case study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28262023Antihypertensive Medications and PTSD Incidence in a Trauma Cohort.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28272023Foreign body impaction of the hard palate: tabletop party confetti mimicking button batteries in two infants.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
28282023The potential of digital health records for public health research, policy, and practice: the case of the Lombardy Region Data Warehouse.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28292023Effect of social media-based psychodrama therapy on reduction in symptoms of postpartum depression in women with first birth experience: The contributing role of spousal support.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28302023Characterizing Adolescent Disclosures of Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior to Parents.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28312023Plain Language vs Standard Format for Youth Understanding of COVID-19 Recommendations: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28322023ACLP Best Practice Guidance: Evaluation and Treatment of Depression in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28332023An experimental investigation of social risk preferences for health.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28342023Using machine learning to improve anaphylaxis case identification in medical claims data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28352023A mixed-methods evaluation of why an implementation trial failed to engage veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-focused psychotherapy.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28362023Analysis of shared cognitive tasks in the application of non-invasive ventilation to patients with COPD exacerbation.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
28372023Specialist pharmacist consultations with cancer patients in a pharmacist-led anticancer clinic.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
28382023Worksite Health Promotion and Work Performance: Both Awareness and Use Matter.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28392023Time-trends and age and stage differences in 5-year relative survival for common cancer types by sex in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28402023Service Availability and Readiness of Primary Care Health Facilities Offering Hypertension Diagnosis Services in Wakiso District, Uganda, 2019.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
28412023Disease course, treatments, and outcomes of children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated lung disease (SJIA-LD).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28422023Smartphone-enabled otoscopy: method evaluation in clinical practice.Telemedicinabrasileiro
28432023Food for thought or food for emotions? An analysis of marketing strategies in television food advertising seen by children in Colombia.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28442023Enhancing doctor-patient relationships in community health care institutions: the Patient Oriented Four Habits Model (POFHM) trial-a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial protocol.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28452023Endoscopic Tendon Release for Iliopsoas Impingement After Total Hip Arthroplasty-Excellent Clinical Outcomes and Low Failure Rates at Short-Term Follow-Up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28462023Using a Hybrid Neural Network and a Regularized Extreme Learning Machine for Human Activity Recognition with Smartphone and Smartwatch.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28472023A network approach to the relationship between career adaptability and starting salary among graduates.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28482023Analysis of Risk Factors for Cholelithiasis: A Single-Center Retrospective Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28492023EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on acute-on-chronic liver failure.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28502023Covariance patterns between sleep health domains and distributed intrinsic functional connectivity.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
28512023Job Satisfaction and Burnout Levels of the Human Resources of a Public Oncology Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28522023Hospitalisations and in-hospital deaths following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury in Australia, 2015-20: a registry data analysis for the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury National Data (ATBIND) project.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28532023Design and Testing of a Smart Facemask for Respiratory Monitoring during Cycling Exercise.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
28542023Informatics Tools in Deprescribing and Medication Optimization in Older Adults: Development and Dissemination of VIONE Methodology in a High Reliability Organization.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28552023Evaluating Male Patients' Understanding of Osteoporosis Evaluation and Treatment Following a Distal Radius Fracture.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28562023Modeling the Conversation with Digital Health Assistants in Adherence Apps: Some Considerations on the Similarities and Differences with Familiar Medical Encounters.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28572023[Value of patient-reported outcome measures for evaluating the benefit of speech processor upgrading in patients with cochlear implants. German version].Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28582023An Intelligent Diabetic Patient Tracking System Based on Machine Learning for E-Health Applications.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28592023Relationship Between Albumin-Corrected Anion Gap and Mortality in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28602023Immersive training of clinical decision making with AI driven virtual patients - a new VR platform called medical tr.AI.ning.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28612023Clinical Objectives of the Canadian Licensing Examination: Exploring the Representation of Oncology.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
286220233D multiplexed tissue imaging reconstruction and optimized region of interest (ROI) selection through deep learning model of channels embedding.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
28632023Early Career Outcomes of Embedded Research Fellows: An Analysis of the Health System Impact Fellowship Program.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28642023Disease burden, risk factors, and trends of lip, oral cavity, pharyngeal cancers: A global analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28652023The relationship between e-health literacy and information technology acceptance, and the willingness to share personal and health information among pregnant women.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28662023The Roles of Social Media Use and Medical Mistrust in Black Americans' COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: The RISP Model Perspective.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28672023What is the impact of high-profile end-of-life disputes on paediatric intensive care trainees?Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28682023Efficacy of Cervical Facet Joint Radiofrequency Ablation Using a Multitined Cannula, a Technical Note, and Observational Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28692023Exploratory Descriptive Analysis of Smart Speaker Utilization in the Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28702023Insights from a dataset on behavioral intentions in learning information flow diagram capability for software design.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28712023An application of the Causal Roadmap in two safety monitoring case studies: Causal inference and outcome prediction using electronic health record data.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28722023Genotypic characteristics of UropathogenicSuporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28732023Transfer learning for accurate fetal organ classification from ultrasound images: a potential tool for maternal healthcare providers.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
28742023Healthcare policy changes in an era of health workforce shortage.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28752023The burden and trend of diseases and their risk factors in Australia, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28762023Bedtime negotiations: Unravelling normative complexity in hospital-based prevention.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
28772023Development, Design and Utilization of a CDSS for Refeeding Syndrome in Real Life Inpatient Care-A Feasibility Study.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28782023How Likes and Retweets Impacted Our Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28792023"How's your mood": Recorded physician mental health conversations with Chinese and Latino patients in routine primary care visits.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28802023Abnormal Postoperative PROMIS Scores are Associated with Patient Satisfaction in Adult Spinal Deformity and Degenerative Spine Patients.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28812023Impact of Mobile Received Signal Strength (RSS) on Roaming and Non-roaming Mobile Subscribers.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28822023Effectiveness of Lumbar Cerebrospinal Fluid Drain Among Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28832023Integration of clinical demographics and routine laboratory analysis parameters for early prediction of gestational diabetes mellitus in the Chinese population.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28842023Neurocognitive basis of model-based decision making and its metacontrol in childhood.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28852023Micro-costing analysis of suspected lower respiratory tract infection care in a French emergency department.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
28862023Wald's leadership: Public health nurses' response to the 1918 influenza pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28872023Trends of chronic lymphocytic leukemia incidence and mortality in the United States: a population-based study over the last four decades.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28882023Design and evaluation of an educational mobile program for liver transplant patients.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
28892023Evaluation of the We Can Do This Campaign Paid Media and COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake, United States, December 2020-January 2022Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28902023Longitudinal Predictors of PROMIS Satisfaction With Social Roles and Activities After Shoulder and Knee Sports Orthopaedic Surgery in United States Military Servicemembers: An Observational Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28912023Hardship financing, productivity loss, and the economic cost of illness and injury in Cambodia.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
28922023Direct healthcare cost of pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus in the Philippines.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28932023The Burden of Premature Mortality in Southern Iran during 2004-2019 Using Standard Expected Years of Life Lost: A Population-Based Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
28942023Assessing ChatGPT's capacity for clinical decision support in pediatrics: A comparative study with pediatricians using KIDMAP of Rasch analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
28952023General Surgery Resident Operative Experiences in Solid Organ Injury: An Examination of Case Logs.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
28962023Image Reconstruction Using Deep Learning for Near-Infrared Optical Tomography: Generalization Assessment.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
28972023Sustaining and Inspiring the Capacity of the Nursing Profession: The Case for Transformative Practice Education Models.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
28982023Sex-Related Differences in Short-Term Prognosis in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction-Related Cardiogenic Shock Receiving Impella Support in Japan: From the J-PVAD Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
28992023The Ultra fit community mask-Toward maximal respiratory protection via personalized face fit.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29002023Crowding in or crowding out? The effect of imported environmentally sound technologies on indigenous green innovation.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29012023Increase in peritoneal dialysis-related hospitalization rates after telemedicine implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
29022023Effectiveness of a mixed lifestyle program in couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology: a study protocol.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29032023Statement: Multisectoral actions to build trust at the local and community level to promote vaccine acceptance.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29042023Labiaplasty in Asian women: Motivation, technique feasibility, and patient reported outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29052023Alleviating Medical Debt in the United States.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29062023Comparison of short and long forms of the Flinders program of chronic disease SELF-management for participants starting SGLT-2 inhibitors for congestive heart failure (SELFMAN-HF): protocol for a prospective, observational study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29072023Clozapine augmentation with long-acting antipsychotic injections: A case series and systematic review.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29082023Within- and between-therapist agreement on personalized parameters for robot-assisted gait therapy: the challenge of adjusting robotic assistance.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29092023Tumor Stimulus-Activatable Pretheranostic Agent: One Key to Three Locks.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29102023Standing Tall: Do Height-Based Accountability Incentives Predict Artificial Increases in Measured Height Among Sailors in the U.S. Military?Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29112023Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival when CPR is initiated by first responders.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29122023Packaged hospital food appears safe and feasible to reuse.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29132023Factors associated with higher hemoglobin A1c and type 2 diabetes-related costs: Secondary data analysis of adults 18 to 64 in Texas with commercial insurance.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29142023Enabling Early Health Care Intervention by Detecting Depression in Users of Web-Based Forums using Language Models: Longitudinal Analysis and Evaluation.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29152023Addressing Racial Injustice, Developing Cultural Humility, and Fostering Rapport-Building Communication Skills to Improve Disparities in End-of-Life Planning.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29162023Is There a Difference in PROMs Between Morbidly Obese Patients and Nonobese Patients Following Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29172023Out-of-pocket health expenditures in patients living with ınborn errors of metabolism.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29182023Creation of a risk of harms informed consent form for dry needling: A nominal group technique.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29192023Clinical Characteristics, Support System, and Personality Differences of Cannabis and Stimulant Users in South Korea.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29202023Delineating COVID-19 subgroups using routine clinical data identifies distinct in-hospital outcomes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29212023Multimodal hybrid convolutional neural network based brain tumor grade classification.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29222023Psychological impacts of COVID-19 on Vietnamese health workers over the prolonged restricted COVID-19 responses: a cross-sectional study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29232023Trend of pregnancy outcomes in type 1 diabetes compared to control women: a register-based analysis in 1996-2018.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29242023Biorisk Management Features of a Temporary COVID-19 Hospital.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29252023Game Elements in the Design of Simulations in Military Trauma Management Training: Protocol for a Systematic Review.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29262023Modeling the effect of health education and individual participation on the increase of sports population and optimal design.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29272023Political orientation, trust and discriminatory beliefs during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from the United Kingdom.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29282023Does an Adductor Canal Block Influence Patient-Reported Outcomes at One Year Following Total Knee Arthroplasty?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29292023Estimated Costs of Intervening in Health-Related Social Needs Detected in Primary Care.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29302023Surgical classification using natural language processing of informed consent forms in spine surgery.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29312023Genetic variation in the human leukocyte antigen region confers susceptibility to Clostridioides difficile infection.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29322023Cluster-Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Physician-Directed Clinical Decision Support Versus Patient-Directed Education to Promote Appropriate Use of Opioids for Chronic Pain.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29332023PDS-MAR: a fine-grained projection-domain segmentation-based metal artifact reduction method for intraoperative CBCT images with guidewires.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29342023Training the healthcare workforce: the global experience with telementorship for hepatitis B and hepatitis C.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29352023Incidence and predictors of new-onset atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery at Auckland City Hospital.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29362023High Preoperative Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio Is Associated with a Greater Risk of Postoperative Complications and Hematogenous Recurrences in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Treatment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29372023Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes Related to Recreational Cannabis Use during Pregnancy: Analysis of a Real-World Clinical Data Warehouse between 2010 and 2019.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29382023A Test of Autonomy Restoration Postscripts to Mitigate Psychological Reactance to an Opt-Out Organ Donor Registry in the United States.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29392023Vaccine Trust Gauge: Mixed methods research to measure and understand vaccine trust.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29402023Physical well-being recovery trajectories by reconstruction modality in women undergoing mastectomy and breast reconstruction: Significant predictors and health-related quality of life outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29412023The impact of public health expenditure and gross domestic product per capita on the risk of catastrophic health expenditures for OECD countries.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29422023On the forms, contributions and impacts of community mobilisation involved with Kerala's COVID-19 response: Perspectives of health staff, Local Self Government institution and community leaders.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29442023EviGUIDE - a tool for evidence-based decision making in image-guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervical cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29452023Clinical utilization of artificial intelligence-based COVID-19 pneumonia quantification using chest computed tomography - a multicenter retrospective cohort study in Japan.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29462023[Mapping, profile and training of immunization stakeholders, Benin, 2020].Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29472023Adherence to the transfer recommendations of the German Trauma Society in severely injured children: a retrospective study from the TraumaRegister DGU.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29482023Comprehensive Custom-PakGerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29492023Risk Factors of Health-Related Quality of Life among Gastrointestinal Cancer Survivors in the U.S.: With a Focus on Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (SBDH).Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29502023Synchronous and asynchronous tele-exercise during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Comparisons of implementation and training load in individuals with spinal cord injury.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
29512023Parenting toddlers: Evidences of parental needs from South India.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29522023Disclosing medical errors: prioritising the needs of patients and families.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29532023Patient-reported outcomes and satisfaction after revisions of medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasties for unexplained pain vs aseptic loosening.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29542023Catastrophic health-care payments and multidimensional poverty: Are they related?Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29552023A cross-sectional study of coping strategies and resilience and its association with psychological symptoms of doctors working in a dedicated COVID-19 care center.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29562023Effectiveness of BNT162b2 BA.4/5 bivalent mRNA vaccine against a range of COVID-19 outcomes in a large health system in the USA: a test-negative case-control study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29572023MedKPL: A heterogeneous knowledge enhanced prompt learning framework for transferable diagnosis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29582023Interpreter-mediated psychiatric assessments: Metacommunication as key.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
29592023Risk of data leakage in estimating the diagnostic performance of a deep-learning-based computer-aided system for psychiatric disorders.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29602023Nurse leaders' experiences of how culturally and linguistically diverse registered nurses integrate into healthcare settings: An interview study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29612023The association of women's experience of abuse in childhood with depression during pregnancy and the role of emotional support as a moderator.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29622023Aerosol Concentrations During Otolaryngology Procedures in a Negative Pressure Isolation Room.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29632023Vitamin D deficiency prevention policies in Iran: a retrospective policy analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29642023Do social media interventions increase vaccine uptake?Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29652023"I don't just say, Hi! I'm gay": Sexual Orientation Disclosures in Oncology Clinic Settings Among Sexual Minority Women Treated for Breast Cancer in the U.S. South.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29662023The extent of first-time THA revision is not associated with patient-reported outcomes at 1-year follow-up: a study of 426 aseptic revisions.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29672023Telehealth medication management and health care spending in a Medicare Accountable Care Organization.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29682023The evolution of informed consent in gastroenterology.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29692023Outcomes of in-office versus operating room insertion of tympanostomy tubes in children.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29702023Mining and analysis of adverse drug reactions associated with perampanel based on FAERS database.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29712023Automated Urinary Chemokine Assays for Non-Invasive Detection of Kidney Transplant Rejection: A Prospective Cohort Study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29722023The impact of vulnerability and exposure to pervasive interprofessional incivility among medical staff on wellbeing.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29732023Differences in site-specific cancer incidence by individual- and area-level income in Canada from 2006 to 2015.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29742023Building Capability and Capacity: The Establishment of an Oncology Unit in the Solomon Islands.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29752023A framework for multi-faceted content analysis of social media chatter regarding non-medical use of prescription medications.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
29762023Smartphone use and well-being in Pakistan: Comparing the effect of self-reported and actual smartphone use.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29772023Determining family relations through drawing: Family relations in images drawn by immigrant children.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29782023Comparing Digital to Conventional Physical Therapy for Chronic Shoulder Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29792023[Effect of Health Poverty Alleviation Project on the Economic Burden of Disease Among Poor Households: Empirical Evidence from Sichuan Province].Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29802023Improving access for and experience of transgender and non-binary patients in clinical research: Insights from a transgender patient focus group and targeted literature reviews.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29812023Dynamic changes of serum trace elements following cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29822023Everything's adaptable': A qualitative study of how nurses make decisions in sustained home-visiting care with mothers and children experiencing adversity.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29832023Cortical Response Variation with Social and Non-Social Affective Touch Processing in the Glabrous and Hairy Skin of the Leg: A Pilot fMRI Study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29842023Health risk communication and infodemic management in Iran: development and validation of a conceptual framework.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29852023Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome: Real-World Evidence on Incidence and Hospital Resource Use From a Finnish Data Lake.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29862023COVID-19 pandemic experience of diagnostic radiographers: A Singapore survey.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29872023Is a combination of individual consultations, text message reminders and interaction with a Facebook page more effective than educational sessions for encouraging university students to increase their physical activity levels?Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29882023Online dialogue with medical professionals: An empirical study of an online "Ask the Doctor" platform.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29892023Development, Feasibility, Impact and Acceptability of a Community Pharmacy-Based Diabetes Care Plan in a Low-Middle-Income Country.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29902023Effects of public financing of essential maternal and child health interventions across wealth quintiles in Nigeria: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
29912023Completion of the informed consent in radioguided surgery by the General Surgery and Nuclear Medicine services of a radioguided surgery unit.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29922023Frequency and determinants of serum calcium monitoring during eldecalcitol therapy in patients with osteoporosis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
29932023Evaluation of a 'plug and play' nanoflow liquid chromatography system for MS-based proteomic characterization of clinical FFPE specimens.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
29942023Enacting primary healthcare interprofessional collaboration: a multisite ethnography of nurse practitioner integration in Ontario, Canada.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
29952023An intelligent workflow for sub-nanoscale 3D reconstruction of intact synapses from serial section electron tomography.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
29962023"Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
29972023Trends in incidence and overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer in China, Japan, and South Korea.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
29982023Usability testing of a blind intubation device for intubation novices: a randomized crossover simulation study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
29992023Acceptance of Public Health Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Swiss Population's Beliefs, Attitudes, Trust, and Information-Seeking Behavior.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30002023The physical and psychological aspects of quality of life mediates the effect of radiation-induced urgency syndrome on disability pension in gynecological cancer survivors.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30012023Consumption and tax gains attributable to Covid-19 vaccinations in 12 EU countries with low vaccination rates.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30022023Regulatory compliance and readability of informed consent forms in industry-sponsored drug development clinical trials.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30032023Bariatric Surgery and COVID-19: a Change of Perspective in a New Phase of the Pandemic.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30042023Knowledge support for environmental information on pharmaceuticals: experiences among Swedish Drug and Therapeutics Committees.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30052023A multi-step education model for advancing competencies in geriatrics and interprofessional collaboration for health students.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
30062023Brain imaging with portable low-field MRI.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30072023Assessing resource allocation based on workload: a data envelopment analysis study on clinical departments in a class a tertiary public hospital in China.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30082023Incidence of nontuberculous mycobacteria infections among persons with cystic fibrosis in the United States (2010-2019).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30092023Measured Air Flow Leakage in Facemask Usage.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30102023ForDigitStress: presentation and evaluation of a new laboratory stressor using a digital job interview-scenario.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30112023What is in the toolkit (and what are the tools)? How to approach the study of doctor-patient communication.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30122023Midterm outcomes of autologous bridging of rotator cuff tears with an autologous tendon patch (TEAR patch).Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30132023A phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike RBD protein vaccine in adults (ABDALA-3 study).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30142023In utero or early in life exposure to antibiotics and the risk of childhood atopic dermatitis, a population-based cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30152023Design of an Intelligent Decision Support System Applied to the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30162023Facile hermetic TEM grid preparation for molecular imaging of hydrated biological samples at room temperature.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30172023Evaluation of two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in genomic variant interpretation for the NHS workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30182023Association between obesity and mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation: a multicenter retrospective observational study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30192023Beds are useless without staffing and support.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30202023Information scanning in the COVID-19 pandemic: a test and expansion of the channel complementarity theory using latent class analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30212023Content Analysis of Emoji and Emoticon Use in Clinical Texting Systems.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30222023Responsiveness of the Patient-Reported Outcome Measure-Haemorrhoidal Impact and Satisfaction Score in patients with haemorrhoidal disease.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30232023Illnesses and hardship financing in India: an evaluation of inpatient and outpatient cases, 2014-18.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30242023Development and evaluation of a data-driven integrated management app for perioperative adverse events: protocol for a mixed-design study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30252023Hypertension in the emergency department: a missed opportunity to screen for primary aldosteronism?Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30262023Research priorities regarding the use of bisphosphonates for osteoporosis: a UK priority setting exercise.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30272023Outcomes Based on Angiographic vs Functional Significance of Complex 3-Vessel Coronary Disease: FAME 3 Trial.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30282023Enablers and barriers to mental health initiatives in construction SMEs.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30292023Epidemiologic transition of lung cancer mortality in Italy by sex, province of residence and birth cohort (1920-1929 to 1960-1969).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30302023Skin irritation in children undergoing orthodontic facemask therapy.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30312023Ethical problems in nursing teleconsultations for people living with HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
30322023Nigerian newspapers coverage of suicide: Assessment of adherence to WHO suicide reporting guidelines.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30332023Saving lives in our homes: Qualitative evaluation of a tenant overdose response program in supportive, single-room occupancy (SRO) housing.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30342023Core patient-reported outcome measures for chronic pain patients treated with spinal cord stimulation or dorsal root ganglia stimulation.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30352023Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30362023Cognitive-behavioral rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular diseases: a randomized controlled trial (CBR-CARDIO, DRKS00029295).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30372023Relationship between Preoperative Echocardiographic Parameters and the Incidence of Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Clipping of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Retrospective Cohort Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30382023Clinical decision-making and algorithmic inequality.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30392023Pharmacist trainees narrow scope of interprofessional collaboration and communication in hospital practice.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
30402023Compressed primary-to-transmodal gradient is accompanied with subcortical alterations and linked to neurotransmitters and cellular signatures in major depressive disorder.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30412023Intersections of informal work status, gender and tuberculosis diagnosis: Insights from a qualitative study from an Indian setting.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30422023Cancer risk in information technology workers: a UK Biobank study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30432023White-light crosslinkable milk protein bioadhesive with ultrafast gelation for first-aid wound treatment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30442023One step at a time. Shaping consensus on research priorities and terminology in telehealth in musculoskeletal pain: an international modified e-Delphi study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
30452023eHEALS as a predictive factor of digital health information seeking behavior among Brazilian undergraduate students.Telemedicinabrasileiro
30462023Common Yoga Protocol Increases Peripheral Blood CD34+ Cells: An Open-Label Single-Arm Exploratory Trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30472023"Many people know nothing about us": narrative medicine applications at a student-run free clinic.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30482023Functional and radiographic results of anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty in the setting of subscapularis dysfunction: 5-year outcomes analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30492023Quantifying the financial impact of overuse in primary care in China: A standardised patient study.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30502023Effect of HPV self-collection kits on cervical cancer screening uptake among under-screened women from low-income US backgrounds (MBMT-3): a phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30512023Clinical Outcomes of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 2 Diabetes Patients with and without SGLT2 Inhibitor Treatment: A Retrospective Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30522023Qualitative study of international key informants' perspectives on the current and future state of healthcare quality measurement and feedback.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30532023UR-Net: An Integrated ResUNet and Attention Based Image Enhancement and Classification Network for Stain-Free White Blood Cells.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30542023Cyber Hygiene Methodology for Raising Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Awareness in Health Care Organizations: Concept Study.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30552023Effect of malaria prevention education on bed net utilization, incidence of malaria and treatment seeking among school-aged children in Southern Ethiopia; cluster randomized controlled trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30562023Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an N95 Respirator Decontamination and Reuse Program for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30572023No filters needed: A qualitative study exploring sister circles and workplace messages for Black women healthcare professionals during the double pandemicComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30582023Prognostic Language in Critical Neurologic Illness: A Multicenter Mixed-Methods Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30592023Self-Help Habit Replacement in Individuals With Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: A Proof-of-Concept Randomized Clinical Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30602023Health insurance, endogenous medical progress, health expenditure growth, and welfare.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30612023A study protocol for a single-centred randomized trial to investigate the effect of pre-treatment communication methods on dental anxiety among adult dental patients.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30622023Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of the Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator: A Multicenter Survey Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30632023Iterated Residual Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Personalized Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Left Myocardium from Cardiac MR Images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30642023Genitourinary infections in Australian servicewomen.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30652023Lifelong differences in cancer incidence and mortality between subgroups of similar socioeconomic status in the Royal Norwegian Navy.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30662023Face mask ownership/utilisation and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy amongst patients recovering from COVID-19 in Cameroon: A cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30672023COVID-19 risk mitigation in reopening mass cultural events: population-based observational study for the UK Events Research Programme in Liverpool City Region.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30682023Practical thematic analysis: a guide for multidisciplinary health services research teams engaging in qualitative analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30692023The role of a cryocompression device following total knee arthroplasty to assist in recovery: a randomised controlled trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30702023Alleviating Financial Hardships Associated with High-Deductible Health Plans for Adults with Chronic Conditions Through Health Savings Accounts.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30712023FedEHR: A Federated Learning Approach towards the Prediction of Heart Diseases in IoT-Based Electronic Health Records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30722023Leveraging human expert image annotations to improve pneumonia differentiation through human knowledge distillation.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30732023Organelle Imaging with Terahertz Scattering-Type Scanning Near-Field Microscope.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30742023Envisioning the Future of Well-Being Efforts for Health Care Workers-Successes and Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30752023Prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of cardiac disease in cystic fibrosis: a multinational retrospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30762023Using Pressure Mapping to Compare Efficacy of Patient Bed Positioning Devices in Participants Who Are Able-Bodied and Those with Tetraplegia.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30772023Content and User Engagement of Health-Related Behavior Tweets Posted by Mass Media Outlets From Spain and the United States Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Infodemiology Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30782023Physicians' professionalism from the patients' perspective: a qualitative study at a single-family practice in Saudi Arabia.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30792023Beneficial Effects of Early Intervention Telemedicine-based Follow-Up in Sleep Apnea: A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30802023Adaptive, platform trials assessing therapies for hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Informed consent forms omitted a few important elements of information.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30812023A National Survey of Patient Data Capture, Management, Reporting Practice in Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30822023Development of a Predictive Model for Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30832023Quasi-equilibrium state based quantification of biological macromolecules in single-molecule localization microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30842023Sterile Processing Department Benchmarking for Labor Productivity.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30852023Need For A National Cancer Registry In Pakistan: Challenges And Way Forward.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30862023Identifying bureaus with substantial personnel change during the Trump administration: A Bayesian approach.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
30872023Intervention design in public health: adaptive messaging in the Tanzanian National Sanitation Campaign.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30882023Barriers to obesity health care in general practice from rural Waikato GP perspectives: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30892023Assessing the feasibility of a clinical trial to evaluate an advanced practice physiotherapy model of care in chronic pain management: a feasibility study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30902023To summarise the approach to and findings of the PPIE undertaken as part of a programme of secondary research with a vulnerable, hard to reach population during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30912023COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Long-term Traffic Risks.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
30922023Health technology assessment for cancer medicines across the G7 countries and Oceania: an international, cross-sectional study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
30932023A Novel Evaluation Method for SLAM-Based 3D Reconstruction of Lumen Panoramas.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
30942023Gender diversity of the oral health leadership in Australia.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
30952023Mortality and alcohol-related morbidity in patients with delirium tremens, alcohol withdrawal state or alcohol dependence in Norway: A register-based prospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)estrangeiro
30962022Effect of introducing interprofessional education concepts on students of various healthcare disciplines: a pre-post study in the United Arab Emirates.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
30972022The Companion Pandemic to COVID-19: The Use of Informal Practices to Access Public Healthcare Services in the European Union.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
30982022Lean management for improving hospital waiting times-Case study of a Vietnamese public/general hospital emergency department.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
30992022Feasibility indicators of telemedicine for patients with dementia in a public hospital in Northeast Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
31002022Trends in Out-of-Pocket Cost of Glucagon, 2010-2020.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31012022Telehealth, Social Media, Patient Empowerment, and Physician Burnout: Seeking Middle Ground.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
31022022Disease-specific distress healthcare financing and catastrophic out-of-pocket expenditure for hospitalization in Bangladesh.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31032022Healthcare professionals' experiences and attitudes to care coordination across health sectors: an interview study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31042022Emergency medicine patient wait time multivariable prediction models: a multicentre derivation and validation study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
31052022Are elderly people exhibiting greater sensitivity to the nature of communication due to sneezing and nasal discharge?Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31062022Strengthening therapeutic adherence and pharmacovigilance to antimalarial treatment in Manaus, Brazil: a multicomponent strategy using mHealth.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
31072022Performance Metrics of Substance Use Disorder Care Among Medicaid Enrollees in New York, New York.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31082022A two-stage robust optimization approach for the master surgical schedule problem under uncertainty considering downstream resources.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
31092022Managing fire risk in housebound people who smoke and require air-alternating pressure-relieving equipment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31102022Factors associated with the waiting time for access to specialized oral healthcare services in Brazil.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
31112022Effective access to health care in Mexico.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31122022Virtual Reality Simulated Learning Environments: A Strategy to Teach Interprofessional Students About Social Determinants of Health.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31132022Epidemiology and Economic Burden of Continuing Challenge of Infectious Diseases in India: Analysis of Socio-Demographic Differentials.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31142022Interprofessional collaboration in the breast cancer unit: how do healthcare workers see it?Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31152022Patient body mass index modifies the association between waiting time for hip fracture surgery and in-hospital mortality: A multicenter retrospective cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
31162022A prospective randomized study of different height of operation table for tracheal intubation with videolaryngoscopy in ramped position.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31172022Remote physical examination for temporomandibular disorders.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
31182022Impact of Out-of-Pocket Costs on Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditures.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31192022A qualitative analysis of educational, professional and socio-cultural issues affecting interprofessional collaboration in oncology palliative care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31202022Multiscale landscaping of droplet wettability on fibrous layers of facial masks.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31212022The Effect of Big Data-Based Digital Payments on Household Healthcare Expenditure.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31222022Multi-site evaluation of advanced practice hand therapy clinics for the management of patients with trigger digit.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
31232022Air-Conditioned Masks Using Nanofibrous Networks for Daytime Radiative Cooling.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31242022Identifying clusters of leprosy patients in India: A comparison of methods.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
31252022Does community-based health insurance protect women from financial catastrophe after cesarean section? A prospective study from a rural hospital in Rwanda.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31262022A Spatial Analysis of the Spread of Hyperendemic Sporotrichosis in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
31272022Equity in Out-of-Pocket Payments for Healthcare Services: Evidence from Malaysia.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31282022Interprofessional Education Module on Professionalism, Ethics, and Teamwork: Insights from Program Review Data of Health Professions Students.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31292022Telemedicine follow-up is safe and efficacious for synthetic midurethral slings: a randomized, multi-institutional control trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
31302022Brazilian spatial, demographic, and socioeconomic data from 1996 to 2020.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
31312022Spatial disparities in impoverishing effects of out-of-pocket health payments in Malawi.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31322022Factors related to implementation of an interprofessional communication concept in thoracic oncology: a mixed-methods study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31332022Changes to Timeliness and Completeness of Infectious Disease Reporting in Texas After Implementation of an Epidemiologic Capacity Program.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
31342022Evaluation of an Accelerometer-Based Device for Testing the Softness of Bedding Materials Used for Livestock.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31352022Comprehensive Direct Georeferencing of Aerial Images for Unmanned Aerial Systems Applications.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
31362022High-Deductible Health Plans Paired With Health Savings Accounts Increased Medication Cost Burden Among Individuals With Bipolar Disorder.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31372022Efficacy of Fractional COGerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
31382022Resistance to interprofessional collaboration in in-service training in primary health care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31392022Health Risk Assessment of Dermal Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Use of Infant Diapers.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31402022Erythematous Indurated Nodule on the Forehead.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
31412022The inequalities and determinants of Households' Distress Financing on Out-off-Pocket Health expenditure in Malaysia.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31422022Creating Interprofessional Readiness to Advance Age-Friendly U.S. Healthcare.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31432022Spatial Analysis of the Sociodemographic Characteristics, Comorbidities, Hospitalization, Signs, and Symptoms Among Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
31442022Distress financing in coping with out-of-pocket expenditure for maternity care in India.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31452022Primary care patients' and providers' perspectives about an online weight management program integrated with population health management: Post-intervention qualitative results from the PROPS study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
31462022Understanding intra- and interprofessional team and teamwork processes by exploring facility-based neonatal care in kenyan hospitals.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31472022An Investigation on the Perceptions of Practicing Interdisciplinary Health Professionals on Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice Simulation.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31482022Effects of face masks and ventilation on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 respiratory transmission in public toilets: a quantitative microbial risk assessment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31492022Informal payments and patients' perceptions of the physician agency problem: Evidence from rural China.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31502022Role Reversal: In-Situ Simulation to Enhance the Value of Interprofessional Team-Based Care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31512022Universal Masking Policies in Schools and Mitigating the Inequitable Costs of Covid-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31522022Assessing progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.8.2 and determinants of catastrophic health expenditures in Malaysia.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31532022Documenting the managerial experiences of Isfahan Khorshid educational and medical center in dealing with the coronavirus crisis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31542022Socio-Economic Determinants of Dental Service Expenditure: Findings from a French National Survey.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31552022Management of acute low back pain in emergency departments in São Paulo, Brazil: a descriptive, cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a prospective cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
31562022One last effort. Are high out-of-pocket payments at the end of life a fatality?Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31572022Development of an ex-vivo porcine lower urinary tract model to evaluate the performance of urinary catheters.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31582022Extemporaneous Compounding: A Possible Trigger Tool to Detect Potential Health Incidents.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
31592022Trends in Pricing and Out-of-Pocket Spending on Entecavir Among Commercially Insured Patients, 2014-2018.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31602022The physician perspective on pharmacist-physician collaboration and trust.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31612022American Medical Society for Sports Medicine sports ultrasound curriculum for sports medicine fellowships.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31622022Effect of Wearing a Face Mask on Hand-to-Face Contact by Children in a Simulated School Environment: The Back-to-School COVID-19 Simulation Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31632022Personal healthcare costs borne by younger people living with arthritis in Australia: An exploratory observational study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31642022Fostering cultural sensitivity amongst students of pharmacy through an interprofessional book club activity.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31652022Molecular screening and characterization of Legionella pneumophila associated free-living amoebae in domestic and hospital water systems.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31662022Response to Goyal, Bakshi, Naresh, Panda, Kappor et al.: Media Commercials Conveying Awareness Regarding Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer by Focusing on Stigmatized Perspective of Disease: Right or Wrong?Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31672022Overcoming language barriers, enhancing collaboration with interpreters - an interprofessional learning intervention (Interpret2Improve).Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31682022A national survey of publicly funded chronic pain management services in Ireland.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
31692022Factors aggravating acne vulgaris during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: a web-based cross-sectional survey.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31702022Partnerships supporting policies: A social marketing case study of mask supply solutions in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31712022Interprofessional Near-Peer Mentoring Teams Enhance Cancer Research Training: Sustainable Approaches for Biomedical Workforce Development of Historically Underrepresented Students.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31722022Talking together in rural palliative care: a qualitative study of interprofessional collaboration in Norway.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31732022Comparison of artificial intelligence and human-based prediction and stratification of the risk of long-term kidney allograft failure.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31742022[Interprofessional socialization and collaboration on an interprofessional training ward - a reconstructive analysis].Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31752022A battery of tandem mass spectrometry assays with stable isotope-dilution for the quantification of 15 anti-tuberculosis drugs and two metabolites in patients with susceptible-, multidrug-resistant- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31762022Framework for health care quality and evidence-based practice in radiology departments: A regional study on radiographer's perceptions.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31772022Marketing methods for electronic resources in medical libraries: a study on the application of the analytical hierarchy process.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31782022A blank check or a global public good? A qualitative study of how ethics review committee members in Colombia weigh the risks and benefits of broad consent for data and sample sharing during a pandemic.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
31792022Expanding Knowledge and Changing Attitudes About Poverty: An Interactive, Interprofessional Approach.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31802022Pathway for post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence: impact on patient confidence and satisfaction.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31812022Prediction of hospital mortality in intensive care unit patients from clinical and laboratory data: A machine learning approach.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31822022Implementing a Novel Interprofessional Clinical Informatics Curriculum.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31832022Self-referrals and associated factors among laboring mothers at Dilla University Referral Hospital, Dilla, Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31842022A fuzzy approach to support decision-making in the triage process for suspected COVID-19 patients in Brazil.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31852022Knowledge, attitudes, and practices on camel respiratory diseases and conditions in Garissa and Isiolo, Kenya.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31862022Attitudes of Dental Hygiene and Nursing Students Following a Simulation Activity.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31872022The Use of a Health Compliance Monitoring System During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Evaluation Study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31882022Intake of whole grain foods and risk of coronary heart disease in US men and women.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
31892022Patient-reported outcomes from a randomized trial of neoadjuvant atezolizumab-chemotherapy in early triple-negative breast cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31902022Have you met Angus? Development and evaluation of a social marketing intervention to improve personal flotation device use in commercial fishing.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31912022Improving Medicines use in People with Polypharmacy in Primary Care (IMPPP): Protocol for a multicentre cluster randomised trial comparing a complex intervention for medication optimization against usual care.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
31922022Diversity, friction, and harmonisation: an ethnographic study of interprofessional teamwork dynamics.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31932022The Case for Medical Device Interoperability.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31942022Association of Alzheimer Disease With Life Expectancy in People With Down Syndrome.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
31952022A spatial attention guided deep learning system for prediction of pathological complete response using breast cancer histopathology images.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
31962022Design and Implementation of a Program Development Practicum for Faculty Education and Advancement of Clinical Programs.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
31972022Being a member of a novel transitional case management team for patients with unstable housing: an ethnographic study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
31982022Masks as a moral symbol: Masks reduce wearers' deviant behavior in China during COVID-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
31992022Association of Trimethylamine N-Oxide and Metabolites With Mortality in Older Adults.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32002022Recommendations for empowering early career researchers to improve research culture and practice.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32012022Alaska'sComunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32022022Behavioral Pediatrics: A Team-Based Interprofessional Approach.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32032022Recovery material from a new designed surgical face mask: A complementary approach based on mechanical and thermo-chemical recycling.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32042022Building leadership and management competencies of national immunization teams in 16 Gavi-eligible countries through the EPI leadership and management programme.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32052022Clinical decision support analysis of a microRNA-based thyroid molecular classifier: A real-world, prospective and multicentre validation study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32062022Applying the 4Ps of social marketing to retain and engage participants in longitudinal cohort studies: generation 2 Raine study participant perspectives.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32072022Implementing and optimizing a communication curriculum in medical teaching: Stakeholders' perspectives.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32082022Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 in German Wastewater.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32092022Rates of serious clinical outcomes in survivors of hospitalisation with COVID-19 in England: a descriptive cohort study within the OpenSAFELY platform.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32102022Physicians' Perceptions of and Satisfaction With Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Treatment: A Clinical Decision Support System Experience and Implications for Low-Middle-Income Countries.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32112022Masculine men do not like feminine wording: The effectiveness of gendered wording in health promotion leaflets in the UK.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32122022Effect of Health Shocks on Poverty Status in South Korea: Exploring the Mechanism of Medical Impoverishment.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32132022Patient-clinician communication research for 21st century health care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32142022Measuring Repositioning in Home Care for Pressure Injury Prevention and Management.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32152022Improving morbidity information in Portugal: Evidence from data linkage of COVID-19 cases surveillance and mortality systems.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32162022Business intelligence applied to the consumption of iodinated contrast agents in computed tomography scans.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32172022The perspectives of community members on COVID-19-related social stigma and mitigation strategies: A qualitative study in Madhya Pradesh, India.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32182022Creating a win-win for the health system and health Profession's education: a direct observation clinical experience with feedback iN real-time (DOCENT) for low acuity patients in the emergency department.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32192022Perception and Concerns about the Use of Gloves, Facemask, and HIV Discriminatory Attitude of Children attending Dental Clinics in Southern Nigeria.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32202022Association of Ischemic Stroke Incidence, Severity, and Recurrence With Dementia in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Cohort Study.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32212022Reuse of healing abutments: Ethical, biological and professional training implications.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
32222022Nephrologists' Perspectives on Gender Disparities in CKD and Dialysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32232022In Search of a Value Proposition for COVID-19 Testing in the Work Environment: A Social Marketing Analysis.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32242022Interprofessional identity: an ethnography of clinical simulation learning in New Zealand.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32252022Intensive Care Residents' Views Regarding Ethical Issues and Practices.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32262022Estimated Prevalence of Risk Factors for Preeclampsia Among Individuals Giving Birth in the US in 2019.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32272022The importance of applying the statement of assent to children and adolescents: a qualitative study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
32282022The thalamus and its subnuclei-a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagem; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32292022A 10+10+30 radio campaign is associated with increased infant vaccination and decreased morbidity in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: A prospective, quasi-experimental trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32302022Adjunct internal iliac artery procedures in the context of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: anything to stress on the consent form?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32312022Evaluation of a Spiritual History with Elderly Multi-Morbid Patients in General Practice-A Mixed-Methods Study within the Project HoPES3.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32322022Ease and comfort of pre-oxygenation with high-flow nasal oxygen cannulae vs. facemask: a randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32332022Long-term Follow-up of Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Sweden.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32342022Digital Form for Assessing Dentists' Knowledge about Oral Care of People Living with HIV.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
32352022The Association between Consumption of Dairy-Originated Digestion Resistant and Bioactive Peptides and Breast Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32362022Knowledge, Awareness, and Attitude in Using Dental Implants as an Option in Replacing Missing Teeth Among Dental Patients: Survey-Based Research in a Dental Teaching Hospital in Derabassi, Punjab.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32372022Comparison of Four Methods of Paramedic Continuing Education in the Management of Pediatric Emergencies.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32382022The impact of face-mask mandates on all-cause mortality in Switzerland: a quasi-experimental study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32392022Prenatal exposure to air pollution and the risk of macrosomia: Identifying windows of susceptibility.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32402022Impact of Provider Prior Use of HIE on System Complexity, Performance, Patient Care, Quality and System Concerns.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
32412022Prevalence of predictive factors for obstructive sleep apnea in university students.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
32422022Corporate Social Responsibility: What Are Foodservice Companies Reporting?Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32432022Patients and family members´ perceptions of interprofessional teamwork in palliative care: A qualitative descriptive study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32442022Medical students' participation in the Volunteering Program during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study about motivation and the development of new competencies.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
32452022Social Marketing Strategy to Promote Traditional Thai Medicines during COVID-19: KAP and DoI Two-Step Theory Application Process.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32462022A full-face mask for protection against respiratory infections.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32472022Missing cases of injury death: use of quantitative methods and case reviews to inform future improvements in case definition.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32482022A word-of-mouth perspective on consumers of family medicine services: a case study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32492022Impact of implementation of the Dependency Act on the Spanish economy: an analysis after the 2008 financial crisis.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32502022[Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care].Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32512022[Design and logic model of the BIWI intervention on work reintegration of people with borderline personality disorder].Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
32522022Explore pre-hospital emergency challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: A quality content analysis in the Iranian context.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32532022Smoking and COVID-19 outcomes: an observational and Mendelian randomisation study using the UK Biobank cohort.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32542022Effects of Integration of Social Marketing and Health Belief Model for Preventing Cholangiocarcinoma in High-Risk Areas of Thailand: A Community Intervention Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32552022A spatial analysis of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Malawi.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32562022Complexities of interprofessional identity formation in dental hygienists: an exploratory case study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32572022[Factors associated with hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions in Brazil: an ecological studyFactores asociados a las hospitalizaciones infantiles por afecciones que podrían tratarse en la atención primaria en Brasil: estudio ecológico].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32582022Patients Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetic Eye Screening.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32592022Potential risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among people handling linens used by COVID-19 patients before and after washing.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32602022Deaths due to COVID-19 in a state of northeastern Brazil: spatiotemporal distribution, sociodemographic and clinical and operational characteristics.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
32612022Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
32622022Hormonal Male Contraception: Formative Research to Develop and Test Communication Messaging.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32632022A rapid assessment of health system preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Guinea.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32642022Virtual Ontogeny of Cortical Growth Preceding Mental Illness.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
32652022Pain Management Program in Cardiology: A Template for Application of Normalization Process Theory and Social Marketing to Implement a Change in Practice Quality Improvement.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32662022Impact of Pain on Employment and Financial Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32672022Nurses must collaborate beyond the bedside in education and practice.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32682022Collective and individual rationality dilemma and the failure of anti-Covid-19 policies: Why some people don't wear masks?Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32692022COVID-19 Reflections: COVID-19 Vaccination in North Carolina: Promoting Equity by Partnering with Communities and Health Care Providers.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32702022A Multistate Survey of Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Activities.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32712022Countries' experiences scaling up national breastfeeding, protection, promotion and support programmes: Comparative case studies analysis.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32722022Clinical application of the fracture risk assessment tool in the general population and its correlation with bone turnover markers.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32732022The Professional Nurse: Four Decades of Immense Change.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32742022Development and evaluation of a simulation-based mastery learning maintenance of certification course.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32752022Effectiveness and adherence to closed face shields in the prevention of COVID-19 transmission: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial in a middle-income setting (COVPROSHIELD).Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32762022Risk factors influencing COVID-19 mortality rate in OECD countries: A cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32772022Seeking Health Information: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Women of Refugee Background from Myanmar in Perth, Western Australia.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32782022Crowdsourcing homemade facemasks: 772 U.S. health facilities' responses to personal protective equipment shortages in the first half of 2020.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32792022The Evaluation of a Social Media Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Testing in Migrant Groups: Cluster Randomized Trial.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32802022Formal Quality and Compliance of Informed Consent Forms in Critical Care and Surgical Areas in Spain: An Observational Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
32812022Effectiveness and Dissemination of the Interprofessional Pediatric Pain PRN Curriculum.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32822022Patient and caretaker satisfaction with the PureWick system.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32832022Internal Quality and Job Satisfaction in Health Care Services.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32842022Exploring the challenges of Iranian government hospitals related to Covid-19 pandemic management: a qualitative content analysis research from the nurses perspective.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32852022Preconception care counselling among women with sickle cell anaemia in the south of Iran: a qualitative study based on social marketing model.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32862022Emotional Harm in the Radiology Department: Analysis of an Underrecognized Preventable Error.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32872022Supraglottic Airways, Tennis, and Neonatal Resuscitation.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32882022[Anti-doping from the Perspective of a Pharmacist and an Athlete].Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32892022A behavioural study of obedience in health professional students.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32902022Biomarker modeling of Alzheimer's disease using PET-based Braak staging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
32912022FFP3 Feelings and Clinical Experience (FaCE). Facial pressure injuries in healthcare workers from FFP3 masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32922022Post COVID-19: Health crisis management for the cruise industry.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32932022Understanding stress factors for scrub nurses in the perioperative period: A cross-sectional survey.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32942022Mask-wearing behavior during COVID-19 in China and its correlation with e-health literacy.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32952022Maternal and Child Healthcare Delivery in Secondary Healthcare Facilities in Oyo State, Nigeria: Working Towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
32962022Adolescents encouraging healthy lifestyles through a peer-led social marketing intervention: Training and key competencies learned by peer leaders.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32972022Impact of an International Service Trip on Pharmacy and Medical Learners' Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
32982022Long-term effectiveness evaluation of an action-research intervention to improve hand hygiene in an intensive care unit.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
32992022Consumer perspectives on simplified, layered consent for a low risk, but complex pragmatic trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33002022Interprofessional education in medical and physiotherapy studies for future collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33012022Novel solutions to old problems: improving the reliability of emergency equipment provision in critical care using accessible digital solutions.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33022022Messaging and access strategies for improving emergency contraceptive knowledge and uptake among Italians.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33032022Recommendations for treatment strategies in people with epilepsy during times of shortage of antiseizure medications.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33042022Remote consent approaches for mobile phone surveys of non-communicable disease risk factors in Colombia and Uganda: A randomized study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33052022Ozone Eliminates SARS-CoV-2 from Difficult-to-Clean Office Supplies and Clinical Equipment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33062022How to get noticed in 280 characters.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33072022A FHIR has been lit on gICS: facilitating the standardised exchange of informed consent in a large network of university medicine.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúde; Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
33082022Health System- and Patient-Related Factors Associated with COVID-19 Mortality among Hospitalized Patients in Limpopo Province of South Africa's Public Hospitals.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33092022Medical students in the pre-hospital environment - An untapped resource for undergraduate acute care and interprofessional education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33102022Assessing the dynamic impacts of non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical intervention measures on the containment results against COVID-19 in Ethiopia.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33112022Recruiting health professionals to the COVID-19 response, Brazil.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33122022Impact of COVID-19 prevention measures on health service quality, perceived value and user satisfaction. A structural equation modelling (SEM) approach.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33132022Perception of strong social norms during the COVID-19 pandemic is linked to positive psychological outcomes.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33142022Relevant HRH leadership during public health emergencies.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33152022A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Integrated Palliative Care and Nephrology Care.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33162022Keeping health care linens clean: Underrecognized hazards and critical control points to avoid contamination of laundered health care textiles.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33172022Estimating the costs for implementing a maternity leave cash transfer program for women employed in the informal sector in Brazil and Ghana.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33182022An analysis of social marketing practice: Factors associated with success.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33192022The Syrian regime's apparatus for systemic torture: A qualitative narrative study of testimonies from survivors.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33202022Interprofessional practice: the path toward openness.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33212022Wastewater surveillance allows early detection of SARS-CoV-2 omicron in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33222022Application of the workload indicators of staffing need method to calculate the size of the medical staff at a maternity hospital in the state of Bahia, Brazil.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33232022Restricting the advertising of high fat, salt and sugar foods on the Transport for London estate: Process and implementation study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33242022Recommendations for living donor kidney transplantation.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33252022Microfiber releasing into urban rivers from face masks during COVID-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33262022Application of workload indicators to assess the allocation of orthopedists in a national referral hospital in Brazil.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33272022Assent, parental consent and reconsent for health research in Africa: thematic analysis of national guidelines and lessons from the SickleInAfrica registry.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33282022Multi-purpose cash transfers and health among vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan: A prospective cohort study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
33292022Implementation of a customised antimicrobial resistance laboratory scorecard in Cameroon, Ethiopia and Kenya.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33302022Assessment of staffing needs for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses at primary care units in Brazil using Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33312022The use of social media platforms to discuss and educate the public on allergic contact dermatitis.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33322022Benefit sharing in genomic and biobanking research in Uganda: Perceptions of researchers and research ethics committee members.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33332022Unobserved Observers: Nurses' Perspectives About Sharing Feedback on the Performance of Resident Physicians.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33342022Changes in the Treatment for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest During the Initial Stage of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33352022The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers: study protocol for the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33362022Clinical Issues-December 2022.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33372022Italy: Health System Review.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
33382022The Use of Confined Housing in Sand Bedding and Trimming to Manage Phalangeal Rotation and Hoof Malconformation Over a 20-Week Period in Two Laminitic Stallions.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33392022Early Medical Students' Experiences as System Navigators: Results of a Qualitative Study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33402022A study of the evacuation and allocation of hospital beds during the Covid-19 epidemic: a case study in Iran.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33412022An e-consent framework for tiered informed consent for human genomic research in the global south, implemented as a REDCap template.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33422022Structural quality of labor and delivery care in government hospitals of Ethiopia: a descriptive analysis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33432022Factors associated with work ability and intention to leave nursing profession: a nested case-control study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
33442022Tenacious team, precarious patient: A phenomenological inquiry into interprofessional collaboration during ICU resuscitations.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33452022Using Sterile Flocked Swabs as an Alternative Method for Rodent Health Monitoring.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33462022[Social media and trust in medical expertise].Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33472022Assessing the Adequacy and Readability of Surgical Consents in Orthopedic Surgery.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33482022Dimensions of interprofessional collaboration in the dynamics of the expanded family health and primary care centers: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33492022Valorization of discarded face mask for bioactive compound synthesis and photodegradation of dye.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33502022Perceived Barriers in Delivering Optimal Healthcare Services in a Dedicated COVID-19 Hospital: Perspectives of Health-Service Providers.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33512022A quasi experimental study to compare thermo-regulator blanket with conventional method (incubator) for temperature regulations in preterm, low birth weight neonates landing at emergency department of a tertiary care paediatric facility.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33522022Health care professional's perceived stress levels and novel brief COPE-4 factor structure-based assessment of coping methods during COVID-19 pandemic in India: A multi-modal cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33532022Improving healthcare systems and services in the face of population ageing: policy considerations for low- and middle-income countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
33542022Indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment: How plastic contamination from disposable surgical masks affect early development of plants.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33552022Geographic information system-based mapping of air pollution & emergency room visits of patients for acute respiratory symptoms in Delhi, India (March 2018-February 2019).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
33562022Michael R. Greenberg-Talking to the media requires clear, concise, relatable messages.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33572022What information and the extent of information to be provided in an informed assent/consent form of pediatric drug trials.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33582022The role of the behavior analyst on interprofessional mental health teams: opportunities for collaboration and enhancing patient care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33592022Analysis of factors influencing public attention to masks during the COVID-19 epidemic-Data from Sina Weibo.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33602022Poly Social Media Use: Roles of Informational Norms and Emotion Regulation.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33612022Core elements of participant consent documents for Canadian human genomics research and the National Human Genome Library: guidance for policy.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33622022An academic-community interprofessional telehealth online training partnership: Impact on students and providers.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33632022Decontamination Assessment of Nanofiber-based N95 Masks.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33642022From Mind to Mouth: Understanding Active Publics in China and Their Communicative Behaviors on GM Foods.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33652022Making sense of adolescent-targeted social media food marketing: A qualitative study of expert views on key definitions, priorities and challenges.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33662022Prevalence and predictors of pornography exposure during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A web-based cross-sectional study on students in Bangladesh.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33672022Psychological distress among first-year medical students amidst COVID-19-related uncertainty at a medical college in Western India: A cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33682022Institutionalizing an interprofessional simulation education program: an organizational case study using a model of strategic change.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33692022"What's Keeping Me Up at Night?" Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33702022Informed Consent in Mass Vaccination against COVID-19 in Romania: Implications of Bad Management.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33712022Laboratory assessment of bacterial contamination of a sterile environment when using respirators not traditionally used in a sterile field environment.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33722022Factors Contributing to Noncompliance With Diabetic Medications and Lifestyle Modifications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33732022Iranian nursing students' experiences of workplace violence: a qualitative study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33742022Products released from surgical face masks can provoke cytotoxicity in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33752022Healthcare supply chain risk management in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: What is the current situation?Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
33762022Native Americans' Responses to Obesity Attributions and Message Sources in an Obesity Prevention Campaign.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33772022Consensus on informed consent for participants in cancer clinical studies (2021 edition).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33782022Infection prevention and control practices of non-medical individuals in a neonatal intensive care unit: A Donabedian approach.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33792022Co-digestion of deep bedding and wastewater from pig farming: A new strategy for bioenergy increase and biofertilizer recovery.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
33802022A Health Crisis in the Age of Misinformation: How Social Media and Mass Media Influenced Misperceptions about COVID-19 and Compliance Behavior.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33812022Evaluating and Extending the Informed Consent Ontology for Representing Permissions from the Clinical Domain.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33822022[A tribute to Revista Médica de Chile on its 150th Anniversary (1872-2022)].Telemedicinaestrangeiro
33832022Public expectations about the impact of COVID-19 on climate action by citizens and government.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33842022Are psychological status and trust in information related to vaccine hesitancy during COVID-19 pandemic? A latent class and mediation analyses in Italy.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33852022[Research on Maintenance Management of Equipment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on RAM].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33862022The Impact of theComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33872022Hysteroscopic management of a "hernia-like" uterine myoma within the uterine cavity.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33882022Empathy, better patient care, and how interprofessional education can help.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33892022[Large-scale Hospital Material Supply Chain Practice under Closed-loop Management].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33902022Using social marketing to persuade Iranians to donate blood.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33912022Egyptian Newspapers Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Theoretically Driven Content Analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33922022Verbal Communication with the Patient Is Not Enough: The Six Languages of the Sick.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
33932022Mental performance and mental health services in sport: a call for interprofessional competence and collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
33942022[Research on the Construction of Hospital Equipment Management Information Platform].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33952022Temporal Hierarchy and Context-Dependence of Quorum Sensing Signal inComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33962022Changes in Blood Pressure Outcomes Among Hypertensive Individuals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Time Series Analysis in Three US Healthcare Organizations.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
33972022t-SNE Visualization of Vector Pairs of Similar and Dissimilar Definition Sentences Created by Word2vec and Doc2vec in Japanese Medical Device Adverse Event Terminology.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
33982022Motivations Influencing Alipay Users to Participate in the Ant Forest Campaign: An Empirical Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
33992022Implementation and Feasibility of an Electronic Health Record-Integrated Patient-Reported Outcomes Symptom and Needs Monitoring Pilot in Ambulatory Oncology.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
34002022Victimization and factors related to polyvictimization in adolescents of Mexico City.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34012022Development of a Japanese version of the Self-assessment Scale of Interprofessional Competency (JASSIC).Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
34022022Understanding the relationships between health spending, treatable mortality and economic productivity in OECD countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34032022Under-mask beard covers achieve an adequate seal with tight-fitting disposable respirators using quantitative fit testing.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34042022New occurrence records on the rodent species inhabiting Vietnam, based on Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Test Center genetic samples collection.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34052022Excitation-dependent perovskite/polymer films for ultraviolet visualization.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34062022Comparison of Audiovisual and Paper-Based Materials for 1-Time Informed Consent for Research in Prison: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34072022A Composite Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Hospital Equipment Management Risk Control Optimization and Prediction.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34082022Think positive! Emotional response to assertiveness in positive and negative language promoting preventive health behaviors.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34092022Medicine and the Law.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34102022The influence of civic associations and exposure to ideological heterogeneity on public views on mask wearing and social distancing.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34112022Social Media for Public Health: Framework for Social Media-Based Public Health Campaigns.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34122022Cost Utility of Supporting Family-Based Care to Prevent HIV and Deaths among Orphaned and Separated Children in East Africa: A Markov Model-Based Simulation.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34132022Interdigitated Organic Sensor in Multimodal Facemask's Barrier Integrity and Wearer's Respiration Monitoring.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34142022What did the pandemic teach us about effective health communication? Unpacking the COVID-19 infodemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34152022Impact of an in-person small group surgical skills course for preclinical medical students in an era of increased e-learning.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34162022Impact of community-based health insurance on healthcare utilisation and out-of-pocket expenditures for the poor in Senegal.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34172022Avoiding Crisis Conditions in the Healthcare Infrastructure: 2 Case Studies in Statewide Collaboration.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34182022Investigating the feasibility and acceptability of using Instagram to engage post-graduate students in a mass communication social media-based health intervention, #WeeStepsToHealth.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34192022Fate of face masks after being discarded into seawater: Aging and microbial colonization.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34202022Impact of social media-based dance therapy in treating depression symptoms among victims of Russia-Ukraine war.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34212022Access and Financial Burden for Patients Seeking Essential Surgical Care in Pakistan.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34222022COVID-19 Response Among US Hospitals with Emerging Special Pathogen Programs.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34232022Patient-provider communication while using a clinical decision support tool: explaining satisfaction with shared decision making for mammography screening.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34242022Lack of association between SOCS3 and SOCS7 polymorphisms and psoriasis.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34252022Does NIH funding differ between medical specialties? A longitudinal analysis of NIH grant data by specialty and type of grant, 2011-2020.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34262022Effect of hospital attributes on patient preference among outpatient attendants in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia: discrete choice experiment study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34272022Drinking Buddies: The Importance of Proximal Norms in Emerging Adults' Alcohol-Related Private and Public Social Media Use.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34282022Comparative study on the evaluation of patient's satisfaction on esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy between a pre-filled and standard hand-written consent form in Hospital Kuala Lipis.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34292022US public health services, research, and food security will benefit from government spending boost in 2023.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34302022Evaluation of medical equipment management in educational hospitals in Isfahan.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34312022To Refer or Not to Refer in Teledermoscopy: Retrospective Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34322022Parental waivers to enable adolescent participation in certain forms of health research: lessons from a South African case study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34332022Distribution of staphylococcal and mammaliicoccal species from compost-bedded pack or sand-bedded freestall dairy farms.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34342022Spatiotemporal analysis of having been sick or injured and having sought health consultation by district in Punjab province of Pakistan - 2010-2015.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34352022Using Fictional Medical Television Programs to Teach Interprofessional Communication to Graduating Fourth-Year Medical Students.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34362022Practice towards perioperative care of cesarean delivery in Debre Tabor Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, North Central Ethiopia: Cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34372022Can higher spending on primary healthcare mitigate the impact of ageing and non-communicable diseases on health expenditure?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34382022Public Interest, Risk, Trust, and Personal Protective Equipment Purchase and Usage: Face Masks Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34392022Creating concise and readable patient information sheets for interventional studies in Australia: are we there yet?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34402022Did Mindful People Do Better during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Mindfulness Is Associated with Well-Being and Compliance with Prophylactic Measures.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34412022Understanding CDC's Vaccine Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Effectiveness in Promoting Positive Attitudes toward the COVID-19 Vaccine.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34422022How readable are orthognathic surgery consent forms?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34432022[The experience of Japan: the application of the intersectoral balance methodology to control health care costs as a factor of mobilization readiness of health care to COVID-19 pandemic].Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34442022The impact of COVID-19 on Western Australian medical imaging clinical practice and workplace.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34452022Investigating geographical accessibility and site suitability of medical laboratories in Kermanshah-Iran.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34462022[Effect of Information Communication on Micronutrient Powders (orComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34472022Patients' perspectives about doctor-patient communication regarding transvaginal mesh implant surgery.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34482022Association of masking policies with mask adherence and distancing during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34492022Characterizing the neighborhood risk environment in multisite clinic-based cohort studies: A practical geocoding and data linkages protocol for protected health information.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34502022Role of religious beliefs in adherence to antiretroviral therapy in the Cape Town metropole: a study protocol.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34512022Promoting interprofessional student outcomes through the narrative of an opioid use disorder survivor.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
34522022Unaffordability of COVID-19 tests: assessing age-related inequalities in 83 countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34532022How national leaders keep 'us' safe: A longitudinal, four-nation study exploring the role of identity leadership as a predictor of adherence to COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34542022Public health intelligence challenges for local public health authorities responding to disease outbreaks: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
34552022Are We Sure We Fully Understand What an Infodemic Is? A Global Perspective on Infodemiological Problems.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34562022It ain't over 'til it's over.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34572022Burnout, resilience and psychological flexibility in frontline nurses during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) in Madrid, Spain.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34582022Microplastics from face masks: A potential hazard post Covid-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34592022A spatial-mechanistic model to estimate subnational tuberculosis burden with routinely collected data: An application in Brazilian municipalities.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34602022How cancer patients get fake cancer information: From TV to YouTube, a qualitative study focusing on fenbendazole scandle.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34612022A national platform for Covid-19 vaccine studies recruitment in France: Covireivac volunteer's characteristics.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34622022A multistakeholder development process to prioritize and translate COVID-19 health recommendations for patients, caregivers and the public. A case study of the COVID-19 recommendation map.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34632022An Investigation into Memorable Messages about COVID-19.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34642022Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of two innovative methods in the management of anxiety in a dental office: a randomized controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34652022What can we learn from China's health insurance reform to improve the horizontal equity of healthcare financing?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34662022Relationship between mattress internal air pressure and interface pressure distribution in the lateral position.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34672022Multiscale analysis of cancer service areas in the United States.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34682022Spatiotemporal distribution analysis of syphilis in Brazil: Cases of congenital and syphilis in pregnant women from 2001-2017.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34692022Complementary Media Use for Health Information Seeking and the Role of Health Orientation: A Survey Study in India.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34702022Sleep disturbance, dyspnea, and anxiety following total joint arthroplasty: an observational study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34712022Advice for lay callers with low-risk poison exposures by a regional poison control center: the impact on health care expenditures.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34722022Revisiting the Protective Value of Barrier Face Coverings After the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34732022[Identification of Soil Heavy Metal Sources Around a Copper-silver Mining Area in Ningxia Based on GIS].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34742022Distribution and spatial density of viral hepatitis cases in Brazil due to occupational accidents.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34752022Stigmatising and Racialising COVID-19: Asian People's Experience in New Zealand.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34762022Supporting direct support professionals in enabling people with intellectual disabilities to engage in meaningful activities: protocol for the Meaningful Activities 4 All (MA4A) study based on the human-centred design process.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34772022Can healthy ageing moderate the effects of population ageing on economic growth and health spending trends in Mongolia? A modelling study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34782022Effects of wearing surgical masks on fraction of inspired oxygen in spontaneously breathing patients: improving safety for frontline healthcare professionals under pandemic situations.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34792022Measurement and Prediction of Urban Land Traffic Accessibility and Economic Contact Based on GIS: A Case Study of Land Transportation in Shandong Province, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34802022Factors associated with loss to follow up among HIV-exposed children: a historical cohort study from 2000 to 2017, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34812022Monkeypox: What Do You Know about That? Italian Adults´ Awareness of a New EpidemicComunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34822022Are Consent Forms Used in Cardiology Clinics Easy to Read?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34832022Editorial: Does healthcare financing explain different healthcare system performances and responses to COVID-19?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34842022Non-invasive ventilation using a novel ventilator and non-vented full-face mask for patients with respiratory failure during the COVID-19 pandemic: Report of three cases.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34852022Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human Parainfluenza Virus, and Human Adenoviruses Cases in Kenya 2007-2013.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
34862022Severe acute respiratory infection surveillance in Brazil: the role of public, private and philanthropic healthcare units.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34872022Social Health and Psychological Safety of Students Involved in Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34882022The functional impact of home-based self-rehabilitation following arthroscopic meniscus root repair.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34892022Blending interprofessional education and simulation learning: A mixed-methods study of an interprofessional learning experience with nursing and occupational therapy students.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
34902022Financing care for Severe Stigmatizing Skin Diseases (SSSDs) in Liberia: challenges and opportunities.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34912022Facemasks: Perceptions and use in an ED population during COVID-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
34922022Compulsory notification of paracoccidioidomycosis: A 14-year retrospective study of the disease in the state of Paraná, Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
34932022Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34942022Stereotypes of experienced health professionals in an interprofessional context: results from a cross-sectional survey in Germany.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
34952022Influence of Selected Indicators of Healthcare System Functioning Evaluation on the Health Result.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34962022Countering Narrative Misinformation: Investigating the Effects of Narrative Corrections and Character Trust on Story-Related Knowledge of HPV.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
34972022Domestic violence experienced by women with multiple sclerosis: a study from the North-East of Iran.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
34982022Analysis of the Operational Efficiency of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents: Based on a Three-Stage DEA Model.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
34992022A cross-sectional international study shows confidence in public health scientists predicts use of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35002022Media representations of crimes in close relationships: Qualitative analysis of narratives in a television broadcast.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35012022Application of constructivism and cognitive flexibility theory to build a Comprehensive, Integrated, Multimodal Interprofessional Education and Practice (CIM-IPEP) program.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
35022022Environmental legislation and capitalization of corporate environmental expenditure: Evidence from China.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35032022Ingraining Polio Vaccine Acceptance through Public Service Advertisements in the Digital Era: The Moderating Role of Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News, and Religious Fatalism.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35042022Overcoming Reproductive and Psychological Concerns of Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35052022Students' perceptions of training and experiences with interpreters in a pro bono physical therapy setting.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
35062022Kyrgyzstan: Health System Review.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35072022An Experimental Analysis of Five Household Equipment-Based Methods for Decontamination and Reuse of Surgical Masks.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35082022A study on the evolution of economic patterns and urban network system in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater bay area.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35092022Exploring Public Discussions Regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations on Microblogs in China: Findings from Machine Learning Algorithms.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35102022Design and Methods of a Prospective Smartphone App-Based Study for Digital Phenotyping of Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Mixed With Centralized and Decentralized Research Form: The Search Your Mind (S.Y.M., ) Project.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35112022Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment from Non-Communicable Diseases: A comparison of Private and Public Health Facilities in Ekiti State, Southwest Nigeria.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35122022End COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35132022Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility Based on CF-SVM in Nujiang Prefecture.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35142022Between Policy and Risk Communication: Coverage of Air Pollution in Ghanaian Newspapers.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35152022A Tool to Estimate Risk of 30-day Mortality and Complications After Hip Fracture Surgery: Accurate Enough for Some but Not All Purposes? A Study From the ACS-NSQIP Database.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35162022Population ageing and health financing: A method for forecasting two sides of the same coin.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35172022Analysis of the Effects of a Texas State-Wide Mask Mandate (Executive Order GA-29) on Case Load, Hospitalizations, and Mortality.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35182022Participatory mapping to address neighborhood level data deficiencies for food security assessment in Southeastern Virginia, USA.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35192022A missed research opportunity for effective prevention: Clery Act Timely Warning Notices.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35202022Impact of mass rapid antigen testing for SARS-CoV-2 to mitigate Omicron outbreaks in China.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35212022Unilateral Surgery for Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Seeking for Clinical Practice Guidelines.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35222022Research on the optimization of financing scheme of long-term care insurance in China based on system dynamics simulation.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35232022TU Delft COVID-app: A tool to democratize CFD simulations for SARS-CoV-2 infection risk analysis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35242022Identification of suitable areas for African swine fever occurrence in china using geographic information system-based multi-criteria analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35252022Ante La Duda, Pregunta: A Social Marketing Campaign to Improve Contraceptive Access during a Public Health Emergency.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35262022COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance in the Context of the Health Belief Model: Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Punjab, Pakistan.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35272022Genetic Testing on Patients with Developmental Delay: A Preliminary Study from the Perspective of Physicians.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35282022Interprofessional collaboration between nurses and doctors for treating patients in surgical wards.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
35292022Rare disease curative care expenditure-financing scheme-health provider-beneficiary group analysis: an empirical study in Sichuan Province, China.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35302022Exploring the turbulent nature of nurses' workflow.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35312022Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Profiles of Multi-Media Use for Risk Communication in the General Population.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35322022Reporting adverse events of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (Recombinant) among the vaccinated healthcare professionals: A cross-sectional survey.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35332022Multi-Element UWB Probe Optimization for Medical Microwave Imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
35342022[Interfederative Health Consortium in the State of Bahia, Brazil: implementation, management mechanism, and sustainability of the organizational arrangement in the Brazilian Unified National Health System].Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35352022Hybrid Deep Feature Generation for Appropriate Face Mask Use Detection.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
35362022Deployment of an End-to-End Remote, Digitalized Clinical Study Protocol in COVID-19: Process Evaluation.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35372022Digital health interventions and quality of home-based primary care for older adults: A scoping review protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35382022General practitioners' perceptions of using virtual primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international cross-sectional survey study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35392022Sleep troubles in adolescence relate to future initiation of ENDS USE: A longitudinal cohort design using the PATH study waves 4.5-5 (2017-2019).Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35402022Variation among DNA banking consent forms: points for clinicians to bank on.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35412022Assessing equity of access and affordability of care among South Sudanese refugees and host communities in two districts in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35422022Lessons Learnt From a Greenfield Hangar-Based 1,000-Bedded Temporary Hospital in India.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
35432022Models of spatial analysis for vector-borne diseases studies: A systematic review.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35442022Patterns of alcohol and alcohol-flavoured non-alcoholic beverage advertisements over Japanese free-to-air television networks.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35452022Ethical Considerations during the Informed Consent Process for Acute Ischemic Stroke in International Clinical Trials.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35462022Altered nonlinear Granger causality interactions in the large-scale brain networks of patients with schizophrenia.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
35472022Identifying barriers to emergency department-initiated buprenorphine: A spatial analysis of treatment facility access in Michigan.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
35482022Sustainable Development Efficiency of Cultural Landscape Heritage in Urban Fringe Based on GIS-DEA-MI, a Case Study of Wuhan, China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35492022Professional Factors Associated with Case Resolution without Referrals of Orofacial Pain Cases to Secondary Dental Care by Telehealth in Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study in 2019 and 2020.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35502022Television airings of U.S. federal COVID-19 public service announcements in 2020 were associated with market-level political orientation, not COVID-19 rates.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35512022Perspectives from a Predominantly African American Community about Biobank Research and a Biobank Consent Form.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35522022Multimorbidity, healthcare use and catastrophic health expenditure by households in India: a cross-section analysis of self-reported morbidity from national sample survey data 2017-18.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35532022Age-Related Injuries From Escalators.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
35542022Spatial distribution characteristics and accessibility analysis of beautiful leisure villages in China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35552022Nurses' freedom of expression: Rights, obligations and responsibilities.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35562022Sacral Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Refractory Pudendal Neuralgia.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35572022The effectiveness of health care finance in promoting health: does the condition of health get better by spending more?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35582022Developing Assistive Bedside Furniture for Early Postoperative Mobilization in a Healthcare Setting With an Attentive Empathetic Design Approach.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
35592022[Behavior and demand patterns for medical consultations for Kidney Disease at the IMSS, 2011-2020].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35602022Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2018.Gerenciamento de dados; Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
35612022Association between lipid trajectories during pregnancy and risk of postpartum glucose intolerance after gestational diabetes mellitus: a cohort study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35622022A generalizable brain extraction net (BEN) for multimodal MRI data from rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
35632022Nonfatal drowning-related hospitalizations and associated healthcare expenditure in India: An analysis of nationally representative survey data.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35642022Comparative assessment of groundwater quality indices of Kannur District, Kerala, India using multivariate statistical approaches and GIS.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35652022Association between frequency of mass media exposure and maternal health care service utilization among women in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for tailored health communication and education.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35662022Mapping consent practices for outpatient psychiatric use of ketamine.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35672022Multispectral imaging of nailfold capillaries using light-emitting diode illumination.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
35682022Financial risk of emergency abdominal surgery: a cross sectional study from Ethiopia.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35692022Trends in unsuitability for blood donation in the Brazilian Amazon.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
35702022The Dandarah App: An mHealth Platform to Tackle Violence and Discrimination of Sexual and Gender Minority Persons Living in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35712022International migrants and coronavirus disease 2019 vaccinations: Social Media, motivated information management, and vaccination willingness.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35722022Using a pedotransfer (PTF) model to establish GIS-based maps for the main physical and hydraulic soil properties in the eastern region of the Al-Ahsa Oasis, Saudi Arabia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35732022A Blockchain-Based End-to-End Data Protection Model for Personal Health Records Sharing: A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Approach.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
35742022Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Immunotherapy for Older Patients with Oligometastases: A Proposed Paradigm by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35752022Publisher Correction: Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35762022Improving rural White men's attitudes toward clinical trial messaging and participation: effects of framing, exemplars and trust.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35772022Disparities in Health Care Spending and Utilization Among Black and White Medicaid Enrollees.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35782022Economic Migrants and Clinical Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Follow-Up Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
35792022In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35802022COVID-19 pandemic fatigue and its sociodemographic and psycho-behavioral correlates: a population-based cross-sectional study in Hong Kong.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35812022Effects of public and external health spending on out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35822022Spatial Equity of PMGerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35832022Telehealth for Parkinson disease patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: the TeleParkinson study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35842022Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35852022Sharing Visual Narratives of Diabetes on Social Media and Its Effects on Mental Health.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35862022Approaches related to the effects of Covid-19 pandemics on financing of the healthcare system in Romania.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35872022Urban Heat Island Mitigation: GIS-Based Analysis for a Tropical City Singapore.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35882022Early Real-World Data to Assess Benefits and Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Systematic Review of Methods.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
35892022Antenatal care as a risk factor for caesarean section: a case study in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35902022A healthy lifestyle text message intervention for adolescents: protocol for the Health4Me randomized controlled trial.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35912022Unlocking Potential within Health Systems Using Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage: Exploring Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes through Linked Data Modelling.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
35922022Editorial: Insights in health economics: 2021.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
35932022Influence of the Demographic, Social, and Environmental Factors on the COVID-19 Pandemic-Analysis of the Local Variations Using Geographically Weighted Regression.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
35952022Optimization of water quality monitoring programs by data mining.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
35962022Positive digital communication among youth: The development and validation of the digital flourishing scale for adolescents.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
35972022Cross-sectional study for COVID-19-related mortality predictors in a Brazilian state-wide landscape: the role of demographic factors, symptoms and comorbidities.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
35982022Service delivery challenges in HIV care during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a site assessment survey across the global IeDEA consortium.Telemedicinabrasileiro
35992022Young children's voices in an unlocked Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36002022"Having Pain is Normal": How Talk about Chronic Pelvic and Genital Pain Reflects Messages from Menarche.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36012022The BrightEyes-TTM as an open-source time-tagging module for democratising single-photon microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36022022A pandemic triad: HIV, COVID-19 and debt in low- and middle-income countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36032022Application of GIS Technology-Supported Cross Media Fusion Method Based on Deep Learning in Landscape Performance Evaluation.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36042022World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) guideline update - XIII - Oral immunotherapy for CMA - Systematic review.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36052022How Is the Quality of Information in a Cancer Hospital Regarding the Completeness and Consistency? A Case Study of the Hospital Cancer Registry of the Brazilian Hospital Bom Pastor.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36062022Pathway linking health information behaviors to mental health condition during the COVID-19 infodemic: A moderated mediation analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36072022Health expenditures and causa mortis: an investigation on municipalities of the State of Paraná, Brazil.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36082022Transit facility allocation: Hybrid quantum-classical optimization.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36092022Correlating drug prescriptions with prognosis in severe COVID-19: first step towards resource management.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36102022Value-based healthcare in Latin America: a survey of 70 healthcare provider organisations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36112022Negativity in online news coverage of vaccination rates in Serbia: a content analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36122022Generation of synthetic ground glass nodules using generative adversarial networks (GANs).Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36132022What is the out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines in India? An empirical assessment using a novel methodology.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36142022Spatio-temporal variation of land use and land cover changes and their impact on land surface temperature: A case of Kutupalong Refugee Camp, Bangladesh.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36152022Characterization of military police officers of Alagoas affected by COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36162022Nursing Documentation and Activities when Using a Clinical Decision Support System for Sepsis and Clinical Deterioration Management.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36172022The Dissemination, Influence, and Efficiency of Jameson's Cultural Theory Combined with Chinese Mass Culture and Mass Sports Culture in the Sustainable Development of China.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36182022Visit characteristics associated with discharge from specialty care: Results from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
36192022Geometrical congruence, greedy navigability and myopic transfer in complex networks and brain connectomes.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36202022Managing the medical resources of a national insurance program: lessons based on China's NCMS.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36212022Safety of the Fiocruz ChAdOx COVID-19 vaccine used in a mass vaccination campaign in Botucatu, Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36232022Dynamic Learning Framework for Smooth-Aided Machine-Learning-Based Backbone Traffic Forecasts.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36242022Discussion of cost continues to be uncommon in companion animal veterinary practice.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36252022Improving referrals to community mental health services in the liaison setting.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
36262022Comparative health systems analysis of differences in the catastrophic health expenditure associated with non-communicable vs communicable diseases among adults in six countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36272022Natural hazard insurance outcomes at national, regional and local scales: A comparison between Sweden and Portugal.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36282022Telenursing in the sexual function of women with breast cancer: A study protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36292022Comparing continuous versus categorical measures to assess and benchmark intensive care unit performance.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36302022Ideology and COVID-19 Vaccination Intention: Perceptual Mediators and Communication Moderators.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36312022School-based Health Centers, Computer-delivered Health Care, and the Value of the Warm Handoff: Optimizing Behavioral Interventions for At-risk Adolescents.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
36322022Long-Term Repeatable In Vivo Monitoring of Amyloid-β Plaques and Vessels in Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model with Combined TPEF/CARS Microscopy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36332022Factors affecting the healthcare utilization from Shasthyo Suroksha Karmasuchi scheme among the below-poverty-line population in one subdistrict in Bangladesh: a cross sectional study.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36342022Indigenous communities of Peru: Level of accessibility to health facilities.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36352022Nutritional risk, not obesity, is associated with mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36362022Remote consultation with people with eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36372022DarkCideS 1.0, a global database for bats in karsts and caves.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36382022Coaching older adults discharged home from the emergency department: The role of competence and emotion in following up with outpatient clinicians.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36392022Home-Based Palliative Care Team Perspectives on Challenges in Patient Referral and Enrollment.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
36402022Defining a risk-adjustment formula for the introduction of population-based payments for primary care in France.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36412022Distance is "a big problem": a geographic analysis of reported and modelled proximity to maternal health services in Ghana.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36422022The impact of chronic cardiovascular disease on COVID-19 clinical course.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36432022Automated conflict resolution for patients with multiple morbidity being treated using more than one set of single condition clinical guidance: A case study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36442022Stakeholder perspectives of fall prevention for older Australians with vision impairment: it's just a matter of adapting them accordinglyComunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36452022Factors Affecting Nonadherence to WHO's Recommended Antenatal Care Visits among Women in Pastoral Community, Northeastern Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36462022The effect of performance-based financing interventions on out-of-pocket expenses intended to improve access to and utilization of maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36472022Spatial Distribution of Head and Neck Cancer in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36482022Interactive Multimedia Reporting Technical Considerations: HIMSS-SIIM Collaborative White Paper.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36492022A multicenter evaluation of computable phenotyping approaches for SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 hospitalizations.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36502022"It Encourages Family Discussion": A Mixed-Methods Examination of the Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36512022Investing in the health workforce: fiscal space analysis of 20 countries in East and Southern Africa, 2021-2026.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36522022Mapping accessibility to oral health care in coastal India - A geospatial approach using a geographic information system (GIS).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36532022Vaccine effectiveness of two-dose BNT162b2 against symptomatic and severe COVID-19 among adolescents in Brazil and Scotland over time: a test-negative case-control study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36542022A Telemedicine Platform for Aphasia: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36552022The global case fatality rate of coronavirus disease 2019 by continents and national income: A meta-analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36562022COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes among a Majority Black Sample in the Southern US: Public Health Implications from a Qualitative Study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36572022Out-of-pocket expenditures, catastrophic household finances, and quality of life among hemodialysis patients in Kerala, India.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36582022Using Routinely Collected Health Records to Identify the Fine-Resolution Spatial Patterns of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections in Rwanda.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36592022Study protocol for the BRAIN Training Trial: a randomised controlled trial of Balance, Resistance, And INterval training on cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36602022Biobanking in everyday clinical practice in psychiatry-The Munich Mental Health Biobank.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36612022Can you be a manual therapist without using your hands?Telemedicinabrasileiro
36622022Young Single Widow, Dynamics of In-Laws Interference and Coping Mechanisms: Simplicity-Parsimony Approach.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36632022Multiplexed and reproducible high content screening of live and fixed cells using Dye Drop.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36642022Using donor funding to catalyse investment in malaria prevention in Ghana: an analysis of the potential impact on public and private sector expenditure.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36652022Proximity to fatal accidents predicts police citation rates on urban and rural roads.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36662022Similarity Analysis in Understanding Online News in Response to Public Health Crisis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36672022High ambient temperature and risk of hospitalization for gastrointestinal infection in Brazil: A nationwide case-crossover study during 2000-2015.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36682022The impact of telemedicine on cancer care: real-world experience from a Peruvian institute during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36692022The influence of the National Health Insurance scheme of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on healthcare access and catastrophic health expenditures for patients with chronic renal disease, and the possibility of integrating organ transplantation into the health financing system.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36702022The epidemiology of diphtheria in Haiti, December 2014-June 2021: A spatial modeling analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36712022Analysis of the Impact of Communication Campaigns under the Project "Syphilis No": A National Tool for Inducing and Promoting Health.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36722022Acute pain consult and management is associated with improved mortality in rib fracture patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36732022Applicability of portable retinal cameras and telemedicine as facilitating tools in screening diabetic retinopathy in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36742022Which communication technology is effective for promoting reproductive health? Television, radio, and mobile phones in sub-Saharan Africa.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36752022Mental health services in Scandinavia and Eurasia: comparison of financing and provision.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36762022Groundwater quality assessment and modeling utilizing water quality index and GIS in Kabul Basin, Afghanistan.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36772022Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36782022Improving Primary Health Care Data WithRegistros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36792022External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis: A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
36802022Developing healthy eating promotion mass media campaigns: A qualitative study.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
36812022Automated classification of protein expression levels in immunohistochemistry images to improve the detection of cancer biomarkers.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36822022Laboratory-acquired infections in Canada from 2016 to 2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
36832022(I can't get no) satisfaction: A comparative study of healthcare recommodification in Europe, 2010-18.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36842022Perspectives from remote sensing to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic: A future-oriented approach.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36852022Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36862022Influence of Binary Toxin Gene Detection and Decreased Susceptibility to Antibiotics among Clostridioides difficile Strains on Disease Severity: a Single-Center Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36872022Development and validation of the diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence-assisted ultrasound in the classification of splenic trauma.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
36882022Sustainability of Healthcare Financing in Greece: A Relation Between Public and Social Insurance Contributions and Delivery Expenditures.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36892022Distribution and Climatic Adaptation of Wild Tomato (Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36902022National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
36912022Amphotericin B in Pediatrics: Analysis by Age Stratification Suggests a Greater Chance of Adverse Events from 13 Months of Age Onwards.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36922022Incidence of Catastrophic Health Expenditures Amongst Hospitalized Neonates in Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36932022Use of geographical information systems (GIS) in assessing ecological profile, fish community structure and production of a large reservoir of Himachal Pradesh.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36942022Predicting the outcome for COVID-19 patients by applying time series classification to electronic health records.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36952022Estimating the threshold of health workforce densities towards universal health coverage in Africa.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
36962022Investigating Global Spatial Patterns of Diarrhea-Related Mortality in Children Under Five.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
36972022Predictors of hospital readmission after fractures: One-year follow-up study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
36982022Enhanced Modbus/TCP Security Protocol: Authentication and Authorization Functions Supported.Telemedicinabrasileiro
36992022CoT-XNet: contextual transformer with Xception network for diabetic retinopathy grading.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37002022Cancer control funding in Nigeria: A case for universal health coverage.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37012022Forecasting future climate boundary maps (2021-2060) using exponential smoothing method and GIS.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37022022Evaluation of the Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) for antenatal detection of small for gestational age: The DESiGN cluster randomised trial.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37032022[An optimized segmentation of main vessel in coronary angiography images via removing the overlapping pacemaker].Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37042022Forecasting Iran national health expenditures: General model and conceptual framework.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37052022Spatial Video and EpiExplorer: A Field Strategy to Contextualize Enteric Disease Risk in Slum Environments.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37062022Stroke epidemiology in southern Brazil: Investigating the relationship between stroke severity, hospitalization costs, and health-related quality of life.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37072022Spatiotemporally Controlled Formation and Rotation of Magnetic Nanochains In Vivo for Precise Mechanotherapy of Tumors.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37082022Universal health coverage as hegemonic health policy in low- and middle-income countries: A mixed-methods analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37092022Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Tourism-Urbanization-Technology-Ecological Environment on the Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan Region: An Uncoordinated Coupling Perspective.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37102022QDS-COVID: A visual analytics system for interactive exploration of millions of COVID-19 healthcare records in Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37112022Experiencing COVID-19, home isolation and primary health care: A mixed-methods study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37122022Multi-Sensor Image Fusion Method for Defect Detection in Powder Bed Fusion.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37142022Influence of Topographic Factors on the Characteristics of Gully Systems in Mountainous Areas of Ningnan Dry-Hot Valley, SW China.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37152022Decreasing boarders in the emergency department by reducing clerical work in the discharge process of in-hospital patients in Brazil - an interrupted time-series analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37162022The impact of a telehealth intervention on the metabolic profile of diabetes mellitus patients during the COVID-19 pandemic - A randomized clinical trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37172022Bayesian connective field modeling using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37182022How much do government and households spend on an episode of hospitalisation in India? A comparison for public and private hospitals in Chhattisgarh state.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37192022A conceptual model for automating spatial network analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37202022Self-Supervised Learning Methods for Label-Efficient Dental Caries Classification.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37212022Feasibility of telemedicine for patients with parkinsonism in the Brazilian public health system.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37222022Multimorbidity, functional impairment, and mortality in older patients stable after prior acute myocardial infarction: Insights from the TIGRIS registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37232022A multicohort geometric deep learning study of age dependent cortical and subcortical morphologic interactions for fluid intelligence prediction.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37242022The American Public Health Association Endorses Single-Payer Health System Reform.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37252022Nexus between potentially toxic elements' accumulation and seasonal/anthropogenic influences on mangrove sediments and ecological risk in Sundarbans, Bangladesh: An approach from GIS, self-organizing map, conditional inference tree and random forest models.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37262022Analysis of Stroke Assistance in Covid-19 Pandemic by Process Mining Techniques.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37272022Tips and tricks for the persistent hiccup management in a Telemedicine encounter.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37282022International Comparisons of ICU Performance: A Proposed Approach to Severity Scoring Systems.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37292022Practical implications of using non-relational databases to store large genomic data files and novel phenotypes.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
37302022[The confidence limits of self-education of medical workers in matters of competences to provide quality and safety].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37312022Enabling Spectrally Resolved Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy at High Emitter Densities.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37322022Applying the Strategic Health Purchasing Progress Tracking Framework: Lessons from Nine African Countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37332022Landslide susceptibility mapping by integrating analytical hierarchy process, frequency ratio, and fuzzy gamma operator models, case study: North of Lorestan Province, Iran.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37342022Store-and-forward teleneurology results in a large Brazilian city.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37352022Incidence of death or disability at 6 months after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Australia: a prospective, multicentre, registry-embedded cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37362022Paediatric on-call consultants' learning within and beyond the objectives of a coherent CPD program.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37372022Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO).Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37382022Who benefits from tuberculosis outpatient services in Enugu state, Nigeria? A benefit incidence analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37392022Quality of care in patients with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort study from Southern Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37402022Comment on "Patients' Postjudice of Tele-Neurology for Movement Disorders".Telemedicinabrasileiro
37412022Hospital characteristics associated with COVID-19 mortality: data from the multicenter cohort Brazilian Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37422022Behavioral Skills Training for Teaching Safety Skills to Mental Health Clinicians: Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Control Trial.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37432022COVID-19 pandemic and the widening oral health inequality in Nigeria.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37442022Tadpole soup: Chinantec caldo de piedra and behavior ofGerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37452022Clotting factor genes are associated with preeclampsia in high-altitude pregnant women in the Peruvian Andes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37462022Health professionals' views of medical teleconsultation uptake in the Brazilian Unified Health System: A description using the NASSS framework.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37472022Hospitalizations due to gastrointestinal Chagas disease: National registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37482022Research on multi-modal autonomous diagnosis algorithm of COVID-19 based on whale optimized support vector machine and improved D-S evidence fusion.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37492022Current curative expenditure of non-communicable diseases changed in Dalian, China from 2017 to 2019: a study based on 'System of Health Accounts 2011'.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37502022Epidemiological investigation of the COVID-19 outbreak in Vellore district in South India using Geographic Information Surveillance (GIS).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37512022Impact of cranial stereotactic radiotherapy associated with immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab on overall survival in patients with melanoma brain metastases: a real-world evidence.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37522022Temporal trends and factors associated with the cancer diagnosed at stage IV in patients included in the integrated hospital-based cancer registry system in Brazil in two decades.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37532022Net Promoter Score (NPS): What Does Net Promoter Score Offer in the Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37542022Early Detection of Cervical Cancer by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Combined with Unsupervised Machine Learning.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37552022Sensitivity analysis and methodological choices on health-related impoverishment estimates in Cambodia, 2009-17.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37562022Study on Spatial Distribution Equilibrium of Elderly Care Facilities in Downtown Shanghai.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37572022Eye diseases during pregnancy: a study with the medical data warehouse in the eye clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Munich in Germany.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37582022Synchronous Teleconsultation and Monitoring Service Targeting COVID-19: Leveraging Insights for Postpandemic Health Care.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37592022Neurocysticercosis in Latin America: Current epidemiological situation based on official statistics from four countries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37602022Financing the future of WHO.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37612022Evaluation of Vulnerability Status of the Infection Risk to COVID-19 Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA): A Case Study of Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37622022SemClinBr - a multi-institutional and multi-specialty semantically annotated corpus for Portuguese clinical NLP tasks.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37632022Coronavirus 2019 disease: Are corticosteroids the key treatment? A retrospective case-control study in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37642022The experiences of nursing students using virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37652022Exploring the possible sources of fiscal space for health in India: insights from political regimes.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37662022The Effects of Lifestyle on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States: An Analysis of Market Segmentation.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37672022Reactions of physicians in the state of São Paulo to the use of telemedicine during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
37682022Impact of the absence of dental support on cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37692022Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on short-term outcome in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction during COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the international multicenter ISACS-STEMI registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37702022Physician Assistants' Training and Self-Perceived Competencies to Work with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37712022The Impact of Public, Private, and Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures on Under-Five Mortality in Malaysia.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37722022Retrieving Inland Reservoir Water Quality Parameters Using Landsat 8-9 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI Sensors with Empirical Multivariate Regression.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37732022Risk factors for breast cancer and their association with molecular subtypes in a population of Northeast Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37742022Maternal mortality in South region of Brazil: an analysis from 2000 to 2018.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37752022Molecular mechanism of active Cas7-11 in processing CRISPR RNA and interfering target RNA.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37762022Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis associated with drinking water in rural Kazakhstan: A matched case-control study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
37772022Assessing public financing for nutrition in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37782022Long-term detection and spatiotemporal variation analysis of open-surface water bodies in the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2020.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37792022The Brazilian congresses of epidemiology.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37802022Impact of physiotherapy with telerehabilitation on caregivers of patients with neurological disorders: A systematic review protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37812022Incidence and risk factors associated with the development of metastatic spinal cord compression due to bone metastasis in women with cervical cancer.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37822022Assessment of Qatar community pharmacists' competence and practices related to renal and gastrointestinal adverse effects of nonprescription NSAIDs.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37832022AGMR-Net: Attention-guided multiscale recovery framework for stroke segmentation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37842022From each according to means, to each according to needs? Distributional effects of abolishing asset-based payments for residential care in Austria.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37852022Spatial distribution of soil nutrients and evaluation of cultivated land in Xuwen county.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37862022The Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-IV-Pediatric (REDS-IV-P): A research program striving to improve blood donor safety and optimize transfusion outcomes across the lifespan.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37872022Implementation of physiotherapy telerehabilitation before and post Covid-19 outbreak: A comparative narrative between South American countries and Australia.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37882022Characteristics and in-hospital morbidity trends associated with oral and oropharyngeal cancers in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37892022Can scope-of-practice transfer psychiatrists be up for their job? A cross-sectional study of clinical competence status and related factors.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
37902022Hong Kong domestic health spending: financial years 1989/90 to 2019/20.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37912022Using Social Media to Predict Food Deserts in the United States: Infodemiology Study of Tweets.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37922022Communication of the Diagnosis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy in the Views of Patients and Family Members, a Qualitative Analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
37932022Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas with Secondary Cavernous Sinus Invasion: Surgical Results and Algorithm for Treatment at a Single Brazilian Center.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
37942022ROP screening with the Pictor Plus camera: a telemedicine solution for developing countries.Telemedicinabrasileiro
37952022Incidence, mortality and survival of prostate cancer in two municipalities with a high human development index in Mato Grosso, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
37962022Data-Driven Deciphering of Latent Lesions in Heterogeneous Tissue Using Function-DirectedGestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
37972022Exploring variation of coverage and access to dental care for adults in 11 European countries: a vignette approach.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
37982022Assessment of spatial-temporal changes in water bodies and its influencing factors using remote sensing and GIS - a model study in the southeast coast of India.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
37992022An integrative telehealth platform managed by nurses.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38002022Stomach cancer incidence and mortality in Greater Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000-2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38012022The role of continuing medical education programs in promoting iranian nurses, competency toward non-communicable diseases, a qualitative content analysis study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38022022Improving the spatiotemporal resolution of remotely sensed ET information for water management through Landsat, Sentinel-2, ECOSTRESS and VIIRS data fusion.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38032022The Impact of Payment Reforms on the Quality and Utilisation of Healthcare for Patients With Multimorbidity: A Systematic Review.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38042022[Geographic analysis of diabetic nephropathy and renal insufficiency in the primary care, IMSS 2019].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38052022Cervical Cancer Prevention on Instagram: Content and Social Interaction Analysis of Brazilian Accounts.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38062022What really brings you here today? Applying McWhinney's Taxonomy of Patient Behaviour between the first waves of COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38072022Digital Platform to Continuously Monitor Patients Using a Smartwatch: Preliminary Report.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38082022Trend analysis of lung cancer incidence and mortality in Grande Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000 to 2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38092022Can machine learning identify childhood characteristics that predict future development of bipolar disorder a decade later?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38102022Brain correlates of action word memory revealed by fMRI.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38112022Future health spending forecast in leading emerging BRICS markets in 2030: health policy implications.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38122022Spatial distribution of stroke readmission within 30 days and the influencing factors in Hunan Province.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38132022Anticancer Treatment Goals and Prognostic Misperceptions among Advanced Cancer Outpatients.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38142022Blockchain-Based Architecture Design for Personal Health Record: Development and Usability Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38152022Telehealth in hematopoietic cell transplantation: perspective from patients at a public hospital in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38162022Trends in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Greater Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (Brazil), from 2000 to 2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38172022Application of the electronic book to promote self-directed learning in medical technologist continuing education: a cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38182022Rapid artificial intelligence solutions in a pandemic-The COVID-19-20 Lung CT Lesion Segmentation Challenge.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38192022How equitable is health spending on curative services and institutional delivery in Malawi? Evidence from a quasi-longitudinal benefit incidence analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38202022Voronoi Diagrams for Senior-Friendly Cities.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38212022Resistance to interprofessional collaboration in in-service training in primary health care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38222022Comparison of accuracy and reproducibility of colposcopic impression based on a single image versus a two-minute time series of colposcopic images.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38232022Incidence trend of five main causes of cancer, in greater Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000 to 2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38242022A challenging diagnosis: hereditary angioedema presenting during pregnancy.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38252022Portable near infrared spectroscopy for the isomeric differentiation of new psychoactive substances.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38262022Financing Pediatric Surgery: A Provider's Perspective from the Global Initiative for Children's Surgery.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38272022Creating a Healthy Environment for Children: GIS Tools for Improving the Quality of the Social Welfare Management System.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38282022Inter-professional relationships in the Family Health Strategy: perception of health management.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38292022Toxicity profile of treatment with PD-1 inhibitors for lung cancer, melanoma and renal cell carcinoma: A real-world Brazilian study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38302022Telemedicine and peritoneal dialysis: the future is now.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38312022Incidence and Mortality by the Main Types of Cancer in the City of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Between the Years of 2008 and 2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38322022Optic disc detection and segmentation using saliency mask in retinal fundus images.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38332022Improving the management and security of COVID 19 diagnostic test data with a digital platform in resource-limited settings: The case of PlaCARD in Cameroon.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38342022The Projection of Iran's Healthcare Expenditures By 2030: Evidence of a Time-Series Analysis.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38352022A geographical information system model to define COVID-19 problem areas with an analysis in the socio-economic context at the regional scale in the North of Spain.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38362022Dimensions of interprofessional collaboration in the dynamics of the expanded family health and primary care centers: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38372022Maternal and neonatal variables associated with premature birth and low birth weight in a tertiary hospital in Ecuador.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38382022Telemedicine can be a feasible means of guiding untrained general practitioners to perform point-of-care ultrasound in life-threatening situations: the case of a field hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38392022Cancer Incidence in Mato Grosso state, Brazil: analysis of population-based registries (2007 a 2011).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38402022Effect of the Cyberattack Targeting the Irish Health System in May 2021 on Radiation Treatment at St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Network.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38412022Do the issues of religious minority and coastal climate crisis increase the burden of chronic illness in Bangladesh?Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38422022The neighborhood environment and its association with the spatio-temporal footprint of tobacco consumption and changes in smoking-related behaviors in a Swiss urban area.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38432022Use of geospatial analyses to address snakebite hotspots in mid-northern Brazil - A direction to health planning in shortfall biodiversity knowledge areas.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38442022National analysis of dental teleconsulting of the Brazilian Telehealth Program.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38452022Socioeconomic disparities associated with symptomatic Zika virus infections in pregnancy and congenital microcephaly: A spatiotemporal analysis from Goiânia, Brazil (2016 to 2020).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38462022The Educational Impact of Web-Based, Faculty-Led Continuing Medical Education Programs in Type 2 Diabetes: A Survey Study to Analyze Changes in Knowledge, Competence, and Performance of Health Care Professionals.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38472022The Dual-Targeted Peptide Conjugated Probe for Depicting Residual Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Guiding Surgery.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38482022Does voluntary health insurance improve health and longevity? Evidence from European OECD countries.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38492022Delineating natural catchment health districts with routinely collected health data from women's travel to give birth in Ghana.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38502022Tubal factor, cleavage stage and more than one embryo transferred were risk factors associated with ectopic pregnancy after assisted reproductive treatment.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38512022The specialty of allergy and clinical immunology in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38522022Global patterns of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38532022Integrating training, practice, and reflection within a new model for Canadian medical licensure: a concept paper prepared for the Medical Council of Canada.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38542022Preclinical comparative study of [Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38552022Epidemiology of human Monkey-pox cases in Rivers State, Nigeria January 2017-June 2022.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38562022Estimating and Comparing Health and Financial Risk Protection Outcomes in Economic Evaluations.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38572022Geographic Dispersal Limitation Dominated Assembly Processes of Bacterial Communities on Microplastics Compared to Water and Sediment.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38582022Dependency Factors in Evidence Theory: An Analysis in an Information Fusion Scenario Applied in Adverse Drug Reactions.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38592022The Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Approach of Value-Added Medicines: As-Needed Treatment in Allergic Rhinitis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38602022Beyond competence: rethinking continuing professional development in the age of competence-based medical education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38612022Contribution of sexual health services to hepatitis B detection and control (Netherlands, 2008-2016).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38622022Utilization patterns of healthcare facility and estimated expenditure of PLHIV care under the Indonesian National Health Insurance Scheme in 2018.Financiamento da saúdeestrangeiro
38632022GIS-based spatio-temporal analysis and modeling of COVID-19 incidence rates in Europe.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38642022Interprofessional education in the Dentistry curriculum: Analysis of a teaching-service-community integration experience.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
38652022Data warehouse and medical research.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38662022Telemedicine as an auxiliary tool in trichiasis treatment follow-up.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38672022Clinical profile and outcome of recurrent infective endocarditis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38682022Quantification of the in vivo stiffness and natural length of the human plantar aponeurosis during quiet standing using ultrasound elastography.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38692022Evaluation of surveillance system for post market activities on pre-packaged foods in Greater Accra Region, Ghana, 2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38702022Clinical performance of posterior resin composite restorations after up to 33 years.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38712022Logical model of telenursing program of a high complexity oncology care center.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38722022Competencies and needs of nurse educators and clinical mentors for teaching in the digital age - a multi-institutional, cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38732022DH-Mammo PET: a dual-head positron emission mammography system for breast imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38742022Monitoring the progress towards the elimination of hepatitis B and C in Sweden: estimation of core indicators for 2015 and 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38752022Hydrogeochemical assessment of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of potentially toxic elements in aquifers of the Hindukush ranges, Pakistan: insights from groundwater pollution indexing, GIS-based, and multivariate statistical approaches.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38762022Assessing the landscape of STXBP1-related disorders in 534 individuals.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38772022Telepsychiatry for conflict-affected settings: Feasibility, ethics, barriers and prospects.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38782022A real-world prospective study on dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38792022The Importance of Sociocultural Factors in Moderating the Applicability of Test-Enhanced Learning to Continuing Professional Development.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38802022Quantitative assessment of visual microscopy as a tool for microplastic research: Recommendations for improving methods and reporting.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38812022Undetected serovars: leptospirosis cases in the Cairns region during the 2021 wet season.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38822022COVID-19 Variant Surveillance and Social Determinants in Central Massachusetts: Development Study.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38832022Residency training in family medicine and its impact on coordination and continuity of care: an analysis of referrals to secondary care in Rio de Janeiro.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38852022Spatial assessment of advanced-stage diagnosis and lung cancer mortality in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38862022Maintenance of Certification in Radiology: Eliciting Radiologist Preferences Using a Discrete Choice Experiment.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38872022An efficient annotated data generation method for echocardiographic image segmentation.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38882022Dengue Epidemiology in Qatar from 2013-2021: A Retrospective Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38892022Biological Microbial Interactions from Cooccurrence Networks in a High Mountain Lacustrine District.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38902022Oral Inflammatory Burden and Carotid Atherosclerosis Among Stroke Patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38912022Telehealth for Nutritional Care: A Tool for Improving Patient Flow in Hospitals.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38922022Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
38932022Rippled Macules and Papules on the Legs.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
38942022A novel approach to screening and managing the urinary tract infections suspected sample in the general human population.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagemestrangeiro
38952022Contact Tracing and Exposure Investigation in Response to the First Case of Monkeypox Virus Infection in the United States During the 2022 Global Monkeypox Outbreak.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
38962022PMGerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
38972022In vivo brain iron concentration in healthy individuals at 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging: a prospective cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
38982022Experience report of the contributions of telehealth in riverside communities of Amazonas in the pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
38992022Cancer Statistics over Time in Northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil: Incidence and Mortality.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39002022Painless Vulvar Nodule.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39012022Performance of the Swiss Digital Contact-Tracing App Over Various SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Waves: Repeated Cross-sectional Analyses.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39022022Geographic information system and system dynamics combination technique for municipal solid waste treatment station site selection.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39032022Impact of a digital manual for guidance on malignant hyperthermia: patient education.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39042022Analysis of breast cancer survival in a northeastern Brazilian state based on prognostic factors: A retrospective cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39052022Post-traumatic stress in people from the interior drylands of the Maule region, Chile in the context of climate change.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39062022Seek COVER: using a disease proxy to rapidly develop and validate a personalized risk calculator for COVID-19 outcomes in an international network.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39072022Technologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Teleconsultation in Care Management for Patients Undergoing Liver Transplant.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39082022Impact of a dental care intervention on the hospital mortality of critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units: A quasi-experimental study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39092022Developing a Video-Based Learning Module to Teach Decision-Making for Cubital Tunnel Surgery.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39102022Relative effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination with 3 compared to 2 doses against SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) among an Australian population with low prior rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39112022Flash Flood Vulnerability Mapping Based on FFPI Using GIS Spatial Analysis Case Study: Valea Rea Catchment Area, Romania.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39122022Telemedicine in the National Immunization Program (Brazil): A promising tool.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39132022Latin American registry of renal involvement in COVID-19 disease. The relevance of assessing proteinuria throughout the clinical course.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39142022The correlation between emotional intelligence and clinical competence in nurses working in special care units: A cross-sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39152022Blood Lead Level Testing and Retesting Among Newly Arriving Refugee Children, Pennsylvania, 2015-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39162022[Spatial lifecourse epidemiology in chronic non-communicable disease research].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39172022Adherence to Growth Hormone Treatment Using a Connected Device in Latin America: Real-World Exploratory Descriptive Analysis Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39182022Development and validation of a health information system for assistance and research in gestational trophoblast disease.Gerenciamento de dados; Telemedicinabrasileiro
39192022Fetal deaths in Brazil: What changed in the last decade and what can we learn from the current situation?Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39202022A geospatial platform to support visualization, analysis, and prediction of tuberculosis notification in space and time.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39212022Lockdowns, Community Mobility Patterns, and COVID-19: A Retrospective Analysis of Data from 16 Countries.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39222022HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in a Brazilian Clinical Setting: Adherence, Adverse Events, Sexual Behavior, and Sexually Transmitted Infections.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39232022Patient Acceptance of Telemedicine in Urogynecology Consultations - A Cross-Sectional Study Performed at a Brazilian Public Institution.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39242022Hypothyroidism does not lead to worse prognosis in COVID-19: findings from the Brazilian COVID-19 registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39252022Nurses' knowledge of anticoagulation therapy for atrial fibrillation patients: Effectiveness of an educational course.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39262022Geographic disparities in access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder across US census tracts based on treatment utilization behavior.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39272022Contribution of primary care expansion to Sustainable Development Goal 3 for health: a microsimulation of the 15 largest cities in Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39282022The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on heart failure management: Global experience of the OPTIMIZE Heart Failure Care network.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39292022The Multiple Waves of COVID-19 in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Temporal Trend Analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39302022Impact of automated drug dispensing system on patient safety.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
39312022Analysis of the 2017-2018 Rift valley fever outbreak in Yirol East County, South Sudan: a one health perspective.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39322022Oil spills in the Barents Sea: The results of multiyear monitoring with synthetic aperture radar.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39332022Epidemiological and geographical distribution profile of urban sporotrichosis in the city of São Paulo.Notificação de eventos de saúde pública; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39342022Towards Multimodal Equipment to Help in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Using Machine Learning Algorithms.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39352022Effectiveness of combined non-pharmacological interventions in the prevention of delirium in critically ill patients: A randomized clinical trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39362022Learning Outcomes from an Academic Internal Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Conference.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39372022Polysomnography in pre-operative screening for obstructive sleep apnea in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39382022A Simulation Modelling Study of Referral Distribution Policies in a Centralized Intake System for Surgical Consultation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
39392022Position paper: Teaching breaking bad news (BBN) to undergraduate medical students.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39402022A One Health Evaluation of the Surveillance Systems on Tick-Borne Diseases in the Netherlands, Spain and Italy.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39412022Assessing Response Readiness to Health Emergencies: A Spatial Evaluation of Health and Socio-Economic Justice in Pakistan.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39422022Incidence of Recurrent Venous Ulcer in Patients Treated at an Outpatient Clinic: Historical Cohort.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39432022How Did Patients Living With Immune-Mediated Rheumatic Diseases Face the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil? Results of the COnVIDa Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39442022Teaching undergraduate medical students virtual consultation skills: a mixed-methods interventional before-and-after study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39452022Rural and urban disparities in anemia among Peruvian children aged 6-59 months: a multivariate decomposition and spatial analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39462022Fungal diversity notes 1512-1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39472022Portable wide-field digital imaging for screening of neonatal visual impairment causes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a budget impact analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39482022Referral assessment and patient waiting time decisions in specialized mental healthcare: an exploratory study of early routine collection of PROM (LOVePROM).Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
39492022Improving Patient Safety and Quality in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Through Participation in the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Continuing Certification Program.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39502022Epidemiological description of and response to a large yellow fever outbreak in Edo state Nigeria, September 2018 - January 2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39512022Evaluation of eco-environmental quality for the coal-mining region using multi-source data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39522022Telehealth in outpatient care for children and adolescents with chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39532022Digital Tools Adopted by Public Health Agencies to Support COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing, United States, 2020-2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39542022Identifying spatiotemporal characteristics and driving factors for road traffic COGerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39552022Semi-automated data collection from electronic health records in a stroke unit in Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39562022Efficacy of smartphone-based retinal photography by undergraduate students in screening and early diagnosing diabetic retinopathy.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39572022Case-Fatality and Functional Outcome after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) in INternational STRoke oUtComes sTudy (INSTRUCT).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39582022NURSES' KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE IN AL-NASIRIYAH CITY.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39592022Postoperative Pain Medication Utilization in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Sports Orthopaedic Surgery: Characterizing Patient Usage Patterns and Opioid Retention.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
39602022[Geocoding one million of addresses using API: a semiautomatic multistep procedure].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39612022Enteral nutritional support for patients hospitalized with COVID-19: Results from the first wave in a public hospital.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39622022Telemonitoring of motor skills using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale for at-risk infants in the first year of life.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39632022Immunophenotype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in minorities- analysis from the SEER database.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39642022Transforming Motivation for Exercise in a Safe and Kind Environment-A Qualitative Study of Experiences among Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39652022[Geospatial models for SARS-CoV-2 outbreak control in Cartagena and Barranquilla, Colombia, 2020Modelos geoespaciais para controle de surtos de SARS-CoV-2 em Cartagena e Barranquilla, Colômbia, 2020].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39662022Predicting mortality for critically ill burns patients, using the Abbreviated Burn Severity Index and Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
39672022COVID-19, mental health and Indigenous populations in Brazil: The epidemic beyond the pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39682022COVID-19 pandemic, mechanical reperfusion and 30-day mortality in ST elevation myocardial infarction.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39692022The epidemiology of invasive group A streptococcal disease in Victoria, 2007-2017: an analysis of linked datasets.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39702022Local neural-network-weighted models for occurrence and number of down wood in natural forest ecosystem.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39712022Telehealth as a Means of Enabling Health Equity.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39722022Infective Endocarditis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39732022Is it possible to introduce an interview to the Korean Medical Licensing Examination to assess professional attributes?: a survey-based observational study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39742022Establishing event-based surveillance system in Nigeria: a complementary information generating platform for improved public health performance, 2016.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39752022Annual 30-m big Lake Maps of the Tibetan Plateau in 1991-2018.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39762022Telemedicine diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infection patients is not inferior to face-to-face consultation: a randomized trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39772022The Appearance of Digital Competence in the Work of Health Sciences Educators: A Cross-sectional Study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39782022Pneumococcal meningitis in Greece: A retrospective serotype surveillance study in the post-PCV13 era (2010-2020).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39792022SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Risk Model in an Urban Area of Mexico, Based on GIS Analysis and Viral Load.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39802022Cardiac telerehabilitation in a middle-income country: analysis of adherence, effectiveness and cost through a randomized clinical trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39812022Intrinsic or Invisible? An Audit of CanMEDS Roles in Entrustable Professional Activities.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39822022Evaluation of the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis surveillance system in Maputo City, Mozambique in the period 2017-2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39832022Associations Between Obesity, Physical Inactivity, Healthcare Capacity, and the Built Environment: Geographic Information System Analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39842022Telephone calls and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39852022Association Between Serum Myostatin Levels, Hospital Mortality, and Muscle Mass and Strength Following ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
39862022The training effects of a continuing education program on nurses' knowledge and attitudes to palliative care: a cross sectional study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39872022Assessing Thailand's 1-3-7 surveillance strategy in accelerating malaria elimination.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39882022Anthropogenic rare earth elements in urban lakes: Their spatial distributions and tracing application.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39892022Evaluation of the experience with the use of telemedicine in a home dialysis program-a qualitative and quantitative study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39902022From Individualized Interactions to Standardized Schedules: A History of Time Organization in U.S. Outpatient Medicine.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
39912022American Board of Medical Specialties and New Standards for Continuing Certification.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39922022Comparative Assessment of the Implementation of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Public and Private Health Facilities in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39932022Optimizing Prehospital Stroke Systems of Care-Reacting to Changing Paradigms (OPUS-REACH): a pragmatic registry of large vessel occlusion stroke patients to create evidence-based stroke systems of care and eliminate disparities in access to stroke care.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39942022Patient and family experience with telemedicine and in-person pediatric and obstetric ambulatory encounters throughout 2020, during the COVID-19 epidemic: the distance effect.Telemedicinabrasileiro
39952022Association Between Wait Time of Central Venous Pressure Measurement and Outcomes in Critical Patients With Acute Kidney Injury: A Retrospective Cohort Study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
39962022Attitudes and practices towards vital signs monitoring on paediatric wards: Cross-validation of the Ped-V scale.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
39972022Epidemiological and microbiological investigation of a large increase in vibriosis, northern Europe, 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
39982022Analysis of the Gut Bacterial Community of Wild Larvae ofGerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
39992022The Importance of Radiological Patterns and Small Airway Disease in Long-Term Follow-Up of Postacute COVID-19: A Preliminary Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40002022The new French kidney allocation system for donations after brain death: Rationale, implementation, and evaluation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40012022Developing a simulation-based learning model for acute medical education during COVID-19 pandemic with Simulation via Instant Messaging - Birmingham Advance (SIMBA).Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40022022Therapeutic alliance impact on analgesic outcomes in a real-world clinical setting: An observational study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40032022Increasing Fecal Immunochemical Test Return Rates by Implementing Effective "Reminder to Complete Kit" Communication With Participants: A Quality Improvement Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40042022[Spatiotemporal evolution of COVID-19 epidemic in the early phase in China].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
40052022Telehealth Strategies to Support Referral Management to Secondary Care in Brazil: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40062022Patient Preferences for Waiting Time and Kidney Quality.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40072022Peer learning in emergency radiology: effects on learning, error identification, and radiologist experience.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40082022Estimation of the incidence of invasive meningococcal disease using a capture-recapture model based on two independent surveillance systems in Catalonia, Spain.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40092022Youth violence prevention can be enhanced by geospatial analysis of trauma registry data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
40102022Telemedicine of patients with cystic fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40112022Preappointment surveys and reminder calls to improve show rate.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40122022Psychometric evaluation of the perceived perioperative competence scale-revised among the Chinese operating room nurses: a methodological research.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40132022Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Efforts From Health Departments in the United States, November 2020 to December 2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40142022GIS based interpolation method to urinary metal concentrations in Malaysia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
40152022Telemedicine medical evaluation of low-risk patients with dengue during an outbreak may be an option in reducing the need for on-site physicians.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40162022Increased incidence of inflammatory bowel disease on etanercept in juvenile idiopathic arthritis regardless of concomitant methotrexate use.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
40172022Patient's decision and experience in the multi-channel appointment context: An empirical study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40182022Self-assessed Competencies of Clinical Research Professionals and Recommendations for Further Education and Training.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40192022An evaluation of the notifiable disease surveillance system in Chegutu District, Zimbabwe, 2020: a cross-sectional study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40202022Multiprofessional intervention and telenursing in the treatment of obese people in the COVID-19 pandemic: a pragmatic clinical trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40212022A Telepsychiatry Simulation for Suicide Assessment: Teaching Telemedicine Safety Competencies.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
40222022Knowledge and awareness on pneumoconiosis among dental technicians and senior dental technology students in Saudi Arabia.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
40232022UNOS policy change benefits high-priority patients without harming those at low priority.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40242022Implementing Evidence Informed Practice Changes: Barriers, Facilitators, and Work Environments.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40252022The Potential Effects of Implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program by Integrating It with Medication Therapy Service in a Low-Income Serving Clinic - A Single-Center Experience.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40262022The Italian Mandatory Notification System: An Important Public Health Tool For Continuous Monitoring Of Infectious Diseases.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40272022eHealth, telehealth, and telemedicine in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Lessons learned and future perspectives.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40282022Simulation-Based Interprofessional ICU Bedside Rounding Course.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40292022Factors Affecting the Waiting Time from Injury to Surgery in Elderly Patients with a Cervical Spine Injury: A Japanese Multicenter Survey.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40302022Physicians' Choice of Board Certification Activity Is Unaffected by Baseline Quality of Care: The TRADEMaRQ Study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40312022Existing Ethical Tensions in Xenotransplantation.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40332022Investigation into the wait time for consultation in the psoriatic arthritis program.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40342022Use of In-Situ Simulation Based Clinical Systems Test of Thoracic Robotic Surgery Emergencies.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40352022Prescribing pattern of anti-diabetic drugs and adherence to the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) 2021 treatment guidelines among patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40362022Understanding and experience of adverse event following immunization (AEFI) and its consequences among healthcare providers in Kebbi State, Nigeria: a qualitative study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40372022What Experts Think About Prostate Cancer Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Report from the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2021.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40382022Excess all-cause mortality and COVID-19-related mortality: a temporal analysis in 22 countries, from January until August 2020.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
40392022Shared medical appointments in English primary care for long-term conditions: a qualitative study of the views and experiences of patients, primary care staff and other stakeholders.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40402022Spatiotemporal Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Thailand from 2011 to 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40412022Efficacy and Safety of BCG Revaccination WithTelemedicinabrasileiro
40422022Preparing for patients with high-consequence infectious diseases: Example of a high-level isolation unit.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40432022Neighbourhood prevalence-to-notification ratios for adult bacteriologically-confirmed tuberculosis reveals hotspots of underdiagnosis in Blantyre, Malawi.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40442022Validity of range of motion, muscle strength, sensitivity, and Tinel sign tele-assessment in adults with traumatic brachial plexus injury.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40452022Aortic stenosis post-COVID-19: a mathematical model on waiting lists and mortality.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40462022The continuum of Allergy-Immunology Fellowship Training and continuing certification embraces competency based medical education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40472022Telehealth Program for Infants at Risk of Cerebral Palsy during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Pre-post Feasibility Experimental Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40482022Risk factors for death or mechanical ventilation time after bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis in a developing country.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
40492022Israeli Medical Experts' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preferences in Allocating Donor Organs for Transplantation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40502022Enlarging Nodule on the Back.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40512022Decrease in compulsory notifications registered by the Brazilian National Hospital Epidemiological Surveillance Network during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive study, 2017-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40522022Outcomes of telemedicine care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from an intervention program designed for vulnerable population in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40532022Impact of the Automation of Inpatient Bed Management to Reduce the Emergency Service Waiting Time.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40542022Surgical coaching in obstetrics and gynecology: an evidence-based strategy to elevate surgical education and promote lifelong learning.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40552022Tuberculosis Surveillance in Romania Among Vulnerable Risk Groups Between 2015 and 2017.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40562022Performance of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index in the Assessment of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis-Findings From the REAL Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40572022Assessment of nursing undergraduate's perceptions of Interprofessional learning: A cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40582022Individual-Level Evaluation of the Exposure Notification Cascade in the SwissCovid Digital Proximity Tracing App: Observational Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40592022Evaluating Different Strategies on the Blood Collection Counter Settings to Improve Patient Waiting Time in Outpatient Units.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40602022Telemedicine in post-molar follow-up: is it a useful tool?Telemedicinabrasileiro
40612022Findings About Patient Preferences for Medical Care Based on a Decision Tree Method Study Design for Influencing Factors.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40622022Management of Schizophrenia with Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Medications: An Assessment of the Educational Needs of Clinicians.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40632022Impact of a Newly Established Revolving Outbreak Investigation Fund on Timeliness of Response to Public Health Emergencies in Nigeria.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40642022Measurement properties of outcome measures used in neurological telerehabilitation: A systematic review protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40652022A dynamic sequential decision-making model on MRI real-time scheduling with simulation-based optimization.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40662022Succeeding in Continuing Trauma Education During a Pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40672022Malaria surveillance system and Hospital Discharge Records: Assessing differences in Italy, 2011-2017 database analysis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40682022Motor Rehabilitation of Upper Limbs Using a Gesture-Based Serious Game: Evaluation of Usability and User Experience.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40692022Factors influencing surgeon decision-making by measuring waiting time for pediatric ventilation tube insertions.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40702022Mini-Residencies to Improve Care for Women Veterans: A Decade of Re-Educating Veterans Health Administration Primary Care Providers.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40712022Finding gaps in routine TB surveillance activities in Bangladesh.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40722022Are we preparing for the digital healthcare era?Telemedicinabrasileiro
40732022Patient-Controlled Sedation in Port Implantation (PACSPI 1) - A feasibility trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
40742022Impact of an outpatient telestroke clinic on management of rural stroke patients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40752022A pragmatic parallel arm randomized-controlled trial of a multi-pronged electronic health record-based clinical decision support tool protocol to reduce low-value antipsychotic prescriptions among older adults with Alzheimer's and related dementias.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40762022Interrupted time-series analysis of active case-finding for tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic, Zambia.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40772022Telehealth in Oral Medicine: report of an experience from public health care in a southern Brazilian state.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40782022Impact of cancer surgery slowdowns on patient survival during the COVID-19 pandemic: a microsimulation modelling study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40792022Prehospital Airway Management Training and Education: An NAEMSP Position Statement and Resource Document.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40802022Prescribing for common complications of spinal cord injury.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40812022Improving the surveillance and response system to achieve and maintain malaria elimination: a retrospective analysis in Jiangsu Province, China.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40822022Teleconsultation for pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic: experience of a university hospital in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40832022Interprofessional Collaboration and Team Effectiveness of Pharmacists in General Practice: A Cross-National Survey.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40842022Association between primary care appointment lengths and subsequent ambulatory reassessment, emergency department care, and hospitalization: a cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40852022A Framework for Standardizing Emergency Nursing Education and Training Across a Regional Health Care System: Programming, Planning, and Development via International Collaboration.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40862022Appropriateness of drug prescriptions in patients with chronic kidney disease in primary care: a double-center retrospective study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40872022Linked nosocomial COVID-19 outbreak in three facilities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities due to SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.519 with spike mutation T478K in the Netherlands.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40882022HOLA COVID-19 Study: Evaluating the Impact of Caring for Patients With COVID-19 on Cancer Care Delivery in Latin America.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40892022The Rational Diagnostician and Achieving Diagnostic Excellence.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40902022Severity of the clinical presentation of hepatitis A in five European countries from 1995 to 2014.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
40912022Health information exchange policy and standards for digital health systems in africa: A systematic review.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
40922022Pandemic-Related Impairment in the Monitoring of Patients With Hypertension and Diabetes and the Development of a Digital Solution for the Community Health Worker: Quasiexperimental and Implementation Study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40932022How scheduling systems with automated appointment reminders improve health clinic efficiency.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40942022Patient-Reported Outcomes after Subpectoral Breast Augmentation with Microtextured or Macrotextured Implants Using the BREAST-Q.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
40952022Home Physical Exercise Protocol for Older Adults, Applied Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protocol for Randomized and Controlled Trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
40962022Association of Use of Electronic Appointment Reminders With Waiting Times in the Veterans Affairs Health System.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
40972022The challenge of competency assessment of the late-career practitioner.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
40982022Use of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Risk Analysis of Drug Use in Patients with Lung Cancer.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
40992022Pertussis burden and acellular pertussis vaccine effectiveness in high risk children.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41002022Exploring factors of uneven use of telehealth among outpatient pharmacy clinics during COVID-19: A multi-method study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41012022Cancer incidence in indigenous populations of Western Amazon, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
41022022Inequality in Healthcare Utilization in Italy: How Important Are Barriers to Access?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41032022BioTherapeutics, Education and Research Foundation position paper: Assessing the competency of clinicians performing maggot therapy.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41042022Association of Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare With 30-Day Mortality Among Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41052022Salmonellosis in Australia in 2020: possible impacts of COVID-19 related public health measures.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41062022Minimizing patient morbidity after free gingival graft harvesting:A triple-blind randomized-controlled clinical trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
41072022A Comparison of Dietary Intake Between Individuals Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis in the United Kingdom and China.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
41082022Advances in Stroke: Digital Health.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41092022Current views of community and hospital pharmacists on pharmaceutical care services in the United Arab Emirates: A mixed methodological study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41102022[Importance of health care personnel commitment for patient satisfaction in Primary Care].Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41112022Factors affecting the choice of budesonide in the therapy of croup, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41122022Sensitivity of an international notification system for wildlife diseases: A case study using the OIE-WAHIS data on tularemia.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41132022ETL Processes for Integrating Healthcare Data - Tools and Architecture Patterns.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41142022Innovative reflection on oral cancer research priorities: the contribution of social network analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41152022Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41162022Understanding the financial and psychological impact of employment disruption among caregivers of pediatric HSCT recipients: a mixed methods analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41172022Concept analysis of longitudinal assessment for professional continued certification.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41182022Assessment of Antibiotic Prescriptions for Lyme Disease After Modification of Reporting Language for Positive Screening Test Results.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41192022Interoperability in a Post-Roe Era: Sustaining Progress While Protecting Reproductive Health Information.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41202022The Implementation of a Mobile APP for Cancer Care Management at the Brazilian National Cancer Institute.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentos; Telemedicinabrasileiro
41212022Healthcare providers experiences with shared medical appointments for heart failure.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41222022Association of age, sex and race with prescription of anti-osteoporosis medications following low-energy hip fracture in a retrospective registry cohort.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41232022Disease Surveillance Among U.S.-Bound Immigrants and Refugees - Electronic Disease Notification System, United States, 2014-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41242022Informatics Opportunities and Challenges in Medical Imaging: A Journey.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41252022Treatment of chronic locked posterior dislocation of the shoulder with the modified McLaughlin procedure.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
41262022Protecting brains and saving futures guidelines: A prospective, multicenter, and observational study on the use of telemedicine for neonatal neurocritical care in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41272022A randomized, controlled study to assess if allopathic-osteopathic collaboration influences stereotypes, interprofessional readiness, and doctor-patient communication.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41282022Primary Care Visits Are Timelier When Patients Choose Telemedicine: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41292022An Innovative Needs Assessment Approach to Develop Relevant Continuing Professional Development for Psychiatrists.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41302022Creating Data Standards to Support the Electronic Transmission of Compounded Nonsterile Preparations (CNSPs): Perspectives of a United States Pharmacopeia Expert Panel.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41322022Telephone Access Management in Primary Care: Cross-Case Analysis of High-Performing Primary Care Access Sites.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41332022Portfolios with Evidence of Reflective Practice Required by Regulatory Bodies: An Integrative Review.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41342022Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Lipid Management in the Population-Based Cohort Study LATINO: 20 Years of Real-World Data.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41352022Successful Integration of EN/ISO 13606-Standardized Extracts From a Patient Mobile App Into an Electronic Health Record: Description of a Methodology.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41362022How Has Access to Care for Medi-Cal Enrollees Fared Relative to Employer-Sponsored Insurance 4 Years After the Affordable Care Act Expansion?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41372022Pharmacist-Assisted Varenicline Tobacco Cessation Treatment for Veterans.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41382022Q fever prevention in Australia: general practitioner and stakeholder perspectives on preparedness and the potential of a One Health approach.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41392022Strategies and Recommendation for Data Loading of FHIR-Based Data Marts with Focus on GDPR Compliance.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41402022Single-implant mandibular overdentures: Clinical, radiographic, and patient-reported outcomes after a 5-year follow-up.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
41412022Waiting time and its associated factors in patients presenting to outpatient departments at Public Hospitals of Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41422022Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular heart disease medication use: time-series analysis of England's prescription data during the COVID-19 pandemic (January 2019 to October 2020).Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41432022A comparison of coronavirus disease 2019 and seasonal influenza surveillance in five European countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41442022Patient-Centered Data Home: A Path Towards National Interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41452022eConsults' Impact on Care Access and Wait Times in Rheumatology.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41462022Multiple sclerosis clinical decision support system based on projection to reference datasets.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41472022Pathways to improve health information systems in Ethiopia: current maturity status and implications.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41482022Discovering new perspectives - strengthening autonomy. Students from different healthcare professions interact with patients and provide care in a self-determined and interprofessional manner.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41492022Reducing waiting times of elective surgical procedures: effectiveness evaluation of a multi-interventions approach.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41502022Phoenix On Fire: A Phenomenological Study Of A Psychiatric Hospital Fire In Iran.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
41512022Standard Document Development for Health Information Exchange in Korea.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41522022Safe Opioid Prescribing for Pediatric Patients: An Interprofessional Learning Activity.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41532022Improving Time Management Through Modern-Day To-Do Lists.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41542022TRial to Assess Implementation of New research in a primary care Setting (TRAINS): study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of an educational intervention to promote asthma prescription uptake in general practitioner practices.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosestrangeiro
41552022An Electronic Data Capture Tool for Data Collection During Public Health Emergencies: Development and Usability Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41562022Impact of COVID-19 on global burn care.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41572022Policy and Strategy for Interoperability of Digital Health in Europe.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41582022Attitudes of non-participating general practitioners and community pharmacists towards interprofessional medication management in primary care: an interview study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41592022Pilot Study of the MAP Curriculum for Psychotherapy Competencies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41602022Hospital's adoption of multiple methods of obtaining outside information and use of that information.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41612022[Proposal of an informed consent form to obtain audiovisual material from patients].Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
41622022Electronic Health Record-based COVID-19 Interprofessional Case Collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41632022Use of Time Stamp Data to Determine Direct Associations Between Predictive Error in Case Durations and Operating Room Utilization.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41642022"An increase in COVID-19 patients would be overwhelming": A qualitative description of healthcare workers' experiences during the first wave of COVID-19 (March 2020 to October 2020) at Malawi's largest referral hospital.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
41652022New EHR certification requirements and their association with duplicate tests and images.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41662022Orthopedic Asynchronous Teleconsultation for Primary Care Patients by a Large-Scale Telemedicine Service in Minas Gerais, Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41672022Considerations for Faculty and Presenters in Interprofessional Continuing Education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41682022Prevention and Management of Donor-transmitted Cancer After Liver Transplantation: Guidelines From the ILTS-SETH Consensus Conference.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41692022Short- and Long-Term Evaluation of General Practitioners' Competences After a Training in Melanoma Diagnosis: Refresher Training Sessions May Be Needed.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41702022Syndromic Surveillance as a Tool for Case-Based Varicella Reporting in Georgia, 2016-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
41712022A Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM).Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41722022Collaboration readiness: Developing standards for interprofessional formative assessment.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41732022Assessment of pediatric surgical needs, health-seeking behaviors, and health systems in a rural district of Pakistan.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
41742022A Standard-Based Citywide Health Information Exchange for Public Health in Response to COVID-19: Development Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41752022[Bad news communication protocols in health. Limitations, challenges and proposals].Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
41762022Patient advocates' views of patient roles in interprofessional collaborative practice in primary care: A constructivist grounded theory study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41772022The Architecture of a Feasibility Query Portal for Distributed COVID-19 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Patient Data Repositories: Design and Implementation Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41782022Family, nurse, and physician beliefs on family-centered rounds: A 21-site study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41792022Modeling Data Journeys to Inform the Digital Transformation of Kidney Transplant Services: Observational Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41802022Diminishing pain stigma: patient perceptions of encounters with interprofessional teams in biopsychosocial pain rehabilitation.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41812022Promoting Transfer of Learning to Practice in Online Continuing Professional Development.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41822022Understanding Health Care Administrators' Data and Information Needs for Decision Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study at an Academic Health System.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41832022Evolution of single-lead ECG for STEMI detection using a deep learning approach.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41842022Oncological big data platforms for promoting digital competencies and professionalism in Chinese medical students: a cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41852022Standard-Setting for Continuing Education Assessment of Select New Competencies.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41862022Benefits and concerns associated with blockchain-based health information exchange (HIE): a qualitative study from physicians' perspectives.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41872022Telemedicine Versus Face-to-Face Care in Ophthalmology: Costs and Utility Measures in a Real-World Setting.Telemedicinabrasileiro
41882022Interprofessional Collaboration in the Context of Pain Management in Neonatal Intensive Care: A Cross-Sectional Survey.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41892022Continuing professional development for anesthesiologists: A systematic review protocol.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41902022An Interview with the Carequality Imaging Use Case Implementers.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41912022Pre-triage wait times for non-ambulance arrivals in the emergency department: A retrospective video audit.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
41922022Development of paediatric critical care in northwestern Nigeria: Initial implementation with a needs assessment model.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41932022PCaGuard: A Software Platform to Support Optimal Management of Prostate Cancer.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41942022A Novel Interprofessional Education and Supervision Student Placement Model: Student and Clinical Educator Perspectives and Experiences.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41952022SEMRES - A Triple Security Protected Blockchain Based Medical Record Exchange Structure.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
41962022Olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19: a marker of good prognosis?Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
41972022Comparison of learning outcomes of interprofessional education simulation with traditional single-profession education simulation: a mixed-methods study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
41982022NANDA International nursing diagnoses in the coping/stress tolerance domain and their linkages to Nursing Outcomes Classification outcomes and Nursing Interventions Classification interventions in the pre-hospital emergency care.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
41992022Population rates of HIV, gonorrhoea and syphilis diagnoses by sexual orientation in New Zealand.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42002022A Patient Safety Champion Program for Interprofessional Health Care Educators: Implementation and Outcomes.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42012022Gender harmony: improved standards to support affirmative care of gender-marginalized people through inclusive gender and sex representation.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42022022Effectiveness of a case-based digital learning interprofessional workshop involving undergraduates in medical technology, radiological science, and physical therapy: A pre-post intervention study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42032022Ease in Emergency Hospital Visits Due to Covid-19 Following Implementation of a Telemedicine Service in Ceará, Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
42042022Longitudinal impact of preregistration interprofessional education on the attitudes and skills of health professionals during their early careers: a non-randomised trial with 4-year outcomes.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42052022Physical therapists and public perceptions of telerehabilitation: An online open survey on acceptability, preferences, and needs.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42062022Short-term functional changes after hospital discharge by COVID-19 through teleconsultation at a reference service in Northeast Brazil: A cross-sectional study.Telemedicinabrasileiro
4207202213 NHSBT Tissue and eye services: the role of the hospital development nurse practitioner.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdeestrangeiro
42082022General practitioners' communication on complementary and integrative medicine for cancer patients: Findings from an analysis of consultations with standardised patients.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42092022Brief internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural intervention for children and adolescents with symptoms of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomised controlled trial protocol.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42102022Professional protocol and rational outlook of dentists towards SDF.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
42112022Influences on nurses' engagement in antimicrobial stewardship behaviours: a multi-country survey using the Theoretical Domains Framework.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42122022Increased risk of subsequent chlamydia infection among women not tested at the anorectal anatomical location.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42132022Blood pressure telemonitoring and telemedicine for hypertension management-positions, expectations and feasibility of Latin-American practitioners. SURVEY carried out by several cardiology and hypertension societies of the Americas.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42142022Influences on nurses' engagement in antimicrobial stewardship behaviours: a multi-country survey using the Theoretical Domains Framework.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
42152022Assessing the inequality in out-of-pocket health expenditure among the chronically and non-chronically ill in Saudi Arabia: a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis.Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
42162022Healthcare professionals' perceptions of interprofessional teamwork in the emergency department: a critical incident study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42172022The multiple uses of telemedicine during the pandemic: the evidence from a cross-sectional survey of medical doctors in Brazil.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42182022Hospitalization & health expenditure in Odisha: Evidence from National Sample Survey (1995-2014).Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
42192022Interprofessional learning for dental and pharmacy professionals: learning together changes how you work together.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42202022[Accurate Management Practice of Medical Consumables in the Whole Process Based on SPD Supply Chain].Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosestrangeiro
42212022Teleconsultation as an advanced practice nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic based on Roy and Chick-Meleis.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42222021Data analysis of ambient intelligence in a healthcare simulation system: a pilot study in high-end health screening process improvement.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42232021Descriptive assessment of graduates' perceptions of pharmacy-related competencies based on the Lebanese pharmacy core competencies framework.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42242021The Indiana Learning Health System Initiative: Early experience developing a collaborative, regional learning health system.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42252021[National certification for gynecological cancer surgery].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42262021COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing in the US, 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42272021Maturity assessment of Kenya's health information system interoperability readiness.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42282021Derivation and validation of a clinical model to predict death or cardiac hospitalizations while on the cardiac surgery waitlist.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42292021Preceptoring,  proctoring, mentoring, and  coaching in surgery.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42302021An Evaluation of the Rabies Surveillance in Southern Vietnam.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42312021A National, Semantic-Driven, Three-Pillar Strategy to Enable Health Data Secondary Usage Interoperability for Research Within the Swiss Personalized Health Network: Methodological Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42322021Entrustable Professional Activities and Entrustment Decision Making: A Development and Research Agenda for the Next Decade.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42332021Implementation of integrated supportive supervision in the context of coronavirus 19 pandemic: its effects on routine immunization and vaccine preventable surveillance diseases indicators in the East and Southern African countries.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42342021Impact of the 2015 Health Information Technology Certification Edition on Interoperability among Hospitals.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42352021The Minnesota Method: A Learner-Driven, Entrustable Professional Activity-Based Comprehensive Program of Assessment for Medical Students.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42362021Barriers and facilitators to reporting deaths following Ebola surveillance in Sierra Leone: implications for sustainable mortality surveillance based on an exploratory qualitative assessment.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42372021Development of an application concerning fast healthcare interoperability resources based on standardized structured medical information exchange version 2 data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42382021Teleoncology Orientation of Low-Income Breast Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Feasibility and Patient Satisfaction.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42392021Prevalence and factors associated with missed hospital appointments: a retrospective review of multiple clinics at Royal Hospital, Sultanate of Oman.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42402021Psychometric validation of the Laval developmental benchmarks scale for family medicine.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42412021Trends in the Epidemiology of Leishmaniasis in the City of Barcelona (1996-2019).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42422021Design & development of customizable web API for interoperability of antimicrobial resistance data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42432021Spotlight on International Quality: COVID-19 and Its Impact on Quality Improvement in Cancer Care.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Telemedicinabrasileiro
42442021Telehealth to support referral management in a universal health system: a before-and-after study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
42452021Upgrading Your Surgical Skills Through Preceptorship.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42462021Patient perspectives on the need for implanted device information: Implications for a post-procedural communication framework.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42472021Oncology on FHIR: A Data Model for Distributed Cancer Research.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42482021A machine learning prediction model for waiting time to kidney transplant.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
42492021Mitigating Nonattendance Using Clinic-Resourced Incentives Can Be Mutually Beneficial: A Contingency Management-Inspired Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Model.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42502021Faculty Sim: Implementation of an Innovative, Simulation-based Continuing Professional Development Curriculum for Academic Emergency Physicians.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42512021Surveillance data for human leishmaniasis indicate the need for a sustainable action plan for its management and control, Greece, 2004 to 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42522021Concept and Implementation of Data Usage Proposal Process Based on International Standards in SMITH.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42532021Teledentistry System in Dental Health Public Services: A Mixed-Methods Intervention Study.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
42542021Clinical pharmacists' services, role and acceptance: a national Swedish survey.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42552021Performance of the Neonatal Tetanus Surveillance System (NTSS) in Sana'a, Yemen: Evaluation Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42562021Fit for Purpose: Analyzing the German Archiving and Exchange Interface for Medical Practice Management Systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42572021Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method and System for Planning, Authoring, and Deploying Mobile Health Interventions: Design and Case Reports.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
42582021Reduction in healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Patient screening based on symptoms is an effective strategy for avoiding delayed laryngeal cancer diagnosis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42592021Helping the Surgeon Recover: Peer-to-Peer Coaching after Bile Duct Injury.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42602021DITAS: An Integrated Gateway to E-health Communications.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42612021An eHealth Framework for Managing Pediatric Growth Disorders and Growth Hormone Therapy.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
42622021Return on investment of a model of access combining triage with initial management: an economic analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42632021Certification in endovascular hemostasis for trauma surgeons: Possible and practical?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42642021Influenza outbreaks in aged care facilities in New South Wales in 2017: impact and lessons for surveillance.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42652021From OpenEHR to FHIR and OMOP Data Model for Microbiology Findings.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42662021Evaluation of the Intention-to-Treat Benefit of Living Donation in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Awaiting a Liver Transplant.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42672021Current Status of e-Health in Burkina Faso.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42682021Advances in Stroke: Digital Health.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
42692021Single Visit Evaluation and Tympanostomy Tube Placement for the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42702021Exploration of Geriatric Care Competencies in Registered Nurses in Hospitals.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42712021Bayesian spatial modelling of Ebola outbreaks in Democratic Republic of Congo through the INLA-SPDE approach.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42722021Coding practice in national and regional kidney biopsy registries.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42732021Socio-Environmental Vulnerability Index: An Application to Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
42742021Failure to Attend Urology Appointments: A Retrospective Analysis of a Single Urban Academic Practice.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42752021Core Evidence-Based Practice Competencies and Learning Outcomes for European Nurses: Consensus Statements.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42762021Epidemiology of asymptomatic and symptomatic Coronavirus Disease 2019 confirmed cases in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: Observational study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42772021Automated production of research data marts from a canonical fast healthcare interoperability resource data repository: applications to COVID-19 research.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42782021AMEE Consensus Statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
42792021Joint modeling of liver transplant candidates outperforms the model for end-stage liver disease: The effect of disease development over time on patient outcome.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42802021Spatial multicriteria approach to support water resources management with multiple sources in semi-arid areas in Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
42812021Limited tumour progression beyond Milan criteria while on the waiting list does not result in unacceptable impairment of survival.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42822021Clarifying essential terminology in entrustment.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42832021Hybrid Approach to Estimation of Underreporting of Tuberculosis Case Notification in High-Burden Settings With Weak Surveillance Infrastructure: Design and Implementation of an Inventory Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42842021One country's journey to interoperability: Tanzania's experience developing and implementing a national health information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42852021A Consensus Statement for the Management and Rehabilitation of Communication and Swallowing Function in the ICU: A Global Response to COVID-19.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
42862021Geographical information system and spatial-temporal statistics for monitoring infectious agents in hospital: a model using Klebsiella pneumoniae complex.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
42872021Missingness' in health care: Associations between hospital utilization and missed appointments in general practice. A retrospective cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42882021Feasibility of point-of-care cardiac ultrasound performed by clinicians at health centers in Tanzania.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42892021A Mobile App and Dashboard for Early Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Development Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42902021Informatics for public health and health system collaboration: Applications for the control of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the next one.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42912021Human visceral leishmaniasis in Central-Western Brazil: Spatial patterns and its correlation with socioeconomic aspects, environmental indices and canine infection.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
42922021COVID-19 and clinic workflow optimization using lean six sigma.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42932021Students' knowledge and views on pharmacogenomic education in the medical curriculum.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42942021Lost and found: applying network analysis to public health contact tracing for HIV.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
42952021Identifying Opportunities to Strengthen the Public Health Informatics Infrastructure: Exploring Hospitals' Challenges with Data Exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
42962021Using heterogeneous data to identify signatures of dengue outbreaks at fine spatio-temporal scales across Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
42972021Do Patients Respond to Posted Emergency Department Wait Times: Time-Series Evidence From the Implementation of a Wait Time Publication System in Hamilton, Canada.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
42982021Improving radiologist's ability in identifying particular abnormal lesions on mammograms through training test set with immediate feedback.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
42992021A survey of International Health Regulations National Focal Points experiences in carrying out their functions.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43002021Clinical data sharing improves quality measurement and patient safety.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43012021Land use regression modelling of community noise in São Paulo, Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43022021Big Data-Enabled Analysis of Factors Affecting Patient Waiting Time in the Nephrology Department of a Large Tertiary Hospital.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43032021Assessing the Quality of Reporting to China's National TB Surveillance Systems.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43042021Human-centered development of an electronic health record-embedded, interactive information visualization in the emergency department using fast healthcare interoperability resources.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43052021Patient Factors Associated with Pharmaceutical Interventions for Inpatients at a Brazilian Teaching Hospital.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
43062021Identifying dominant environmental predictors of freshwater wetland methane fluxes across diurnal to seasonal time scales.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43072021Effects of hospital funding reform on wait times for hip fracture surgery: a population-based interrupted time-series analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43082021The child behavior checklist can aid in characterizing suspected comorbid psychopathology in clinically referred youth with ADHD.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43092021A foci cohort analysis to monitor successful and persistent foci under Thailand's Malaria Elimination Strategy.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43102021A landscape survey of planned SMART/HL7 bulk FHIR data access API implementations and tools.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43112021A real-world longitudinal study of anemia management in non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease patients: a multinational analysis of CKDopps.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
43122021Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43132021Equity of health care financing in South Korea: 1990-2016.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43142021American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Sports Ultrasound Curriculum for Sports Medicine Fellowships.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43152021Notifiable diseases after implementation of COVID-19 public health prevention measures in Central Queensland, Australia.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43162021Practice and market factors associated with provider volume of health information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43172021Geographic access to COVID-19 healthcare in Brazil using a balanced float catchment area approach.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43182021Uneven economic burden of non-communicable diseases among Indian households: A comparative analysis.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43192021Impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in India: a cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43202021Development and implementation of a novel, mandatory competency-based medical education simulation program for pediatric emergency medicine faculty.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43212021Changes in newly notified cases and control of tuberculosis in China: time-series analysis of surveillance data.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43222021Leadership Perspectives on Implementing Health Information Exchange: Qualitative Study in a Tertiary Veterans Affairs Medical Center.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43232021Integrated empirical models to assess nutrient concentration in water resources: case study of a small basin in southeastern Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43242021Institutional Determinants of Informal Payments for Health Services: An Exploratory Analysis across 117 Countries.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43252021Association of eConsult Implementation With Access to Specialist Care in a Large Urban Safety-Net System.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43262021Does ATLS Training Work? 10-Year Follow-Up of ATLS India Program.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43272021Demographic and spatial study of visceral leishmaniasis in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, during 2007-2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43282021Measurement and improvement as a model to strengthen immunization information systems and overcome data gaps.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43292021Trends in Informal Payments by Patients in Europe: A Public Health Policy Approach.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43302021The use of Lean tools to reduce inpatient waiting time in a Thai public hospital: an action research study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43312021Lessons learned from pharmacy learner and educator experiences during early stages of COVID-19 pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43322021Still 'dairy farm fever'? A Bayesian model for leptospirosis notification data in New Zealand.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43332021Making science computable: Developing code systems for statistics, study design, and risk of bias.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43342021Effects of a new health financing scheme on out-of-pocket health expenditure: findings from a longitudinal household study in Yangon, Myanmar.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43352021The Development and Operation of a Home Management System during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience of the Local Government Gyeonggi-do in Korea.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43362021Implementing teach-back during patient discharge education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43372021Leveraging data visualization and a statewide health information exchange to support COVID-19 surveillance and response: Application of public health informatics.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43382021Informal Payments by Patients in Central and Eastern Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Institutional Perspective.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43392021Shorter outpatient wait-times for buprenorphine are associated with linkage to care post-hospital discharge.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43402021Interactive Session for Residents and Medical Students on Dermatologic Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Patients.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43412021Geocoding cryptosporidiosis cases in Ireland (2008-2017)-development of a reliable, reproducible, multiphase geocoding methodology.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43422021Interoperability: COVID-19 as an Impetus for Change.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43432021Catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment after caesarean section in Sierra Leone: An evaluation of the free health care initiative.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43442021Racial and ethnic differences in left atrial appendage occlusion wait time, complications, and periprocedural management.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43452021Survey-based experiential learning as a new approach to strengthening non-technical skills in LMIC health care settings.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43462021Prototypical Clinical Trial Registry Based on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR): Design and Implementation Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43472021Civil Servants and Non-Western Migrants' Perceptions on Pathways to Health Care in Serbia-A Grounded Theory, Multi-Perspective Study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43482021Cost and healthcare utilization analysis of culturally sensitive, shared medical appointment model for Latino children with type 1 diabetes.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43492021Analysis of Supervisors' Feedback to Residents on Communicator, Collaborator, and Professional Roles During Case Discussions.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43502021COVID-19 among immigrants in Norway, notified infections, related hospitalizations and associated mortality: A register-based study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43512021Information blocking remains prevalent at the start of 21st Century Cures Act: results from a survey of health information exchange organizations.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43522021Provision of the frequency modulation system for the hearing impaired.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
43532021Out-of-pocket medical expenses compared across five years for patients with one of five common cancers in Australia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43542021MELD is MELD is MELD? Transplant center-level variation in waitlist mortality for candidates with the same biological MELD.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43552021Developing critical thinking skills for delivering optimal care.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43562021Electronic Health Records and Pulmonary Function Data: Developing an Interoperability Roadmap. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43572021Definitive surgical femur fracture fixation in Northern Tanzania: implications of cost, payment method and payment status.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43582021United States' Performance on Emergency Department Throughput, 2006 to 2016.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43592021Impact and feasibility of a tailor-made patient communication quality improvement programme for hospital-based physiotherapists: a mixed-methods study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43602021Emergency Department Patients Who Leave Before Treatment Is Complete.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43612021Scottish rheumatology sonography course: five-year experience of delivering a mentorship-model rheumatology ultrasound training programme accredited by the consortium for the accreditation of sonographic education.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43622021Challenges and experiences in linking community level reported out-of-pocket health expenditures to health provider recorded health expenditures: Experience from the iHOPE project in Northern Ghana.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43632021Effectiveness of Theory-Based Health Information Technology Interventions on Coronary Artery Disease Self-Management Behavior: A Clinical Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43642021A Psychometric Evaluation of the Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Experience Survey.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43652021Epidemiological characteristics and transmission dynamics of paediatric cases with coronavirus disease 2019 in Hubei province, China.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43662021An implementation model for managing cloud-based longitudinal care plans for children with medical complexity.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43672021Public satisfaction with health care system in 30 countries: The effects of individual characteristics and social contexts.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43682021Determinants of kidney transplant candidates' decision to accept organ donor intervention transplants and participate in post-transplant research: A conjoint analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43692021Revisions to the Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Experience Survey Reflect Current Healthcare Trends.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43702021Trends in user-initiated health information exchange in the inpatient, outpatient, and emergency settings.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
43712021Assessment of equity in healthcare financing and benefits distribution in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study protocol.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43722021Psychosocial outcomes in young adolescents with type 1 diabetes participating in shared medical appointments.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43732021Assessment of the knowledge level and experience of healthcare personnel concerning CPR and early defibrillation: an internal survey.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43742021Monitoring for outbreak-associated excess mortality in an African city: Detection limits in Antananarivo, Madagascar.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
43752021Vaccine preventable diseases surveillance in Nepal: How much does it cost?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43762021The Value of Interprofessional Learning Through Patient Simulation in Developing Interprofessional Relationships: Medical Students' Perspectives.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43772021Editor's Choice - Risk of Stroke before Revascularisation in Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis: A Pooled Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43782021The impact of the incorporation of a feasible postoperative mortality model at the Post-Anaesthestic Care Unit (PACU) on postoperative clinical deterioration: A pragmatic trial with 5,353 patients.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
43792021A dominance approach to analyze the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures in Iran.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43802021Prediction of air traffic delays: An agent-based model introducing refined parameter estimation methods.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43812021Strengthening emergency care knowledge and skills in Uganda and Tanzania with the WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care Course.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43822021dTap vaccination uptake during pregnancy: Pregnant women-focused and health professionals-focused predictors in the Veneto Region (Italy).Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
43832021Community evaluation of glycoproteomics informatics solutions reveals high-performance search strategies for serum glycopeptide analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
43842021The impacts of multiple healthcare reforms on catastrophic health spending for poor households in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43852021Training of airway management for anesthesia teams - Measurement of transfer into daily work routine by questionnaire.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43862021Evaluation of Patient No-Shows in a Tertiary Hospital: Focusing on Modes of Appointment-Making and Type of Appointment.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43872021Factors related to the practice of vacuum-assisted birth: findings from provider interviews in Kigoma, Tanzania.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43882021Prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease and other forms of parkinsonism in a cohort of elderly individuals in Southern Brazil: protocol for a population-based study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
43892021Process modeling: technological innovation to control the risk for perioperative positioning injury.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
43902021Associations between Hip Fracture Operation Waiting Time and Complications in Asian Geriatric Patients: A Taiwan Medical Center Study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
43912021Reliability of simulation-based assessment for practicing physicians: performance is context-specific.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43922021Virtual consent and the use of electronic informed consent form in clinical research in Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
43932021Variations in end-of-life practices in intensive care units worldwide (Ethicus-2): a prospective observational study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
43942021Musculoskeletal Education: An Assessment of the Value of the American Academy of Pediatrics Musculoskeletal Boot Camp Course in Improving Clinical Confidence of Pediatricians Managing Common Musculoskeletal Conditions.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
43952021Linking a European cohort of children born with congenital anomalies to vital statistics and mortality records: A EUROlinkCAT study.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
43962021Evaluation of the effects of high-level laser and electrocautery in lingual frenectomy surgeries in infants: protocol for a blinded randomised controlled clinical trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
43972021Two-Dimensional Echocardiographic Right Ventricular Size and Systolic Function Measurements Stratified by Sex, Age, and Ethnicity: Results of the World Alliance of Societies of Echocardiography Study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
43982021Can Sound Health Insurance Increase the Internal Circulation in the Economy of China?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
43992021Developing network adequacy standards for VA Community Care.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44002021[Medical records at the National Hospital of Iceland: Present status and future prospects].Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
44012021Microablative fractional radiofrequency for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause: protocol of randomised controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
44022021Incidence and determinants of catastrophic health expenditures and impoverishment in Pakistan.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44032021Teaching Intellectual Humility Is Essential in Preparing Collaborative Future Pharmacists.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44042021Wait times in the management of non-small cell lung carcinoma before, during and after regionalization of lung cancer care: a high-resolution analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44052021[Impact of training on Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Family Physicians: Design and assessment of a Training Program (MOTIVA)].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44062021Coronary Artery Disease as the Cause of Sudden Cardiac Death Among Victims < 50 Years of Age.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
44072021Evaluation of the Accuracy of Nursing Diagnoses Determined by Users of a Clinical Decision Support System.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44082021Simulation-based evaluation of operating room management policies.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44092021A Novel Low-Cost Exoscopy Station for Training Neurosurgeons and Neurosurgery Trainees.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44102021Factors associated with under-reporting of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in cause-of-death records: A comparative study of two national databases in France from 2008 to 2012.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
44112021Consensus on Screening, Diagnosis, and Staging Tools for Prostate Cancer in Developing Countries: A Report From the First Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference for Developing Countries (PCCCDC).Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44122021Age-dependent impact of the major common genetic risk factor for COVID-19 on severity and mortality.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
44132021Medical Debt in the US, 2009-2020.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44142021Interprofessional diabetes and oral health management: what do primary healthcare professionals think?Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44152021SUCCESSFUL INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY AND REDUCE PATIENT VISIT DURATION IN A RETINA PRACTICE.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44162021The performance and confidence of clinicians in training in the analysis of ophthalmic images within a work-integrated teaching model.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44172021Consensus on Prostate Cancer Treatment of Localized Disease With Very Low, Low, and Intermediate Risk: A Report From the First Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference for Developing Countries (PCCCDC).Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44182021Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Cardiovascular Testing in Asia: The IAEA INCAPS-COVID Study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
44192021The out-of-pocket medication burden: Which health problems impact the Czech population aged 50+?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44202021Impact of Web-Based Self-Scheduling on Finalization of Well-Child Appointments in a Primary Care Setting: Retrospective Comparison Study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44212021Cutaneous melanoma: cost of illness under Brazilian health system perspectives.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44222021Editorial: NCDs - Core Challenge of Modern Day Health Care Establishments.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44232021Interprofessional Internet Consultations: The Potential Benefits and Perils of eConsults.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44242021Artificial intelligence-assisted reduction in patients' waiting time for outpatient process: a retrospective cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44252021Effect of the Specific Training Course for Competency in Doing Arterial Blood Gas Sampling in the Intensive Care Unit: Developing a Standardized Learning Curve according to the Procedure's Time and Socioprofessional Predictors.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44262021Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a health systems intervention for latent tuberculosis infection management (ACT4): a cluster-randomised trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44272021Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
44282021Households' out-of-pocket expenditure for healthcare in Bangladesh: A health financing incidence analysis.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44292021Optimal time management on linear accelerator: A logical model to reduce patient waiting time.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44302021Rehabilitation strategies of Flemish physical therapists before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An online survey.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44312021Implementation of the COVID-19 Vulnerability Index Across an International Network of Health Care Data Sets: Collaborative External Validation Study.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44322021Worldwide Diagnostic Reference Levels for Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Findings From INCAPS.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
44332021Developing and validating regression models for predicting household consumption to introduce an equitable and sustainable health insurance system in Cambodia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44342021Optimizing Throughput in Clinical Practice: Lean Management and Efficient Care in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44352021Toward competency based continuing professional development for practicing surgeons.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44362021The RSNA International COVID-19 Open Radiology Database (RICORD).Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
44372021Financial protection and coping strategies in rural Uganda: an impact evaluation of community-based zero-interest healthcare loans.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44382021Factors influencing the degree of physician-pharmacists collaboration within governmental hospitals of Jigjiga Town, Somali National Regional State, Ethiopia, 2020.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44392021The burden of waiting to access pain clinic services: perceptions and experiences of patients with rheumatic conditions.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44402021Measuring the Value Healthy Individuals Place on Generous Insurance Coverage of Severe Diseases: A Stated Preference Survey of Adults Diagnosed With and Without Lung Cancer.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44412021Wait expectations: The impact of delisting as an outcome from the kidney transplant waitlist.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44422021Unpacking the red packets: institution and informal payments in healthcare in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44432021The Impact of COVID-19 on Otolaryngology Community Practice in Massachusetts.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44442021Species Traits and Hotspots Associated with Ross River Virus Infection in Nonhuman Vertebrates in South East Queensland.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
44452021Impoverishment impact of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in rural Bangladesh: Do the regions facing different climate change risks matter?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44462021The Role of Telemedicine in the Maintenance of IR Outpatient Evaluation and Management Volume During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44472021Evaluation of Spanish Health System during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Accountability and Wellbeing Results.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44482021Caregiver's difficulty paying child's healthcare bills and bullying victimization of adolescents with physical disabilities.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44492021GUIDE Communication Framework: Developing Skills to Improve Nurse-Patient Interactions.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44502021A Simulation-Based Optimization Model to Study the Impact of Multiple-Region Listing and Information Sharing on Kidney Transplant Outcomes.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44512021Comment on: "Disease-Specific Out-of-Pocket Payments, Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment Effects in India: An Analysis of National Health Survey Data".Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44522021Effect of Text Messaging on Bowel Preparation and Appointment Attendance for Outpatient Colonoscopy: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44532021Incidence of household catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures among patients with Breast Cancer in Iran.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44542021Home care vehicle routing problem with chargeable overtime and strict and soft preference matching.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44552021Health Care Use and Out-of-pocket Spending by Persons With Dementia Differ Between Europe and the United States.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44562021The International Federation for Emergency Medicine report on emergency department crowding and access block: A brief summary.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44572021Analysis of the Regulatory, Legal, and Medical Conditions for the Prescription of Mobile Health Applications in the United States, The European Union, and France.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44582021Examining the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures and its determinants using multilevel logistic regression in Malawi.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44592021Little Acts and Big Differences: Perspectives on Civility in Medicine.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44602021Using Lean Six Sigma techniques to improve efficiency in outpatient ophthalmology clinics.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44612021Economic Distress of Breast Cancer Patients Seeking Treatment at a Tertiary Cancer Center in Mumbai during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cohort Study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44622021Knowledgeability and Identification: Explaining Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams' Excellence and Readiness.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44632021Implementation and Outcomes of Virtual Care Across a Tertiary Cancer Center During COVID-19.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44642021Beach tourists behavior and beach management strategy under the ongoing prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Qingdao, China.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44652021Substitute services: a barrier to controlling long-term care expenditures.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44662021Managing access to primary care clinics using scheduling templates.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44672021Addressing data and methodological limitations in estimating catastrophic health spending and impoverishment in India, 2004-18.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44682021Strengthening Healthy Work Environment Outcomes Via Interprofessional Direct Care Champion Roles.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44692021Bridging the survival gap in cystic fibrosis: An investigation of lung transplant outcomes in Canada and the United States.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44702021Effectiveness of community-based interpersonal communication for generating family planning demand in key groups.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44712021Commentary on: The effects of coding intensity in Medicare advantage on plan benefits and finances.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44722021Enhancing the Interprofessional Learning Environment: An Orientation of ICU Nurses to Effective Team Building and Their Impact on the Professional Development of the Young Physician.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44732021Willingness to pay and financing preferences for COVID-19 vaccination in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44742021Impact of demographics and appointment characteristics on patient attendance in a university dental clinic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44752021Childhood Nutrition in Rural China: What Impact Does Public Health Insurance Have?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44762021The Effect of Educational Intervention on the Improvement of Nontechnical Skills in Circulating Nurses.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44772021Rates and reasons for safety incident reporting in the medical imaging department of a large academic health sciences centre.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44782021Healthcare professionals' perspectives on infant feeding support in paediatric inpatients: single-centre qualitative study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44792021Caring for Children with Congenital Heart Diseases:Economic Burden of Pre-Surgical Management on Nigerian Families.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44802021A Virtual Approach to Promote Inter-Professional Learning (IPL) Between Biomedical Science and Medicine in Higher Education for the Benefit of Patient Care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44812021Parental satisfaction with waiting time in a Swiss tertiary paediatric emergency department.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44822021The value proposition of efficiency discount options: The government employees medical scheme emerald value option case study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44832021Waiting time for outpatient specialist care in Lombardy Region: evaluating accessibility and quality of information on websites of public health agencies and healthcare structures.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44842021Rebooting the ambulatory enterprise in a community medical group in Kentucky following the initial surge of COVID-19.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44852021Association of Out-of-Pocket Spending With Insulin Adherence in Medicare Part D.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44862021[The Neumarkt concept of nursing case responsibility: A framework for consequent and person-centred realization of the nursing process].Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44872021LoVE in a time of CoVID: Clinician and patient experience using telemedicine for chronic epilepsy management.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44882021Building health literacy system capacity: a framework for health literate systems.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
44892021COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among university students in Lebanon.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44902021Catastrophic Household Expenditure Associated with Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Payments in Spain.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44912021The efficacy and mechanisms of a guided self-help intervention based on mindfulness in patients with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
44922021The Influence of Dentists' Profile and Health Work Management in the Performance of Brazilian Dental Teams.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
44932021The psychology of cruise service usage post COVID-19: Health management and policy implications.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44942021Factors associated with child delivery expenditure during the transition to the national implementation of the two-child policy in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44952021A New Interprofessional Community-Service Learning Program, HATS (Health Ambassador Teams for Seniors) to Improve Older Adults Attitudes about Telehealth and Functionality.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
44962021Changing Epidemiology of Hepatitis A in China: Evidence From Three National Serological Surveys and the National Notifiable Disease Reporting System.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
44972021A Qualitative Study Exploring the Management of Medicine Shortages in the Community Pharmacy of Pakistan.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44982021Patients' attitude toward informal payments in Iran: an application of the cluster analysis method.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
44992021The therapeutic itinerary of health workers diagnosed with COVID-19.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
45002021Preventive health care information and social media: Consumer preferences.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45012021Trends in out of pocket payments and catastrophic health expenditure in the Kyrgyz Republic post "Manas Taalimi" and "Den Sooluk" health reforms, 2012-2018.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45022021Allied health primary contact services: results of a 2-year follow-up study of clinical effectiveness, safety, wait times and impact on medical specialist out-patient waitlists.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45032021Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Working and Training Conditions of Neurosurgery Residents in Latin America and Spain.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
45042021The perspective of medical staff on improving the integrated communication process - A pilot study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45052021Willingness to pay for private health insurance among workers with mandatory social health insurance in Mongolia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45062021Pharmacists' Perspectives on Interprofessional Collaboration with Physicians in Poland: A Quantitative Study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45072021Toward telemedicine-compatible physical functioning assessments in kidney transplant candidates.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45082021The vulnerabilities of the Brazilian health workforce during health emergencies: Analysing personal feelings, access to resources and work dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
45092021Financing needs, spending projection, and the future of health in Brazil.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
45102021The goldmine of patient satisfaction-interaction and communication in the context of infectious diseases.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45112021What non-clinical factors influence the general dentist-specialist relationship in Canada?Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45122021Breast Cancer Management During COVID-19 Pandemic in Madrid: Surgical Strategy.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45132021Workforce capacity for the care of patients with kidney failure across world countries and regions.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
45142021Nutrition Meets Social Marketing: Targeting Health Promotion Campaigns to Young Adults Using the Living and Eating for Health Segments.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45152021A robust optimization model for tactical capacity planning in an outpatient setting.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45162021Listen, look, link and learn: a stepwise approach to use narrative quality data within resident-family-nursing staff triads in nursing homes for quality improvements.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45172021National vaccine coverage trends and funding in Latin America and the Caribbean.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45182021Exploratory analysis to enhance operational efficiency of new patient screenings.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45192021Evaluation of the Good Review Practices of Countries Participating in the Southern African Development Community: Alignment and Strategies for Moving Forward.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45202021Does health insurance protect against risk of financial catastrophe for pancreatic tumor care? A cost-based review of patients undergoing pancreatic resection at an academic institution.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45212021Examining Burnout in Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Clinicians Using Qualitative Analysis.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45222021Chronic disease and medical spending of Chinese elderly in rural region.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45232021Predicting waiting time to treatment for emergency department patients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45242021Analysis of Emotion and Recall in COVID-19 Advertisements: A Neuroscientific Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45252021The impact of an online intervention on the medical, dental and health sciences students about interprofessional education; a quasi-experimental study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45262021Modes of failure with fractional flow reserve guidewires: Insights from the manufacturer and user facility device experience database.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45272021The effects of coding intensity in Medicare Advantage on plan benefits and finances.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45282021How pharmacy and medicine students experience the power differential between professions: "Even if the pharmacist knows better, the doctor's decision goes".Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45292021Exploring men's use of mental health support offered by an Australian Employee Assistance Program (EAP): perspectives from a focus-group study with males working in blue- and white-collar industries.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45302021Health insurance coverage and self-employment.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45312021Clinical inter-professional education activities: Students' perceptions of their experiences.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45322021Waiting in Pain II: An Updated Review of the Provision of Persistent Pain Services in Australia.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45332021Social Marketing Intervention to Engage Older Adults in Balance Workshops for Fall Prevention: A Multicenter Quasi-Experimental Protocol Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45342021Clinicians' Perspectives After Implementation of the Serious Illness Care Program: A Qualitative Study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45352021Migration of Junior Doctors: The Case of Psychiatric Trainees in Portugal.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
45362021Evolution of welfare indicators of pigs housed in deep bedding systems during growing and finishing phases: assessment of good health principles and housing conditions.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
45372021Midstream Players Determine Population-Level Behavior Change: Social Marketing Research to Increase Demand for Lead-Free Components in Pitcher Pumps in Madagascar.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45382021COVID-19 outcomes in patients waitlisted for kidney transplantation and kidney transplant recipients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45392021Mathematical modeling of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2-Evaluating the impact of isolation in São Paulo State (Brazil) and lockdown in Spain associated with protective measures on the epidemic of CoViD-19.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
45402021Effect of Physician-Delivered COVID-19 Public Health Messages and Messages Acknowledging Racial Inequity on Black and White Adults' Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices Related to COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45412021Software development for emergency bed management.Gerenciamento de dados; Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
45422021The Impact of COVID-19 Management Policies Tailored to Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission: Policy Analysis.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
45432021How Do Patients with Life-Limiting Illness and Caregivers Want End-Of-Life Prognostic Information Delivered? A Pilot Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45442021Best Practices in Nursing: Advocacy and Empowerment.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45452021A note on the trade-off between waiting times and quality in a constrained hospital market.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45462021The exposure risk to COVID-19 in most affected countries: A vulnerability assessment model.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
45472021Changes in heart transplant waitlist and posttransplant outcomes in patients with restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the new heart transplant allocation system.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45482021Effect of Targeted Messaging on Return to In-Person Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45492021Digital Home-Monitoring of Patients after Kidney Transplantation: The MACCS Platform.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
45502021A Markov chain model for analysis of physician workflow in primary care clinics.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45512021Hello, my name is …': an exploratory case study of inter-professional student experiences in practice.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45522021Evaluating a social marketing campaign on healthy nutrition and lifestyle among primary-school children: A mixed-method research design.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45532021Communication failures contributing to patient injury in anaesthesia malpractice claims☆.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45542021COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: the five Cs to tackle behavioural and sociodemographic factors.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45552021Early clinical exposure improves medical students' recognition of the need for professionalism and interprofessional collaboration.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45562021Changing Trends in Liver Transplantation: Challenges and Solutions.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45572021Crowdsourcing to design a marketing package to promote a WHO digital mental health intervention among Chinese young adults.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45582021An analysis of trauma team communication using the verbal response mode taxonomy.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45592021Study protocol for the Healthier Wealthier Families (HWF) pilot randomised controlled trial: testing the feasibility of delivering financial counselling to families with young children who are identified as experiencing financial hardship by community-based nurses.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45602021Change of collective orientation through an interprofessional training with medical students and student nurses depending on presence and professional group.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45612021Implications of the severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with the novel coronavirus-2 on vascular surgery practices.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45622021Peddling promise? An analysis of private umbilical cord blood banking company websites in Canada.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45632021Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Providers: Opportunities for Education and Support (ECHOES).Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45642021Patient-Centered Appointment Scheduling: a Call for Autonomy, Continuity, and Creativity.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45652021Attitudes, behaviours and barriers to public health measures for COVID-19: a survey to inform public health messaging.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45662021Revisiting the Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45672021Using the Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Missed Appointments at a Pediatric Inner-City Clinic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
45682021Victorian healthcare experience survey 2016-2018; evaluation of interventions to improve the patient experience.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45692021Crew Resource Management Training for Surgical Teams, A Fragmented Landscape.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45702021Children, Media and Food. A New Paradigm in Food Advertising, Social Marketing and Happiness Management.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45712021Interprofessional research teams in radiography - where the magic happens.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45722021You Have Options: Implementing and evaluating a contraceptive choice social marketing campaign.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45732021[Current challenges in cancer care in Brussels-capital region: A qualitative study].Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45742021Implementation of a pharmacist-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic at a community teaching hospital.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45752021Complex conversations in a healthcare setting: experiences from an interprofessional workshop on clinician-patient communication skills.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45762021Project Last Mile and the development of the Girl Champ brand in eSwatini: engaging the private sector to promote uptake of health services among adolescent girls and young women.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45772021An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of Experiences of Interprofessional Teams Who Received Coaching to Simultaneously Redesign Primary Care Education and Clinical Practice.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45782021Cutting Through the Noise: Predictors of Successful Online Message Retransmission in the First 8 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45792021Promoting Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in Rural Health Settings: Learnings from a State-Wide Multi-Methods Study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45802021Effect of patient-led cooperative follow-up by general practitioners and community pharmacists on osteoporosis treatment persistence.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45812021Understanding Antimicrobial Use Contexts in the Poultry Sector: Challenges for Small-Scale Layer Farms in Kenya.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45822021Fostering nurses' professional identity.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45832021Perceptions of the provision of drug information, pharmaceutical detailing and engagement with non-personal promotion at a large physicians network: a mixed-methods study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45842021Implementing clinical debriefing programmes.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
458520212019 Nutrition Informatics Survey: Results and Future Directions.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45862021Professional Development of Interprofessional Evidence-Based Practice Education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45872021Improving Uptake of a National Web-Based Psychoeducational Workshop for Informal Caregivers of Veterans: Mixed Methods Implementation Evaluation.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45882021Code Switch.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45892021Parenteral Nutrition Prescribing and Order Review Safety Study: The Need for Pharmacist Intervention.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45902021Associations Between Environmental and Sociodemographic Data and Hepatitis-A Transmission in Pará State (Brazil).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
45912021Vicious cycle of chronic disease and poverty: a qualitative study in present day Nepal.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45922021Qualitative exploration of medical student experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic: implications for medical education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45932021Responsibilities and capabilities of health engagement professionals (HEPs): Perspectives from HEPs and health consumers in Australia.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45942021Asian medical students' attitudes towards professionalism.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45952021Pre-registration nursing and occupational therapy students' experience of interprofessional simulation training designed to develop communication and team-work skills: A mixed methods study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45962021Interprofessional education in the rural environment to enhance multidisciplinary care in future practice: Breaking down silos in tertiary health education.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45972021The health care utilization and out-of-pocket expenditure associated with asthma amongst a sample of Australian women aged over 45 years: analysis from the '45 and up' study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
45982021Effect of interprofessional collaboration among nursing home professionals on end-of-life care in nursing homes.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
45992021WhatsApp-propriate? A retrospective content analysis of WhatsApp use and potential breaches in confidentiality among a team of doctors at a district hospital, South Africa.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46002021Nursing in Albania: A Catalytic Force in Transforming Health Professionals and Health Care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46012021Students' perceptions of interprofessional collaboration on the care of diabetes: A qualitative study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46022021Job stress and its relationship with nurses' autonomy and nurse-physician collaboration in intensive care unit.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46032021Enhancing medication therapy in Parkinson's disease by establishing an interprofessional network including pharmacists.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46042021Barriers and enablers to effective interprofessional teamwork in the operating room: A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46052021Indoor lighting design for healthier workplaces: natural and electric light assessment for suitable circadian stimulus.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46062021Developing Effective Senior Nurse Leaders: The Impact of an Advanced Leadership Initiative.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46072021Adaptation of ED design layout during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national cross-sectional survey.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46082021COVID-19 and telehealth: Applying telehealth and telemedicine in a pandemic.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46092021ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development.Gerenciamento de dadosestrangeiro
46102021Operational nurse managers' perceptions on the competence of community service nurses in public settings in the Western Cape.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46112021Association of a High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter COVID-19 Testing Booth With Testing Capacity, Cost Per Test Acquired, and Use of Personal Protective Equipment.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46122021Effectiveness of a training intervention to improve communication between/awareness of team roles: A randomized clinical trial.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46132021Examining the Relationship Between Environmental Factors and Inpatient Hospital Falls: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46142021Does interprofessional team-training affect nurses' and physicians' perceptions of safety culture and communication practices? Results of a pre-post survey study.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46152021Telemedicine Implementation in COVID-19 ICU: Balancing Physical and Virtual Forms of Visibility.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46162021Job Tension and Emotional Sensitivity to COVID-19 Public Messaging and Risk Perception.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
46172021The puzzle of therapeutic emplotment: creating a shared clinical plot through interprofessional interaction in biopsychosocial pain rehabilitation.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46182021Patient-reported outcome measures in the emergency department: a scoping review protocol.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46192021Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 in a Large Medical Records Linkage System in the United States.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
46202021The Medical Profession and the Public.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46212021[Severe upper limb trauma related to escalator use. Pediatric case report].Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46222021What's Important: Addressing Racism in Patient Encounters.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
46232021New health care facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic: health hotels.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46242021Fate of a food nudging intervention during the Corona-pandemic: unexpected shopping ban on a small clinic bistro.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
46252021Repurposing the hostel El Burgo with biosafety measures for the medical care of COVID-19 patients.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46262021Cabin hospital for COVID-19 patients: Attention should be paid to hospital infection prevention, humanistic care, and privacy protection.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46272021Mechanized laundering of mops for floor cleaning can reduce infection transmission through hospital floor.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46282021Using risk analysis to ensure patients' medication safety during hospital relocations and evacuations.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46292021Practice in Information Technology Support for Fangcang Shelter Hospital during COVID-19 Epidemic in Wuhan, China.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46302021Utilizing Telesimulation for Advanced Skills Training in Consultation and Handoff Communication: A Post-COVID-19 GME Bootcamp Experience.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
46312021Gearing up, again.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46322021Achieving Entrustable Professional Activities During Fellowship.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
46332021Nursing management at a Chinese fever clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46342021Evaluation of an HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Referral System: From Sexual Health Center to Federally Qualified Health Center Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Clinic.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
46352021Does the glass elevator still work: A descriptive and cross-sectional study in the context of gender in Turkey.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46362021Data based model for predicting COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in metropolis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46372021"Increasing Warm Handoffs: Optimizing Community Based Referrals in Primary Care Using QI Methodology".Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
46382021Managing behaviour that challenges in people with dementia in the emergency department.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46392021Increased Incidence of Tinnitus Following a Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46402021Hospital El Salvador: a novel paradigm of intensive care in response to COVID-19 in central America.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46412021The red flags of ulnar neuropathy in leprosy.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46422021How to Design Hospital Settings for Visually Impaired Patients.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46432021The experience of teaching introductory programming skills to bioscientists in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46442021Observational study of anaesthesia workflow to evaluate physical workspace design and layout.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46452021Analysis of Discrepancies Between Pulse Oximetry and Arterial Oxygen Saturation Measurements by Race and Ethnicity and Association With Organ Dysfunction and Mortality.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46462021COVID-19: psychosociological phenomenon and implications for nursing.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46472021Advancing TB research using digitized programmatic data.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46482021Who Guides Vaccination in the Portuguese Press? An Analysis of Information Sources.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46502021Comparing News Articles and Tweets About COVID-19 in Brazil: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Approach.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46512021AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46522021Emergency surgical management of cervical spine fracture-dislocation with acute paraplegia in COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019)-suspected patient: first experience from a German spine centre.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46532021Integrated Environmental Management and Planning based on Soil Erosion Susceptibility Scenarios.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46542021Performability Evaluation of Load Balancing and Fail-over Strategies for Medical Information Systems with Edge/Fog Computing Using Stochastic Reward Nets.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46552021Implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms for melanoma screening in a primary care setting.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46562021The role of dedicated biocontainment patient care units in preparing for COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46572021Physicians privilege responding to emotional cues in oncologic consultations: A study utilizing Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46582021Emergence of an early SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the United States.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46592021The AIMe registry for artificial intelligence in biomedical research.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46602021Predicting the environmental suitability for onchocerciasis in Africa as an aid to elimination planning.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46612021Seizure Prophylaxis After Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46622021Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Adoption of Virtual Care in General Practice in 20 Countries (inSIGHT): Protocol and Rationale Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46632021Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46642021Management of asthma in childhood: study protocol of a systematic evidence update by the Paediatric Asthma in Real Life (PeARL) Think Tank.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46652021e-Nature Positive Emotions Photography Database (e-NatPOEM): affectively rated nature images promoting positive emotions.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46662021Developing and implementing an infection prevention and control program for a COVID-19 alternative care site in Philadelphia, PA.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46672021Outpatient antibiotic prescribing for common infections via telemedicine versus face-to-face visits: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis.Telemedicinabrasileiro
46682021Quality of the documentation of the Nursing process in clinical decision support systems.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46692021The SistematX Web Portal of Natural Products: An Update.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46702021Perceived fit, understanding, and communication: Key factors underpinning stakeholder and partnership engagement with the Make Healthy Normal campaignComunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
46712021Accuracy of Computable Phenotyping Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Hospitalizations from the Electronic Health Record.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46722021Birth cohort-specific trends of sun-related behaviors among individuals from an international consortium of melanoma-prone families.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46732021Real-world Patient Trajectory Prediction from Clinical Notes Using Artificial Neural Networks and UMLS-Based Extraction of Concepts.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
46742021Actionable druggable genome-wide Mendelian randomization identifies repurposing opportunities for COVID-19.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46752021A safe and efficient, naturally ventilated structure for COVID-19 surge capacity in Singapore.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46762021Potential mammalian species for investigating the past connections between Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46772021Integration strategies for caring for chronic noncommunicable diseases: a case study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46782021What is the recovery rate and risk of long-term consequences following a diagnosis of COVID-19? A harmonised, global longitudinal observational study protocol.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46792021Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46802021Assessing environmental barriers by means of the swedish craig hospital inventory of environmental factors among people post-stroke.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
46812021Copy Number Variant Analysis and Genome-wide Association Study Identify Loci with Large Effect for Vesicoureteral Reflux.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46822021Patient-accessible test reports in times of instant messaging communication: progress or an additional emotional burden?Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
46832021"People play it down and tell me it can't kill people, but I know people are dying each day". Children's health literacy relating to a global pandemic (COVID-19); an international cross sectional study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46842021Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46852021Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines on the Management of Adults With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the ICU: First Update.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46862021Predictors of HIV Status Disclosure to Sexual Partners Among People Living with HIV in Brazil.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46872021Suicide in indigenous and non-indigenous population: a contribution to health management.Gerenciamento de dados; Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
46882021Predictive potential of activity and reticulo-rumen temperature variation for calving in Gyr heifers (Bos taurus indicus).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46892021Telehealth strategy to mitigate the negative psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46902021Determinants of COVID-19 Mortality in Patients With Cancer From a Community Oncology Practice in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46912021The perinatal bereavement project: development and evaluation of supportive guidelines for families experiencing stillbirth and neonatal death in Southeast Brazil-a quasi-experimental before-and-after study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46922021Development and Implementation of a Decision Support System to Improve Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in a Resource-Constrained Area in Brazil: Mixed Methods Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46932021Propedia: a database for protein-peptide identification based on a hybrid clustering algorithm.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46942021Conditional recurrence-free survival of clinical complete responders managed by watch and wait after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer in the International Watch & Wait Database: a retrospective, international, multicentre registry study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46952021Use of dialysis, tracheostomy, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation among 842,928 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46962021Data Sources for Drug Utilization Research in Brazil-DUR-BRA Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
46972021Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
46982021GRADE Guidelines 30: the GRADE approach to assessing the certainty of modeled evidence-An overview in the context of health decision-making.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
46992021Epidemiologic characteristics, clinical management, and public health implications of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47002021Enviromics in breeding: applications and perspectives on envirotypic-assisted selection.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
47012021Quality indicators for the care and outcomes of adults with atrial fibrillation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
47032021Online Faculty Development: An African Lusophone Ophthalmic Society Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47042021Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
47052021Loopholes in Current Infection Control and Prevention Practices Against COVID-19 in Radiology Department and Improvement Suggestions.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
47062021Chest Pain Network with Support of Telemedicine: Impact on Reperfusion Therapy and Clinical Outcomes After 8 Years of Experience.Telemedicinabrasileiro
47072021Development of a prediction score for in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients with acute kidney injury: a machine learning approach.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47082021Atrial fibrillation and clinical outcomes 1 to 3 years after myocardial infarction.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47092021Prevalence of microcephaly: the Latin American Network of Congenital Malformations 2010-2017.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47102021Use of methadone as an alternative to morphine for chronic pain management: a noninferiority retrospective observational study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47112021A demographic and clinical panorama of a sixteen-year cohort of soft tissue sarcoma patients in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47122021The impact of healthcare-associated infections on COVID-19 mortality: a cohort study from a Brazilian public hospital.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47132021Cortical auditory evoked potentials with different acoustic stimuli: Evidence of differences and similarities in coding in auditory processing disorders.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47142021Chagas disease and SARS-CoV-2 coinfection does not lead to worse in-hospital outcomes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47152021Stroke Outcome Measurements From Electronic Medical Records: Cross-sectional Study on the Effectiveness of Neural and Nonneural Classifiers.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47162021Effect of Convalescent Plasma on Organ Support-Free Days in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47172021Barriers to enrollment in pulmonary rehabilitation: medical knowledge analysis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47182021Executive Summary: Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for the Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47192021Conditional cash transfer program and child mortality: A cross-sectional analysis nested within the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort.Gerenciamento de dados; Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47202021DNA damage analysis in newborns and their mothers related to pregnancy and delivery characteristics.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47212021Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47222021Protein provision and lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47232021Incidence, Predictor, and Clinical Outcomes of Multiple Resheathing With Self-Expanding Valves During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47242021Gestational weight gain adequacy for favourable obstetric and neonatal outcomes: A nationwide hospital-based cohort gestational weight gain for favourable obstetric and neonatal outcomes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47252021Heart failure in COVID-19: the multicentre, multinational PCHF-COVICAV registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47262021Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47272021COVID-19 in socially vulnerable quilombola populations in Salvaterra, Pará, Eastern Amazon, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47282021The comparative epidemiology and outcomes of hospitalized patients treated with SGLT2 or DPP4 inhibitors.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47292021Infection and mortality of nursing personnel in Brazil from COVID-19: A cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47302021Evaluation of the epidemiological behavior of mortality due to COVID-19 in Brazil: A time series study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47312021Impact of In-Hospital infection with SARS-CoV-2 among Inpatients at a university hospital.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47322021Improved heart transplant survival for children with congenital heart disease and heterotaxy syndrome in the current era: An analysis from the pediatric heart transplant society.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47332021International Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47342021COVID-19 Lockdown Effects on Acute Stroke Care in Latin America.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47352021Federated learning for predicting clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47362021Quality of Actions to Control Cervical Cancer in Bahia, Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47372021Handgrip strength in patients with acute decompensated heart failure: Accuracy as a predictor of malnutrition and prognostic value.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47382021Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Among Critically Ill Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: An International Multicenter Coronavirus Disease 2019 Critical Care Consortium Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47392021Nutritional Parameters in Early and Late Kidney Transplantation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47402021Artificial Inteligence-Based Decision for the Prediction of Cardioembolism in Patients with Chagas Disease and Ischemic Stroke.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47412021Topical estrogen, testosterone, and vaginal dilator in the prevention of vaginal stenosis after radiotherapy in women with cervical cancer: a randomized clinical trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47422021Myiasis in humans: Case reports in Northeastern Brazil including multispecies co-infestation by Sarcophagidae.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47432021The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47442021Periungual Papules in an Elderly Woman.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47452021Influence of nutritional assistance on mortality by COVID-19 in critically ill patients.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47462021International Prospective Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients With COVID-19.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47472021Tender Subcutaneous Nodule in a Prepubescent Boy.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47482021Availability of facility resources and services and infection-related maternal outcomes in the WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study: a cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47492021Trends in the incidence and morbidity of Merkel cell carcinoma in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47502021Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in a Large Cohort of Hospitalized Cancer Patients With COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47512021Stroke Complicating Infective Endocarditis After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47522021Predictors for single-agent resistance in FIGO score 5 or 6 gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: a multicentre, retrospective, cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47532021Heterogeneity of Associations between Total and Types of Fish Intake and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Federated Meta-Analysis of 28 Prospective Studies Including 956,122 Participants.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47542021The effect of pre-treatment levels of tooth wear and the applied increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) on the survival of direct resin composite restorations.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47552021COVID-19 in Brazil: spatial risk, social vulnerability, human development, clinical manifestations and predictors of mortality - a retrospective study with data from 59 695 individuals.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47562021Blockchain Applications in Health Care and Public Health: Increased Transparency.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47572021Community-acquired pneumonia severity assessment tools in patients hospitalized with COVID-19: a validation and clinical applicability study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47582021Is there an association between prostate-specific antigen and androgen levels in 46, XX patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia?Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47592021Trends in prostate cancer incidence and mortality to monitor control policies in a northeastern Brazilian state.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47602021Clinical outcomes and quality of life of COVID-19 survivors: A follow-up of 3 months post hospital discharge.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47612021Outcome of treatment of MDR-TB or drug-resistant patients treated with bedaquiline and delamanid: Results from a large global cohort.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47622021Factors Associated With Violence Against Women and Facial Trauma of a Representative Sample of the Brazilian Population: Results of a Retrospective Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47632021Physical disabilities caused by leprosy in 100 million cohort in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47642021Training medical educators to teach: bridging the gap between perception and reality.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47652021Implementation of DHIS2 for Disease Surveillance in Guinea: 2015-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
47662021A Mechanism for Verifying the Integrity and Immutability of Tuberculosis Data Using IOTA Distributed Ledger Technology.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47672021The Effect of Reconnection to Mechanical Ventilation for 1 Hour After Spontaneous Breathing Trial on Reintubation Among Patients Ventilated for More Than 12 Hours: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47682021Development of dentofacial characteristics related to Incontinentia Pigmenti syndrome: A repeated cross-sectional study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47692021Differences in mortality of cancer patients with COVID-19 in a Brazilian cancer center.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47702021Virtual patient simulation platforms challenging traditional CME: Identification of gaps in knowledge in the management of Type 2 diabetes and Hyperlipidaemia.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47712021Immediately loaded single-implant mandibular overdentures compared to conventional complete dentures: A cost-effectiveness analysis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
47722021Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47732021A multilevel assessment of the social determinants associated with the late stage diagnosis of breast cancer.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47742021Evaluation of satisfaction of pelvic floor muscle training isolated and associated with tibial nerve stimulation in women with mixed urinary incontinence: A randomized, single-blinded clinical trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
47752021Representation of Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions in OpenEHR Archetypes.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47762021Most deaths in low-risk cardiac surgery could be avoidable.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47772021Impact of Big Data Analytics on People's Health: Overview of Systematic Reviews and Recommendations for Future Studies.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47782021Structural integrity of MIH-affected teeth after treatment with fluoride varnish or resin infiltration: An 18-Month randomized clinical trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47792021Dairy Sheep Played a Minor Role in the 2005-2010 Human Q Fever Outbreak in The Netherlands Compared to Dairy Goats.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
47802021Patient-reported outcomes in adults with type 1 diabetes in global real-world clinical practice: The SAGE study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
47812021Survival implications of prescription opioid and benzodiazepine use in lung transplant recipients: Analysis of linked transplant registry and pharmacy fill records.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS); Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47822021Capture - recapture based study on the completeness of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis reporting in southwest Iran during 2016.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
47832021Improving smartphone follow-up after patient discharge from annual short-term head and neck missions in Ethiopia.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
47842021Association Between Body Fat Distribution Assessed by Different Techniques and Body Image Perception in HIV-Infected Children and Adolescents.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47852021Effectiveness of telemedicine in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
47862021Swedish primary healthcare practitioners' perspectives on the impact of arts on prescription for patients and the wider society: a qualitative interview study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47872021Reviewing the therapeutic management of leprosy in primary care: demand case series referred to a University Hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47882021The data used to build the models: Pertussis morbidity and mortality burden considering various Brazilian data sources.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
47892021Development and validation of competency framework for teaching management of refractive errors: A participatory Delphi approach.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47902021Single versus two-implant mandibular overdentures using early-loaded titanium-zirconium implants with hydrophilic surface and ball attachments: 1-year randomized clinical trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
47912021Investigation of thermal changes in the thyroid gland region of individuals with hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia by analyzing the temperature of brown adipose tissue.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47922021Cost-Utility Analysis of Wide-Field Imaging as an Auxiliary Technology for Retinopathy of Prematurity Care in Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
47932021[How does a patient-centered, future-oriented medical curriculum look like? The patients' view].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47942021Initial assessment of the COVID-19 vaccination's impact on case numbers, hospitalisations and deaths in people aged 80 years and older, 15 EU/EEA countries, December 2020 to May 2021.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
47952021Pain Information Model and Its Potential for Predictive Analytics: Applicability of a Big Data Science Framework.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
47962021Being a frail older person at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.Telemedicinabrasileiro
47972021Impact of Evidence-Based Charge Nurse Education on Charge Nurse Skills and Nurse-Specific Metrics.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
47982021Changes in notifiable infectious disease incidence in China during the COVID-19 pandemic.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
47992021Using electronic patient records to assess the effect of a complex antenatal intervention in a cluster randomised controlled trial-data management experience from the DESiGN Trial team.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48002021Impact of a telemedicine-guided, population-based, STEMI network on reperfusion strategy, efficiency, and outcomes: Impact of telemedicine on STEMI management.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48012021Associations Between Female Sex, Sarcomere Variants, and Clinical Outcomes in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
48022021Educational Needs of School Nurses Regarding the Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48032021[Analysis on hepatitis B cases reported from surveillance points in China, 2019].Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48042021Information Model on Pain Management: An Analysis of Big Data.Gerenciamento de dados; Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48052021Metformin use and lung cancer survival: a population-based study in Norway.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
48062021Medical data integration using HL7 standards for patient's early identification.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48072021Improving surgical training: Establishing a surgical anatomy programme in Scotland.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48082021Sensitivity and representativeness of one-health surveillance for diseases of zoonotic potential at health facilities relative to household visits in rural Guatemala.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48092021Living conditions of persons with mental and behavioral disorders in a psychiatric hospital, São Paulo, Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48102021Clocks in Dreams: Analysis of a Long Dream Series.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48112021Risk Factors for Hospitalisation amongst Leptospirosis Patients in New Zealand.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48122021Data Leakage in Health Outcomes Prediction With Machine Learning. Comment on "Prediction of Incident Hypertension Within the Next Year: Prospective Study Using Statewide Electronic Health Records and Machine Learning".Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48132021Effects of a periodized circuit training protocol delivered by telerehabilitation compared to face-to-face method for knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48142021Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of gestational syphilis in Cali, 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48152021Are pregnant women at higher risk of depression underdiagnosis?Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48162021Electronic health record usability and workload changes over time for provider and nursing staff following transition to new EHR.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48172021Technology-based interventions for nursing home residents: a systematic review protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48182021Systemic Severity and Organ Dysfunction in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Large Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
48192021Primary Care Continuity and Wait Times to Receiving Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Using CanIMPACT Data.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48202021Clinical assessment during a global pandemic - Transitioning to a COVID safe hybrid OSCE.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48212021A multi-state Markov model using notification data to estimate HIV incidence, number of undiagnosed individuals living with HIV, and delay between infection and diagnosis: Illustration in France, 2008-2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48222021Restructuring service at a mastology outpatient clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48232021Detect-S: an mHealth application to assist health professionals to identify suicide risk in hospitalized patients.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48242021The Selah study protocol of three interventions to manage stress among clergy: a preference-based randomized waitlist control trial.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48252021Epidemiological Surveillance of Lyme Borreliosis in Bavaria, Germany, 2013-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48262021Peripartum Hysterectomies over a Fifteen-year Period.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
482720212020 APHRS/HRS expert consensus statement on the investigation of decedents with sudden unexplained death and patients with sudden cardiac arrest, and of their families.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
48282021The Effect of Automated Mammogram Orders Paired With Electronic Invitations to Self-schedule on Mammogram Scheduling Outcomes: Observational Cohort Comparison.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48292021Implementing an interprofessional workshop based on the 4Ms for an age-friendly health system.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48302021Tuberculosis Death Epidemiology and Its Associated Risk Factors in Sabah, Malaysia.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48312021Autoimmune Hepatitis: Predictors of Native Liver Survival in Children and Adolescents.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48322021Teaming-up nurses with ophthalmologists to expand the reach of eye care in a middle-income country: Validation of health data acquisition by nursing staff in a telemedicine strategy.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48332021Dynamic Surgery Scheduling Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48342021Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated non-pharmaceutical interventions on other notifiable infectious diseases in Germany: An analysis of national surveillance data during week 1-2016 - week 32-2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48352021Mapping, Infrastructure, and Data Analysis for the Brazilian Network of Rare Diseases: Protocol for the RARASnet Observational Cohort Study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48362021Primary care bonus payments and patient-reported access in urban Ontario: a cross-sectional study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48372021Impact of immunization programs on 11 childhood vaccine-preventable diseases in China: 1950-2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48382021The Minimal Clinically Important Difference and Substantial Clinical Benefit in the Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Patients Undergoing Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Knee.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
48392021The rational treatment of diabetes mellitus in older adults: The adequacy of treatment decisions based on individualized glycemic targets in primary and tertiary care.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48402021Redesigning the Process for Scheduling Elective Orthopaedic Surgery: A Combined Lean Six Sigma and Person-Centred Approach.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48412021Acute Gastroenteritis on Cruise Ships - Maritime Illness Database and Reporting System, United States, 2006-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48422021Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48432021Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in educational institutions, August to December 2020, Germany.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48442021Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Brazil: Results from the Brazilian COVID-19 registry.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48452021The Role of the Smartphone in the Diagnosis of Vestibular Hypofunction: A Clinical Strategy for Teleconsultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48462021The Performance of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Brazil: The First Two Years of the Implementation Program in Barretos Cancer Hospital.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
48472021The ophthalmic surgical backlog associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based and microsimulation modelling study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48482021Exploring core competencies of clinical nurse preceptors: A nominal group technique study.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48492021Spatial analysis of areas at risk for schistosomiasis in the Alto Tietê Basin, São Paulo, Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48502021Validity of mHealth devices for counting steps in individuals with Parkinson's disease.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48512021[Impact of additional time spent for vaccination services on overall satisfaction rate in parents].Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48522021[Educational innovation in healthcare : training with simulation].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48532021The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Sexually Transmitted Infections surveillance data: incidence drop or artefact?Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48542021mUzima Mobile Electronic Health Record (EHR) System: Development and Implementation at Scale.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48552021Monitoring breastfeeding indicators in high-income countries: Levels, trends and challenges.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48562021Telehealth in low- and middle-income countries: Bridging the gap or exposing health disparities?Telemedicinabrasileiro
48572021[Patient's Personal Data Protection Awareness: A Survey of Clinical Nurses].Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48582021Congenital Syphilis Case Surveillance in South Africa 2017-19: Experience, Challenges and Opportunities.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48592021Individuals aged 1-64 years with documented congenital heart defects at healthcare encounters, five U.S. surveillance sites, 2011-2013.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
48602021Semantics Management for a Regional Health Information System in Italy by CTS2 and FHIR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48612021Risk of depression, suicide and psychosis with hydroxychloroquine treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational network cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48622021Economic assessment of teledermatology in the state of Santa Catarina - Brazil.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48632021Audiologists' perspective on the treatment of ear-related ear, nose, and throat conditions in rural Victoria.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48642021A Novel Paradigm for Surgical Skills Training and Assessment of Competency.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48652021Implementing the US Department of Health and Human Services definition of multimorbidity: a comparison between billing codes and medical record review in a population-based sample of persons 40Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
48662021State of the practice of health information systems: a survey study amongst health care professionals in intellectual disability care.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48672021Assessment of mHealth Solutions Applied to Fall Detection for the Elderly.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48682021Evaluation of an assessment model to reduce waitlist times for occupational therapy in a rural community health setting.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48692021General practitioners and endometriosis: Level of knowledge and the impact of training.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48702021Early warning and rapid public health response to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care facilities (LTCF) by monitoring SARS-CoV-2 RNA in LTCF site-specific sewage samples and assessment of antibodies response in this population: prospective study protocol.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48712021Young adult predictors of alcohol dependence to age 53: a 44-year prospective cohort study of Danish men.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
48722021Diabetes and COVID-19: What we learned from the two ongoing pandemics.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48732021Developing a prioritisation framework for patients in need of coronary artery angiography.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48742021Harmonization of training, training program requirements, board certification, and the practice of cytopathology: data from the American Board of Pathology surveys.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48752021Partner Elicitation After Partner Services Interviews and Reinterviews Among Patients With Antimicrobial-Resistant Gonorrhea.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48762021Providing ART-DECOR ValueSets via FHIR Terminology Servers - A Technical Report.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48772021MedPath: A process-based modeling language for designing care pathways.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48782021Impact of the Share 35 Policy on Perioperative Management and Mortality in Liver Transplantation Recipients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48792021Development of a competency model for general practitioners after standardized residency training in China by a modified Delphi method.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48802021West Nile Virus and Other Domestic Nationally Notifiable Arboviral Diseases - United States, 2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48812021An HL7 FHIR and GraphQL approach for interoperability between heterogeneous Electronic Health Record systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48822021SARS-CoV-2 in Spent Dialysate from Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Patients with COVID-19.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48832021A Decision-Making tool based on historical data for service time prediction in outpatient scheduling.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48842021Improving Appropriate Use of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Patients With Dyslipidemia: Effect of Online CME.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48852021Rapid, Large-Scale Wastewater Surveillance and Automated Reporting System Enable Early Detection of Nearly 85% of COVID-19 Cases on a University Campus.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48862021Catalyzing Knowledge-Driven Discovery in Environmental Health Sciences through a Community-Driven Harmonized Language.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48872021Regulatory challenges with biosimilars: an update from 20 countries.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48882021Using Targets to Reduce Waiting Times for Elective Care: What Can We Learn from the Russian Experience?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48892021Single-View Echocardiography by Nonexpert Practitioners to Detect Rheumatic Heart Disease: A Prospective Study of Diagnostic Accuracy.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48902021Pediatric Tuberculosis Disease during Years of High Refugee Arrivals: A 6-Year National Prospective Surveillance Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
48912021Health Data, Information, and Knowledge Sharing for Addressing the COVID-19.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48922021Fighting Against Stroke in Latin America: A Joint Effort of Medical Professional Societies and Governments.Telemedicinabrasileiro
48932021The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cardiac Procedure Wait List Mortality in Ontario, Canada.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48942021Simulation of pediatric intubation using a low-cost videolaryngoscope in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48952021Automatic Information Exchange in the Early Rescue Chain Using the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN).Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
48962021Efficient Security and Authentication for Edge-Based Internet of Medical Things.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
48972021Challenges to ensuring valid and useful waiting time monitoring - a qualitative study in Swedish specialist care.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
48982021From telementorship to automation.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
48992021Development and evaluation of an outbreak surveillance system integrating whole genome sequencing data for non-typhoidalNotificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49002021A mixed-method service evaluation of health information exchange in England: technology acceptance and barriers and facilitators to adoption.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49012021The state of Ghanaian liver medicine.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
49022021Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE): Overview, Components, and Public Health Applications.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49032021REDCap on FHIR: Clinical Data Interoperability Services.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49042020Improving the leptospirosis disease burden assessment by including ambulatory patients from outpatient departments: a cross-sectional study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49052020A Picture of Breast Reconstruction in a Public Oncology Hospital in Latin America: A Ten-Year Experience.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49062020Comparison of mortality rate in older adults with and without functional awareness: the Neurological Disorders in Central Spain (NEDICES) population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49072020Ischemic stroke: Process perspective, clinical and profile characteristics, and external factors.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49082020Relationship between ABO blood groups and cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes according to diabetic nephropathy status.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49092020Bridging the mental health treatment gap: effects of a collaborative care intervention (matrix support) in the detection and treatment of mental disorders in a Brazilian city.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49102020Trends in cervical cancer and its precursor forms to evaluate screening policies in a mid-sized Northeastern Brazilian city.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49112020A cohort study among 402 patients with penile cancer in Maranhão, Northeast Brazil with the highest worldwide incidence.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49122020Thyroid carcinoma in children, adolescents, and young adults in Brazil: A report from 11 population-based cancer registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49132020Why Patients Visit Dentists - A Study in all World Health Organization Regions.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49142020Incidence of and Factors Associated With Leprosy Among Household Contacts of Patients With Leprosy in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49152020Mental health in the era of COVID-19: prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a cohort of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes during the social distancing.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49162020Quality of life, anxiety and depression in head and neck cancer patients: a randomized clinical trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49172020Risk of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational, retrospective study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49182020Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy With Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: Insights From the SHaRe Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49192020Man vs. machine: Predicting hospital bed demand from an emergency department.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49202020Multimorbidity and short-term overall mortality among colorectal cancer patients in Spain: A population-based cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49212020Strengthen Electronic Health Records System (EHR-S) Access-Control to Cope with GDPR Explicit Consent.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49222020Incidence of Infectious Adverse Events in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis on Biologic Drugs-Data From the Brazilian Registry for Biologics Monitoring.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49232020Building the hospital event-based surveillance system in Viet Nam: a qualitative study to identify potential facilitators and barriers for event reporting.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49242020Association Between Body Mass Index and Female Sexual Dysfunction: A Cross-sectional Study from the Data Registry on Experiences of Aging, Menopause, and Sexuality.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49252020ALPPS for Locally Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Did Aggressive Surgery Lead to the Oncological Benefit? An International Multi-center Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49262020The effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on body composition and blood pressure: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49272020Chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention in Latin America.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49282020Hepatitis C virus genotypes and associated risk factors in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49292020Acute undifferentiated leukemia: data on incidence and outcomes from a large population-based database.Gerenciamento de dados; Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49302020Changes in Communicating Bad News in the Context of COVID-19: Adaptations to the SPIKES Protocol in the Context of Telemedicine.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49312020Use of insurance claims and electronic health records to assess tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis diagnosis.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49322020Three decades of telemedicine in Brazil: Mapping the regulatory framework from 1990 to 2018.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49332020Tuberculosis Surveillance and Monitoring under the National Public-Private Mix Tuberculosis Control Project in South Korea 2016-2017.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49342020End user information needs for a SMART on FHIR-based automated transfer form to support the care of nursing home patients during emergency department visits.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49352020Challenges in telemedicine for adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy undergoing ketogenic diet treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the public healthcare system in Brazil.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49362020Association of Race With Disease Expression and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49372020Outcome of Patients With Prior Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack and Acute Coronary Syndromes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49382020An Architecture for the Performance Management of Smart Healthcare Applications.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49392020Mutual Authentication Protocol for D2D Communications in a Cloud-Based E-Health System.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49402020Effects of using a mobile health application on the health conditions of patients with arterial hypertension: A pilot trial in the context of Brazil's Family Health Strategy.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49412020Microfluidic Point-of-Care Devices: New Trends and Future Prospects for eHealth Diagnostics.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49422020Is radiotherapy required in first-line treatment of stage I diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor? A report of SIOP-RTSG, AIEOP, JWiTS, and UKCCSG.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49432020Profile of acupuncture use among primary care physicians working in the Brazilian public healthcare system.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
49442020Trends in the Incidence and Mortality of Stroke in Matão, Brazil: The Matão Preventing Stroke (MAPS) Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49452020Is WhatsApp Effective at Increasing the Return Rate of Blood Donors?Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
49462020Efficacy and Safety of Clopidogrel, Prasugrel and Ticagrelor in ACS Patients Treated with PCI: A Propensity Score Analysis of the RENAMI and BleeMACS Registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49472020Reassessing geographic bottlenecks in a respondent-driven sampling based multicity study in Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49482020Spatial dynamics of the Girolando breed in Brazil: analysis of genetic integration and environmental factors.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49492020Factors associated with private health facilities reporting malaria in the national health management information system in Zambia: a cross sectional study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49502020CONGENITAL SYPHILIS IN THE PARAÍBA VALLEY USING A SPATIAL APPROACH.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49512020The impact of imported malaria by gold miners in Roraima: characterizing the spatial dynamics of autochthonous and imported malaria in an urban region of Boa Vista.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49522020Temperature and humidity associated with increases in tuberculosis notifications: a time-series study in Hong Kong.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49532020The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49542020Buruli ulcer: a new case definition for Victoria.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49552020Past, Present, and Future Vulnerability to Dengue in Jamaica: A Spatial Analysis of Monthly Variations.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49562020COVID-19 Australia: Epidemiology Report 31: Fortnightly reporting period ending 6 December 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49572020The German Corona Consensus Dataset (GECCO): a standardized dataset for COVID-19 research in university medicine and beyond.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49582020A Method for Chlorophyll-a and Suspended Solids Prediction through Remote Sensing and Machine Learning.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49592020Tuberculosis cases with post-mortem notification in Brazil, 2014: a descriptive study based on surveillance data.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49602020Safe Interorganizational Health Information Exchange During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49612020Long-term real-life outcomes in a georrefered cohort of acromegalic patients in Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49622020Performance of acute coronary syndrome approaches in Brazil: a report from the BRACE (Brazilian Registry in Acute Coronary SyndromEs).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49632020GIS-based spatial analysis: basic sanitation services in Parana State, Southern Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49642020Completeness of TB notification in Portugal, 2015: an inventory and capture-recapture study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49652020Designing an openEHR-Based Pipeline for Extracting and Standardizing Unstructured Clinical Data Using Natural Language Processing.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49662020Where has all the influenza gone? The impact of COVID-19 on the circulation of influenza and other respiratory viruses, Australia, March to September 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49672020Source and background threshold values of potentially toxic elements in soils by multivariate statistics and GIS-based mapping: a high density sampling survey in the Parauapebas basin, Brazilian Amazon.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
49682020Virological surveillance of influenza viruses in the WHO European Region in 2019/20 - impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49692020Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) information management: addressing national health-care and public health needs for standardized data definitions and codified vocabulary for data exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49702020Morbidity management and surveillance of lymphatic filariasis disease and acute dermatolymphangioadenitis attacks using a mobile phone-based tool by community health volunteers in Ghana.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49712020A NICE perspective on computable biomedical knowledge.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49722020Benchmarking of public health surveillance of COVID-19 in Colombia: First semester.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49732020Integrated displays to improve chronic disease management in ambulatory care: A SMART on FHIR application informed by mixed-methods user testing.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49742020Benchmarking of public health surveillance of COVID-19 in Colombia: First semester.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49752020Public health reporting and outbreak response: synergies with evolving clinical standards for interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49762020Performance of the Colombian surveillance system during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid evaluation of the first 50 days.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49772020Towards Interoperability in Clinical Research - Enabling FHIR on the Open-Source Research Platform XNAT.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49782020The effect of COVID-19 public health measures on nationally notifiable diseases in Australia: preliminary analysis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49792020Exchange of Clinical and Omics Data According to FAIR Principles: A Review of Open Source Solutions.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49802020Longitudinal vaginal septum: a proposed classification and surgical management.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49812020[COVID-19 and work environment: legislative developments about the role of the occupational physician in the emergency management and in the SARS-CoV-2-related work accidents notification].Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49822020Towards an Architecture for the Interoperability of Hospital Information Systems in Burkina Faso.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49832020Does Kyphectomy Improve the Quality of Life of Patients With Myelomeningocele?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
49842020Incidence, predictors and prognostic impact of intracranial bleeding within the first year after an acute coronary syndrome in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
49852020COVID-19 Australia: Epidemiology Report 27: Fortnightly reporting period ending 11 October 2020.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49862020Evaluation of Racial Disparities in Hospice Use and End-of-Life Treatment Intensity in the REGARDS Cohort.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
49872020Mi Argentina/Mi Salud: The Argentinian Citizen Digital Health Portal.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49882020Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Tuscany Region, Italy, 2016-2017: Integrating Multiple Data Sources to Investigate Underreporting.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49892020Assessment of Health Care Exposures and Outcomes in Adult Patients With Sepsis and Septic Shock.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
49902020Argentinian Digital Health Strategy.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49912020Brain networks associated with anticipatory postural adjustments in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
49922020Measuring Timeliness of Outbreak Response in the World Health Organization African Region, 2017-2019.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49932020Associations between green space and preterm birth: Windows of susceptibility and interaction with air pollution.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
49942020Cross-Border Exchange of Clinical Data Using Archetype Concepts Compatible with the International Patient Summary.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49952020Legionnaires' Disease on the Rise in Switzerland: A Denominator-Based Analysis of National Diagnostic Data, 2007-2016.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49962020Accuracy in Reporting of Kentucky Certified Nurse-Midwives as Attendants in Birth Registration Data.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
49972020Decentralised provenance for healthcare data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
49982020The burden of legionnaires' disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
49992020E-health. Patterns of use and perceived benefits and barriers among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their physicians - Part 3: Telemedicine and collection of computerized personal information.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
50002020An Architecture and Management Platform for Blockchain-Based Personal Health Record Exchange: Development and Usability Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50012020Network-based fMRI-neurofeedback training of sustained attention.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
50022020Automated digital reporting of clinical laboratory information to national public health surveillance systems, results of a EU/EEA survey, 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50032020Exposure to PFAS and small for gestational age new-borns: A birth records study in Veneto Region (Italy).Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
50042020Development of an openEHR Template for COVID-19 Based on Clinical Guidelines.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50052020External validation of prognostic models predicting pre-eclampsia: individual participant data meta-analysis.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50062020Obesity blunts cephalic-phase microvascular responses to food.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
50072020Identifying the outbreak signal of COVID-19 before the response of the traditional disease monitoring system.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50082020Enabling health information exchange at a US Poison Control Center.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50092020Study protocol: functioning curves and trajectories for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in Brazil - PartiCipa Brazil.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50102020Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
50112020Converting clinical document architecture documents to the common data model for incorporating health information exchange data in observational health studies: CDA to CDM.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50122020Automated diagnosis of intestinal parasites: A new hybrid approach and its benefits.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50132020Disease and death from work: RIDDOR and covid-19.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50142020Lightweight Proof of Game (LPoG): A Proof of Work (PoW)'s Extended Lightweight Consensus Algorithm for Wearable Kidneys.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50152020Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Combined With Therapeutic Exercise in Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50162020Children as sentinels of tuberculosis transmission: disease mapping of programmatic data.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50172020FAIR data sharing: The roles of common data elements and harmonization.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50182020Association between the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections detected by passive surveillance and the magnitude of the asymptomatic reservoir in the community: a pooled analysis of paired health facility and community data.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50192020Contextual, Social and Epidemiological Characteristics of the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Likati Health Zone, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2017.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50202020An Automated Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources-Based 12-Lead Electrocardiogram Mobile Alert System for Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50212020Comparison of supervised machine learning classification techniques in prediction of locoregional recurrences in early oral tongue cancer.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
50222020COVID-19, Australia: Epidemiology Report 23 (Fortnightly reporting period ending 16 August 2020).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50232020Sync for Genes: Making Clinical Genomics Available for Precision Medicine at the Point-of-Care.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50242020Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Sabah, Malaysia, 2012-2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50252020Spatiotemporal characteristics and the epidemiology of tuberculosis in China from 2004 to 2017 by the nationwide surveillance system.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50262020Retrospective analysis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis case notifications in Australia (1999-2018).Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50272020An open-source GIS-enabled lookup service for Nagoya Protocol party information.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50282020Disparities in Emergent Colectomy for Colorectal Cancer Contribute to Inequalities in Postoperative Morbidity and Mortality in The US Health Care System.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
50292020Do changes in STEC diagnostics mislead interpretation of disease surveillance data in Switzerland? Time trends in positivity, 2007 to 2016.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50302020Technology-facilitated care coordination in rural areas: What is needed?Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50312020Laboratory-based surveillance of invasive listeriosis in Northern Italy over a fourteen-year period: epidemiological and clinical results.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50322020Improving Contagious Disease Reporting in a Medical Examiner's Office.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50332020Implementing the Cures Act - Bringing Consumer Computing to Health Care.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50342020Digital technology applications for contact tracing: the new promise for COVID-19 and beyond?Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50352020Data Citizenship under the 21st Century Cures Act.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50362020Impact of the Ebola virus disease outbreak (2014-2016) on tuberculosis surveillance activities by Guinea's National Tuberculosis Control Program: a time series analysis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50372020The impact of transitioning from availability of outside records within electronic health records to integration of local and outside records within electronic health records.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50382020Diagnosis of leprosy in a Nigerian migrant: implementation of surveillance measures in the current migration context.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50392020Advancing laboratory medicine in hospitals through health information exchange: a survey of specialist physicians in Canada.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50402020Compliance with disease surveillance and notification by private health providers in South-West Nigeria.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50412020Hospital adoption of multiple health information exchange approaches and information accessibility.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50422020Establishing seasonal and alert influenza thresholds in Morocco.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50432020Application Programming Interfaces in Health Care: Findings from a Current-State Sociotechnical Assessment.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50442020Using Open-Source Intelligence to Detect Early Signals of COVID-19 in China: Descriptive Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
50452020Applying Bidirectional Transformations to the Design of Interoperable EMR Systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50462020Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on kidney transplant rates and clinical outcomes among waitlisted candidates in a single center European experience.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50472020Opt-in consent policies: potential barriers to hospital health information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50482020The relation between regular outpatient follow-up and frequency of emergency department visits in sickle cell pediatric patients.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50492020Health information technology for ambulatory care in health systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50502020Interoperability and Considerations for Standards-Based Exchange of Medical Images: HIMSS-SIIM Collaborative White Paper.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50512020Willingness to pay for kidney transplantation among chronic kidney disease patients in Ghana.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50522020Sharing information electronically with other hospitals is associated with increased sharing of patients.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50532020Public health investments and mortality risk in Brazilian peritoneal dialysis patients.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
50542020Influential factors of out of pocket payments for health care in Iran: A foresight approach using the cross impact analysis.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50552020Nursing now and always: evidence for the implementation of the Nursing Now campaign.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50562020Public financing of human insulins in Brazil: 2009-2017.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
50572020Strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery: potentialities and connections in the complex perspective.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50582020The differential impact of economic recessions on health systems in middle-income settings: a comparative case study of unequal states in Brazil.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
50592020Increasing Wait-Time Mortality for Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Population-Level Study of the Transition in Practice From Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50602020The complementary nature of query-based and directed health information exchange in primary care practice.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50612020The health of healthcare professionals coping with the Covid-19 pandemic.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50622020Hypertension and diabetes treatment affordability and government expenditures following changes in patient cost sharing in the "Farmácia popular" program in Brazil: an interrupted time series study.Financiamento da saúdebrasileiro
50632020Healthcare data warehouse system supporting cross-border interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50642020Association of Sickness Absence With Severe Psychiatric Outcomes in a Brazilian Health Workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50652020The economic burden of measles in children under five in Bangladesh.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50662020Managing patient flows in radiation oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic : Reworking existing treatment designs to prevent infections at a German hot spot area University Hospital.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50672020Hemogram data as a tool for decision-making in COVID-19 management: applications to resource scarcity scenarios.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50682020Non-invasive cardiac stress studies may not offer significant benefit in pre-kidney transplant evaluation: A retrospective cohort study.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50692020Neurocritical Care Resource Utilization in Pandemics: A Statement by the Neurocritical Care Society.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50702020Long-term effect of the Brazilian Workers' Food Program on the nutritional status of manufacturing workers: A population-based prospective cohort study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50712020Trend and status of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Iran: equity and catastrophic effect.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50722020Cancellation of Elective Surgery and Intensive Care Unit Capacity in New York State: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50732020The effect of shifting medical coverage from National Health Insurance to Medical Aid type I and type II on health care utilization and out-of-pocket spending in South Korea.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50742020Perceptions of gender equity in departmental leadership, research opportunities, and clinical work attitudes: an international survey of 11 781 anaesthesiologists.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
50752020Medicare Advantage for All, Perhaps?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50762020Reducing wait time for administration of systemic anticancer treatment (SACT) in a hospital outpatient facility.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50772020Cost of Treatment for Cervical Cancer in India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50782020Evaluating the cost and wait-times of a task-sharing model of care for diabetic eye care: a case study from Australia.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50792020Out-of-pocket health expenditure on diarrheal illness among under-five children in a teaching hospital ins Odisha, India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50802020Financial Advice for Difficult Times: 2 Sides of a Coin.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50812020Determinants of out-of-pocket and catastrophic health expenditure in rural population: A community-based study in a block of Purba Barddhaman, West Bengal.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50822020Analysis of Shared Services Center Deployment at a University Hospital (CENTROMED) in Natal, Brazil: A Study on Availability and Capacity.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
50832020The Association between Out-of-Pocket Expenditure and COVID-19 Mortality Globally.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50842020[Risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2: multi-criteria spatial evaluation in a municipality of Colombia, 2020].Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
50852020Stakeholders perspectives and deployment strategies of health information exchange illustrated through an in-depth case study of Pakistan.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
50862020A DEA-Based Complexity of Needs Approach for Hospital Beds Evacuation during the COVID-19 Outbreak.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
50872020Design of the Pregnancy REmote MOnitoring II study (PREMOM II): a multicenter, randomized controlled trial of remote monitoring for gestational hypertensive disorders.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
50882020Ambulance Charters during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Equitable Access to Scarce Resources.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50892020Evaluation of Case Volumes of a Heart Transplant Program and Short-term Outcomes After Changes in the United Network for Organ Sharing Donor Heart Allocation System.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50902020Good Practice Recommendations from the Brazilian Society of Nephrology to Dialysis Units Concerning the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19).Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
50912020Telemonitoring at scale for hypertension in primary care: An implementation study.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
50922020Analysis of Financial Risk Protection Indicators in Myanmar for Paediatric Surgery.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50932020Use of the Veterans' Choice Program and Attrition From Veterans Health Administration Primary Care.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
50942020Recommendations from the Brazilian Society of Nephrology regarding the use of cloth face coverings, by chronic kidney patients in dialysis, during the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
50952020Implementation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in the Hospital: Emergent Considerations for Remote Glucose Monitoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
50962020Estimating Catastrophic Health Expenditures from Household Surveys: Evidence from Living Standard Measurement Surveys (LSMS)-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (ISA) from Sub-Saharan Africa.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
50972020Global Impact of COVID-19 on Nuclear Medicine Departments: An International Survey in April 2020.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
50982020Reach out behavioral intervention for hypertension initiated in the emergency department connecting multiple health systems: study protocol for a randomized control trial.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
50992020Catastrophic health expenditures arising from out-of-pocket payments: Evidence from South African income and expenditure surveys.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51002020Effect of Daytime Versus Night-time on Outcome in Patients Undergoing Emergent Neurosurgical Procedures.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51012020ICU beds: less is more? No.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
51022020Efficacy and acceptability of self-monitoring via a smartphone application versus traditional paper records in an intensive outpatient eating disorder treatment setting.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
51032020Measuring Out-of-pocket Payment, Catastrophic Health Expenditure and the Related Socioeconomic Inequality in Peru: A Comparison Between 2008 and 2017.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51042020Guidelines for TMS/tES clinical services and research through the COVID-19 pandemic.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
51052020Government health expenditure, out-of-pocket payment and social inequality: A cross-national analysis of China and OECD countries.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51062020COVID-19 pandemic: guidance for nuclear medicine departments.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
51072020Frequency and awareness of hypoglycemia in patients with Type 2 Diabetes treated with two or more insulin injections in primary care outpatient clinics.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
51082020Gender bias in hospitalization financing from borrowings, selling of assets, contribution from relatives or friends in India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51092020Current Practices for Screening and Management of Financial Distress at NCCN Member Institutions.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51102020Caseload is increased by resequencing cases before and on the day of surgery at ambulatory surgery centers where initial patient recovery is in operating rooms and cleanup times are longer than typical.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51112020Impact of Medical Debt on the Financial Welfare of Middle- and Low-Income Families across China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51122020Optimization of the Operating Room Scheduling Process for Improving Efficiency in a Tertiary Hospital.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51132020Out of pocket expenditures of patients with a chronic condition consulting a primary care provider in Tajikistan: a cross-sectional household survey.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51142020Does the physician in triage strategy improve door-to-balloon time for patients with STEMI?Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51152020An Assessment of Glycaemic Control and Modes of Health Financing among Type 2 Diabetic Patients Attending a Teaching Hospital in South-western Nigeria.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51162020Restructuring the surgical process after regional reform in Emilia-Romagna: an action-research project at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51172020Informal out-of-pocket payments for healthcare services in Greece.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51182020Practice recommendations for risk-adapted head and neck cancer radiotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ASTRO-ESTRO consensus statement.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51192020Perspectives on smokefree prison policy among people in custody in Scotland.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51202020Catastrophic health expenditure: A comparative analysis of smoking and non-smoking households in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51212020A heuristic approach to the task planning problem in a home care business.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51222020Does affordability matter? Examining the trends and patterns in health care expenditure in India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51232020Management Considerations for the Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer During the Global Covid-19 Pandemic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51242020What Are the Determinants of a Workplace Health Promotion? Application of a Social Marketing Model in Identifying Determinants of Physical Activity in the Workplace (a Qualitative Study).Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51252020Treatment as insurance: HIV antiretroviral therapy offers financial risk protection in Malawi.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51262020Utilizing online stochastic optimization on scheduling of intensity-modulate radiotherapy therapy (IMRT).Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51272020Affording unavoidable emergency surgical care - The lived experiences and payment coping strategies of households in Ibadan metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51282020An analysis of waiting times in patients with thyroid cancer.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51292020Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure from Typhoid Perforation in Children in Nigeria.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51302020Waiting time information in the Italian NHS: A citizen perspective.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51312020Patient-Provider Discussions About Out-of-Pocket Costs of Cancer Care in the U.S.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51322020Patch Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations of the AEDV's Spanish Contact Dermatitis and Skin Allergy Research Group (GEIDAC).Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
51332020Reduced Cost-sharing for Preventive Drugs Preferentially Benefits Low-income Patients With Diabetes in High Deductible Health Plans With Health Savings Accounts.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51342020Facebook-Based Social Marketing to Reduce Smoking in Australia's First Nations Communities: An Analysis of Reach, Shares, and Likes.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51352020Cumulative Burden of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Across the Spectrum of Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Among Non-Elderly Adults in the United States.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51362020How to control the economic burden of treating cardio-cerebrovascular diseases in China? Assessment based on System of Health Accounts 2011.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51372020Issues Associated With the Management and Governance of Sensor Data and Information to Assist Aging in Place: Focus Group Study With Health Care Professionals.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51382020Let's talk costs: Out-of-pocket cost discussions and shared decision making.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51392020Making impressions count: An evaluation of the quality of information provided by orthodontic practices in London in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51402020COVID-SGIS: A Smart Tool for Dynamic Monitoring and Temporal Forecasting of Covid-19.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51412020Easing the financial burden of cancer on seniors: With many seniors struggling to afford cancer drugs under Medicare, clinicians and advocates are pushing for new laws that limit out-of-pocket expenses.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51422020Risk factors for adverse outcomes among pregnant and postpartum women with acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19 in Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51432020Regulatory post-market drug safety advisories on cardiac harm: A comparison of four national regulatory agencies.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51442020Acute Chagas disease in Brazil from 2001 to 2018: A nationwide spatiotemporal analysis.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51452020Communicative Blame in Online Communication of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Computational Approach of Stigmatizing Cues and Negative Sentiment Gauged With Automated Analytic Techniques.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51462020Informal payments for inpatient health care in post-health transformation plan period: evidence from Iran.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51472020Mandatory Notification of Chronic Chagas Disease: Confronting the Epidemiological Silence in the State of Goiás, Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51482020A Patient Experience Course Syllabus: Integrating Service Sciences Research to Enhance Health-Care Delivery.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51492020[Out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines and supplies in Peru in 2007 and 2016].Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51502020Dengue Surveillance System in Brazil: A Qualitative Study in the Federal District.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51512020Out of pocket expenditure and its associated factors in neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit of tertiary care government hospital of Agra District, Uttar Pradesh.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51522020Syphilis Notifications and the Triggering Processes for Vertical Transmission: A Cross-Sectional Study.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
51532020The relationship between physical activity and out-of-pocket health care costs of the elderly in Europe.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51542020Beyond Body Weight: Design and Validation of Psycho-Behavioural Living and Eating for Health Segments (LEHS) Profiles for Social Marketing.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51552020Social and Behavior Change Communication Interventions Delivered Face-to-Face and by a Mobile Phone to Strengthen Vaccination Uptake and Improve Child Health in Rural India: Randomized Pilot Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51562020Burden and Consequences of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Among Nonelderly Adults With Diabetes Mellitus in the United States.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51572020Marketing communications in health and medicine: perspectives from Willis-Knighton Health System.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51582020Public satisfaction with health system coverage, empirical evidence from SHARE data.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51592020Foundational elements of communication in health and medicine: avenues for strengthening the marketing communications mix.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51602020Depressive costs: medical expenditures on depression and depressive symptoms among rural elderly in China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51612020Integrated marketing communications: a strategic priority in health and medicine.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51622020Out-of-pocket spending and financial burden among low income adults after Medicaid expansions in the United States: quasi-experimental difference-in-difference study.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51632020Reflecting on Marketing communications in health and medicine: perspectives from Willis-Knighton Health System: understanding the big picture.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51642020Out-of-pocket payments and economic consequences from tuberculosis care in eastern China: income inequality.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51652020Personal selling in health and medicine: using sales agents to engage audiences.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51662020Understanding personal health budgets.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51672020Opening Up New Supply Chains.Gestão da cadeia de suprimentosestrangeiro
51682020Response hierarchy models and their application in health and medicine: understanding the hierarchy of effects.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51692020Accounting for the burden and redistribution of health care costs: Who uses care and who pays for it.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51702020Sales promotion in health and medicine: using incentives to stimulate patient interest and attention.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51712020Out of Pocket Expenditure for Sick Newborn Care in Referral Hospitals of Nepal.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51722020A simulation model to evaluate pharmaceutical supply chain costs in hospitals: the case of a Colombian hospital.Gestão da cadeia de suprimentosestrangeiro
51732020Advertising in health and medicine: using mass media to communicate with patients.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51742020Financial Catastrophism Inherent with Out-of-Pocket Payments in Long Term Care for Households: A Latent Impoverishment.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51752020Direct marketing in health and medicine: using direct mail, email marketing, and related communicative methods to engage patients.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51762020Potential health impact and cost-effectiveness of bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Afghanistan.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51772020Public relations in health and medicine: using publicity and other unpaid promotional methods to engage audiences.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51782020Evaluating the Social Marketing Success Criteria in Health Promotion: A F-DEMATEL Approach.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51792020[Management of advertising communication in health care organizations].Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51802020The effect of a community-based health insurance on the out-of-pocket payments for utilizing medically trained providers in Bangladesh.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51812020The Impact of Online Media on Parents' Attitudes toward Vaccination of Children-Social Marketing and Public Health.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51822020Using Online Communication Skills Training to Increase Organ Donation Authorization.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51832020Out of pocket health expenditures in Turkey following introduction of co-payments along with improved primary care services.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51842020The Feasibility of Connecting Conversations: A Narrative Method to Assess Experienced Quality of Care in Nursing Homes from the Resident's Perspective.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51852020The Validity of Connecting Conversations: A Narrative Method to Assess Experienced Quality of Care in Nursing Homes from the Resident's Perspective.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51862020Food and Beverage Advertising Aimed at Spanish Children Issued through Mobile Devices: A Study from a Social Marketing and Happiness Management Perspective.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51872020Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations are taking a leading role in COVID-19 health communication.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51882020Nurture Early for Optimal Nutrition (NEON) programme: qualitative study of drivers of infant feeding and care practices in a British-Bangladeshi population.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51892020Patient co-payments for women diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51902020Partnership between Nurse Navigators and adult persons living with complex chronic disease-An exploratory study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51912020Will the Current COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Long-term Cannabis Buying Practices?Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51922020Standardization of Burn Patients Transfer: Implementation of a Transfer Request Form to Israel's National Burn Center.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
51932020New York State dairy farmers' perceptions of antibiotic use and resistance: A qualitative interview study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51942020Adolescent SBIRT implementation: Generalist vs. Specialist models of service delivery in primary care.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
51952020Local and national stakeholders' perceptions towards implementing and scaling up HIV self-testing and secondary distribution of HIV self-testing by Option B+ patients as an assisted partner service strategy to reach men in Haiti.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51962020A novel social work approach to emergency department buprenorphine induction and warm hand-off to community providers.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
51972020Outpatient Management of Patients in Singapore's National Centre for Infectious Diseases Special Precautions Area Clinic in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
51982020Direct-to-Consumer Advertising for Cancer Centers and Institutes: Ethical Dilemmas and Practical Implications.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
51992020Moving patients from emergency department to medical intensive care unit: Tracing barriers and root contributors.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
52002020Tips and Pearls on Social Media for the Plastic Surgeon.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52012020Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52022020Pharmacist implementation of a transitions of care electronic referral process to provide hand-off between inpatient and outpatient settings.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
52032020A model for rapid emergency department expansion for the COVID-19 pandemic.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52042020A Men Who Have Sex With Men-Friendly Doctor Finder Hackathon in Guangzhou, China: Development of a Mobile Health Intervention to Enhance Health Care Utilization.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52052020Reducing Disrespect and Abuse of Women During Antenatal Care and Delivery Services at Injibara General Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia: A Pre-Post Interventional Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52062020Pharmacist and Data-Driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (P-DQIP): a qualitative study of anticipated implementation factors informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52072020Media and scientific communication about the COVID-19 pandemic and the repercussions on the population's mental health: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52082020Drivers, Risk Factors and Dynamics of African Swine Fever Outbreaks, Southern Highlands, Tanzania.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52092020Measuring Environmental Barriers: Validation and Cultural Adaptation of the Italian Version of the Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF) Scale.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52102020A Citizen Science Facemask Experiment and Educational Modules to Improve Coronavirus Safety in Communities and Schools.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52112020How to assess experienced quality of care in nursing homes from the client's perspective: results of a qualitative study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52122020Implementation of a "Serenity Room": Promoting resiliency in the ED.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52132020Analysing persuasive marketing of ultra-processed foods on Brazilian television.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52142020The gender responsiveness of social marketing interventions focused on neglected tropical diseases.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52152020Experimental study and reflection on peacetime and wartime reconstruction of large general hospitals in public health emergencies.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52162020Video-based feedback using real consultations for a formative assessment in communication skills.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52172020Characterizing and Assessing the Quality of State K-12 Share Table Policies as a Potential Mechanism to Reduce Food Waste and Promote Food Security.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52182020Impact of restrictions on parental presence in neonatal intensive care units related to coronavirus disease 2019.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52192020Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52202020Building an obstetric intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic at a tertiary hospital and selected maternal-fetal and delivery considerations.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52212020Using 360-Degree Video as a Research Stimulus in Digital Health Studies: Lessons Learned.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52222020Design and Implementation of a Regional Inpatient Psychiatry Unit for Patients who are Positive for Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52232020Maintaining Operations and Staff Morale amid Redevelopment and Construction.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52242020Ensuring Organization-Intervention Fit for a Participatory Organizational Intervention to Improve Food Service Workers' Health and Wellbeing: Workplace Organizational Health Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52252020Emergency management in fever clinic during the outbreak of COVID-19: an experience from Zhuhai.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52262020Beyond the asylum and before the 'care in the community' model: exploring an overlooked early NHS mental health facility.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52272020Transforming Positive Pressure IR Suites to Treat COVID-19 Patients.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52282020Preparation of a radiology department in an Italian hospital dedicated to COVID-19 patients.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52292020Family Behaviors as Unchanging Obstacles in End-of-Life Care: 16-Year Comparative Data.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52302020Notes From the Field: Creating a Typology of Childhood Obesity Intervention Strategies.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52312020Hospital care in Departments defined as COVID-free: A proposal for a safe hospitalization protecting healthcare professionals and patients not affected by COVID-19.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52322020Construction situation, costs and charges associated with pharmacy intravenous admixture services: multi-center cross-sectional survey based on 137 medical institutions in mainland China.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52332020Sentinel Case of COVID-19 at Fort Stewart, GA in a National Guard Soldier Participating in Annual Training: A Case Report.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52342020ARRONAX Cyclotron: Setting up of In-House Hospital Radiopharmacy.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52352020The Risk of Not Being Ready: A Novel Approach to Managing Constant Readiness of a High-Level Isolation Unit During Times of Inactivity.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52362020Health literacy and abdominal aortic aneurysms.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52372020Clinical performance and resource utilization in the start of a totally new Intensive Care Unit. Same staff, new area.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52382020Relationship of the Built Environment on Nursing Communication Patterns in the Emergency Department: A Task Performance and Analysis Time Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52392020Endovascular Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Performed in a Hybrid Operating Room Versus Conventional Operating Room Using a C-Arm.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52402020Enhancing intensive care capacity: COVID-19 experience from a Tertiary Center in Israel.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52412020The Correlation Between Visibility and Medical Staff Collaborative Communication in Emergency Departments.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52422020The provider perspective on behavioral health care for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals in the Central Great Plains: A qualitative study of approaches and needs.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52432020Users' Perceptions of Signage Systems at Three Portuguese Hospitals.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52442020Air care: an 'aerography' of breath, buildings and bugs in the cystic fibrosis clinic.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52452020Simulated scenes: a pedagogical experiment to reflect about conflict management in nursing care.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52462020Why I Got Fired: Or the Dilemma of Midnight Census.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52472020Communication in health work during the COVID-19 pandemic.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52482020Rethinking Operating Room Management: Why Clinical Directors Should Embrace Complexity.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52492020Collaborative practices from health care teams to face the covid-19 pandemic.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52502020The Isolation Communication Management System. A Telemedicine Platform to Care for Patients in a Biocontainment Unit.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52512020Can care coordination across levels be improved through the implementation of participatory action research interventions? Outcomes and conditions for sustaining changes in five Latin American countries.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52522020Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a hybrid resuscitation room.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52532020Multi-omics-based identification of SARS-CoV-2 infection biology and candidate drugs against COVID-19.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52542020Transforming ORs into ICUs.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52552020Multidisciplinary health care in cases of childhood suicidal ideation: operational and organizational limits.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52562020Deep phenotyping of 34,128 adult patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in an international network study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52572020French Pandemic Resistance.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52582020Interprofessional relationships of a patient assistance team in critical care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52592020Key elements of preparedness for pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in nuclear medicine units.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52602020BREAKING BAD NEWS IN A NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE: THE PARENT'S EVALUATION.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52612020A model for a ventilator-weaning and early rehabilitation unit to deal with post-ICU impairments following severe COVID-19.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52622020Nurse to adolescent health communication process: approach to Event History Calendar.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52632020Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52642020Structural Shielding Evaluation: A Case Study of the Radiography Room of a Rural Hospital in Jos, Nigeria.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52652020Effects on Medical Students of Longitudinal Small-Group Learning about Breaking Bad News.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52662020Ignored Because It Is Benign - It Is Time to Treat Endometriosis as if It Were Cancer.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52672020Comparative Methodological Assessment of the Randomized GLOBAL LEADERS Trial Using Total Ischemic and Bleeding Events.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52682020[Ward Atmosphere Before and After Relocation of a Psychiatric Hospital to a New Building].Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52692020Multiprofessional team perception of a music therapeutic workshop developed by nurses.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
52702020Sorting of suitable areas for disposal of construction and demolition waste using GIS and ELECTRE TRI.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52712020[Evaluation of the Usefulness of a Completely Separated Infection Waiting Room and Non-infection Waiting Room in a Pediatric Neighborhood Pharmacy].Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52722020COVID-19 in people with multiple sclerosis: A global data sharing initiative.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52732020A hermeneutic-phenomenological study of paediatric intensive care unit nurses' professional identity following hospital redesign: Lessons learned for managers.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52742020REPLICCAR II Study: Data quality audit in the Paulista Cardiovascular Surgery Registry.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52752020Exploring Managers' Opinions on Planning and Designing Adult Day Care Centers.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52762020Development of a Data Model and Data Commons for Germ Cell Tumors.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52772020Design Thinking-Informed Simulation: An Innovative Framework to Test, Evaluate, and Modify New Clinical Infrastructure.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52782020Statistical analysis plan for a cluster-randomised trial assessing the effectiveness of implementation of a bedside evidence-based checklist for clinical management of brain-dead potential organ donors in intensive care units: DONORS (Donation Network to Optimise Organ Recovery Study).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52792020A mobile methods pilot study of surgical spaces: 'fit for purpose? Organisational productivity and workforce wellbeing in workspaces in hospital' (FLOURISH).Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52802020How to choose the best category for a protected area? A multicriteria analysis method based on ecosystem services conservation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52812020Comparative impact of fear appeals and induced hypocrisy advertising in encouraging intent to quit smoking: Applying self-construal theory to consumers' attitudes.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
52822020Emergency Department Design in Low- and Middle-Income Settings: Lessons from a University Hospital in Haiti.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52832020Open access publishers: The new players.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52842020A comparative study of mothers of infants hospitalized in an open ward neonatal intensive care unit and a combined pod and single-family room design.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52852020Respiratory Diseases, Malaria and Leishmaniasis: Temporal and Spatial Association with Fire Occurrences from Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52862020The Business Case for Evidence-Based Design in Radiology Departments.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52872020Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52882020The Influence of Visibility on Medical Teamwork in Emergency Departments: A Mixed-Methods Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52892020Database of the alumni performance of the Ophthalmology Stricto sensu Postgraduate Program at Escola Paulista de Medicina, UNIFESP.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52902020The Impact of Infusion Center Layout on Workflow and Satisfactions in Two Cancer Infusion Centers: A Case Study on Staff and Patients.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52912020National Immunization Program Information System: implementation context assessment.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52922020Ethics in Telehealth: Comparison between Guidelines and Practice-based Experience -the Case for Learning Health Systems.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52932020Impacts of Nursing Unit Design on Visibility and Proximity and Its Influences on Communication, Privacy, and Efficiency.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52942020Prediction of admission in pediatric emergency department with deep neural networks and triage textual data.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52952020Renovation in hospitals: Training construction crews to work in health care facilities.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52962020Effectiveness of Maintenance Immunosuppression Therapies in a Matched-Pair Analysis Cohort of 16 Years of Renal Transplant in the Brazilian National Health System.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52972020The Effect of a Rapid Assessment Zone on Emergency Department Operations and Throughput.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
52982020Impact of mining activities on areas of environmental protection in the southwest of the Amazon: A GIS- and remote sensing-based assessment.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
52992020Healing architecture and psychiatric practice: (re)ordering work and space in an in-patient ward in Denmark.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53002020Brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), genome: putative underpinnings of polyphagy, insecticide resistance potential and biology of a top worldwide pest.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53012020Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53022020As syllable from sound': the sonic dimensions of confinement at the State Hospital for the Insane at Worcester, Massachusetts.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53032020Perinatal risk factors and Apgar score ≤ 3 in first minute of life in a referral tertiary obstetric and neonatal hospital.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53042020Development and Validation of an Application for Follow-up of Patients Undergoing Dialysis: NefroPortátil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53052020CoMPARA: Collaborative Modeling Project for Androgen Receptor Activity.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53062020Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: international survey and call for harmonisation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53072020Histological characteristics of early-stage oral tongue cancer in young versus older patients: A multicenter matched-pair analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53082020Burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53092020Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53102020Evaluation of a Mental and Behavioral Health Patient Room Mockup at a VA Facility.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53112020Renovation in Hospitals: Pressurization Strategies by Healthcare Contractors in the United States.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53122020Effects of Dapagliflozin on Symptoms, Function, and Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction: Results From the DAPA-HF Trial.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53132020Dysfunctional posttraumatic cognitions, posttraumatic stress and depression in children and adolescents exposed to trauma: a network analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53142020Design Strategies to Improve Emergency Departments' Performance During Mass Casualty Incidents: A Survey of Caregivers.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53152020Impact of Built Design on Nighttime Family Presence in the Intensive Care Unit.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53162020Underreporting of Death by COVID-19 in Brazil's Second Most Populous State.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53172020The Latin American network for congenital malformation surveillance: ReLAMC.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53182020Trends in the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in a brazilian city.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53192020Patient-centered assessments: how can they be used in dental clinical trials?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53202020Temporal trend of cancer mortality in a Brazilian state with a medium Human Development Index (1980-2018).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53212020A parallel 3-group randomised clinical trial comparing different implant treatment options for the edentulous mandible: 1-year effects on dental patient-reported outcomes and chewing function.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53222020Minimal Clinically Important Difference in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures with the Transforaminal Endoscopic Decompression for Lateral Recess and Foraminal Stenosis.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53232020Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Selected Countries of Latin America: Age-Period-Cohort Effect.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53242020Trends in Melanoma Mortality in Brazil: A Registry-Based Study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53252020The global impact of SARS-CoV-2 in 181 people with cystic fibrosis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53262020Impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53272020Using structural MRI to identify bipolar disorders - 13 site machine learning study in 3020 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorders Working Group.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53282020Excess of cardiovascular deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian capital cities.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53292020Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of treating Healthcare Professionals with the Adsorbed COVID-19 (Inactivated) Vaccine Manufactured by Sinovac - PROFISCOV: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53302020Long-Term Outcomes After Infective Endocarditis After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53312020Minimal Clinically Important Differences and Substantial Clinical Benefit in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures after Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53322020Incidence, characteristics, determinants, and prognostic impact of recurrent syncope.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53332020Is there evidence that radiotherapy for head and neck cancer influences the incidence of dental caries?Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53342020Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53352020Prevalence of hypertension and associated factors in female prison correctional officers in a national sample in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53362020Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on care of oncological patients: experience of a cancer center in a Latin American pandemic epicenter.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
53372020Estimating completeness of national and subnational death reporting in Brazil: application of record linkage methods.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53382020Epidemiological aspects of Ancylostoma spp. infection in naturally infected dogs from São Paulo state, Brazil.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
53392020Analysis of the relationship between hospital characteristics and survival in ovarian cancer: A historical cohort.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53402020Accuracy of identifying incident stroke cases from linked health care data in UK Biobank.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
53412020Analysis of the mortality trend in the indigenous population of Brazil, 2000-2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53422020Comparison of Two Information Sources for Cause-of-Death Follow-up in the Russian Federation: The Asbest Chrysotile Cohort Study.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
53432020Factors associated with hospitalization and neonatal mortality in a cohort of newborns from the Unified Health System in São Paulo.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53442020Pseudostrabismus in the First Year of Life and the Subsequent Diagnosis of Strabismus.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
53452020Explosion in mortality in the Amazonian epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic 19.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53462020Factors associated with mechanical device-related complications in tube fed patients: A multicenter prospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
53472020Customization and external validation of the Simplified Mortality Score for the Intensive Care Unit (SMS-ICU) in Brazilian critically ill patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53482020Global Burden of Childhood Epilepsy, Intellectual Disability, and Sensory Impairments.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53492020Quality of Life after 10 Years of Liver Transplantation.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
53502020Knowledge of managers on the National Mental Health Policy.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
53512020Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: An international multicenter study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53522020Self-perceived competence and training needs analysis on antimicrobial stewardship among government ward pharmacists in Malaysia.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
53532020Reducing central vein catheterization complications with a focused educational program: a retrospective cohort study.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
53542020Decrease in Hospital Admissions for Transient Ischemic Attack, Mild, and Moderate Stroke During the COVID-19 Era.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53552019Healthcare and discourse: exploration of interprofessional learning within a Brazilian context.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
53562019A comparison of reintervention rates after endovascular aneurysm repair between the Vascular Quality Initiative registry, Medicare claims, and chart review.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
53572019Redistribution of heart failure deaths using two methods: linkage of hospital records with death certificate data and multiple causes of death data.Codificação de dadosbrasileiro
53582019Simulation of Appointment Scheduling Policies: a Study in a Bariatric Clinic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
53592019Trends in the Incidence of Breast Cancer Following the Radiological Accident in Goiânia: A 25-Year Analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53612019Efficacy of sofosbuvir as treatment for yellow fever: protocol for a randomised controlled trial in Brazil (SOFFA study).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53622019Infective Endocarditis Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Comparison of Balloon- Versus Self-Expandable Valves.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53632019Weaning from mechanical ventilation in people with neuromuscular disease: protocol for a systematic review.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53642019Socio-demographic characteristics are related to the advanced clinical stage of oral cancer.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53652019A Research Roadmap: Connected Health as an Enabler of Cancer Patient Support.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53662019Postgraduate Studies in Digital Health (eHealth): Developing a Blended-Learning Model and Real-Life Spaces.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53672019Describing mortality trends for major cancer sites in 133 intermediate regions of Brazil and an ecological study of its causes.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53682019What do Cochrane systematic reviews say about telemedicine for healthcare?Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
53692019Commercial Devices-Based System Designed to Improve the Treatment Adherence of Hypertensive Patients.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53702019Probabilistic Return-on-Investment Analysis of Single-Family Versus Open-Bay Rooms in Neonatal Intensive Care Units-Synthesis and Evaluation of Early Evidence on Nosocomial Infections, Length of Stay, and Direct Cost of Care.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
53712019Discontinuation, persistence and adherence to subcutaneous biologics delivered via a homecare route to Scottish adults with rheumatic diseases: a retrospective study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53722019Collaboration Between Medical Professionals: Special Interest Groups in the Brazilian Telemedicine University Network (RUTE).Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúde; Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
53732019Predictors of Adherence to HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and Retention in Care After an Episode of Sexual Violence in Brazil.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53742019Disparities in Access and Mortality of Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Using the Brazilian Public Healthcare System: VICTIM Register.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53752019Medication Use and Sexual Function: A Population-Based Study in Middle Aged Women.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53762019Assessing trends of breast cancer and carcinoma in situ to monitor screening policies in developing settings.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53772019Prevalence and profile of adverse drug reactions in high-risk pregnancy: a cohort study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53782019Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2017: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study.Gerenciamento de dados; Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53792019In hospital falls of a large hospital.Gerenciamento de dados; Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53802019Determination of birth-weight centile thresholds associated with adverse perinatal outcomes using population, customised, and Intergrowth charts: A Swedish population-based cohort study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53812019Potentially inappropriate medications in older kidney transplant recipients: a Brazilian prevalence study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53822019Photodynamic Therapy Versus Glucose for the Treatment of Telangiectasia: A Randomised Controlled Study in a Rabbit Ear Model.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53832019Rationale and design for a cluster randomized quality-improvement trial to increase the uptake of evidence-based therapies for patients at high cardiovascular risk: The BRIDGE-Cardiovascular Prevention trial.Gerenciamento de dados; Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
53842019Incidence and mortality of myeloid malignancies in children, adolescents and Young adults in Brazil: A population-based study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53852019Systemic manifestations of primary Sjögren's syndrome out of the ESSDAI classification: prevalence and clinical relevance in a large international, multi-ethnic cohort of patients.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53862019Disparities in Epidemiological Profile of Gastric Adenocarcinoma in Selected Cities of Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53872019Comparison of Pheochromocytoma-Specific Morbidity and Mortality Among Adults With Bilateral Pheochromocytomas Undergoing Total Adrenalectomy vs Cortical-Sparing Adrenalectomy.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53882019A new combination rule for Spatial Decision Support Systems for epidemiology.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
53892019Occurrence of dermatophytoses in patients from the Sistema Único de Saúde.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53902019Objectively measured access to recreational destinations and leisure-time physical activity: Associations and demographic moderators in a six-country study.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
53912019Socioeconomic determinants of leprosy new case detection in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort: a population-based linkage study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53922019The University of São Paulo Twin Panel: Current Status and Prospects for Brazilian Twin Studies in Behavioral Research.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53932019Geospatial intelligence and health analitycs: Its application and utility in a city with high tuberculosis incidence in Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
53942019Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) cohort of Brazilian patients in a university hospital.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53952019Spatial approach of leprosy in the State of São Paulo, 2009-2012.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
53962019Integrating Data From Randomized Controlled Trials and Observational Studies to Assess Survival in Rare Diseases.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53972019Distance from home to the nearest park and the use of the parks for physical activity: the mediator role of road safety perception in adolescents.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
53982019Ethnoracial and social trends in breast cancer staging at diagnosis in Brazil, 2001-14: a case only analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
53992019Epidemiological and spatial characteristics of interpersonal physical violence in a Brazilian city: A comparative study of violent injury hotspots in familial versus non-familial settings, 2012-2014.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
54002019Stage and histology of cervical cancer in women under 25 years old.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54012019Social determinants of health and maxillofacial injuries in children and adolescents victims of violence: A novel GIS-based modelling application.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
54022019Admission hypothermia, neonatal morbidity, and mortality: evaluation of a multicenter cohort of very low birth weight preterm infants according to relative performance of the center.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54032019Evaluation of the frequency of non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease in adult patients with Gaucher disease type 1.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
54042019Changing rate of serious infections in biologic-exposed rheumatoid arthritis patients. Data from South American registries BIOBADABRASIL and BIOBADASAR.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54052019Perceived discrimination among older adults living in urban and rural areas in Brazil: a national study (ELSI-Brazil).Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
54062019Uptrend in mortality from systemic connective tissue diseases: A joinpoint regression analysis among the general population of Brazil, 1996-2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54072019Performance of serological tests PGL1 and NDO-LID in the diagnosis of leprosy in a reference Center in Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
54082019Evaluation of the mortality registry in Ecuador (2001-2013) - social and geographical inequalities in completeness and quality.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54092019Validating linkage of multiple population-based administrative databases in Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54102019Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Brazil: Analysis of the National Reality Through the BYPASS Registry.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54112019Public hospitalizations for stroke in Brazil from 2009 to 2016.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54122019History of U.S. Respirator Approval (Continued) Particulate Respirators.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
54132019Further evidence of automatic reinforcement effects on verbal form.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
54142019Stillbirth, newborn and infant mortality: trends and inequalities in four population-based birth cohorts in Pelotas, Brazil, 1982-2015.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54152019In vivo Raman spectroscopic characteristics of different sites of the oral mucosa in healthy volunteers.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
54162019Predictors, Incidence, and Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Complicated by Stroke.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54172019Predictors of employment in young adults with psychiatric work disability.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
54182019Impact of Low Ankle-Brachial Index on the Risk of Recurrent Vascular Events.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54192019Predictive ability of ACEF and ACEF II score in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in the GLOBAL LEADERS study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54202019Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic approaches for microbiological diagnosis of hospital-acquired pneumonia.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54212019Machine learning application for prediction of locoregional recurrences in early oral tongue cancer: a Web-based prognostic tool.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54222019The prognostic value of nitrotyrosine levels in coronary heart disease: long-term evaluation in the Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry Strategy (ERICO study).Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54232019Comparison of Smart Contract Blockchains for Healthcare Applications.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54242019Implementing an Oncology Decision Support System: The Case of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54252019Survival differences in multiple myeloma in Latin America and Asia: a comparison involving 3664 patients from regional registries.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54262019High Performance Computing on Flat FHIR Files Created with the New SMART/HL7 Bulk Data Access Standard.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54272019Journey of the Patient With Melanoma: Understanding Resource Use and Bridging the Gap Between Dermatologist, Surgeon, and Oncologist in Different Health Care Systems.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54282019Incidence of rare cancers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54292019Role of Patient and Disease Factors in Adjuvant Systemic Therapy Decision Making for Early-Stage, Operable Breast Cancer: Update of the ASCO Endorsement of the Cancer Care Ontario Guideline.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54302019Emulating a trial of joint dynamic strategies: An application to monitoring and treatment of HIV-positive individuals.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54312019Effect of Xpert MTB/RIF on clinical outcomes in routine care settings: individual patient data meta-analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54322019Evaluating Manual Mappings of Russian Proprietary Formats and Terminologies to FHIR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54332019European Academy of Neurology guideline on trigeminal neuralgia.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
54342019Natural history, treatment, and long-term follow up of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B: an international, multicentre, retrospective study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54352019Incidence and mortality for respiratory cancer and traffic-related air pollution in São Paulo, Brazil.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54362019Increasing pancreatic cancer is not paralleled by pancreaticoduodenectomy volumes in Brazil: A time trend analysis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54372019Fasting insulin resistance affects the prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity in Brazilian adolescents.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54382019Mid-term outcomes after percutaneous interventions in coronary bifurcations.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54392019Performance validation of the ALPPS risk model.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54402019Efficacy of Pirfenidone in the Context of Multiple Disease Progression Events in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
54412019Blockchain-Enabled iWellChain Framework Integration With the National Medical Referral System: Development and Usability Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54422019Impact of a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program on Health Information Exchange Utilization, Prescribing Behaviors, and Care Coordination in an Emergency Department.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54432019Aggregating the syntactic and semantic similarity of healthcare data towards their transformation to HL7 FHIR through ontology matching.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54442019KETOS: Clinical decision support and machine learning as a service - A training and deployment platform based on Docker, OMOP-CDM, and FHIR Web Services.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54452019Towards a Federation of Metadata Repositories: Addressing Technical Interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54462019Prediction of emergency department revisits using area-level social determinants of health measures and health information exchange information.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54472019Designing a Distributed Ledger Technology System for Interoperable and General Data Protection Regulation-Compliant Health Data Exchange: A Use Case in Blood Glucose Data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54482019Discovering Clinical Information Models Online to Promote Interoperability of Electronic Health Records: A Feasibility Study of OpenEHR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54492019Concept to gain trust for a German personal health record system using public cloud and FHIR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54502019Factors associated with the inclusion of oral health technicians into the public health service in Brazil.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
54512019Accessing and sharing health information for post-discharge stroke care through a national health information exchange platform - a case study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54522019Satisfaction and limitation of primary health care nurses' work in rural areas.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
54532019Potential impact of data source and interoperability messaging on health information technology (HIT) users: a study series from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54542019What explains wage differences between male and female Brazilian physicians? A cross-sectional nationwide study.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
54552019The qualculative dimension of healthcare data interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54562019Care time and quality indicators in Intensive Care Units.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
54572019Physical Therapist Education and the Labor Market in Brazil: Advances and Challenges.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
54582019An Assessment of the Interoperability of Electronic Health Record Exchanges Among Hospitals and Clinics in Taiwan.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54592019QLTroca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54602019Evaluating the effect of data standardization and validation on patient matching accuracy.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54612019Recurrent atrial fibrillation/flutter detection after ablation or cardioversion using the AliveCor KardiaMobile device: iHEART results.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
54622019Design and testing of Medivate, a mobile app to achieve medication list portability via Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54632019Evaluation of the association between voice formants and difficult facemask ventilation.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
54642019Developing a real-time electronic symptom monitoring system for patients after discharge following cancer-related surgery.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
54652019Mind the gap: the potential of alternative health information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54662019Patents on hospital medical and dental equipment (EMHO). Question and answer tool.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
54672019Feasibility of smart wristbands for continuous monitoring during pregnancy and one month after birth.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
54682019The health information technology special issue: new real-world evidence and practical lessons.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54692019Applying Human Factors Engineering Methods for Risk Assessment of a Neonatal Incubator.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
54702019An ontological foundation for ocular phenotypes and rare eye diseases.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54712019Comment on "Surgical smoke: Risk assessment and mitigation strategies" and chemical adsorption by activated carbon N95 masks.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
54722019Active Learning of the HL7 Medical Standard.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54732019Lean-Oriented Layout Design of a Health Care Facility.Gestão de instalaçõesbrasileiro
54742019Effect on VA Patient Satisfaction of Provider's Use of an Integrated Viewer of Multiple Electronic Health Records.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
54752019[Efficiency between the different measurement patterns of home blood pressure monitoring in the follow-up of hypertensive patients in primary care].Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
54762019Pathways to, and use of, sexual healthcare among Black Caribbean sexual health clinic attendees in England: evidence from cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveys.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
54772019Chikungunya-attributable deaths: A neglected outcome of a neglected disease.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
54782019Yellow fever outbreak in a rural-urban mixed community of Espírito Santo, Brazil: epidemiological aspects.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
54792019Characteristics of cases of tuberculosis coinfected with HIV in Minas Gerais State in 2016.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
54802019Measles outbreak: preliminary report on a case series of the first 8,070 suspected cases, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, February to November 2018.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
54812019Towards a common framework for defining ancillary material quality across the development spectrum.Gestão da cadeia de suprimentosestrangeiro
54822019Expanding Coverage of Oncology Drugs in an Aging, Upper-Middle-Income Country: Analyses of Public and Private Expenditures in Chile.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54832019Provider and household costs ofTransações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54842019What Happens When Employers Switch from a "Carve-Out" to a "Carve-In" Model of Managed Behavioral Health?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54852019Overcoming limitations of tuberculosis information systems: researcher and clinician perspectives.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
54862019Financial hardship among rural cancer survivors: An analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54872019Unique health identifiers for universal health coverage.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
54882019A growing side effect of cancer care: Financial toxicity: Researchers are taking a closer look at the financial ruin and other disastrous consequences that can accompany escalating costs of cancer care.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54892019Highly drug-resistant bacteria: Is intra- and inter-hospital communication optimal?Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
54902019Exploring the determinants of distress health financing in Cambodia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54912019A new hope: from neglect of the health sector to aspirations for Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54922019Changes In The Equity Of US Health Care Financing In The Period 2005-16.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54932019Urban-rural comparisons in health risk factor, health status and outcomes in Tianjin, China: A cross-sectional survey (2009-2013).Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54942019Harmonization of Pharmacovigilance Regulation in Brazil: Opportunities to Improve Risk Communication.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
54952019Health System and Beneficiary Costs Associated With Intensive End-of-Life Medical Services.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54962019Per-Prescription Drug Expenditure by Source of Payment and Income Level in the United States, 1997 to 2015.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54972019Private health expenditure in Ireland: Assessing the affordability of private financing of health care.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54982019Increase of catastrophic health expenditure while it does not have socio-economic inequality anymore; findings from a district in Tehran after recent extensive health sector reform.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
54992019Catastrophic health care expenditure in Myanmar: policy implications in leading progress towards universal health coverage.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55002019Trends in Private Equity Acquisition of Dermatology Practices in the United States.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55012019The Personal Financial Burden Associated with Musculoskeletal Trauma.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55022019Patient and healthcare provider knowledge, attitudes and barriers to handover and healthcare communication during chronic disease inpatient care in India: a qualitative exploratory study.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55032019Immunization coverage among under-five children living along a school student through child-to-child and child-to-parent information, education and communication strategy.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55042019[Out of pocket expenditure on health during the last year of life of Mexican elderly: analysis of the Enasem].Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55052019Over- and under-treatment of TB patients in Eastern China: an analysis based on health insurance claims data.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55062019Does a Patient's Trauma History Ethically Justify a Discriminatory Clinical Referral?Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55072019Early Effects of an Accountable Care Organization Model for Underserved Areas.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55082019A scalable, automated warm handoff from the emergency department to community sites offering continued medication for opioid use disorder: Lessons learned from the EMBED trial stakeholders.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55092019Cancer History, Health Insurance Coverage, and Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence and Medication Cost-Coping Strategies in the United States.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55102019Critical steps in the path to using cessation pharmacotherapy following hospital-initiated tobacco treatment.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55112019Willingness to pay for QALY: perspectives and contexts in Japan.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55122019Report of the 2018-2019 Student Affairs Standing Committee.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55132019Financial toxicity risk among adult patients undergoing cancer surgery in the United States: An analysis of the National Inpatient Sample.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55142019Value of a QALY and VSI estimated with the chained approach.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55152019The effect of the health poverty alleviation project on financial risk protection for rural residents: evidence from Chishui City, China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55162019Bad news: Families' experiences and feelings surrounding the diagnosis of Zika-related microcephaly.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55172019Incorporating content related to value and cost-considerations in clinical decision-making: enhancements to medical education.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55182019Assessing Competence in Emergency Radiology Using an Online Simulator.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55192019Assessing progressivity and catastrophic effect of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Canada: 2010-2015.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55202019Predictors of engagement in post-discharge quitline counseling among hospitalized smokers.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
55212019Exploring Doctors' Willingness to Provide Online Counseling Services: The Roles of Motivations and Costs.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55222019Use of high-level health facilities and catastrophic expenditure in Vietnam: can health insurance moderate this relationship?Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55232019Trends in global health financing.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55242019Integrated Approach to Facilitate Stakeholder Participation in the Control of Endemic Diseases of Livestock: The Case of Peste Des Petits Ruminants in Mali.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55252019Microeconomic Costs, Insurance, and Catastrophic Health Spending Among Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction in India: Substudy of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55262019A Typology of Patients Based on Decision-Making Styles: Cross-Sectional Survey Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55272019An Insurer's Program To Incentivize Generic Oncology Drugs Did Not Alter Treatment Patterns Or Spending On Care.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55282019Digital Segmentation of Priority Populations in Public Health.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55292019Financial toxicity in gynecologic oncology.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55302019Implementing guided ICBT for chronic pain and fatigue: A qualitative evaluation among therapists and managers.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55312019Patterns of health care use and out-of-pocket payments among general population and social security beneficiaries in Myanmar.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55322019Investigating the exposure of Iranian households to catastrophic health expenditure due to the need to purchase medicines.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55332019Catastrophic risk associated with out-of-pocket payments for long term care in Spain.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55342019The academic-industry divide in health communication: A call for increased partnership.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55352019Measuring catastrophic medical expenditures: Reflections on three issues.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55362019Has the Public Health System Provided Adequate Financial Risk Protection for Child Birth Conditions - Evidences From an Eastern Indian State.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55372019Responses to a Social Media Campaign Promoting Safe Fish Consumption Among Women.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55382019Hardship financing of out-of-pocket payments in the context of free healthcare in Zambia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55392019Dissemination and Effectiveness of the Peer Marketing and Messaging of a Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness Trial.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55402019Economic impacts of chronic conditions in a country with high levels of population health coverage: lessons from Mongolia.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55412019Impact of behaviour change communication interventions on sales of fortified sunflower oil in Tanzania: A spatial-temporal analysis and association study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55422019Discussing patients' insurance and out-of-pocket expenses during GPs' consultations.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55432019An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Perceived Quality and Well-Being of Children Using an Online Child Helpline.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55442019Economic Burden of Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in North India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55452019National Health Expenditure Projections, 2018-27: Economic And Demographic Trends Drive Spending And Enrollment Growth.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55462019Public perceptions of Internet-based health scams, and factors that promote engagement with them.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55472019Patient costs of hypertension care in public health care facilities in Kenya.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55482019Longitudinal Effect of Ambient Air Pollution and Pollen Exposure on Asthma Control: The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Pediatric Asthma Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55492019Financial risk protection at the bedside: How Ethiopian physicians try to minimize out-of-pocket health expenditures.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55502019A Primer on Social Media Use by Young Plastic Surgeons.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55512019Catastrophic long-term care expenditure: associated socio-demographic and economic factors.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55522019An Academic Research Coach: An Innovative Approach to Increasing Scholarly Productivity in Medicine.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55532019Effects of National Health Insurance on household out-of-pocket expenditure structure.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55542019Constructing a value-based healthcare system for hypertensive patients through changing payment mode: evidence from a comparative study in rural China.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55552019A stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial designed to improve completion of HPV vaccine series and reduce missed opportunities to vaccinate in rural primary care practices.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55562019How to Write an Effective Business Plan in Medicine.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55572019Bank accounts for public primary health care facilities: Reflections on implementation from three districts in Tanzania.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55582019Assessing factors militating against the acceptance and successful implementation of a cloud based health center from the healthcare professionals' perspective: a survey of hospitals in Benue state, northcentral Nigeria.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55592019Reimagining Health Communication: A Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trial of Crowdsourced Intervention in China.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55602019World Pneumonia Day 2011-2016: Twitter contents and retweets.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55612019A Mobile Health Wallet for Pregnancy-Related Health Care in Madagascar: Mixed-Methods Study on Opportunities and Challenges.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55622019Key factors for overcoming psychological insulin resistance: an examination of patient perspectives through content analysis.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55632019Caring to Nurses in a Hospital Setting: Meanings Unveiled by Photography.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55642019Non-verbal nurse-parturient communication in labor in Portuguese-speaking countries.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55652019Development and Validation of an Interdisciplinary Worker's Health Approach Instrument (IWHAI).Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55672019Feasibility and Utility of the Psoriasis Symptom Inventory (PSI) in Clinical Care Settings: A Study from the International Psoriasis Council.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55682019Safety attributes in primary care: understanding the needs of patients, health professionals, and managers.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55692019Presenteeism in multiprofessional team workers in the Adult Intensive Care Unit.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55702019The uptake and implementation of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Australia.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
55712019Improving social skills in care management provided by nurses: intervention research.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55722019Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing Training for Primary Care Dentists and Dental Health Technicians: Results from a Community Clinical Trial.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55732019Implementing the Lever Sign in the Emergency Department: Does it Assist in Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Diagnosis? A Pilot Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55742019Sex work stigma and non-disclosure to health care providers: data from a large RDS study among FSW in Brazil.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55752019Identifying solutions to psychological insulin resistance: An international study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55762019Brazilian nursing professionals: leadership to generate positive attitudes and behaviours.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55772019A qualitative cross-cultural analysis of NICU care culture and infant feeding in Finland and the U.S.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55782019The Function of Disclosing Medical Errors: New Cultural Challenges for Physicians.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
55792019Three discipline collaborative radiation therapy (3DCRT) special debate: The United States needs at least one carbon ion facility.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55802019Single-Room Ward Design and Its Impact on Service and Patient Outcomes: An Evaluation Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55812019A well-being vision: Transcending care.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55822019Measuring hospital qualities. A preliminary investigation on Health Impact Assessment possibilities for evaluating complex buildings.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55832019Structure of the Anesthesia Intensive Care Units: Recommendations of the Intensive Care Section of the Spanish Society of Anaesthesiology.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55842019Difficulties in providing palliative care in identified palliative care beds: An exploratory survey.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55852019Electronic and manual registration of Manchester System: reliability, accuracy, and time evaluation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55862019The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology: enabling universal sickle cell-based knowledge representation.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55872019Is it possible to feel at home in a patient room in an intensive care unit? Reflections on environmental aspects in technology-dense environments.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55882019Investigating Software Requirements for Systems Supporting Task-Shifted Interventions: Usability Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55892019Conversion of a Conference Room into a Low-Acuity Inpatient Medical Unit: A Creative Response to Influenza-Related Surge.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55902019Associations of built environment and proximity of food outlets with weight status: Analysis from 14 cities in 10 countries.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55912019Mock-Ups: Using Experiential Simulation Models in the Healthcare Design Process.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55922019Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55932019A Survey of Emergency Department Quality Improvement Activities: Effective Fast Track Waiting Area Management.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55942019Patterns of Genome-Wide Variation, Population Differentiation and SNP Discovery of the Red Banded Stink Bug (Piezodorus guildinii).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55952019A blueprint to establish a four-bed obstetric critical care unit in the labor ward of a central hospital.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55962019Publisher Correction: Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55972019Fit for purpose? OrganisationaL prOdUctivity and woRkforce wellbeIng in workSpaces in Hospital (FLOURISH): a multimethod qualitative study protocol.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
55982019Decision Support Systems for Tuberculosis: Protocol for a Scoping Review.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
55992019Strengthening service integration for effective linkage of HIV-positive mothers to antiretroviral treatment: a cross-sectional study in two military health facilities in Kaduna, Nigeria, 2014.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56002019The Consortium of Metabolomics Studies (COMETS): Metabolomics in 47 Prospective Cohort Studies.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56012019Escalator-related injuries in one of the deepest subway stations in Europe.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56022019Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Triple Therapy With Telaprevir and Boceprevir for Chronic Hepatitis C: A Decision Analysis From the Brazilian Public Health System Perspective.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56032019Assessment of mobile phone applications for care management in gynecology and obstetrics.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56042019Establishing MRI-guided prostate intervention at a UK Centre.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56052019Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56062019Application of the Incident Command System to the Hospital Biocontainment Unit Setting.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56072019Inventory and assessment of geosites to stimulate regional sustainable management: the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56082019Examining the clinical learning environment through the architectural avenue.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56092019Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors in Child and Adolescent Health, 1990 to 2017: Findings From the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2017 Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56102019Isolation or interaction: healthcare provider experience of design change.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56112019The Bias of combining variables on fish's aggressive behavior studies.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56122019Creating a Sensory-Friendly Pediatric Emergency Department.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56132019Brain Imaging of the Cortex in ADHD: A Coordinated Analysis of Large-Scale Clinical and Population-Based Samples.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56142019An Exploration of Lactation Facilities and Planning in U.S. Higher Education Campuses.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56152019Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Decision Support System for Hypertension Management in the Primary Care Setting in Brazil: Mixed-Methods Field Study on Usability, Feasibility, and Utility.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56162019Evidence-Based Design Has a Sustainable Positive Effect on Patients' Perceptions of Quality of Care in Forensic Psychiatry: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56172019Urinary and Fecal Continence in 5-Year-Old Patients Who Underwent in utero Myelomeningocele Repair: A Prospective Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56182019The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in harmonization of high-resolution post-mortem MRI (virtopsy) with respect to brain microstructure.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56192019Utilization of a Standardized Post-Occupancy Evaluation to Assess the Guiding Principles of a Major Academic Medical Center.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56202019Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56212019Implementation of Telehealth Resources in Primary Care in Brazil and Its Association with Quality of Care.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56222019Increased pelvic mobility and altered hip muscles contraction patterns: two-year follow-up cam-FAIS corrective surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56232019Individual categorisation of glucose profiles using compositional data analysis.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56242019Effects of Probiotic Use on Quality of Life and Physical Activity in Constipated Female University Students: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56252019Effectiveness of customized insoles in patients with Morton's neuroma: a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56262019Regulatory Requirements and Innovation: A Comparison of the Dermatologic Antifungal Drug Product Markets in Brazil and United States.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56272019An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Facility Design and the Provision of Childbirth Care.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56282019Changes health-related quality of life in HIV-infected patients following initiation of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56292019Predicting Patient No-show Behavior: a Study in a Bariatric Clinic.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56302019The Social Logic of Nursing Communication and Team Processes in Centralized and Decentralized Work Spaces.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56312019Modified gait patterns due to cam FAI syndrome remain unchanged after surgery.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56322019Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Linguistic Validation of the FACE-Q Questionnaire for Brazilian Portuguese.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56332019Successful Renovation of a Closed School Into a Long-Term Care Facility in the Affected Area After the 2011 Fukushima Disaster.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56342019An instrument which addresses the expectations of pregnant women over childbirth.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56352019Using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) To Support Performance-Driven Healthcare Design.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56362019Is Patient Satisfaction Associated With Clinical Outcomes After Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Knee?Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56372019The Influence of Spatial Design on Team Communication in Hospital Emergency Departments.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56382019Effects of Emergency Department Physical Design Elements on Security, Wayfinding, Visibility, Privacy, and Efficiency and Its Implications on Staff Satisfaction and Performance.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56392019Facilitating the relocation of an intensive care unit from shared room to single room setting: Staff perceptions on the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56402019Emergency Nurses' Department Design Recommendations for Improved End-of-Life Care.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56412019[Increase in the poverty and inequity in the funding of the Ecuadorian health system].Financiamento da saúde; Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
56422019An Empirical Examination of Nursing Units in China Based on Nurse Experience.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56432019[Unsupervised Linkage between ICD- and Alpha-ID Codes and Real-World Diagnoses from Medical Reports by Means of the "word2vec" Method].Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
56442019Conflict as a possible catalyst for democratic relations in the work of the Family Health team.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
56452018Relocation of blood gas laboratory to the emergency department helps decrease lactic acid values.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56462018Development of an algorithm to link electronic health record prescriptions with pharmacy dispense claims.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
56472018SistematX, an Online Web-Based Cheminformatics Tool for Data Management of Secondary Metabolites.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56482018Case Study: Hospital Integrates Remote, Real-Time Monitoring Data from Isolation Unit.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56492018ICD-11: a brave attempt at classifying a new world.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
56502018Integrated Diagnostic Report: A Brazilian Experience to Improve the Diagnostic Process and Foster Professional Learning.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
56512018ORBDA: An openEHR benchmark dataset for performance assessment of electronic health record servers.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56522018The role of place on healthcare quality improvement: A qualitative case study of a teaching hospital.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56532018The Mental Workload Evaluation in Visualizing Telehealth Indicators on Three-Dimensional Interface.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56542018Through the Eyes of the User: Evaluating Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Design.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56552018Rochester Epidemiology Project Data Exploration Portal.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
56562018CranFlow: An Application for Record-Taking and Management Through the Brazilian Database on Craniofacial Anomalies.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
56572018SUHCAT study, part 5: Comparison of staff and chiefs' perceptions of emergency department quality in Catalonia.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56582018Predictive values of diagnostic codes for identifying serious hypocalcemia and dermatologic adverse events among women with postmenopausal osteoporosis in a commercial health plan database.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
56592018Perception of the level of preparation of intensive care personnel on the self-protection plans.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56602018The Impact of Operating Room Layout on Circulating Nurse's Work Patterns and Flow Disruptions: A Behavioral Mapping Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56612018Efficacy of manual cleaning and an ultraviolet C room decontamination device in reducing health care-associated pathogens on hospital floors.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56622018Radiology Design Project Primer.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56632018Using Lean tools to reduce patient waiting time.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
56642018Radiology Architecture Project Primer.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56652018Knowledge Management for Brazilian Cancer Care Services.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
56662018Macrocognition in the Healthcare Built Environment (mHCBE): A Focused Ethnographic Study of "Neighborhoods" in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56672018Regulation of access to the hospital care network for children in Ceará, Brazil.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
56682018Pediatric Injuries Related to Window Blinds, Shades, and Cords.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56692018Assessment and enrolment process for liver transplantation: nursing management through quality indicators.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdebrasileiro
56702018The Role of Space in Patients' Experience of an Emergency Department: A Qualitative Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56712018Safety and Security Concerns of Nurses Working in the Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56722018Decentralization: The Corridor Is the Problem, Not the Alcove.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56732018Assessment of physicians' proficiency in reading chest radiographs for pneumoconiosis, based on a 60-film examination set with two factors constituting eight indices.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
56742018Environmental and body contamination from cleaning vomitus in a health care setting: A simulation study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56752018Does Previous Laparoscopic Experience Influence Basic Robotic Surgical Skills?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdebrasileiro
56762018Using a Theory-Driven Approach to Manage the Relocation of an Intensive Care Unit: An Exemplar.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56772018"Everything Happens in the Hallways": Exploring User Activity in the Corridors at Two Rehabilitation Units.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56782018The Impact of Visibility on Teamwork, Collaborative Communication, and Security in Emergency Departments: An Exploratory Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56792018Emergency Nurses' Perceptions of Efficiency and Design: Examining ED Structure, Process, and Outcomes.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56802018Developing an emergency department crowding dashboard: A design science approach.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56812018Reducing falls in the inpatient hospital setting.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56822018Annual Burden of Occupationally-Acquired Influenza Infections in Hospitals and Emergency Departments in the United States.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
56832018Myocardial revascularization: factors intervening in the reference and counter-reference in the hospital setting.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56842018Gait Shear and Plantar Pressure Monitoring: A Non-Invasive OFS Based Solution for e-Health Architectures.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
56852018Temporal Trends and Factors Associated with Medication Prescription Patterns in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
56862018Respiratory medication used in COPD patients from seven Latin American countries: the LASSYC study.Prescrição e gerenciamento de medicamentosbrasileiro
56872018Prevalence of visceral leishmaniasis in A population of free-roaming dogs as determined by multiple sampling efforts: A longitudinal study analyzing the effectiveness of euthanasia.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56882018Spatial Distribution of Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum Linnaeus).Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56892018Supervised spatial classification of multispectral LiDAR data in urban areas.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56902018GIS-based planning system for managing the flow of construction and demolition waste in Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56912018Geospatial analysis of residential proximity to open-pit coal mining areas in relation to micronuclei frequency, particulate matter concentration, and elemental enrichment factors.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56922018Local knowledge, use, and conservation of wild birds in the semi-arid region of Paraíba state, northeastern Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
56932018Geographical information system (GIS) modeling territory receptivity to strengthen entomological surveillance: Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) case study in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56942018Differential expression of proteins in genetically distinct Trypanosoma cruzi samples (TcI and TcII DTUs) isolated from chronic Chagas disease cardiac patients.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
56952018Social Context and Geographic Space: An Ecological Study about Hospitalizations of Older Persons.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisbrasileiro
56962018Evaluation of a quality improvement intervention for labour and birth care in Brazilian private hospitals: a protocol.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
56972018SIFR annotator: ontology-based semantic annotation of French biomedical text and clinical notes.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
56982018Immunohistochemical characterization of the M4 macrophage population in leprosy skin lesions.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
56992018Protocol for evaluating the effects of a foot-ankle therapeutic exercise program on daily activity, foot-ankle functionality, and biomechanics in people with diabetic polyneuropathy: a randomized controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57002018Lifetime-Encoded Infrared-Emitting Nanoparticles for in Vivo Multiplexed Imaging.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
57012018Validation of Severe Maternal Morbidity on the US Certificate of Live Birth.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
57022018Compounded Orodispersible Films with Natural Ingredients for Halitosis: A Clinical Experience.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57032018Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
57042018Emilia-Romagna Study on Pregnancy and Exposure to Antiepileptic drugs (ESPEA): a population-based study on prescription patterns, pregnancy outcomes and fetal health.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
57052018Perceived barriers to the implementation of clinical pharmacy services in a metropolis in Northeast Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57062018High thickness histological sections as alternative to study the three-dimensional microscopic human sub-cortical neuroanatomy.Gestão de laboratório e diagnóstico por imagembrasileiro
57072018Constructing a Measure of Private-pay Nursing Home Days.Gerenciamento de certificados de saúde dos usuários do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
57082018Psychological characteristics of caregivers of pediatric patients with chronic rheumatic disease in relation to treatment adherence.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57092018Pooling data from different populations: should there be regional differences in cerebral haemodynamics?Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57102018Comparison of caries lesion detection methods in epidemiological surveys: CAST, ICDAS and DMF.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57112018Ageing with Chagas disease: an overview of an urban Brazilian cohort in Rio de Janeiro.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57122018Infection of Anopheles aquasalis from symptomatic and asymptomatic Plasmodium vivax infections in Manaus, western Brazilian Amazon.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57132018Intestinal paracoccidioidomycosis resembling Crohn's disease in a teenager: a case report.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57142018Physician's sociodemographic profile and distribution across public and private health care: an insight into physicians' dual practice in Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57152018Exploring the emergence and evolution of population patterns of leisure-time physical activity through agent-based modelling.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57162018The books of the dead revisited: mortality and morbidity in the German colonies of southern Brazil, 1850-1880.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
57172018Chemoprophylaxis of leprosy with rifampicin in contacts of multibacillary patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57182018Economic and epidemiological impact of dengue illness over 16 years from a public health system perspective in Brazil to inform future health policies including the adoption of a dengue vaccine.Gerenciamento de dados; Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57192018Misoprostol administered sublingually at a dose of 12.5 μg versus vaginally at a dose of 25 μg for the induction of full-term labor: a randomized controlled trial protocol.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57202018Development and Application of a System Based on Artificial Intelligence for Transcatheter Aortic Prosthesis Selection.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57212018Clinical communication skills and professionalism education are required from the beginning of medical training - a point of view of family physicians.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57222018Malaria during pregnancy and newborn outcome in an unstable transmission area in Brazil: A population-based record linkage study.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57232018Assessment of asymptomatic Plasmodium spp. infection by detection of parasite DNA in residents of an extra-Amazonian region of Brazil.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57242018Nature-Inspired Algorithm for Training Multilayer Perceptron Networks in e-health Environments for High-Risk Pregnancy Care.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57252018Chromosomal microarray analysis in the genetic evaluation of 279 patients with syndromic obesity.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57262018Diagnostic decision support systems for atrial fibrillation based on a novel electrocardiogram approach.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57272018Sudden Death in Young Brazilian Athletes: Isn't It Time We Created a Genuinely National Register?Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
57282018CXCR7 participates in CXCL12-mediated migration and homing of leukemic and normal hematopoietic cells.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57292018Use of a clinical-laboratory score to guide treatment of gestational diabetes.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57302018Knowledge, use, and disuse of unconventional food plants.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57312018Caries treatment decisions among undergraduate and postgraduate students supported by visual detection systems.Suporte à decisão do provedor de saúdebrasileiro
57322018How Does the Patient React After Reading the Informed Consent Form of a Gynecological Surgery? A Qualitative Study.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57332018Myeloperoxidase activity and acute coronary syndrome survival: long-term evaluation in the ERICO study.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
57342018Pharmacokinetics comparison of two pegylated interferon alfa formulations in healthy volunteers.Gerenciamento de consentimento do usuário do serviço de saúdebrasileiro
57352018Case study: using participatory photographic methods for the prevention of medication errors.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57362018Women in Intensive Care study: a preliminary assessment of international data on female representation in the ICU physician workforce, leadership and academic positions.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57372018Internal migration of physicians who graduated in Brazil between 1980 and 2014.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57382018Automated Population of an i2b2 Clinical Data Warehouse using FHIR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57392018Perception of nursing workers humanization under intensive therapy.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57402018Veterans Health Information Exchange: Successes and Challenges of Nationwide Interoperability.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57412018Burnout and nursing work environment in public health institutions.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57422018Interoperability Progress and Remaining Data Quality Barriers of Certified Health Information Technologies.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57432018Advanced Practice Nursing in Pediatric Urology: experience report in the Federal District.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57442018Identity of primary health care nurses: perception of "doing everything".Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57452018Cognitive changes in nurses working in intensive care units.Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57462018Hospital pharmacy workforce in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dados; Gestão de recursos humanosbrasileiro
57472018Improving Hypertension Control in Primary Care With the Measure Accurately, Act Rapidly, and Partner With Patients Protocol.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
57482018A Pilot Study of Use of a Software Platform for the Collection, Integration, and Visualization of Diabetes Device Data by Health Care Providers in a Multidisciplinary Pediatric Setting.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
57492018Enabling precision medicine via standard communication of HTS provenance, analysis, and results.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57502018Practice of use of diapers in hospitalized adults and elderly: cross-sectional study.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
57512018Barriers and Facilitators When Implementing Web-Based Disease Monitoring and Management as a Substitution for Regular Outpatient Care in Pediatric Asthma: Qualitative Survey Study.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
57522018Interoperability in Health and Social Care: Organizational Issues are the Biggest Challenge.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57532018Improving ICU services in resource-limited settings: Perceptions of ICU workers from low-middle-, and high-income countries.Gerenciamento de equipamentos e ativosbrasileiro
57542018A Cloud-Based Virtual Outpatient Clinic for Patient-Centered Care: Proof-of-Concept Study.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
57552018The Ethics of Smart Pills and Self-Acting Devices: Autonomy, Truth-Telling, and Trust at the Dawn of Digital Medicine.Monitoramento pessoal de saúdeestrangeiro
57562018Comprehensive user requirements engineering methodology for secure and interoperable health data exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57572018ClinGen Allele Registry links information about genetic variants.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57582018Team Competencies and Educational Threshold Concepts for Clinical Information Modelling.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57592018MAGIC: once upon a time in consent management-a FHIRTroca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57602018The 21st Century Cures Act and electronic health records one year later: will patients see the benefits?Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57612018SNOMED CT standard ontology based on the ontology for general medical science.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57622018FHIRChain: Applying Blockchain to Securely and Scalably Share Clinical Data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57632018Data standards for interoperability of care team information to support care coordination of complex pediatric patients.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57642018German Medical Informatics Initiative.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57652018Gaps in health information exchange between hospitals that treat many shared patients.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57662018Reimagining Health Data Exchange: An Application Programming Interface-Enabled Roadmap for India.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57672018Assessing the impact of health system organizational structure on hospital electronic data sharing.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57682018Blockchains in IHE-Based Networks.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57692018Beyond Bitcoin: potential applications of blockchain technology in dermatology.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57702018[Challenges of Digital Medicine].Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57712018Sustainable data and metadata management at the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57722018Vendor of choice and the effectiveness of policies to promote health information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57732018Hospitals' adoption of intra-system information exchange is negatively associated with inter-system information exchange.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57742018Achieving Interoperability Between Arden-Syntax-Based Clinical Decision Support and openEHR-Based Data Systems.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57752018An Early Model for Value and Sustainability in Health Information Exchanges: Qualitative Study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57762018Epidemiological Surveillance System on Foodborne Diseases in Brazil after 10-Years of Its Implementation: Completeness Evaluation.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57772018Terminology Services: Standard Terminologies to Control Health Vocabulary.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57782018Progress toward eliminating TB and HIV deaths in Brazil, 2001-2015: a spatial assessment.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57792018Addressing the Socio-Technical Challenges of Health Information Exchange Adoption: DataWell in Greater Manchester.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57802018Epidemiological shift and geographical heterogeneity in the burden of leptospirosis in China.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57812018The (Re)-Relaunching of the DMP, the French Shared Medical Record: New Features to Improve Uptake and Use.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57822018Timeliness in the notification of spotted fever in Brazil: Evaluating compulsory reporting strategies and digital disease detection.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57832018Electronic Health Records: From the Management of Patients to the Research Use of Clinical Data.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57842018Spatial analysis of reported new cases and local risk of leprosy in hyper-endemic situation in Northeastern Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57852018Compatibility Between Metadata Standards: Import Pipeline of CDISC ODM to the Samply.MDR.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57862018Zika virus infection and microcephaly: Evidence regarding geospatial associations.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57872018Consensus Statement: Feature and Function Recommendations to Optimize Clinician Usability of Direct Interoperability to Enhance Patient Care.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57882018Severe influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in pregnant women and neonatal outcomes, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57892018Legal Barriers to the Growth of Health Information Exchange-Boulders or Pebbles?Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57902018Molecular epidemiology of influenza B virus and implications in immunization strategy, Southern Brazil.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicabrasileiro
57912018Success factors for implementing and sustaining a mature electronic medical record in a low-resource setting: a case study of iSanté in Haiti.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57922018An Assessment of Information Exchange Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities to Support US Disease Surveillance in 3 States.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57932018E-health in Switzerland: The laborious adoption of the federal law on electronic health records (EHR) and health information exchange (HIE) networks.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57942018A Population Health Measurement Framework: Evidence-Based Metrics for Assessing Community-Level Population Health in the Global Budget Context.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57952018Development of a gateway for interoperability in community-based care: An empirical study.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57962018Leveraging the Road to Health booklet as a unique patient identifier to monitor the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme.Identificação e registro do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
57972018Toward Improving Quality of End-of-Life Care: Encoding Clinical Guidelines and Standing Orders Using the Omaha System.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57982018Does participation in health information exchange improve hospital efficiency?Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
57992018Perceived strain of undergraduate medical students during a simulated first day of residency.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58002018Exploring variation in how ambulance services address non-conveyance: a qualitative interview study.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58012018[Transfer of care of adolescent inflammatory bowel disease patients without longitudinal transition. Lesson from 10 years experiences].Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58022018Developing Standardized "Receiver-Driven" Handoffs Between Referring Providers and the Emergency Department: Results of a Multidisciplinary Needs Assessment.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58032018Rethinking Social Amplification of Risk: Social Media and Zika in Three Languages.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58042018The teaching approach on communicative skills in different teaching methodologies.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58052018Warm Handoffs and Attendance at Initial Integrated Behavioral Health Appointments.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58062018Mental health information online: what we have learned from social media metrics in BuzzFeed's Mental Health Week.Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58072018[How to Write Discharge Notes and Referral Letters? A Simple but Effective Perspective].Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58082018Telehealth in Schools Using a Systematic Educational Model Based on Fiction Screenplays, Interactive Documentaries, and Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação não direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúde; Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58092018A pragmatic randomized comparative effectiveness trial of transitional care for a socioeconomically diverse population: Design, rationale and baseline characteristics.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58102018A randomized, controlled pilot study of warm handoff versus fax referral for hospital-initiated smoking cessation among people living with HIV/AIDS.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58112018Handovers in primary healthcare in Norway: A qualitative study of general practitioners' collaborative experiences.Coordenação de encaminhamentosestrangeiro
58122018Identifying Consumers Who Search for Long-Term Care on the Web: Latent Class Analysis.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58132018Association of the Overall Well-being of a Population With Health Care Spending for People 65 Years of Age or Older.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58142018Developing fit-for-purpose self-report instruments for assessing consumer responses to tobacco and nicotine products: the ABOUT™ Toolbox initiative.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58152018A review on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) burden, its socio-economic impact and the strategies for prevention and control of NCDs in India.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58162018Gasto de Bolsillo en Salud y Medicamentos en Chile: Análisis Comparativo de los Periodos 1997, 2007, y 2012.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58172018The relationship between catastrophic health expenditure and health-related quality of life.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58182018The impact of unhealthy food sponsorship vs. pro-health sponsorship models on young adults' food preferences: a randomised controlled trial.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58192018Utilization of Health Care and Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure in Zimbabwe: Results from a National Household Survey.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58202018Healthcare establishments as owner-operators of digital billboards: making the most of excellent roadside visibility and high traffic counts to better connect with patients.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58212018Formulating productive marketing communications strategy: a major health system's experience.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58222018Do betting advertisements contain attention strategies that may appeal to children? An interpretative content analysis.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58232018Home-Based Treatment with Immunoglobulins: an Evaluation from the Perspective of Patients and Healthcare Professionals.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58242018A priority-driven, policy-relevant research program to support a response to blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections in NSW, Australia.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58252018Cell, tissue and gene products with marketing authorization in 2018 worldwide.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58262018The Lulun Project's social marketing strategy in a trial to introduce eggs during complementary feeding in Ecuador.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58272018Disease awareness advertising (DAA) in emerging economy: A comparison between views of consumers and pharmaceutical professionals.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58282018Health buzz at school: Evaluations of a statewide teen health campaign.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58292018Prescribing Variation in General Practices in England Following a Direct Healthcare Professional Communication on Mirabegron.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58302018Oncology, fake news, and legal liabilityComunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58312018Toilet training: what can the cookstove sector learn from improved sanitation promotion?Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58322018Communicating health-Optimising young adults' engagement with health messages using social media: Study protocol.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58332018Rationale, design, and characteristics of the multimedia family planning campaign for a small, happy, and prosperous family in Ethiopia (SHaPE).Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58342018Online Decision Support Tool for Personalized Cancer Symptom Checking in the Community (REACT): Acceptability, Feasibility, and Usability Study.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58352018Connecting With Your Dentist on Facebook: Patients' and Dentists' Attitudes Towards Social Media Usage in Dentistry.Comunicação direcionada aos usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
58362018Comparison of patient and physician perspectives in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: results from global physician- and patient-based surveys.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58372018The multiprofessional work in the Psychosocial Care Centers of São Paulo State.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58382018Interprofessional team member's satisfaction: a mixed methods study of a Chilean hospital.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58392018Anxiety and malocclusion are associated with temporomandibular disorders in adolescents diagnosed by RDC/TMD. A cross-sectional study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58402018Developing Interprofessional Education at One U.S. Dental School: Establishing a Baseline and Moving Forward.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58412018A qualitative exploration of contextual factors that influence dissemination and implementation of evidence-based chronic disease prevention across four countries.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58422018Strategy for Zero Maternal Deaths by Hemorrhage in Brazil: A Multidisciplinary Initiative to Combat Maternal Morbimortality.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58432018Patient's experiences with the care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis across Europe.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58442018Nursing Care Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire: elaboration and validation.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58452018Communication skills teaching in Brazilian medical schools: What lessons can be learned?Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58462018Brief Report: Factor Analysis of the Brazilian Version of the Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58472018Perception of Curability Among Advanced Cancer Patients: An International Collaborative Study.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58482018How patients' use of social media impacts their interactions with healthcare professionals.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58492018Breaking bad news in the emergency department: a comparative analysis among residents, patients and family members' perceptions.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58502018Functional and Spatial Design of Emergency Departments Using Quality Function Deployment.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58512018Patients' perception of privacy and confidentiality in the emergency department of a busy obstetric unit.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58522018Moving into a new hospital tower: The MOVEE model.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58532018Influencing building design in care for older people.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58542018Genotype and Lifetime Burden of Disease in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Insights from the Sarcomeric Human Cardiomyopathy Registry (SHaRe).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58552018Change Ahead: Construction in the Emergency Department.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58562018Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58572018Transition to a newly constructed single patient room adult intensive care unit - Clinicians' preparation and work experience.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58582018Global Mortality From Firearms, 1990-2016.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58592018Zika might not be acting alone: Using an ecological study approach to investigate potential co-acting risk factors for an unusual pattern of microcephaly in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58602018Economical and compact briefcase spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system for primary care and point-of-care applications.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58612018Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation associated with hypocaloric diet on weight loss and metabolic profile in overweight or obesity: study protocol for a double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58622018Development of rapid guidelines: 1. Systematic survey of current practices and methods.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58632018A 2-year prospective study of single-implant mandibular overdentures: Patient-reported outcomes and prosthodontic events.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58642018Creation of a childhood glaucoma registry database.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58652018Guideline Quick View: Design and Maintenance.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58662018Mini-Implants for Mandibular Overdentures: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis alongside a Randomized Trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58672018Study of specific nanoenvironments containing α-helices in all-α and (α+β)+(α/β) proteins.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58682018Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Capacity in Referral Hospitals in Nigeria: Understanding the Global Health Disparity in Resuscitation Medicine.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58692018Sequential application of non-pharmacological interventions reduces the severity of labour pain, delays use of pharmacological analgesia, and improves some obstetric outcomes: a randomised trial.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58702018A computational application for multi-skill nurse staffing in hospital units.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58712018Use of the BREAST-Q™ Survey in the Prospective Evaluation of Reduction Mammaplasty Outcomes.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58722018People management: from the intuitive process to People Analytics.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58732018Enhancement of a prosthetic knee with a microprocessor-controlled gait phase switch reduces falls and improves balance confidence and gait speed in community ambulators with unilateral transfemoral amputation.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58742018Safety of Biologics Approved for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Autoimmune Diseases: A Disproportionality Analysis from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS).Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58752018Motion preservation following total lumbar disc replacement at the lumbosacral junction: a prospective long-term clinical and radiographic investigation.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdebrasileiro
58762018Lawsuit lead time prediction: Comparison of data mining techniques based on categorical response variable.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58772018The Reality of Well-Being-Focused Design in Dementia Care: A Case Study of Acute Dementia Wards in the United Kingdom.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58782018Towards a Clinical Trial Protocol to Evaluate Health Information Systems: Evaluation of a Computerized System for Monitoring Tuberculosis from a Patient Perspective in Brazil.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58792018Nursing Unit Design, Nursing Staff Communication Networks, and Patient Falls: Are They Related?Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58802018Applicability and accuracy of pretest probability calculations implemented in the NICE clinical guideline for decision making about imaging in patients with chest pain of recent onset.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58812018Design Lessons From the Analysis of Nurse Journeys in a Hospital Ward.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58822018Use of data mining techniques to classify soil CO2 emission induced by crop management in sugarcane field.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58832018Staff Nurse Perceptions of Open-Pod and Single Family Room NICU Designs on Work Environment and Patient Care.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58842018Data mart construction based on semantic annotation of scientific articles: A case study for the prioritization of drug targets.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58852018Impact of Hospital Context on Transitioning Patients From Hospital to Skilled Nursing Facility: A Grounded Theory Study.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58862018Development and Preliminary Validation of a Medicare Claims-Based Model to Predict Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Class in Patients With Heart Failure.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
58872018Mutational spectrum in a worldwide study of 29,700 families with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58882018Optimizing Endoscope Reprocessing Resources Via Process Flow Queuing Analysis.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58892018Drug overdose in the ED: a record linkage study examining emergency department ICD-10 coding practices in a cohort of people who inject drugs.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
58902018BIG DATA ANALYTICS AND PRECISION ANIMAL AGRICULTURE SYMPOSIUM: Machine learning and data mining advance predictive big data analysis in precision animal agriculture.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
58912018Clinical Macrosystem Simulation Translates Between Organizations.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
58922018Generalised anxiety disorder and hospital admissions: findings from a large, population cohort study.Codificação de dadosestrangeiro
58932018Annual Direct Medical Costs of Diabetic Foot Disease in Brazil: A Cost of Illness Study.Gerenciamento de dadosbrasileiro
5894Individual and Organizational Factors Associated With Nurse Manager Success.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5895Recruiting New Talent for Public Health Jobs With Evidence-Based Job Descriptions and Attractive Job Postings.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5896Telehealth-delivered Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: Patient Perspectives in the Age of COVID-19.Telemedicinaestrangeiro
5897Comparing 2 Appointment Scheduling Policies Using Discrete-Event Simulation.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5898Parkinson's Disease Medication Administration During a Care Transition: The Impact of Interprofessional Team Simulation on Student Competency, Comfort, and Knowledge.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5899Perception of level of knowledge, skills, and safety before and after training to perform videolaryngoscopy with the Intubox barrier system for airway management in patients with COVID-19.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5900Leadership Development Recommendations for Clinical Nurse Managers to Bolster the Postpandemic Workforce.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5901Fractures in the Faultline: Addressable Issues in Nursing.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5902Closing the Workforce Staffing Chasm by Breaking Boundaries: Innovative Partnerships and Strategies Between Recruitment and Nursing.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5903An Interprofessional Approach to Family-Centered Child Protective Services Referral: A Case Report.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5904A Value Stream Mapping Analysis to improve patient flow in a Tunisian outpatient department.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5905Medical Mistrust Among Food Insecure Individuals in Appalachia.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5906Using Structural Empowerment to Improve Outcomes.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5907A Descriptive Study of Resiliency and Health in Practicing Nurses.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5908Mobile Health School Screening and Telemedicine Referral to Improve Access to Specialty Care in Rural Alaska: Integrating Mixed Methods Data to Contextualize Trial Outcomes.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5909Satisfaction With Opioid Agonist Treatment: The Compelling Need for Multidimensional, Patient-centered, Patient-reported Experience Measures.Relatórios baseados em usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5910Value of Interprofessional Education: The VA Quality Scholars Program.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5911Health sector spending and spending on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and development assistance for health: progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.Transações financeiras do usuário de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5912Field Hospital Boston Hope: Defining Culture During Uncertainty.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
5913Trends in Cannabis-positive Urine Toxicology Test Results: US Veterans Health Administration Emergency Department Patients, 2008 to 2019.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5914Improving Clinician Communication through Action Research.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5915Appointment Pathways: Yield Management via Cause-and-Effect Modeling in the Outpatient Setting at Mayo Clinic.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5916Effects of Dimensional Analysis on Infusible Medication Calculation Skills Among Nursing Students in an Intensive Care Unit.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5917Atopic Dermatitis in Latin America: A Roadmap to Address Data Collection, Knowledge Gaps, and Challenges.Registro Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (CRVS)brasileiro
5918Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the city of Cape Town metropole of the Western Cape province of South Africa: a spatio-temporal analysis.Gerenciamento de informações geoespaciaisestrangeiro
5919Assessing Primary Care Clinic Operational Strategies via EMR Data Mining.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5920Facilitating Overdose Risk Mitigation Among Patients Following a Clinician Office Closure: A Connecticut Case Study of the Opioid Rapid Response Program.Notificação de eventos de saúde públicaestrangeiro
5921Relational coordination in value-based health care.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúde; Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5922Telemedicine Referral to Improve Access to Specialty Care for Preschool Children in Rural Alaska: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.Comunicação sob demanda com usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro
5923Barriers to Health Information Exchange Among Ambulatory Physicians: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample.Registros de saúde do usuário do serviço de saúdeestrangeiro
5924Evidence-Based Critical Care Education for Oncology Nurses.Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5925Balancing Clinician Workload Through Strategic Patient Panel Designs.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5926Is ANTT Achievable in the Home Healthcare Setting?Treinamento de profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5927Does exposure to bentonite dust during tunnel hyperbaric interventions increase health risks for compressed air workers? A prospective qualitative and quantitative safety assessment.Gestão de instalaçõesestrangeiro
5928Designing an Effective Organizational Culture to Guard Against the Cyber Risks of Emerging Technologies.Troca de dados e interoperabilidadeestrangeiro
5929Introspective Learning From Interprofessional Virtual Grand Rounds.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5930Empathetic Leadership to Coach and Support Interprofessional Teams.Comunicação entre profissionais de saúdeestrangeiro
5931What Are Public Health Agencies Planning for Workforce Development? A Content Analysis of Workforce Development Plans of Accredited Public Health Departments.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5932Engaging Governance in Workforce Strategy and Performance.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5933Transition to Perioperative Specialty Practice: A Solution to RN Outward Migration.Gestão de recursos humanosestrangeiro
5934Improving Access for Priority Patient Populations Within Outpatient Specialty Practices.Agendamento e planejamento de atividades para prestadores de cuidados de saúdeestrangeiro
5935Patient Comments on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Clinician and Group (CG-CAHPS) Survey Reflect Improvements in Provider Behaviors From Coaching.Comunicação entre usuários de serviços de saúdeestrangeiro